Is Breastfeeding/Skin Hunger Incest?

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so because sex causes endorphin release, and running causes endorphin release, running = sex?

Do you know if oxytocin is released during running? That is the only sure way to begin to answer your question.

The average person wouldn't equate running with sex. Although, if sexual chemicals are present it would be a candidate for autosexuality.
Your mother hugs you?!??! BAD TOUCH!! Apparently, if Oxytocin is released or feelings of warmth are experienced, that's pretty much sex. That is what I have learned from this thread. :D


I hugged my kids today. And I tickled them. And we thoroughly enjoyed every hug and tickle attack. They even hugged me back.

I feel like a bad parent now.:bawl:
Perhaps other chemicals are also released as well (did they test to see if testosterone was increased?). Or perhaps some equate that warm and fuzzy feeling to arousal since, like you said, it's a feeling they get after having sex. I think we must take into account people's minds as well as chemical reactions; if you learn to associate that 'warm and fuzzy' feeling with sex, that in and of itself may make it arousing.

I'm thinking there may have to be a set of chemicals present (not just oxytocin), maybe even fMRI readings to prove what a sexual state is.
Your mother hugs you?!??! BAD TOUCH!! Apparently, if Oxytocin is released or feelings of warmth are experienced, that's pretty much sex. That is what I have learned from this thread. :D

Why would it be so bad that a feeling you feel during intercourse would be some of the feeling you felt if hugging a friend or offspring you had no sexual attraction to?

Perhaps the world is a bit more simplified at the chemical level. Perhaps it is a mental disorder to feel shame for feeling good rather than healthy to feel shame for feeling good.

If pleasureable feelings are sexual at their base, then what makes them different is how far a degree we take them to. I'm not sure this is the case, but it seems to be pointed in this direction.

I hugged my kids today. And I tickled them. And we thoroughly enjoyed every hug and tickle attack. They even hugged me back.

I feel like a bad parent now.:bawl:

Most people know you shouldn't feel bad about this (I know you are joking), but seriously, your behavior fits the defintion of a pedophile who is grooming their victims. That is how far these nutcases have taken things. And, breast feeding and incest isn't something I'm sure they will stop at.
your behavior fits the defintion of a pedophile who is grooming their victims.

You know, you are pretty much the only person I have ever seen tell me that my hugging and playing with my children fits "the definition of a pedophile who is grooming their victims".. I have met religious nutcases in the past, I have met people who become so offended at the sight of a breast that they find breastfeeding to be lewd conduct. But not once, not a single time, has anyone ever said that not only is breastfeeding akin to incest since it releases pleasurable feelings in the mother and child, but that hugging can also be construed as being incest because of the release of Oxytocin.

In short, you are the only individual I have ever come across who has likened a mother hugging a child as being the sort of behaviour a pedophile might adopt to groom their next victim.

In other words, you are the nutcase taking it that far.
Do you know if oxytocin is released during running? That is the only sure way to begin to answer your question.

The average person wouldn't equate running with sex. Although, if sexual chemicals are present it would be a candidate for autosexuality.

neither are "sexual chemicals" they are neurochemicals which can be released in response to a number of stimuli, only one of which is sex.

my example was an attempt to show that there can be multiple causes to a single effect, and it is wrong to claim a relationship between the causes solely because of that.

a man gets shot in a gang driveby, result: he dies.
a man has a heart attack from strenuous physical exertion, result: he dies.

your claims are akin to claiming exercise should be outlawed as a form of gang violence because of the above hypothetical.
Most people know you shouldn't feel bad about this (I know you are joking), but seriously, your behavior fits the defintion of a pedophile who is grooming their victims. That is how far these nutcases have taken things. And, breast feeding and incest isn't something I'm sure they will stop at.

...I can send you the link to the article I am referencing in pm, but I do not have 20 posts, so I can not provide it here.....

You have more than 20 posts now. Please provide a link. I would like to read about these nutcases.
Your mother hugs you?!??! BAD TOUCH!! Apparently, if Oxytocin is released or feelings of warmth are experienced, that's pretty much sex. That is what I have learned from this thread. :D

Why would it be so bad that a feeling you feel during intercourse would be some of the feeling you felt if hugging a friend or offspring you had no sexual attraction to?

Perhaps the world is a bit more simplified at the chemical level. Perhaps it is a mental disorder to feel shame for feeling good rather than healthy to feel shame for feeling good.

If pleasureable feelings are sexual at their base, then what makes them different is how far a degree we take them to. I'm not sure this is the case, but it seems to be pointed in this direction.

ancient, you've spoken a lot of what the law may imply. What I'd like to know more about is what you yourself think the law should be. Are you saying that you're thinking hugging one's children should be outlawed?
ancientregime said:
your behavior fits the defintion of a pedophile who is grooming their victims.

You know, you are pretty much the only person I have ever seen tell me that my hugging and playing with my children fits "the definition of a pedophile who is grooming their victims".. I have met religious nutcases in the past, I have met people who become so offended at the sight of a breast that they find breastfeeding to be lewd conduct. But not once, not a single time, has anyone ever said that not only is breastfeeding akin to incest since it releases pleasurable feelings in the mother and child, but that hugging can also be construed as being incest because of the release of Oxytocin.

In short, you are the only individual I have ever come across who has likened a mother hugging a child as being the sort of behaviour a pedophile might adopt to groom their next victim.

In other words, you are the nutcase taking it that far.

If ancientregime is suggesting this, then I agree with you Bell- it's just off. Personally, I think the novel "I was a teenage fairy" was good in defining a true child predator- put simply, a predator's first priority is his or her own needs. While some parents may indeed be predators, in most cases, I think it's safe to say that in most cases, it's the parents who think of the priorities of the children first.

There is one important issue here I think- the difference between 'good touch' and 'bad touch' is poorly defined in our society. While it may sound simplistic, I think we should essentially go with what the children think- Bell said they hugged back. This, in my view, shows that they like it so much they initiate it. If there is rejection, however, then something is wrong. Figuring out what would be the next step.
Yes, there is a huge difference between a lot, many, some and a few.

Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. In this case you haven't shown that your belief that it is a lot or not is significant to the fact that there are women who have arousal and orgasms from breast feeding.

Personally I say more power to them. I wish I got arousal and orgasm from breast feeding.
I've taken Oxcytocin before when I was participating in research experiments and it doesn't make you horny. It makes you (or at least me) feel just kind of warm and fuzzy. The way I feel when my mother hugs me after I haven't seen her in a long time or just in a comforting relaxed state. Nothing sexual even crossed my mind at the time. Now when my testosterone levels were increased... whole other story. The results of the study I participated in claimed that Oxytocin is a bonding hormone. Which explains why it's released when mother's are feeding their children and why it is released after orgasm. The feeling perhaps helps you bond with your sexual partner. But since it takes place as an end result of sex, I don't think you could say it causes one to be aroused.

Thank you.
In other words, [ancientregime is] the nutcase taking it that far.

I think you are on to something here.

We now have both a male [me] and a female [CM] who have used oxytocin and reported it did not cause arousal in and of itself. While not a scientifically rigorous study, this is reasonable anecdocal evidence for what we have here to conclude that while oxytocin may be released as a part of sex, it is released in a number of circumstances [nursing, hugging, running, etc.] and is not reliable for indicating sexual activity is happening - the op's original contention.

What's weird is his obcession with oxytocin when oxytocin would seem entirely irrelevant. There are numerous easier ways to test for arousal. The easiest is simply to check the person's heat signature. It wouldn't be hard to monitor for orgasms directly. But there is already ample evidence of actual arousal, including orgasm from breastfeeding, so what's the point?

Breastfeeding is not incest even if some women become aroused and have orgasms. I'm left wondering what ancientregime's real agenda is here.
Breastfeeding is not incest even if some women become aroused and have orgasms.

What if a woman breastfeeds not just to give nourishment to her child, but to be aroused as well? At that point, we'd be entering what you might call a societal twilight zone. I've certainly heard atleast one story wherein a mother (anonymously via the internet) told of an experience wherein she helped her arousal along when she was breastfeeding her baby.

I also have a strong feeling that this is the reason that society doesn't look kindly on mothers who continue breastfeeding a child after about 2 years of age; the older a child gets, the more likely the child himself may begin to like the idea of feeding for reasons other then nourishment alone.

I'm left wondering what ancientregime's real agenda is here.

I myself am unsure on that one- he may be wrestling with whether or not breastfeeding is something that should be done. I personally definitely think breastfeeding is a good thing for a baby; after around 2 or so, however, I think one simply can't ignore society; while a few mothers continue to breastfeed, society frowns upon this type of thing. I can easily imagine that one day we'll hear that a mother was arrested for breastfeeding past x age. They've already arrested a mother for a picture of her breastfeeding her baby, after all (charges were dropped, but only after many mothers flooded the... court's office I believe, with pictures of themselves breastfeeding their babies).

On the subject of sexual arousal, I found an excerpt from the book Sex: The science of sexual arousal, here. Skimmed it a bit but don't have time to read more now though, have to go...
You know, you are pretty much the only person I have ever seen tell me that my hugging and playing with my children fits "the definition of a pedophile who is grooming their victims".. I have met religious nutcases in the past, I have met people who become so offended at the sight of a breast that they find breastfeeding to be lewd conduct. But not once, not a single time, has anyone ever said that not only is breastfeeding akin to incest since it releases pleasurable feelings in the mother and child, but that hugging can also be construed as being incest because of the release of Oxytocin.

In short, you are the only individual I have ever come across who has likened a mother hugging a child as being the sort of behaviour a pedophile might adopt to groom their next victim.

In other words, you are the nutcase taking it that far.

Welcome to what the rest of the world calls Wikipedia
neither are "sexual chemicals" they are neurochemicals which can be released in response to a number of stimuli, only one of which is sex.

my example was an attempt to show that there can be multiple causes to a single effect, and it is wrong to claim a relationship between the causes solely because of that.

a man gets shot in a gang driveby, result: he dies.
a man has a heart attack from strenuous physical exertion, result: he dies.

your claims are akin to claiming exercise should be outlawed as a form of gang violence because of the above hypothetical.

I just confirmed that the same chemicals released during sex are released during running. The Natural History of Sex, Joann Ellison Rodgers.

They are called sexual because they have create sex-like feelings. No you don't have to have a penis inside a vagina to only have sexual feelings.
You have more than 20 posts now. Please provide a link. I would like to read about these nutcases.

The link was to the oxytocin reference.

But how about our handy dandy, trustworthy, error free, never psuedo-scientific, friend DSM-IV that used to call homosexuallity a disorder. The nutcases call lactophilia a mental disorder.

erotic lactation
ancient, you've spoken a lot of what the law may imply. What I'd like to know more about is what you yourself think the law should be. Are you saying that you're thinking hugging one's children should be outlawed?

No. The point of this thread is to show that because the law is written so broad and unspecific has the ability to create victims because things must be interpretable.

How it should be worded? I think we should let nature/science determine the law, not a person's beliefs.
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