Is God a just judge?

No. To try to get the theist to recognize that like the non-believer, he should be laughing at his belief and not just accepting it as is.

If literalists, for instance, cannot recognize that they should be ridiculed for believing in talking snakes and donkeys, then they cannot recognize much of anything and show that they have not set aside the ways of children as scriptures urge them to do.


Why do you think it would be difficult for God to allow Balaam to be able to communicate with his brother, who happens to be in the guise of a donkey. Balaam didn't even see the Angel up ahead until God gave him the sight.

As for the talking snake, how many people, cultures, throughout history, right up to present day, that testify to seeing reptilian humanoids, obviously more technologically, and mentally superior? :)


Thanks for this deflection.

People will see you run from obviously showing that your God is less moral than yourself. Although deflecting and not calling evil evil shows you have poor morals yourself.


What do you mean calling evil? How am I not moral you brought up evil.
No argument except for grammar. If permissible then we would not call it murder.

What you describe "BY ANY MEANS", we now do not allow. We have become slightly more civilized over time.


We have become slightly more civilized over time?
You mean to say we do not look the enemy in the eye anymore and just sent a bomb to kill a few hudred anonymous individuals. Ask the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki if our killing methods have become more "civilized over time".
And then think of all the regimes who would love to get their hands on a nuclear device. Civilized??? My ass!!!

In Nature, killing is called "survival" (hunting for food). Not a court in the land would convict a tiger for killing an antelope. Nature makes no moral judgements who dies and who survives. If you survive to procreate, you have passed the test of "natural selection" and are worthy to be alive.

And make no mistake, animals have strict moral rules (unless they are hungry). And most importantly, they only take what they need., considerably more moral than what humans take in excess and justify it under the freedom of Capitalism. Such a pretty name for the practice of Parasitoidism.

But human laws are designed for a different purpose. If we steal food we usually you get off with a handslap. If it stealing something valuable it becomes Grand-Theft, we're getting really serious now. If you steal someone's house and land, it's called "eminent domain". If it is just to "conquer"another country (a word that does not exist in nature) we call it "war". All legal and encouraged by pomp and circumstance, declarations, threaths, an occasional act of sabotage. "9/11".

Civilized? Humans are the least civilized species on earth. We don't play by the rules of nature. Of course the Earth couldn't care less and the insects are just waiting for their time. They have been waiting for a few million years already. A coupla more millenia, who cares? God? Oh I forgot, when humans are gone, their gods will have gone with them, wherever.
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Why do you think it would be difficult for God to allow Balaam to be able to communicate with his brother, who happens to be in the guise of a donkey. Balaam didn't even see the Angel up ahead until God gave him the sight.

As for the talking snake, how many people, cultures, throughout history, right up to present day, that testify to seeing reptilian humanoids, obviously more technologically, and mentally superior? :)


Genetics say that human reproductive material and reptile reproduction material are not compatible for reproduction.

I hear reptilian humanoids make good walking staffs. They do not do well on water when I am doing my water walking though.

Genetics say that human reproductive material and reptile reproduction material are not compatible for reproduction.

Are you sure?
Reptilians (also called reptoids,[1] reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories.[2][3][4] The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who says shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians ruling the world.

I have personally heard people being called a "snake" and "there is always a snake in the grass". Need more proof?
David Icke, wiki,
According to British writer David Icke, 5- to 12-foot (1.5–3.7 m) tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity.[7] He contends that most of the world's leaders are related to these reptilians, including George W. Bush of the United States, and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.[8] Icke's conspiracy theories now have supporters in 47 countries and he has given lectures to crowds of up to 6,000.[9][10] American writer Vicki Santillano included it in her list of the 10 most popular conspiracy theories, describing it as the "wackiest theory" she had encountered.[11] A poll of Americans in 2013 by Public Policy Polling showed that 4% of registered voters believed in David Icke's ideas.[12]
David Icke heard that a lisp has presented serious problems in the past communicating with reptiloids. Maybe that's why we have so many wars. Just minor semantic misunderstandings.
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Why do you think it would be difficult for God to allow Balaam to be able to communicate with his brother, who happens to be in the guise of a donkey. Balaam didn't even see the Angel up ahead until God gave him the sight.

As for the talking snake, how many people, cultures, throughout history, right up to present day, that testify to seeing reptilian humanoids, obviously more technologically, and mentally superior? :)


I think it would be difficult for god to pull its head out of its ass. The word used is serpent & that does not imply reptilian humanoid.
Do you yet have 1 foot in theism?

If Theists get to publicly ridicule, shame, and threaten people with hell and damnation, Atheists get to publicly ridicule the offenders. What it accomplishes, is a firmness of morality as compared to apologetics.

Freedom of the right to "ridicule", I believe this was settled in Falwell v Hustler.

p.s. just saw the skull/bones.

To be clear what I posted is a constitutionally protected right. Don't diminish the message because it is cloaked in a little humor.
If Theists get to publicly ridicule, shame, and threaten people with hell and damnation, Atheists get to publicly ridicule the offenders.
"An eye for an eye"

I believe this was settled in Falwell v Hustler.

Evidently, some do not believe it was settled. I appreciate your support. I'm not certain whether you intend "An eye for an eye" to mean getting even or simply being allowed to do unto others as they are allowed to do unto us. I am not trying to get even but what you mention should not be forgotten as it seems to be by some. It is not my intention to ridicule people. That would get me a warning from a Mod. I am simply telling the truth about their nonsense books & fairy tale beliefs. Obviously, some cannot handle that.
Evidently, some do not believe it was settled. I appreciate your support. I'm not certain whether you intend "An eye for an eye" to mean getting even or simply being allowed to do unto others as they are allowed to do unto us. I am not trying to get even but what you mention should not be forgotten as it seems to be by some. It is not my intention to ridicule people. That would get me a warning from a Mod. I am simply telling the truth about their nonsense books & fairy tale beliefs. Obviously, some cannot handle that.

Lest we forget; "An Eye for an Eye is a "Biblical Law", not mine or yours, nor is it Constitutional, yet it is taught.

I prefer to settle matters peacefully in accordance with the application of equal justice (do unto others).

Sadly, in all my discussions about the existence of "sentient" and "motivated" metaphysical forces, I still have not found a better definition of "God" or "a god" than the fundamental definition of Potential as "That which may become reality", in any language.
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