Is eating meat morally wrong

The fact is: you don't need to eat meat. You just like it. You won't die, or even suffer, if you don't eat meat.

Exactly. It's fuggin hilarious how some people insult others for not eating meat when fact is that we do not depend on meat. In fact our systems are not made to handle meat!

15 Reasons to Stop Eating Meat

Global meat consumption has increased from under 50 million tons annually to over 200 million tons in the last 50 years. The amount of animal manure produced in the U.S. is 130 times greater than the amount of human waste. This is causing more environmental and health problems than ever seen before. Here are 15 good reasons to stop eating meat (or at least cut down):

Health Reasons:
Lower risk of cancer. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has reported that vegetarians are less likely to get cancer by 25 to 50 percent.
Lower risk of heart disease. Researchers Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn have a program that includes a vegetarian diet and is currently one of the few programs that has been proven to reverse heart disease. A vegetarian diet reduces cholesterol.

Lower risk of osteoporosis. Studies have shown that too much protein in our diet causes loss of bone calcium. Meat eaters generally get far more protein than they need or can use.

Lower risk of kidney and gallstones. The calcium leached from the bones by the body’s efforts to neutralize the acids produce by too much protein intake can end up forming kidney stones and gall stones.

Factory farmed animals carry disease. According to the FDA poultry is the number one source of food-borne illness. Despite the heavy use of pesticides and antibiotics, up to 60% percent of chickens sold at the supermarket are infected with live salmonella bacteria. Approximately 30% of all pork products are contaminated with toxoplasmosis. We are increasingly at risk from highly contagious diseases like Mad Cow Disease and Foot and Mouth disease in sheep and cattle.

Factory-farmed animals contain toxic chemicals. Meat contains accumulations of pesticides and other chemicals up to 14 times more concentrated than those in plant foods. Half of all antibiotics used in the U.S. are used in farm animals and 90% of those are not used to treat infections but are instead used as growth promoters.

Environmental Reasons:
Inefficient use of agriculture. 70% of U.S. grain production is used to feed farm animals. The grains and soybeans fed to animals to produce the amount of meat consumed by the average American in one year could feed seven people for the same period.

Inefficient use of water. It takes 2640 gallons of water to produce one pound of edible beef. The water used to raise animals for food is more than half the water used in the United States.

Inefficient use of energy. Calories of fossil fuel needed to produce 1 calorie of protein in beef: 28. Calories of fossil fuel needed to produce 1 calorie of protein in soybeans: 2.

Environmental Pollution. Raising animals for food is the biggest polluter of our water and topsoil. Factory farm animal waste pollutes the ground and groundwater horribly.

Destruction of natural habitat. It takes more land to raise animals for food than it does to produce the equivalent nutritional value by raising edible plants. Rain forests are being destroyed to make room for huge cattle ranches. Coyotes and other animals are poisoned and shot by western cattle ranchers who consider federal land to be their land for grazing.

Animal Rights Reasons:
Animals on factory farms are over-crowded. They spend their brief lives in crowded and ammonia-filled conditions, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a wing.

Animals on factory farms are tortured. Within days of birth, for example, chickens have their beaks seared off with a hot blade. Animals are hung upside down and their throats are sliced open, often while they're fully conscious.

Animals on factory farms are treated like machines. They are pumped up with drugs, fed their own waste and forced to grow or produce as fast as possible. They are subjected to 24-hour artificial lighting while being crammed into tiny cages one on top of the other to make it easier to harvest.
15. We don’t need to eat animals! Most of us in the U.S. don’t eat animals because we must in order to survive. We eat them because we want to. We are subjecting animals to torture, damaging the environment unnecessarily and subjecting ourselves to greater risk of disease just to satisfy a desire, not a need.

You can get a totally balanced diet without eating meat. All vegetables contain protein and too much protein consumption is unhealthy. Grains, legumes and soybeans contain plenty of protein. Vegetarian foods do not have to be boring. Spice it up! For example, veggies and rice with some Teriyaki sauce is delicious and as filling as any meat dish you can think of while being far more healthy for you and easier on animals and the environment. Why not give a vegetarian diet a try and give our environment a break. Your body will thank you and so will the Earth!
Exactly. It's fuggin hilarious how some people insult others for not eating meat when fact is that we do not depend on meat. In fact our systems are not made to handle meat!

No our systems have evolved over time to be able to process meats, now our digestive systems can break down the protiens in meats without any real problem.

I dont care who eats meat and who doesn't, I love it. :D
Ok let me rephrase that...

We can handle it, but it is more detrimental to our health than it is good.
(Why don't people read the entire thread before recycling arguments that were dismissed pages earlier?)

No our systems have evolved over time to be able to process meats, now our digestive systems can break down the protiens in meats without any real problem.

So, because we can eat meat, you say we should eat meat.

We can do lots of things, like rape and kill and steal and drive like maniacs. Do you advocate those things, too?

I dont care who eats meat and who doesn't, I love it.

Add another person who is proud to crow about his immorality.

add another person who is proud to crow about his immorality.

Or should I add another self righteous individual to the tall and cold pedestal that they most likely think already look down on eveyone else from.

Are you always this judgemental? :rolleyes:
(Why don't people read the entire thread before recycling arguments that were dismissed pages earlier?)

So, because we can eat meat, you say we should eat meat.

We can do lots of things, like rape and kill and steal and drive like maniacs. Do you advocate those things, too?

Add another person who is proud to crow about his immorality.


People have been eating meat since the beginning of human existence as far as we know.

There are only a a few logical reasons I can see for people not eating meat.

1. They are protesting the treatment of the animals before and while they are at the slaughterhouse

2. Their religion doesnt allow for it for some reason or another

3. They are making a conscious choice not to eat meat for some health reasons.

4. They just dont want to.

If someone wants to say its a morality thing, then we have been a morally deficient species since the first caveman decided to club a dino-bird over the head because he wanted more on his stone plate than a few leaves and berries..
Can humans survive on an vegetarian diet alone? No supplements, no exotic fruits and veggies, just what they have around them.
Can humans survive on an vegetarian diet alone? No supplements, no exotic fruits and veggies, just what they have around them.

Vegetarian does not mean ONLY vegetables in 99.9% of the cases.

Their are three types of vegetarian diets :

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian : eats both dairy products and eggs. (most common vegetarian diet)
Lacto-vegetarian : eats dairy products but not eggs.
Ovo-vegetarian : eats eggs but not dairy products.
Can humans survive on an vegetarian diet alone? No supplements, no exotic fruits and veggies, just what they have around them.

All I know is that most vegetarians that I personally know need vitamin supplements to make up for lack of meat intake.
All I know is that most vegetarians that I personally know need vitamin supplements to make up for lack of meat intake.

same here. Telling me I'm not supposed to eat meat is the same as telling me I'm not supposed to have sex.
Both are what I am supposed to do. What I have evolved to do.
... it reminds me of the process they were put through, how they were treated, from thier birth to the dinner plate. I find it disturbing, cruel and inhumane....

What about eating wild game? They are in their natural habitat their whole lives.
All I know is that most vegetarians that I personally know need vitamin supplements to make up for lack of meat intake.

I seriously doubt its because of "lack of meat". You must understand, that we as humans do not need meat. It is not a necessary part of our diet. Yes we need a little protein, but protein can be found in other foods aside from meat, such as milk, soy, eggs, cheese, yogurt, peanuts, beans and grains.
And I also don't need sex, but I want it. That doesn't make me immoral. :p

Like I said before, I never said it wasn't moral to eat meat. Ones own morals will determine that for them. I am focusing right now more on the health aspect of eating meat.

As for me personally, I don't find it immoral to eat meat in itself. What I find immoral is the way that most of the animals are treated in thier lives. If you've watched the video I posted, you will understand. And that is why I quit eating meat. Because MY morals tells me that by eating these creatures that were so brutally tortured in thier lives, than I am only supporting the mistreatment of these animals by buying them at the grocery store. I quit eating meat because of my own morals. Not because the act of eating meat is immoral. Does this make sense?
...What I find immoral is the way that most of the animals are treated in thier lives. ...

and I agree. There is no comparison between a chicken raised on a farm in a coop, and one raised in a cage in a factory. We don't buy beef at the store, we buy it at a butcher shop that gets its meat from a local farm, not a feed lot.
I also refuse to eat veal.
Or should I add another self righteous individual to the tall and cold pedestal that they most likely think already look down on eveyone else from.

Are you always this judgemental? :rolleyes:

Only in response to non-thinking defensiveness and weasel words.

If someone wants to say its a morality thing, then we have been a morally deficient species since the first caveman decided to club a dino-bird over the head because he wanted more on his stone plate than a few leaves and berries..

So, because lots of other people are immoral, it's just fine for you to be immoral as well.

Great argument.

Can humans survive on an vegetarian diet alone? No supplements, no exotic fruits and veggies, just what they have around them.

Can you survive as a meat eater just on what is around you?

same here. Telling me I'm not supposed to eat meat is the same as telling me I'm not supposed to have sex.

Last time I checked, having sex didn't result in the death of another sentient being. Compare the last steak you munched.

Both are what I am supposed to do. What I have evolved to do.

Do you have a brain, or are you driven entirely by instinct?

And I also don't need sex, but I want it. That doesn't make me immoral. :p

If a person gives in to every sexual urge, are they then moral or immoral?
James R said:

Can you survive as a meat eater just on what is around you?

Oh, come on, dude. You know that's just ridiculous.

I admit, this is one thing about you that I just don't understand. The idea of reducing the species' capabilities within nature, and all for mere aesthetics, just doesn't make sense.