Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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If it is that old then why are you spelling myosin incorrectly?

There is also a third transport protein, i.e dynein

How do you know that what we are seeing is not a type of quantum processing? Ever heard of macroscopic quantum functions?
It has to do with microtubules and what they can do, including using quantum processes.

Emergence of the Macroscopic Quantum Superposition State in Microtubules*

Is that relevant to the topic of the thread? Take your time. I won't be back for another couple of weeks. Maybe I can dig up something more recent in this now thriving field of research in "microtubules".

No need to hang about. :D

This paper was published in something called the "Journal of Modern Physics", a title probably designed to be confused with the International Journal of Modern Physics, which is a serious and prestigious journal.

The "Journal of Modern Physics" is published by a Chinese outfit called SCIRP that masquerades as being based in the USA. It seems to be meet the criteria for Beall's List of possibly predatory journals. More here: Any paper published in it should be treated with suspicion, as the publishers are motivated by making money from the researchers, who have to pay to get their stuff published. There is therefore an incentive to publish any old rubbish that would be rejected by a proper scientific journal.

In this case the Abstract does not make sense, so I'm not wasting my time ploughing through it.
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Lest we forget the importance of the role microtubules play in the existence of most all living organisms, here is a neat little video that just adresses the actual chemical activity of microtubules in a clear and concise manner.


and their related Microfilaments
The Fibonacci sequence maintains symmetry and an even distribution of mass for balance, a fundamental requirement of natural vertical growth such as in flowering plants and trees, which need to grow vertically toward their source of energy, the sun.

This is a beautiful example of evolution and natural selection of beneficial properties and in effect proves the mathematical nature of spacetime.

This configuration has many interesting and important properties:

Notice the left-right symmetry - it is its own mirror image.
Notice that in each row, the second number counts the row.
Notice that in each row, the 2nd + the 3rd counts the number of numbers above that line.
There are endless variations on this theme.
Next, notice what happens when we add up the numbers in each row - we get our doubling sequence.


Hence the Fibonacci Sequence is an exponential function, a natural mathematical additive function. It naturally forms an inherent spiral pattern, which is used in the most fundamental information processor in all Eukariotic organisms.

Livio says Fibonacci numbers are “a kind of Golden Ratio in disguise,” as they are found in even microscopic places, such as in the microtubules of an animal cell. The ubiquity of logarithmic spirals in the animal, bird, and plant kingdoms presents a convincing case for a cosmic character of the Golden Ratio (Boeyens and Thackeray).
The Fibonacci sequence maintains symmetry and an even distribution of mass for balance, a fundamental requirement of natural vertical growth such as in flowering plants and trees, which need to grow vertically toward their source of energy, the sun.

This is a beautiful example of evolution and natural selection of beneficial properties and in effect proves the mathematical nature of spacetime.

This configuration has many interesting and important properties:

Notice the left-right symmetry - it is its own mirror image.
Notice that in each row, the second number counts the row.
Notice that in each row, the 2nd + the 3rd counts the number of numbers above that line.
There are endless variations on this theme.
Next, notice what happens when we add up the numbers in each row - we get our doubling sequence.


Hence the Fibonacci Sequence is an exponential function, a natural mathematical additive function. It naturally forms an inherent spiral pattern, which is used in the most fundamental information processor in all Eukariotic organisms.

Livio says Fibonacci numbers are “a kind of Golden Ratio in disguise,” as they are found in even microscopic places, such as in the microtubules of an animal cell. The ubiquity of logarithmic spirals in the animal, bird, and plant kingdoms presents a convincing case for a cosmic character of the Golden Ratio (Boeyens and Thackeray).
BINGO, again.

And that's Pascal's Triangle, not the Fibonacci series.

The Fibonacci series is not an exponential function.
The Fibonacci series is not an exponential function.
Well, it isn’t expressed as an exponential, but it does display exponential growth. Isn’t the Binet formula for the nth Fibonacci number the sum of two exponentials (or strictly one minus another), which at large n can be approximated to 1/sqrt(5) * ((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n ?

(Excuse my lack of proficiency in using mathematical text).
Well, it isn’t expressed as an exponential, but it does display exponential growth. Isn’t the Binet formula for the nth Fibonacci number the sum of two exponentials (or strictly one minus another), which at large n can be approximated to 1/sqrt(5) * ((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n ?

(Excuse my lack of proficiency in using mathematical text).
I understand be approximated by an exponential expression.

I also gather that you can get a Fibonacci series out of Pascal's Triangle, by adding up diagonally aligned elements of it.

I'll add that observation in a slightly different form.
"I also gather that you can get a Pascal's Triangle out of a Fibonacci series."

Just to remind the reader of the link from which this was quoted.


And the sum of the numbers on each row add up to an exponential function (as is clearly illustrated)

Actually I posted this in furtherance of my research on "microtubules". I find all these relationships very interesting and informative in context of naturally occurring quasi-intelligent mathematical functions.
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In furtherance of the importance of the role microtubules play in living organisms, here is a very nice pictorial representation of microtubular construction and functions;

Using the arrows one can navigate through several illustrative and functional pictorials.

After studying these representations, visualize that the body contains "trillions" of these dynamical nano-scale processors.

The common viewpoint is that the neural network may provide the basis for consciousness.

I am just bringing attention to the processors from which the neurons are constructed.

By following the highlighted links the viewer may gain insight into the versatility and dynamic abilities that microtubule processing networks afford all Eukaryotic organisms from single celled paramecium to humans.
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Role of microtubules in plants.

Autophagy. 2015 Dec; 11(12): 2259–2274.
Published online 2015 Nov 13. doi:
PMCID: PMC4835195
PMID: 26566764
Disruption of microtubules in plants suppresses macroautophagy and triggers starch excess-associated chloroplast autophagy
Disruption of microtubules by either silencing of tubulin genes or treatment with microtubule-depolymerizing agents in
N. benthamiana reduces autophagosome formation during upregulation of nocturnal or oxidation-induced macroautophagy.
Furthermore, a blockage of leaf starch degradation occurred in microtubule-disrupted cells and triggered a distinct ATG6-, ATG5- and ATG7-independent autophagic pathway termed starch excess-associated chloroplast autophagy (SEX chlorophagy) for clearance of dysfunctional chloroplasts. Our findings reveal that an intact microtubule network is important for efficient macroautophagy and leaf starch degradation.
Keywords: ATG6, chloroplast autophagy, leaf starch degradation, macroautophagy, microtubules, plants
Guess?...... :)

Microtubules, the Structural Foundation of Your Cells
Microtubules are fibrous, hollow rods that function primarily to help support and shape the cell. They also function as routes along which organelles can move throughout the cytoplasm. Microtubules are typically found in all eukaryotic cells and are a component of the cytoskeleton, as well as cilia and flagella. Microtubules are composed of the protein tubulin.

Daughter Cells and Chromosome Movement
How do daughter cells end up with the appropriate number of chromosomes after cell division? The answer to this question involves the spindle apparatus. The spindle apparatus consists of microtubules and proteins that manipulate chromosomes during cell division. Spindle fibers attach to replicated chromosomes, moving and separating them when appropriate. The mitotic and meiotic spindles move chromosomes to opposite cell poles, ensuring that each daughter cell gets the correct number of chromosomes. The spindle also determines the location of the metaphase plate. This centrally localized site becomes the plane on which the cell eventually divides.
Discovered another very interesting article on microtubules.
Alzheimer’s Related Memory Problems Reduced With Immunotherapy
A new study from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston has revealed that a single dose of an immunotherapy reverses memory problems in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease. The article appears in the March 25 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.


This image is for illustrative purposes only and is a diagram of how microtubules disintegrate with Alzheimer’s disease Image credit: ADEAR/NIA.
What sets Kayed’s therapy apart from other tau immunotherapy drugs is that his targets only the toxic oligomer form of tau and leaves the normal tau alone and able to carry out its typical functions.

These findings provide strong evidence of the benefits of targeting tau oligomers with immunotherapeutic approaches as an Alzheimer’s disease treatment.
I am finding some information that seems to support my initial assumptions based on Hameroff's hypothesis.
Synaptic plasticity involves neuronal differentiation, movement, synaptogenesis and up- and down-regulation, all requiring, in one way or another, MTs, major structural components of the cytoskeleton. MTs are composed of tubulin, 110 kD protein hetero-dimers which self-assemble into hollow cylinders 25 nm in outer and 15 nm in inner diameter.
MT walls have been crystallographically characterized as forming two types of hexagonal lattices (A-lattice and B-lattice) with helical winding patterns, including those following Fibonacci geometry [15]. Each tubulin dimer in MT lattices may occupy different states, and interact with neighbor tubulin dimer states, suggesting to a number of authors [16][20] that MTs process information in terms of tubulin states, and function as computational devices, e.g. molecular automata (‘microtubule automata’).
MTs in neuronal axons are arranged in continuous, uninterrupted parallel bundles. However, MTs in dendrites and neuronal cell bodies are uniquely arranged in mixed polarity, anti-parallel arrays of interrupted MTs, interconnected by MT-associated proteins (“MAPs”) including MAP2, whose activities are implicated in learning ([21] and references therein).
Additional excerpts.

Cytoskeletal Signaling: Is Memory Encoded in Microtubule Lattices by CaMKII Phosphorylation?
[1]. This is supported by the paradigm of ‘long-term potentiation’ (LTP) in which repetitive pre-synaptic stimulation increases post-synaptic sensitivity and strengthens synapses (e.g. the adage “neurons that fire together, wire together”). LTP is supported experimentally in vitro [2], [3], and may occur over many brain regions [4] as a common feature of excitatory synapses [5].
I see an interesting parallell between brain function and how brainless slime-mold employs its pseudopodic abilities.
Different types of pseudopodia can be classified by their distinct appearances.[3]Lamellipodia are broad and thin. Filopodia are slender, thread-like, and are supported largely by microfilaments. Lobopodia are bulbous and amoebic.
Reticulopodia are complex structures bearing individual pseudopodia which form irregular nets.
Axopodia are the phagocytosis type with long, thin pseudopods supported by complex microtubule arrays enveloped with cytoplasm; they respond rapidly to physical contact.

Chaos carolinense, an amoeboid having lobopodia

Does this remind of a braincell? It is capable of communication, it has memory of time intervals and recognizes chemical trails left by previous area searches, so that it does not repeatedly search the same area. This trail marking allows the slimemold to solve the most intricate mazes and form traffic networks that rival human highway systems.
Pretty sophisticated information processing IMO.

These brainless pseudopods behave as if they are at least semiconscious and are a tiny little brain in and of themselves .
Actin and Microtubules in Cell Motility: Which One is in Control?
The cytoskeleton is composed of three distinct elements: actin microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments. The actin cytoskeleton is thought to provide protrusive and contractile forces, and microtubules to form a polarized network allowing organelle and protein movement throughout the cell. Intermediate filaments are generally considered the most rigid component, responsible for the maintenance of the overall cell shape.
Cytoskeletal elements must be coordinately regulated for the cell to fulfill complex cellular functions, as diverse as cell migration, cell adhesion and cell division. Coordination between cytoskeletal elements is achieved by signaling pathways, involving common regulators such as the Rho guanosine‐5′‐triphosphatases (GTPases).
Furthermore, evidence is now accumulating that cytoskeletal elements participate in regulating each other. As a consequence, although their functions seem well defined, they are in fact overlapping, with actin playing a role in membrane trafficking and microtubules being involved in the control of protrusive and contractile forces. This cytoskeletal crosstalk is both direct and mediated by signaling molecules. Cell motility is a well‐studied example where the interplay between actin and microtubules appears bidirectional. This leads us to wonder which, if any, cytoskeletal element leads the way.

The pdf has additional illustrations.
Holy crap, you seriously are still blathering on about this??? Well, back on ignore you go...
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