Is God a just judge?

That is why a god cannot live by "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"??? Huh?

Pretty much, if you know your religious history. Gods have been at war with each other or against humans since the beginning of abstract thought.

Do not do unto other gods as you would do unto Me. I am the True God and thou shalt not have false gods before thee.

Religions are Exclusive Truths, which cannot be questioned on pain of ostracism or worse. Each religion forbids the practice of another religion. Being religious in one's eye, makes you a sinner in another's eye. "One man's religion is another
man's witchcraft."

The credo of the Inquisition:
The 1578 handbook for inquisitors spelled out the purpose of inquisitorial penalties: ... quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur. Translation from the Latin: "... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit."[8]

and today in some theocracies;
Cruelty in the Quran
But as for those who disbelieve, for them is fire of hell; it taketh not complete effect upon them so that they can die, nor is its torment lightened for them.--35:36

1.Don't bother warning the disbelievers. Allah has made it impossible for them to believe so that he can torture them forever after they die. 2:6-7

I am supposed to acquire wisdom from such trash? Theism in general and Religion in particular are all founded on an untestable premise and will not allow the peaceful expansion of "spiritual growth".
It is not only "Supernatural", it is "Unnatural". i.e. against the Laws of Nature and the only "knowledgeable judge" available will be a scientist.........such irony... the gods must be smiling..
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GIA, the answer to the OP question if God is a "just judge", is NO. God does not judge at all. He employs a well studied phenomenon known as "Natural Selection", which does not contain a standard of moral merit, other than the potential ability to survive and procreate" BY ANY MEANS!

By Natural Law committing murder to survive is entirely permissible.

No argument except for grammar. If permissible then we would not call it murder.

What you describe "BY ANY MEANS", we now do not allow. We have become slightly more civilized over time.

BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! I have known your gods and named them both. But neither name seemed satisfactory as both gods seem to depend on each others abilities to maintain a certain balance. But after much thought I just could not think of any other name than "Potential".

(painting with a broad brush)

God = Everything Good (in science the symbol "+")

Devil = Everything Bad (in science the symbol "-")

The condition which exists between "+" and "-" is called Potential and that's where everything happens! This is where Potential Energy (your Divinity) becomes expressed in reality. IOW, your God is my Universal Potential. Try that one on for size.


We are close. In such situations I use the word ideal.
Ideals in law and rules to live life with.

Those who anthropomorphise a God should be looking at his rules and laws and those who do not hold a belief in a God should just seek ideals to follow.

You say you tried naming yourself, I am, and you were not satisfied. Why not?

Yes true love needs to fulfilled, perfection needs to be carried out. We want Gods great power in love and desire. Truly the things that make God God etch my desire.

Do you love your children and would you step up to die for them if you decided that a sacrifice from your family was required?

If you are a decent human being you will say yes.

So why did your God show less love for his son than you do for your child?

And why would you follow what is less moral than yourself?

I thought God forbids knowledge in the bible. Do you know there is no evil knowledge, just knowledge of evil which is to execute but that's another story. Do you really believe to abstain from sex and to shun the material world? God bangs like a million diffrent women, and bask in his things and doings.

Hell no. We live in a world that I call evolving perfection. Why would I shun such a life?

You are thinking of some cults that used to think that all the material world was corrupt. That is not a Gnostic Christian belief today. It cannot be if we have a spark of God within our matter. We have to love ourselves.

Let me remind you of whose God cursed the whole world after A & E ate of the tree of knowledge.

The Christian version of God. Right?

Do you love your children and would you step up to die for them if you decided that a sacrifice from your family was required?

If you are a decent human being you will say yes.

So why did your God show less love for his son than you do for your child?

And why would you follow what is less moral than yourself?


I'm a lover bad things don't happen to me I will never have to sacrifice myself for my family. I don't believe in a world where we have to kill one to save another, so she that faith lives death, and danger go to the bottom of the pit.
But what's the point? What does ridicule accomplish?

To express frustration?

No. To try to get the theist to recognize that like the non-believer, he should be laughing at his belief and not just accepting it as is.

If literalists, for instance, cannot recognize that they should be ridiculed for believing in talking snakes and donkeys, then they cannot recognize much of anything and show that they have not set aside the ways of children as scriptures urge them to do.

I'm a lover bad things don't happen to me I will never have to sacrifice myself for my family. I don't believe in a world where we have to kill one to save another, so she that faith lives death, and danger go to the bottom of the pit.


Thanks for this deflection.

People will see you run from obviously showing that your God is less moral than yourself. Although deflecting and not calling evil evil shows you have poor morals yourself.

Never better buddy.
Hey! That's good. :D

Theists I don't convert to Gnostic Christianity at least recognize it's better morality than their own belief systems.
If they actually followed their religions they would switch but since they are only into tradition and culture, they just continue to follow those and a good God or morals is not their focus.

Yea, that "tradition" thingy... Always a bugger.

Yes, just look at the attributes that have been given to God by humans. Ever seen anything so hilarious?
Yea, it is kinda ... exotic, but I like to learn about it, nevertheless.

Yes, it is.

Requiring Worship, Obeisance and Tithing?
Well, we obey, and worship not because they need, but mostly because we "put ourselves on our places" or, "humble ourselves" before something that is mightier than what we would ever be.
And tithe is another thing. Like in Christianism it is used because I don't freaking remember, but has something to do with the church and shit.
Other religions mostly it was all about giving them offerings and libations and whatevers, for 1) them to keep on favouring us, 2) reminding them we are still loyal because they get pissed sometimes, 3) show them our favour towards them (when there was a pantheon of gods specially) and 4) to humble ourselves again. Kinda like.

Yes, God will surely help us out when the global ecosphere is no longer habitable by humans.
I have no idea, but if we go through it, you bet they will blame on God ...

Just as He invented Natural Selection to keep our population under control.
[jokes]I thought Darwin invented that.[jokes]

Yes, so it seems, and again why?
I said, I like to learn about stuff... :)

In view of God's unlimited creative powers are we his "greatest creation" or are we just an "ant farm"?
We are the greatest Ant Farm ever, specially when this Christian deity is taken into consideration.

Watch this movie and see who is the superior organism, worthy of "inheriting the earth", or "inheriting the wind"? , and see who is the judge of who lives or dies.
I could not watch it yet but I will certainly.