Is God a just judge?

Thanks for this.

The ridicule usually begins after the words and their use has been evaluated.

One example that comes to mind is when I use ridicule, is after a theists says that God does not have to follow the moral guidelines he gives us, --- and can do all kinds of immoral things to us, --- because he created us and owns us. While denying that God wants slaves.

When logic and reason fails ridicule might be all that is left to use.

Yazata said:
Millions of people report religious experiences. They are rather common.

I do not agree with this.

I am the only one I know who has claimed apotheosis. I would say it is rather rare.

You've experienced apotheosis? (I understand that word to mean a human raised to the status of a god. It was a word used for the deification of Roman emperors and such things.)

Experiences of union with the divine are one of the most dramatic sorts of religious experience certainly. We occasionally read of religious contemplatives supposedly achieving that.

But when I wrote the words 'religious experience', I was thinking more along the lines of vague feelings of a divine presence, or perhaps of difficult-to-express feelings that there's some kind of transcendent dimension to things.

My belief is that a significant proportion of the human race has experienced those kind of feelings at least once. (I have.)

I would not mind reading a few of those millions of experiences though if you would not mind linking me up.

William James wrote his classic 'The Varieties of Religious Experience' 112 years ago, in 1902. The book has become a little dated now I guess, but it's still a classic that every psychologist of religion still has to read and it remains in print in 2014. The book's age means that it's no longer in copyright and its text is available many places for reading online, including here:
Thanks for the link. I will look it up.

" But when I wrote the words 'religious experience', I was thinking more along the lines of vague feelings of a divine presence, or perhaps of difficult-to-express feelings that there's some kind of transcendent dimension to things."

Then we were not speaking of the same thing.

You might enjoy this speaker on this issue.

My experience is somewhat as described by William James but deeper and to me, more enlightening.

a) Why should God want anything from us? Can anyone name a single need which a ligitimate God would need fulfilled? Explanations would be helpful.

b) Why should we want anything from a God. Can anyone imagine a legitimate request which a true God would be compelled to fulfill? Explanations would be helpful.
a) Why should God want anything from us? Can anyone name a single need which a ligitimate God would need fulfilled? Explanations would be helpful.
Nothing. A deity of any kind, whatever religion, by definition, is above mankind and its pettiness.
A hard concept to grasp for some fellows.

b) Why should we want anything from a God. Can anyone imagine a legitimate request which a true God would be compelled to fulfill? Explanations would be helpful.
Well, that is a totally different matter altogether.
See, deities have things we humans don't: some kind of weird, infinite wisdom; immortality; cool skin colors.
We, as humans, can only gawk in awe of their all-around awesomeness, and we need some of their wisdom because, apparently, since the beginning, they had answers we had/have not, so yea, this takes them to a higher level.
Which is even worse when said deity has that "creator" role, serving as a fatherly figure and shit.
Where we would turn to them, and they woupd aid us because we are thir creations... All that.
It seems to me at least.

How are doing GIA? Hope good @}-
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Nothing. A deity of any kind, whatever religion, by definition, is above mankind and its pettiness.
A hard concept to grasp for some fellows.

Yes, just look at the attributes that have been given to God by humans. Ever seen anything so hilarious?

Well, that is a totally different matter altogether.
It is??
See, deities have things we humans don't: some kind of weird, infinite wisdom; immortality; cool skin colors.
We, as humans, can only gawk in awe of their all-around awesomeness, and we need some of their wisdom because, apparently, since the beginning, they had answers we had/have not, so yea, this takes them to a higher level.
Requiring Worship, Obeisance and Tithing?
Which is even worse when said deity has that "creator" role, serving as a fatherly figure and shit.
Where we would turn to them, and they would aid us because we are their creations... All that.
Yes, God will surely help us out when the global ecosphere is no longer habitable by humans. Just as He invented Natural Selection to keep our population under control.
It seems to me at least.
Yes, so it seems, and again why?

In view of God's unlimited creative powers are we his "greatest creation" or are we just an "ant farm"?

Watch this movie and see who is the superior organism, worthy of "inheriting the earth", or "inheriting the wind"? , and see who is the judge of who lives or dies.
Thanks for this.

The ridicule usually begins after the words and their use has been evaluated.

One example that comes to mind is when I use ridicule, is after a theists says that God does not have to follow the moral guidelines he gives us, --- and can do all kinds of immoral things to us, --- because he created us and owns us. While denying that God wants slaves.

When logic and reason fails ridicule might be all that is left to use. RegardsDL
God MUST be able to break his laws , else he'd just be a part of the universe. Nothing special. Take away God's Supernatural powers and what have you left?
Quote Originally Posted by Yazata

Millions of people report religious experiences. They are rather common.

They are? Setting aside God (and marijuana) for a moment, define just a few "spiritual" experiences which cannot be experienced by atheists?

Dopamine, Endorphins are peculiar only to religious people? oh and a few athletic exercises thrown in for good measure?
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How are doing GIA? Hope good @}-

Never better buddy. Theists I don't convert to Gnostic Christianity at least recognize it's better morality than their own belief systems.
If they actually followed their religions they would switch but since they are only into tradition and culture, they just continue to follow those and a good God or morals is not their focus.

God MUST be able to break his laws , else he'd just be a part of the universe. Nothing special. Take away God's Supernatural powers and what have you left?

The only Gods we have ever had. Men.

As a Gnostic Christian, I of course have been preaching that for years now.

I find it strange how people just want some sugar daddy there for them and they are willing to sell their souls to Satan to follow their genocidal son murdering God.

Can't expect much more from sheep I guess.

The only Gods we have ever had. Men.

As a Gnostic Christian, I of course have been preaching that for years now.

I find it strange how people just want some sugar daddy there for them and they are willing to sell their souls to Satan to follow their genocidal son murdering God.

Can't expect much more from sheep I guess.

Regards DL

Count me in as a sheep. I did not understand a single word of that little rant mixing Books and references and in the end blame it all on man, who was God's greatest creation (as far as we know).
My head hurts trying to place all this in some sort of chronology. Who did what to whom, when? AND WHY??????
Still waiting for that answer.
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Count me in as a sheep. I did not understand a single word of that little rant mixing Books and references and in the end blame it all on man, who was God's greatest creation.
My head hurts trying to place all this in some sort of chronology. Who did what to whom, when? AND WHY??????
Still waiting for that answer.

Who cares about the past. Is your future not more important than the past?

With that in mind, what do you think of this bit of theology.

If you think the concept interesting then here is how to activate your third or single eye and find your higher self.

You will start to know God when you can name him I am and mean you.

GIA, the answer to the OP question if God is a "just judge", is NO. God does not judge at all. He employs a well studied phenomenon known as "Natural Selection", which does not contain a standard of moral merit, other than the potential ability to survive and procreate" BY ANY MEANS!

By Natural Law committing murder to survive is entirely permissible. In the Universe there is no judgement other than trying to continue that which is currently in motion. (Law of Conservation, Momentum?)
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Who cares about the past. Is your future not more important than the past?

With that in mind, what do you think of this bit of theology.

If you think the concept interesting then here is how to activate your third or single eye and find your higher self.

You will start to know God when you can name him I am and mean you.

RegardS DL

BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! I have known your gods and named them both. But neither name seemed satisfactory as both gods seem to depend on each others abilities to maintain a certain balance. But after much thought I just could not think of any other name than "Potential".

(painting with a broad brush)

God = Everything Good (in science the symbol "+")

Devil = Everything Bad (in science the symbol "-")

The condition which exists between "+" and "-" is called Potential and that's where everything happens! This is where Potential Energy (your Divinity) becomes expressed in reality. IOW, your God is my Universal Potential. Try that one on for size.
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a) Why should God want anything from us? Can anyone name a single need which a ligitimate God would need fulfilled? Explanations would be helpful.

b) Why should we want anything from a God. Can anyone imagine a legitimate request which a true God would be compelled to fulfill? Explanations would be helpful.

Yes true love needs to fulfilled, perfection needs to be carried out. We want Gods great power in love and desire. Truly the things that make God God etch my desire.
Never better buddy. Theists I don't convert to Gnostic Christianity at least recognize it's better morality than their own belief systems.
If they actually followed their religions they would switch but since they are only into tradition and culture, they just continue to follow those and a good God or morals is not their focus.


I thought God forbids knowledge in the bible. Do you know there is no evil knowledge, just knowledge of evil which is to execute but that's another story. Do you really believe to abstain from sex and to shun the material world? God bangs like a million diffrent women, and bask in his things and doings.
Yes true love needs to fulfilled, perfection needs to be carried out. We want Gods great power in love and desire. Truly the things that make God God etch my desire.

Yes this is what you want. What makes you think God cares? Do you believe God is necessary for humans to aspire to lofty goals? If so, "which God"? You get to pick ONLY ONE!
I thought God forbids knowledge in the bible. Do you know there is no evil knowledge, just knowledge of evil which is to execute but that's another story. Do you really believe to abstain from sex and to shun the material world? God bangs like a million diffrent women, and bask in his things and doings.

Do you really intend to abstain from sex and shun the material world or are you going to join God in his daily orgasmic pleasures, (if I understand you correctly)? And which brings the most intimate and meaningful communication? Just look what abstinence did to the Catholic Church.
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