Is God a just judge?

True, but then, a reptoid attidude is not what i personally aspire to, I prefer a more symbiotic relationship......

Sounds interesting, but I must confess I have not a clue what you are talking about.


What's the point of that link?


To show a great tune and to also show why you cannot best my arguments here.

It is just that I have noted that women seem to fixate on my avatar for some reason when their logic and reason break down.

My humor is hard to follow though. Apologies. Please ignore and we can concentrate on the O.P.

You accept that part of the bible means that Eve was tempted by a talking snake
I get you now. Good one. That was amusing.

Yes, I like that part where Alice has her conversations with the Cheshire Cat.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland[edit],

Alice first encounters the Cheshire Cat at the Duchess' house in her kitchen, and then later outside on the branches of a tree, where it appears and disappears at will, engaging Alice in amusing but sometimes vexing conversation. The cat sometimes raises philosophical points that annoy or baffle Alice. It does, however, appear to cheer her up when it turns up suddenly at the Queen of Hearts' croquet field, and when sentenced to death baffles everyone by having made its head appear without its body, sparking a massive argument between the executioner and the King and Queen of Hearts about whether something that does not have a body can indeed be beheaded.

At one point, the cat disappears gradually until nothing is left but its grin, prompting Alice to remark that she has often seen a cat without a grin but never a grin without a cat.[7]
I'm not sure if that is a valid question.

Even if gods existed they would be implaccable forces functioning without judgement, and the ones who have human emotions, well we know all about their judgements, don't we?

Yes. They are a cut above God's judgements.
Lady justice is blind but is led by her heart just as most secular laws are and most of those are way better than any Gods.
