Is God an unscientific theory?

Also, in what I trust... I know love, and it is the most wonderful thing in this world; if we could all live in the frequency of love, the world would be a "Garden of Eden". I can only give my share of it.
In other words: you have no religion..
Is this correct ?

I see religion as our link with God, and I believe that link can only be found within ourselves. So I do have a religion, the religion of love.

But what we normally know as "religions", I call "political institutions for the manipulation of the masses"; and I believe they work in the frequency of fear. When the true religion can only work in the frequency of love.

All religions have the potential of becoming a true religion; but people often choose fear instead of love.
I see religion as our link with God, and I believe that link can only be found within ourselves. So I do have a religion, the religion of love.

But what we normally know as "religions", I call "political institutions for the manipulation of the masses"; and I believe they work in the frequency of fear. When the true religion can only work in the frequency of love.

All religions have the potential of becoming a true religion; but people often choose fear instead of love.

You said: "My faith is based on the fact that we don´t know jack"
So how do you know a God exists ? Are you just guessing ?
You said: "My faith is based on the fact that we don´t know jack"
So how do you know a God exists ? Are you just guessing ?

For all I know, God is Love, Light and Life. All the animals speak of love, the lotus flowers speak of love, and water also speak of love:


Water crystal when in contact with the word "Love"... by Masaru Emoto



Crop circles
For all I know, God is Love, Light and Life. All the animals speak of love, the lotus flowers speak of love, and water also speak of love:


Water crystal when in contact with the word "Love"... by Masaru Emoto



Crop circles

Yes, nature is awesome and beautiful. But why attribute it to some God, especially since you admit you dont know jack about it ?
Where did you get the concept of God from ?
Yes, nature is awesome and beautiful. But why attribute it to some God, especially since you admit you dont know jack about it ?
Where did you get the concept of God from ?

As I said, for me, God is literally Love, Light and Life.
You can call it truth, existence, nature, Dao... What do you want me to call it? It is kinda difficult to express.

Those are at least more down to earth concepts.
What i dont get is that while you admit to not know jack you still have a God. To have a God requires to have knowledge about that God. And since you dont have any knowledge about God how can you have one ?

Imo the best name for what you believe in is nature. Using the name God to address nature is confusing to others and frankly amounts to nothing.
Those are at least more down to earth concepts.
What i dont get is that while you admit to not know jack you still have a God. To have a God requires to have knowledge about that God. And since you dont have any knowledge about God how can you have one ?

Imo the best name for what you believe in is nature. Using the name God to address nature is confusing to others and frankly amounts to nothing.

Sure, I provoke confusion, I am confused, thats why I admit that we don´t know jack...

On the other hand, I have experienced love, I cannot explain it, I cannot reproduce it, I cannot even tell you what lead me to that experience... But I can tell you one thing, it made me realize that we are much more than our physical body, love is creation, it is life. I believe that this world was created by several "energies" that worked in the frequency of love, of creation.

Our ancestors called these "energies": "Gods". But I do not call them that way, I call them "energies", because the word "God" somehow imply the worshiping of those gods. Although I call them "energies", I believe that all of their creations can only be attributed to love, because love is creation, it is light, it is sound (light perceived differently because of frequency)... In Hinduism and OT, they say that the world was created with sound, and it is light, it is love.

So why not call "love/light/sound/life/creation" with the word "God"? All those things together do deserve worship...
Sure, I provoke confusion, I am confused, thats why I admit that we don´t know jack...

On the other hand, I have experienced love, I cannot explain it, I cannot reproduce it, I cannot even tell you what lead me to that experience... But I can tell you one thing, it made me realize that we are much more than our physical body, love is creation, it is life. I believe that this world was created by several "energies" that worked in the frequency of love, of creation.

Our ancestors called these "energies": "Gods". But I do not call them that way, I call them "energies", because the word "God" somehow imply the worshiping of those gods. Although I call them "energies", I believe that all of their creations can only be attributed to love, because love is creation, it is light, it is sound (light perceived differently because of frequency)... In Hinduism and OT, they say that the world was created with sound, and it is light, it is love.

So why not call "love/light/sound/life/creation" with the word "God"? All those things together do deserve worship...

I "worship" nature in my own way. In that i respect it and try not do any harm to it. I love nature even if it hates me. The beauty of nature is awesome and awe-inspiring. Yet i do not attribute all this to some God or energy, nature is grant enough to have invented itself. It does not need any mere God or energy to exist. Nature is All, All is Nature.
You can call it truth, existence, nature, Dao... What do you want me to call it? It is kinda difficult to express.

Uhh.. how about you call it 'love' given that is all you're espousing? Why put another name on love? Seems stupid.
I "worship" nature in my own way. In that i respect it and try not do any harm to it. I love nature even if it hates me. The beauty of nature is awesome and awe-inspiring. Yet i do not attribute all this to some God or energy, nature is grant enough to have invented itself. It does not need any mere God or energy to exist. Nature is All, All is Nature.

That is cool, to love nature even if it appears to hate you is the most spiritual thing you can do, the most religious thing you can do. Even if you don´t call it "God", it is not a factor at all; what matters is the feeling and your attitude towards your environment. That is the contribution of each of us to the world, to transform everything that comes to us, into the vibration of love.

The fact of your attitude towards nature is so beautiful, that I consider it more religious than going to any church, or praying and giving sacrifices to any God. The feeling of love alone is the most beautiful prayer of all.

Why argue about how we call the same things? Language is very innadecuate in a way, because the beauty and love of nature is so vast, that we cannot even begin to describe it.
Uhh.. how about you call it 'love' given that is all you're espousing? Why put another name on love? Seems stupid.

Love is all yes, but if you see love as just a frequency of energy to which we have access to, it turns a little more complicated. All is energy, even our bodies are a manifestation of energy, sound is light in a different frequency, perceived by different senses because each sense can only "see" a certain range of frequencies.
All is light, and we perceive a certain range through sight, a certain range through hearing, a certain range through taste, a certain range through smell and another range through touch... The only difference is the frequency, but the energy is the same, the light is of the same kind.

If all is energy (light), then love is another frequency of the same energy; but in the frequency of love, creation takes place...
That is cool, to love nature even if it appears to hate you is the most spiritual thing you can do, the most religious thing you can do. Even if you don´t call it "God", it is not a factor at all; what matters is the feeling and your attitude towards your environment. That is the contribution of each of us to the world, to transform everything that comes to us, into the vibration of love.

The fact of your attitude towards nature is so beautiful, that I consider it more religious than going to any church, or praying and giving sacrifices to any God. The feeling of love alone is the most beautiful prayer of all.

Why argue about how we call the same things? Language is very innadecuate in a way, because the beauty and love of nature is so vast, that we cannot even begin to describe it.

I think we have found some common ground here :)
Although i resist for my deep appreciation of nature to be connected with any kind of religion, spiritualism or God.
Love is all yes, but if you see love as just a frequency of energy to which we have access to, it turns a little more complicated. All is energy, even our bodies are a manifestation of energy, sound is light in a different frequency, perceived by different senses because each sense can only "see" a certain range of frequencies.
All is light, and we perceive a certain range through sight, a certain range through hearing, a certain range through taste, a certain range through smell and another range through touch... The only difference is the frequency, but the energy is the same, the light is of the same kind.

If all is energy (light), then love is another frequency of the same energy; but in the frequency of love, creation takes place...

All is nature ;)
All is nature ;)

Well yes, but nature is not only creation, it needs destruction to exist; and we have the potential for both sides. Love on the other hand, is creation, it is what I call "God", because it is the frenquency on which things are created.
Isn´t God just "the creator"? And that is Love.

Althought I say that God is love & creation, as God is everything it also comprehends hate & destruction. It does not mean that God is evil, it only means that God trascends the duality of creation & destruction.

We can choose to be creators or destructors of systems; up to now, humanity has chosen destruction, but once in a while you can see a glimpse of creation and it is beautiful. That glimpse have been provided by people who have managed to live in the frequency of love, they transform every energy they receive into love (turn your other cheek and love those who hate you). And that is the greatest creation of all.