Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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Thanks for the FYI. I am a little confused what they are trying to prove here. Perhaps the mechanism that produces the Fibonacci sequence in sunflowers?
I was surprised to find no reference to this eminently efficient ordering system.



It is astounding how often the sequence appears in complicated spirals in nature.
Nature is as good a mathematician as humans.
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In that list there are only four items involved in processing of information, i.e. microtubules, synapses, glial cells, neurons. OTOH, DNA, RNA, and Proteins are information.
All that stuff "processes information", including the sand piles. Some at higher logical levels than other.
In addition, microtubules are also responsible for the building and development of the cells themselves in addition to the neural processors and transport scaffolding,
That is all substrate, in relation to mental events.
Substrates do not cause patterns.
AFAIK, there seems to be no other permanent memory storage device in the brain except pyramidal microtubules
Memories are not stored. They are recreated on demand. Mental events are behaviors, actions performed by the brain itself or lower level patterns of action therein.

You are trying to argue with observation - that most mental events are macroscopic, for starters, orders of magnitude larger than microtubules - especially events such as consciousness, which involve large fractions of the brain and distant connections within it.
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All that stuff "processes information", including the sand piles. Some at higher logical levels than other.
EVERYTHING is information. We're talking about consciousness.
That is all substrate, in relation to mental events. Substrates do not cause patterns.
EVERYTHING is a pattern. We're talking about consciousness.
Memories are not stored. They are recreated on demand. Mental events are behaviors, actions performed by the brain itself or lower level patterns of action therein.
And how does one recreate a scene on demand? Pixel by pixel or a whole barn at a time?
You are trying to argue with observation - that most mental events are macroscopic, for starters, orders of magnitude larger than microtubules - especially events such as consciousness, which involve large fractions of the brain and distant connections within it.
No I am not, observations is a processing of incoming micro information. And if we look at a picture of Aladdin's Lamp, we can see that the picture does consist of millions of "pixels" at precisely the nano scale of microtubules. What do you think light consists of?

Mental events are macroscopic? Can you explain how that works? What macroscopic processors are employed in mental events? Neurons are macroscopic? Or are you talking about a 3lb brain locked in a vat?

Try and stuff a soccerball into your skull, lets see how macroscopic objects fit into your brain, which nevertheless can present you with a picture of Mt. Everest, all inside your skull.

You believe thoughts are macro objects?
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Well it was first on the scene

No paper - no pencil - no calculator

It did pretty well


ps - I give credit to physics being economical
We have the luxury of studying existing natural patterns and selecting the most efficient ones from the smorgasbord of all deterministic patterns.

Question: are there human invented functional mathematical patterns that do not already exist in the universe, somewhere?

IMO, all mathematical patterns are discovered, not invented. They always exist already in nature and is what allows us to begin to understand how the universe functions.
In the interest of building a small reference library on Roger Penrose and other scientists' interest in the possible utility of microtubules and how they may be be instrumental in the phenomenon of consciousness, I'll link to a few musings by some great minds.

The quantum nature of consciousness

And from an unrelated scientist; The Pribram Bohm Hypothesis
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A few thoughts on arguments from authority and fanboyism.

Penrose knows about quantum, if anybody does. You want to call him a crank?
Firstly, Penrose is primarily a mathematician rather than a physicist. That is not to say that he knows nothing about physics.

As for his "crankiness", he is on record as holding views about physics and artificial intelligence and quantum biology that most experts in those fields do not agree with. For instance, from what I've read, his pet theory for attempting to unify gravity and quantum mechanics is "twistor theory". Although I am not an expert in this particular area, it strikes me that twistor theory is not widely considered to be the best candidate for a Theory of Everything. There's a lot more work on String Theory, for instance, and Loop Quantum Gravity. The impression that I get is that twistors are "fringe".

Similarly, Penrose has written several books in which he asserts that artificial intelligence is impossible. The vast majority of experts in artificial intelligence disagree with him, which makes his views on artificial intelligence "fringe" as well.

Now, one of the reasons he thinks artificial intelligence is impossible is because of his theory that consciousness and intelligence require quantum processing in the brain. That is a view that is also "fringe", in neuroscience, in physics and in computing. His whole suggestion that the necessary quantum processing might occur in microtubules is unproven speculation. Worse than that, my impression is that most experts in the microtubular biology or biophysics appear to think that his hypothesis is implausible, for various reasons. Which, once again, puts him on the fringe.

Penrose is a smart guy. It doesn't appear to concern him that he's considered something of a maverick; he might even like that label, for all I know. He's been happy to pursue his own idiosyncratic research interests while the various mainstream research communities keep making progress largely without his input.

So, is Penrose a crank? I wouldn't put that particular label on him. When he does physics or maths, he isn't pretending to do it, like a lot of cranks are. I would go so far as to call him somewhat eccentric in some of his pursuits, however. And that's not to disrespect him.

Not by me. I merely post links by recognized scientists who address the issue. Talk to Penrose if you feel qualified.
Can you lecture Penrose on Quantum Mechanics? Can you tell him he is a charlatan and a woo peddler? Have at it.
How about you, Write4U? Are you confident that you're equipped to evaluate whether Penrose's ideas on quantum processes in microtubules have any scientific merit, beyond speculation? Can you lecture the rest of us on quantum mechanics or twistor theory, perhaps? How's your neurobiology?

I merely raise the question because you are extraordinarily enthusiastic about Penrose's idea. I hope it's because you've carefully evaluated the alternatives and applied the necessary expertise to sort the wheat from the chaff, but I fear it may be more a case of your wanting to root for the maverick.

Question: are you a neural scientist?
I ask because your statement that we do not hear much about microtubules? Where have you been?
Google "microtubules". I think you'll find maybe 10 pages of links to scientific studies of microtubules and what they do. This is not old science, it is new science.
I think it's probably fair to assume that none of us here is a neuroscientist. I'm not. How about you?

Sure, there are lots of references to microtubules, but most of them have nothing to do with quantum mechanics or consciousness. They are, if I understand it correctly, commonplace structures found in every cell, after all. No doubt there's also a lot of woo about them on the internet, too - just like there's a lot of woo about other fringe notions. (Hive minds, anyone?)

I'm sure you consider Daniel Dennett a woo-monger?
Okay. Let's do Dennett, too.

Dennett is primarily a philosopher. He is not a biologist, a mathematician, a physicist or a neuroscientist by profession. I don't know what his views on microtubules are. If I had to guess, I'd venture that he's rather more cautious about any possible role they might play in consciousness than you are. For starters, I'm confident that he has a good idea what he doesn't know. That would make him less likely to come out as an enthusiastic spruiker for quantum consciousness in microtubules. (I could be wrong, of course.)

The other name that keeps popping up in this context is Hameroff. I don't know much about him, so I'll leave him to others.

Here's what I think. I think that some people find the idea of "quantum consciousness" attractive precisely because it is a "fringe" topic. It has all the usual attractions of woo. It can be all things to all people. Maybe it allows ESP! Maybe it means we're all part of a "hive mind"! Maybe it means we can tap into information at a distance, like clairvoyance! Maybe it gives us superpowers! Maybe it explains "the soul"!

Also, it nicely fits the narrative of the Evil Establishment suppressing the mavericks who are only trying to get to The Truth. Why is Penrose on the fringe? It must be because the evil neuroscience (or physics, or computing) establishment types feel so threatened by his ideas (or their jobs or income are threatened, or whatever) that they have to go to desperate lengths to ignore him, or to shut him down, or to ridicule him. And the Brave Souls who rally around heroes like Penrose - rooting for the little guy against Big Science - will be proven right one day! So, go Penrose! Rah rah rah. Microtubules are King!
Firstly, Penrose is primarily a mathematician rather than a physicist. That is not to say that he knows nothing about physics.
Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS
(born 8 August 1931) is an English mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science. He is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and an emeritus fellow of Wadham College, Oxford.
Penrose has made contributions to the mathematical physics of general relativity and cosmology. He has received several prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics, which he shared with Stephen Hawking for the Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems.[1]

Then why do you say it? IMO, being a mathematician in addition to being a physicist is a PLUS!!~!!!!
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Rah rah rah. Microtubules are King!
The OP is about microtubules. Should I be talking about the price of eggs? This is getting really bizarre!!!

C'mon James, are we not allowed to explore the full range of physical sciences?

I am NOT a physicist!!! Never claimed I was. But I have a curious mind and this is an OPEN question.
Nobody has any answers yet.
NOBODY has the qualifications to make any judgement yet.
ORCH OP is in the falsification stage. No one has falsified ORCH OR yet.
Let's just play this thing out, shall we?

If anybody maintains it has been debunked, they are lying!!!

That's why I am posing these probative questions, rather than saying: "I'm not saying, but I am saying......blah, blah, blah", which you just did, also without the qualifications to judge, but citing other scientists who may have a stake in trying to debunk Penrose.
I am merely citing the scientists who are makig or supporting the proposal of ORCH OR. Anything wrong with that?

I find it prejudicial to only consider the critics. Have you noticed that they all begin with "Penrose is a brillant mind, but.....blah, blah, blah?"
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Similarly, Penrose has written several books in which he asserts that artificial intelligence is impossible.
I think you may be misinterpreting this.
Artificial intelligence is already functional.
I believe that Penrose argues that "consciousness" is not possible by artificial means.,,,,difference!
Let us have a look at Penrose and his criticisms of strong AI, and does he come out as a winner. His Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and The Laws of Physics
The OP is about microtubules. Should I be talking about the price of eggs? This is getting really bizarre!!!
Given you've covered ants and bees incorrectly, how do you think you'd fare with eggs and how much they cost?

C'mon James, are we not allowed to explore the full range of physical sciences?
Let us know when you start doing so.

I am NOT a physicist!!! Never claimed I was. But I have a curious mind and this is an OPEN question.
Nobody has any answers yet.
NOBODY has the qualifications to make any judgement yet.
ORCH OP is in the falsification stage. No one has falsified ORCH OR yet.
Let's just play this thing out, shall we?

If anybody maintains it has been debunked, they are lying!!!
It's an open question, but you have already declared that anything that could be posted to show that it is wrong would be lies..

Surely you see the absurdity of what you are saying now, yes?

That's why I am posing these probative questions, rather than saying: "I'm not saying, but I am saying......blah, blah, blah", which you just did, also without the qualifications to judge, but citing other scientists who may have a stake in trying to debunk Penrose.
I am merely citing the scientists who are makig or supporting the proposal of ORCH OR. Anything wrong with that?
You literally made a similar statement by declaring that anyone who maintains it has been debunked is lying.
It depends on the expected level of functional intelligence, no?
Is a baby intelligent? There are machines that are much smarter than a baby, no?


All being used in one capacity or another. Of course, none of these AIs are conscious. They do not feel emotion.
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Can Sophia be considered to be an AI?
Forget the hype. Sophia is a "learning robot" , IMO it is a form of artificial intelligence.
According to the manufacturer, David Hanson, Sophia uses artificial intelligence, visual data processing and facial recognition. Sophia also imitates human gestures and facial expressions and is able to answer certain questions and to make simple conversations on predefined topics (e.g. on the weather).[9] Sophia uses voice recognition (speech-to-text) technology from Alphabet Inc. (parent company of Google) and is designed to get smarter over time. Her speech-synthesis ability is provided by Cereproc's Text-to-Speech engine and also allows her to sing. Sophia's intelligence software is designed by Hanson Robotics.[10][11] The AI program analyses conversations and extracts data that allows it to improve responses in the future.
Artificial Intelligence
In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals.[1] Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving
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Is a slime mold intelligent or is it more like an organic computronium? I ask because there must be a level where conscious intelligence begins to manifest in living organism as opposed to pure bio-chemical behavior and interaction. The single celled Paramecium is already motive through it's flagella (powered by microtubules), but its reaction to obstacles is purely physical.

OTOH, the single celled Slime mold can learn and respond quasi- intelligently to a host of stimuli and act as a coordinated cooperative.
When food is in short supply, many of these single-celled organisms will congregate and start moving as a single body. In this state they are sensitive to airborne chemicals and can detect food sources.

Slime Mould Facts
Spore formation
Slime moulds have a primitive form of sexual reproduction.
Amoeba phase
Making a sporangium is fatal for a slime mould - it's the end of the adult organism but spores are dispersed by wind and germinate when they land somewhere damp. If things get too dry, they form a cyst that can withstand dehydration until conditions are better and if things get too wet, they grow flagella (tails) and switch to a free-swimming cell form.
Flagella are powered by microtubules!
Drying out
Most slime moulds live in leaf litter, rotting wood or soil, they are very vulnerable to dry out but it isn't necessarily a problem form them
Plasmodia can tough it out by forming a sclerotium ( sclerotia is the plural ). This is a hardened mass of tissue that dried out completely and can survive for years. If it gets wet, it reactivates and the slime mold resumes its former life.
Amoebae and swarmer cells that start to dry out will thicken up their cell wall and form a cyst - a tough single celled structure that withstands drying and will wake up when it gets damp again.
One of the best known abilities of slime moulds is that they show chemotaxis - they move towards or away from different chemicals they sense in their environment. When we make mazes or choice chambers for them, we're exploiting that behaviour to test their ability to navigate towards food or test their preference for difference sources of nutrition. In the picture below a slime is attracted towards oats mixed with paprika ( positive chemotaxis ) but repelled by black pepper, chilli pepper and turmeric ( negative chemotaxis ).

It's not vision but physarum responds to light. Normally it just avoids light - particularly blue and UV light which are damaging to it. Experiments have shown that physarum can differentiate between different colours of light and can be trained to respond to them. When it's ready to form spores, the slime will switch from avoiding light to being attracted to it.
The key to physarums success is its memory - which is external. Wherever it goes, a slime mold lays down a chemical trail. When it's exploring something like a maze this trail tells the organism where it's been before and which areas aren't worth looking at again. It's a very similar technique to foraging ants leaving trails of pheromones for other workers to follow.p

Is it at this stage that organisms to acquire consciousness and begin exhibit intelligent behavior? Even earlier? Later?

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That is not true. Show me!

Al I have said is that so far attemps to disprove ORCH OR have in turn been debunked.
Saying it is wrong and dodging having to respond, changing the subject or ignoring studies linked that show how it is wrong is not debunking.

And I literally told you. Why ask me to show you when I explained it already? This is a common theme with you, isn't it?

It depends on the expected level of functional intelligence, no?
Is a baby intelligent? There are machines that are much smarter than a baby, no?
Babies are actually way more intelligent.

Forget the hype. Sophia is a "learning robot" , IMO it is a form of artificial intelligence.
Not according to the people who made her.
@ Bells,

I am no longer going to respond to you. You're not acting in a civilized manner and your really not that important to me, to waste any further time in trying to explain what I have already explained.

If you were interested in what I have to say you would approach any misunderstandings in a different way. I do!

So why should I waste my time?

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