Is God an unscientific theory?

Well yes, but nature is not only creation, it needs destruction to exist; and we have the potential for both sides. Love on the other hand, is creation, it is what I call "God", because it is the frenquency on which things are created.
Isn´t God just "the creator"? And that is Love.

Althought I say that God is love & creation, as God is everything it also comprehends hate & destruction. It does not mean that God is evil, it only means that God trascends the duality of creation & destruction.

We can choose to be creators or destructors of systems; up to now, humanity has chosen destruction, but once in a while you can see a glimpse of creation and it is beautiful. That glimpse have been provided by people who have managed to live in the frequency of love, they transform every energy they receive into love (turn your other cheek and love those who hate you). And that is the greatest creation of all.

No,no.. God ? Nature is the 'creator', and destruction is part of nature as is love.
Some claim theism can't be proven false, therefore it is an unscientific theory. Must every scientific theory be provable? Since when? Is string theory unscientific, then, as it cannot be proven false? Is brane theory unscientific?

Atheism has been proven false a long time ago. When God spoke to Adam, when He spoke to Abraham, when He spoke to Moses and did miracles, and when He caused fire to come down and burn up the offering of Elijah at Mt. Carmel, etc..

It will be proven false to every atheist, personally, shortly after his death.

OOPS!!! --found it out too late!!
Atheism has been proven false a long time ago. When God spoke to Adam, when He spoke to Abraham, when He spoke to Moses and did miracles, and when He caused fire to come down and burn up the offering of Elijah at Mt. Carmel, etc..

It will be proven false to every atheist, personally, shortly after his death.

OOPS!!! --found it out too late!!

Sure.. lol How is that even proof, logical fallacy.
Some claim theism can't be proven false, therefore it is an unscientific theory. Must every scientific theory be provable? Since when? Is string theory unscientific, then, as it cannot be proven false? Is brane theory unscientific?

Scientist have officially said that science can't prove or disprove the existence. In fact they've said the belief that there is no god requires just as much faith as the belief that there is a god.

However the question is, is god a good theory. The answer is yes...If it fit the facts. However it is not testable on scientific grounds but it is testable on reasonable and logical grounds.
However the question is, is god a good theory. The answer is yes...If it fit the facts. However it is not testable on scientific grounds but it is testable on reasonable and logical grounds.
The problem with the "God" theory, though, is that theory doesn't "fit the facts" in so much as the facts ARE the theory by default - and thus is meaningless.

It is arse-about-face so to speak.

Let me explain...

If I define a set as containing X, and both the test and results are BY DEFAULT going to lie within X, then any test is meaningless to disprove the theory that X exists as anything more than X.

If a set is defined as containing all real numbers - how can I prove there is a real number outside the set when all I am given to work with is real numbers?

And so it is with the "God theory". We can only test using reality - and can only get reality as an answer by default. And since God is generally defined to at least include reality - there can be no test that falsifies God.

EVERYTHING can be made to fit the "God theory" - yet the theory can predict nothing.
Further, even if someone could come up with an acceptable test, there is still NO POSSIBLE test result for God to be falsified - as failure to meet the test would be claimed as "God working in mysterious ways" - or "why would God deign to respond to our testing" etc.

Any action, event, non-event, EVERYTHING can be claimed to be fulfilling the "God theory" because this supposed theory (i.e. God) can do what it wants, when it wants, for whatever reason it wants.

It is thus unscientific.
It might not, however, be useless, or indeed wrong.
Just unscientific.
In fact they've said the belief that there is no god requires just as much faith as the belief that there is a god.
M*W: Sorry, but no, you've been lied to again. Please identify who "they" are for future reference.

The belief that there is no god requires having no faith at all!

Let me give you an example.

When I was a christian, I prayed, sang, moaned, cried, laid hands on, praised the lord all over the place, and hoped the god I believed in heard me and would reward me. I was a good person, and I had no reason to doubt god existed. I believed, and I had a very strong faith, and I even had everyday miracles happen which I gave god credit for. Life was good.

Then I realized there couldn't possibly be a god. I wanted answers that I never got from the christian god. I sought answers from the clergy. They didn't know any more than I did! (Or they wouldn't say). So in my effort to learn everything I could about christianity, the trail of doubts became endless.

I'm still that same person today, but I don't have faith that there is no god. Why would any atheist want to waste their mental or emotional energy of having faith that something is NOT there? I have faith that I can balance my check book. I have faith that I won't get caught in a rainstorm. I have faith that I will live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up, but I don't have faith in something that is not there. Let me say, that when I was a christian, I saw the usual christian visions of heaven, hell and saints, so I was like every other zealous christian on the loose. I'm still that same person today, with the same wishes, hopes and feelings, but living in the reality that there was never a god anywhere, and life is good.

Believing in something requires the neurosensory experience of physically seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching.

Having faith in something requires the psychoemotional effort of believing in something one cannot experience with their senses.

So, atheists don't have faith that there is no god, I think it is that we really don't care there is no god. We don't spend a lot of time hoping that this god theists believe in will go away. It's not like that. Also, we don't dwell on how much wasted time theists spend exerting themselves by believing in something that isn't really there. I for one find it rather amusing!

Atheists also don't spend their time dwelling on being atheist. It comes as natural to me as my own blue eyes, and I don't dwell on my blue eyes. As atheists, we also don't have to prove our worthiness to any unseen force. I really can't speak for other atheists but only for myself. I don't dwell on atheism. It's nothing I think about or study or even preach to others, and I'm not out to convert theists.

I will always be indebted to christianity, however, because if it weren't for my avid pursuit of christian theology, I wouldn't have become an atheist.

And, btw, life is still good.