Valued Senior Member
I don't have a clue, but I have read that in an experiment a still beating adult heart in a petri dish was placed near the still beating heart of a baby in a petri dish, that after a few moments the baby's heart started beating in synchrony with the adult heart, even as they did not touch.In consideration of the role of "microtubules" in heart function......
would you say that there could be a correlation between the way that microtubules work in the human heart........
with what appears to be the human heart putting out more electromagnetic energy than is put out even by our brains?????
Science of the HeartNew!
Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance
An Overview of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute
Was my statement above incorrect? Is it "electromagnetic energy" that the heart is putting out.... .or is it "magnetic energy?"
If true, to me that was a remarkable discovery with some interesting implications.
Elsewhere I have posted a video of natural synchrony occurring between metronomes, in one remarkable example.