Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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I must say I didn't try to understand what resurrected this thread but sure think that I'll never understand it anyway.
I got responses from River and Dennis Tate and it was only good manners to acknowledge the responders.

Moreover, I believe it is one of the most promising avenues to discovery of consciousness.

AFAIK, both ORCH OR ( Orchestrated Objective Reduction) and IIT (Intergrated Information Theory) employ microtubules as the most promising candidates for orchestrated reductive information processing.

"Consciousness" is one of the great mysteries, just as "Life" used to be.
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for the concept of an ability to feel,
And plants don't feel either.
Feel is a term reserved for nervous systems, which a plant does not have.

Plants undergo a simple, localized and determinate chemical reaction that causes the bending. That is not what the term "feeling" is generally applied to.

Google has this to say (but feel free to read up on it):

"Under normal light conditions auxins are spread out in the plant. But when sunlight varies, auxin is broken down on the sunnier side of the stem. The higher concentration of auxin on the shady side causes the plant cells on that side to grow more so it bends toward the light."

That has nothing to do with a nervous system, or anything to do with feeling. It is a straight-forward, direct chemical reaction, occurring site-specifically and independently. There is no communication with other parts of the plant, let alone a non-existent nervous system.

Otherwise you might as well claim that a bicycle "feels" its skin wearing away as it rusts in the rain.
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Plants undergo a simple, localized and determinate chemical reaction that causes the bending. That is not what the term "feeling" is generally applied to.
Objectively, Feel = Detect
I agree n that context, but it is also applicable to the definition of "responding to outside stimulus" (detect). Hence the term "proto".

is the embodied immanent capacity of any living cell to FEEL any spatial non-congruence between the cell's evolving species- specific "ideal" GEOMETRIC FORM, on one hand, and the real distribution of the material stuff "filling" this form, on the other.

I think it has something to do with universal mathematics, like the "differential equation"
In mathematics, a differential equation is an equation that relates one or more functions and their derivatives.[1] In applications, the functions generally represent physical quantities, the derivatives represent their rates of change, and the differential equation defines a relationship between the two. Such relations are common; therefore, differential equations play a prominent role in many disciplines including engineering,
physics, economics, and biology.
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No chance. The guy is a physicist.

Which would tend to make alternative ideas on Wave Theory would tend to be very interesting to him.

No, leaves have evolved heliotropic abilities.

Heliotropism is a proto form of evolving sentience sentience.

Would you say that there might be a possible connection between these abilities that plants have with the alternative theory on
climate change of putting carbon back into the soil?

Carbon Farming: Harnessing The Power of The Soil
Which would tend to make alternative ideas on Wave Theory would tend to be very interesting to him.


Wave theory is not a matter of debate. The mathematics of waves was set out centuries ago.

Physical theories that invoke waves, or wavelike properties, are something different.

Even for those, no physicist will waste time on manifestly idiotic ideas like those of Tejman. (M.D.) Tejman seems to be a very old physician, who has gone a bit senile and believes that, just because he is a doctor, he has something worthwhile to say about physics. But he deludes himself. He is talking rubbish.

He may appeal to you, because you are looking for some woo in your life, but to anyone who knows a bit of physical science it is clear he is awa' wi' the faeries.
Wave theory is not a matter of debate. The mathematics of waves was set out centuries ago.

Physical theories that invoke waves, or wavelike properties, are something different.

Even for those, no physicist will waste time on manifestly idiotic ideas like those of Tejman. (M.D.) Tejman seems to be a very old physician, who has gone a bit senile and believes that, just because he is a doctor, he has something worthwhile to say about physics. But he deludes himself. He is talking rubbish.

He may appeal to you, because you are looking for some woo in your life, but to anyone who knows a bit of physical science it is clear he is awa' wi' the faeries.

Virtually every subject is a matter of debate during a time period when INFORMATION and understanding of that information is DOUBLING within a matter of months!

In my opinion.... any physicist who would not give the Chaim Henry Tejman M. D. theories a serious look... .is deliberately condemning themselves to IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!

His theories are so above anything like them out there that I have ran into so far... that he is in another league.......
I would love it if you knew of even better writings than his......
but so far I certainly don't.
Virtually every subject is a matter of debate during a time period when INFORMATION and understanding of that information is DOUBLING within a matter of months!

In my opinion.... any physicist who would not give the Chaim Henry Tejman M. D. theories a serious look... .is deliberately condemning themselves to IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!

His theories are so above anything like them out there that I have ran into so far... that he is in another league.......
I would love it if you knew of even better writings than his......
but so far I certainly don't.
But you said yourself that you are a "mere janitor", right? So what makes you think you know enough science to determine what makes scientific sense and what is hogwash?

Whereas I do at least have a degree in physical science. So I have some idea of what makes scientific sense, when it comes to physics and chemistry, even if I admit I am rusty when it comes to the details;).

No one is under any obligation to stop and listen to the ravings of every nutcase on the street corner. If we did, we would never get anything done. There are so many nutcases about. We make judgements about who to listen and who to ignore, all the time, and we are right to do so.

On the internet, it is even worse. On the internet virtual street corner, every nutter in the world can make his pitch for attention, across the globe. Nutters, cranks and charlatans abound. So we have to be even more selective, if we are not to get side-tracked by garbage.

This Tejman (M.D.) person is a total nobody. He has no track record in science at all. So we don't owe what this guy says a second look because of who he is. That's the first point.

Secondly, what he says is obvious garbage. It claims everything we know is wrong, while explaining none of the thousands of things that current theories do explain. And he offers zero observational evidence that anything he says has any basis in fact. So it's just not science at all. It's woo, made up crap, gibberish.

I do indeed know far better writings than those of Tejman. (M.D.). They are the writings of people like Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, Mendele'ev, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Schrodinger, Dirac, Heisenberg, Pauli and many more, including, more humbly, the writings of those that taught me at university, like Prof Charles Coulson, Prof Richard Wayne or Prof Peter Atkins.

If you want to know what physical science has to say about the world, I recommend you to look up articles about what some of these people (not perhaps the ones that taught me*) contributed to human knowledge.

*Although Coulson in fact was the person who coined the expression "the God of the Gaps", as it happens.
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But you said yourself that you are a "mere janitor", right? So what makes you think you know enough science to determine what makes scientific sense and what is hogwash?

Whereas I do at least have a degree in physical science. So I have some idea of what makes scientific sense, when it comes to physics and chemistry, even if I admit I am rusty when it comes to the details;).

No one is under any obligation to stop and listen to the ravings of every nutcase on the street corner. If we did, we would never get anything done. There are so many nutcases about. We make judgements about who to listen and who to ignore, all the time, and we are right to do so.

On the internet, it is even worse. On the internet virtual street corner, every nutter in the world can make his pitch for attention, across the globe. Nutters, cranks and charlatans abound. So we have to be even more selective, if we are not to get side-tracked by garbage.

This Tejman (M.D.) person is a total nobody. He has no track record in science at all. So we don't owe what this guy says a second look because of who he is. That's the first point.

Secondly, what he says is obvious garbage. It claims everything we know is wrong, while explaining none of the thousands of things that current theories do explain. And he offers zero observational evidence that anything he says has any basis in fact. So it's just not science at all. It's woo, made up crap, gibberish.

I do indeed know far better writings than those of Tejman. (M.D.). They are the writings of people like Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, Mendele'ev, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Schrodinger, Dirac, Heisenberg, Pauli and many more, including, more humbly, the writings of those that taught me at university, like Prof Charles Coulson, Prof Richard Wayne or Prof Peter Atkins.

If you want to know what physical science has to say about the world, I recommend you to look up articles about what some of these people (not perhaps the ones that taught me*) contributed to human knowledge.

*Although Coulson in fact was the person who coined the expression "the God of the Gaps", as it happens.

Back in 1990 I went through a philosophical crisis as I ran into negative near death experiences so.... i prayed....
and I asked for wisdom... and I submitted a bid, offer, proposed investment, wager, bet based on Leviticus 16:10

"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)

I postulated an infinite number of time lines... beginning from any point in time from the invention of Adam and Eve until then....
and I offered to come back an infinite number of times in order to pay off the "debt and guilt of Azazel"... whatever that meant.....

Within a couple of weeks I heard an audible voice while I was praying..... (I was also taking a nutritional product invented by Kark Jurak that
tends to oxygenate the blood so I was becoming somewhat "psychic" at that time)... anyway..... the audible voice stated.... "Ask of Me whatever you want and
I will give it to you?" I actually questioned if the voice could be from the dark side of the force...... so I was rather cautious in my reply......

I replied essentially ..... "If you really want to do something for me ... then go as close as you can still go to YHWH and ask for more wisdom than Christ while he was alive.....
to be given to CrazyTate... so that I can play my father the Devil a good game of chess with five billion unlimited movement variables?"

No kidding... that is the summary what I asked for and sure.... over thirty years later and I feel that I was led step by step by step by step to
nothing less than what I term.... "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" and each step is actually amazingly simple.......

I agree with near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley that we humans need to be told what we actually are.....
that is a necessary first step......

I was angry with Jesus based on the idea of "many called, few chosen, a broad way leading to destruction and many going in threat, a narrow way leading to life and few finding it..... plus evidence for some sort of hell that I had not taken seriously until around 1990.

So.... I self identified more so with Yom Kippur than Passover....
I plead guilty to being a child of Satan in many ways..... I sure did read lots of his books, watched lots of his movies.....
got into lots of his general type of ego trips.... so..... I felt that the latter day fulfillment of Yom Kippur would diverge from the fulfillment of Passover
two millennia ago..... but be based on it.......
Back in 1990 I went through a philosophical crisis as I ran into negative near death experiences so.... i prayed....
and I asked for wisdom... and I submitted a bid, offer, proposed investment, wager, bet based on Leviticus 16:10

"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)

I postulated an infinite number of time lines... beginning from any point in time from the invention of Adam and Eve until then....
and I offered to come back an infinite number of times in order to pay off the "debt and guilt of Azazel"... whatever that meant.....

Within a couple of weeks I heard an audible voice while I was praying..... (I was also taking a nutritional product invented by Kark Jurak that
tends to oxygenate the blood so I was becoming somewhat "psychic" at that time)... anyway..... the audible voice stated.... "Ask of Me whatever you want and
I will give it to you?" I actually questioned if the voice could be from the dark side of the force...... so I was rather cautious in my reply......

I replied essentially ..... "If you really want to do something for me ... then go as close as you can still go to YHWH and ask for more wisdom than Christ while he was alive.....
to be given to CrazyTate... so that I can play my father the Devil a good game of chess with five billion unlimited movement variables?"

No kidding... that is the summary what I asked for and sure.... over thirty years later and I feel that I was led step by step by step by step to
nothing less than what I term.... "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" and each step is actually amazingly simple.......

I agree with near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley that we humans need to be told what we actually are.....
that is a necessary first step......

I was angry with Jesus based on the idea of "many called, few chosen, a broad way leading to destruction and many going in threat, a narrow way leading to life and few finding it..... plus evidence for some sort of hell that I had not taken seriously until around 1990.

So.... I self identified more so with Yom Kippur than Passover....
I plead guilty to being a child of Satan in many ways..... I sure did read lots of his books, watched lots of his movies.....
got into lots of his general type of ego trips.... so..... I felt that the latter day fulfillment of Yom Kippur would diverge from the fulfillment of Passover
two millennia ago..... but be based on it.......
Please start a new thread in the appropriate forum.

(There you go W4U, I'm helping your thread. I don't have a vendetta against you, just against forum pollution.)
Back in 1990 I went through a philosophical crisis as I ran into negative near death experiences so.... i prayed....
and I asked for wisdom... and I submitted a bid, offer, proposed investment, wager, bet based on Leviticus 16:10

"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)

I postulated an infinite number of time lines... beginning from any point in time from the invention of Adam and Eve until then....
and I offered to come back an infinite number of times in order to pay off the "debt and guilt of Azazel"... whatever that meant.....

Within a couple of weeks I heard an audible voice while I was praying..... (I was also taking a nutritional product invented by Kark Jurak that
tends to oxygenate the blood so I was becoming somewhat "psychic" at that time)... anyway..... the audible voice stated.... "Ask of Me whatever you want and
I will give it to you?" I actually questioned if the voice could be from the dark side of the force...... so I was rather cautious in my reply......

I replied essentially ..... "If you really want to do something for me ... then go as close as you can still go to YHWH and ask for more wisdom than Christ while he was alive.....
to be given to CrazyTate... so that I can play my father the Devil a good game of chess with five billion unlimited movement variables?"

No kidding... that is the summary what I asked for and sure.... over thirty years later and I feel that I was led step by step by step by step to
nothing less than what I term.... "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" and each step is actually amazingly simple.......

I agree with near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley that we humans need to be told what we actually are.....
that is a necessary first step......

I was angry with Jesus based on the idea of "many called, few chosen, a broad way leading to destruction and many going in threat, a narrow way leading to life and few finding it..... plus evidence for some sort of hell that I had not taken seriously until around 1990.

So.... I self identified more so with Yom Kippur than Passover....
I plead guilty to being a child of Satan in many ways..... I sure did read lots of his books, watched lots of his movies.....
got into lots of his general type of ego trips.... so..... I felt that the latter day fulfillment of Yom Kippur would diverge from the fulfillment of Passover
two millennia ago..... but be based on it.......
You do realise that this has nothing at all to do with my post, do you?
You do realise that this has nothing at all to do with my post, do you?
I suspect the recent influx of new members Luchito, Dicart, Steve Kinko, even Dennis Tate, are all sock puppets of various past members who have returned to flog their anti-science.
You do realise that this has nothing at all to do with my post, do you?

You asked me a question..... that was my answer!

But you said yourself that you are a "mere janitor", right? So what makes you think you know enough science to determine what makes scientific sense and what is hogwash?

Whereas I do at least have a degree in physical science. So I have some idea of what makes scientific sense, when it comes to physics and chemistry, even if I admit I am rusty when it comes to the details;).

Would you say that there might be a possible connection between these abilities that plants have with the alternative theory on climate change of putting carbon back into the soil?
I am not aware of an alternative theory other than the current scientific concensus on climate change.
However, you may want to take a look at the oft reviled, most ecologically beneficial plant in existence, Hemp.
1 acre of Hemp can scrub and fix as much carbon as 20 acres of trees and provide raw material for 1000+ commercial products.

One thing is absolutely clear. All that we see and experience on earth is the result of 13.8 billion years of universal evolution and 4.543 billion years of terrestrial evolution by implacable natural selection, guided by the mathematical processing and pattern formation of relational values. The logic of this mathematical ordering system is indisputable, IMO.

In his book "Wholeness and the Implicate order, David Bohm describes this chronology as an hierarchy of orders, from the very subtle inherent potentials (implicate) of chaos, to gross expression of orderly patterns in (explicate) reality.

In his book "A Mathematical Universe" Max Tegmark advances the mathematical nature of universal dynamics. His claim is that the universe does not have "some" mathematical properties, but that it has "only" mathematical properties, a hypothesis which is supported by our increasing knowledge of physics.

Mathematical universe hypothesis
In physics and cosmology, the mathematical universe hypothesis (MUH), also known as the ultimate ensemble theory and struogony (from mathematical structure, Latin: struō), is a speculative "theory of everything" (TOE) proposed by cosmologist Max Tegmark.[1][2]

The Evolution of the Universe
Some 15 billion years ago the universe emerged from a hot, dense sea of matter and energy. As the cosmos expanded and cooled, it spawned galaxies, stars, planets and life

GALAXY CLUSTER is representative of what the universe looked like when it was 60 percent of its present age. The Hubble Space Telescope captured the image by focusing on the cluster as it completed 10 orbits. This image is one of the longest and clearest exposures ever produced. Several pairs of galaxies appear to be caught in one another’s gravitational field. Such interactions are rarely found in nearby clusters and are evidence that the universe is evolving.
At a particular instant roughly 15 billion years ago, all the matter and energy we can observe, concentrated in a region smaller than a dime, began to expand and cool at an incredibly rapid rate. By the time the temperature had dropped to 100 million times that of the sun’s core, the forces of nature assumed their present properties, and the elementary particles known as quarks roamed freely in a sea of energy. When the universe had expanded an additional 1,000 times, all the matter we can measure filled a region the size of the solar system.
At that time, the free quarks became confined in neutrons and protons. After the universe had grown by another factor of 1,000, protons and neutrons combined to form atomic nuclei, including most of the helium and deuterium present today. All of this occurred within the first minute of the expansion.
Conditions were still too hot, however, for atomic nuclei to capture electrons. Neutral atoms appeared in abundance only after the expansion had continued for 300,000 years and the universe was 1,000 times smaller than it is now. The neutral atoms then began to coalesce into gas clouds, which later evolved into stars. By the time the universe had expanded to one fifth its present size, the stars had formed groups recognizable as young galaxies.When the universe was half its present size, nuclear reactions in stars had produced most of the heavy elements from which terrestrial planets were made.
Our solar system is relatively young: it formed five billion years ago, when the universe was two thirds its present size. Over time the formation of stars has consumed the supply of gas in galaxies, and hence the population of stars is waning. Fifteen billion years from now stars like our sun will be relatively rare, making the universe a far less hospitable place for observers like us.
Our understanding of the genesis and evolution of the universe is one of the great achievements of 20th-century science. This knowledge comes from decades of innovative experiments and theories. Modern telescopes on the ground and in space detect the light from galaxies billions of light-years away, showing us what the universe looked like when it was young. Particle accelerators probe the basic physics of the high-energy environment of the early universe. Satellites detect the cosmic background radiation left over from the early stages of expansion, providing an image of the universe on the largest scales we can observe.
Our best efforts to explain this wealth of data are embodied in a theory known as the standard cosmological model or the big bang cosmology. The major claim of the theory is that in the large scale average the universe is expanding in a nearly homogeneous way from a dense early state.
At present, there are no fundamental challenges to the big bang theory, although there are certainly unresolved issues within the theory itself. Astronomers are not sure, for example, how the galaxies were formed, but there is no reason to think the process did not occur within the framework of the big bang. Indeed, the predictions of the theory have survived all tests to date.

All these natural phenomena behave in accordance to their relational values via mathematical guiding algorithms.
In spite of many protestations I like to think that the universe functions in a non-sentient, but physically reactive quasi-intelligent mathematical manner, which over time evolved into more or less sentient awareness of self in relation to the environment in biological organisms on earth, for one. No magic, just a mathematical ordering from simple patterns into ever greater complexity.
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But you said yourself that you are a "mere janitor", right? So what makes you think you know enough science to determine what makes scientific sense and what is hogwash?

Whereas I do at least have a degree in physical science. So I have some idea of what makes scientific sense, when it comes to physics and chemistry, even if I admit I am rusty when it comes to the details;).

No one is under any obligation to stop and listen to the ravings of every nutcase on the street corner. If we did, we would never get anything done. There are so many nutcases about. We make judgements about who to listen and who to ignore, all the time, and we are right to do so.

On the internet, it is even worse. On the internet virtual street corner, every nutter in the world can make his pitch for attention, across the globe. Nutters, cranks and charlatans abound. So we have to be even more selective, if we are not to get side-tracked by garbage.

This Tejman (M.D.) person is a total nobody. He has no track record in science at all. So we don't owe what this guy says a second look because of who he is. That's the first point.

Secondly, what he says is obvious garbage. It claims everything we know is wrong, while explaining none of the thousands of things that current theories do explain. And he offers zero observational evidence that anything he says has any basis in fact. So it's just not science at all. It's woo, made up crap, gibberish.

I do indeed know far better writings than those of Tejman. (M.D.). They are the writings of people like Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, Mendele'ev, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Schrodinger, Dirac, Heisenberg, Pauli and many more, including, more humbly, the writings of those that taught me at university, like Prof Charles Coulson, Prof Richard Wayne or Prof Peter Atkins.

If you want to know what physical science has to say about the world, I recommend you to look up articles about what some of these people (not perhaps the ones that taught me*) contributed to human knowledge.

*Although Coulson in fact was the person who coined the expression "the God of the Gaps", as it happens.

And Halton Arp and Hans Alfven .
Chemical reactions and according to Roger Penrose this phenomenon begins to become expressed even at quantum scale.

As I understand it, a quantum event is a threshold event. A limit has been exceeded and a corrective "action" takes place. While non-sentient particles cannot feel, they do in fact experience a "bing", a threshold event.

An earthquake is experienced by all objects in its range of influence. They just don't know this, except for organic biology. It is what sets organics apart from inorganics, in the world of chemicals.

But quantum is responsible for chemical action and reaction in both in-organic (elemental) chemicals and in organic (living) objects.

IMO, Organic matter has evolved in acquiring a cognitive "sensitivity" to quantum events which translates quantum "bings" into sentient and emotional chemical reactions.

This is the area Hameroff and Penrose are currently exploring. Micro tubules are tiny quantum computers.

Now that you have brought the word "microtubules" to my attention I am noticing them in more places.

I listened to several youtube lectures by Roger Penrose a few days ago..... and sure enough.. .the word "microtubules" came up.

Do you happen to know if the word "microtubules" corresponds with the word "hosepipe" as used by Oskar Klein in this article on String Theory from back in the 1990's?

"It was not until 1920 that the idea of linking electromagnetism and
gravity resurfaced. At that time a new theory of gravitation had been proposed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955), called the general theory of relativity. It was a replacement of Newton's theory, which had stood unchallenged since 1687. Inspired by Einstein's work, a young German mathematician named Theodore Kaluza was seized by a curious idea. The theory of relativity links space an time together to form a four-dimensional space-time continuum. What would happen, mused Kaluza, if general relativity were formulated in five rather than four dimensions? This is what Kaluza did, and to everyone's astonishment it was discovered that five-dimensional gravity obeys the same laws as
four-dimensional gravity as well as Maxwell's laws for the electromagnetic field. In other words, gravitation and electromagnetism are automatically unified in five dimensions, where electromagnetism is merely a component of gravity!"

The only drawback of the theory concerns the extra dimension. Why
don't we see it?
An ingenious answer was provided by Oskar Klein. A
hosepipe viewed from afar looks like a wiggly line, i.e. one- dimensional.
However, on closer inspection it can be seen as a narrow tube.
It is, in fact,
two-dimensional, and what was taken to be a point on the line is actually a
little circle going around the tube. In the same way, reasoned Klein, what we normally regard as a point in three dimensional space could in reality be a little circle going around a fourth space dimension. Thus Kaluza's extra
dimension might well exist, but be impossible to detect because it is closed
(circular) and rolled up to a very small circumference. In spite of
these bizarre overtones, it seems probable that in future a "theory of everything" will make use of the idea of unseen higher dimensions."

"Although nature manifests four distinct forces, physicists believe that
each may be part of a smaller number of more primitive forces. At high energy, the electromagnetic and weak forces appear to merge into a single "electroweak" force. Some "grand unified theories" suggest that a further amalgamation takes place between the electroweak and strong forces at as yet unattained energies. The most ambitious unification schemes envisage an amalgamation of all four forces into a single "superforce" at ultra-high levels of energy."...
"The real burden in the next three centuries will not be the development of fancy mathematics, but the experimental testing of these ambitious theories. All current thinking about total unification assumes that the effects of linking all the forces and particles together will only become manifest at energies that are some trillion times greater than those currently attainable in particle accelerators. Probably we shall never reach such energies directly" ( A Theory of Everything" Volume 21 of "The World of Science)​
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