Is Breastfeeding/Skin Hunger Incest?

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Technically Bell didn't say you were a troll either. You both implied though.

Ok. Maybe we have different definitions. I don't think he's Troll.

Um... I know that Orleander's icon is sponge bob, but she's actually a woman ;-).

ancienregime said:
Trolls enter for the sole reason to disrupt. Speaking Troleader means acting like a Troll. Lot's of one liners that don't contribute too much and have a satirical tone.

I personally have never met anyone who's sole reason to enter a conversation is to disrupt. However, I've heard that such people do exist- they're -paid- to cause a disturbance. While it is conceivable that someone could be paid to cause a disturbance here, I highly doubt it'd be over the issues presented in this thread. Furthermore, while me and Orleander may hold different views on subjects, I have never found that she was trying to disrupt anything. Just like everyone else I've met here, I believe she simply wants to voice her views. Recently, it seems that she's even volunteered to no longer even say that she doesn't understand some of the points you've made (honestly, sometimes I don't either, I simply haven't said so before ;-)).
Um... I know that Orleander's icon is sponge bob, but she's actually a woman ;-).

I personally have never met anyone who's sole reason to enter a conversation is to disrupt. However, I've heard that such people do exist- they're -paid- to cause a disturbance. While it is conceivable that someone could be paid to cause a disturbance here, I highly doubt it'd be over the issues presented in this thread. Furthermore, while me and Orleander may hold different views on subjects, I have never found that she was trying to disrupt anything. Just like everyone else I've met here, I believe she simply wants to voice her views. Recently, it seems that she's even volunteered to no longer even say that she doesn't understand some of the points you've made (honestly, sometimes I don't either, I simply haven't said so before ;-)).

Perhaps they need a hit of oxytocin.
Thought experiment:

What if a mother (or child) happens to have a sexual fetish for feet? Would it then be considered incest if her children gave her a foot massage?
Thought experiment:

What if a mother (or child) happens to have a sexual fetish for feet? Would it then be considered incest if her children gave her a foot massage?

Have you ever given a foot massage?

Don't be tellin' me about foot
massages -- I'm the fuckin' foot

Given a lot of 'em?

Shit yeah. I got my technique down
man, I don't tickle or nothin'.

Have you ever given a guy a foot

Jules looks at him a long moment -- he's been set up.

Fuck you.
- Pulp Fiction
They injected it into a rat and out came the wiener, strong and hard. It is clearly a sexual chemical.

It's also been shown to increase it's prescence toward orgasm.

Dream on.

Humans aren't rats, in case you hadn't noticed. In particular our sexuality has some significant differences from how other mammals go about things. We are not nearly as effected by phermones or time of the month for example.

Like cat nip not making me roll all over the place and drool, I can assure you that oxytocin didn't have that effect. If it did, people wouldn't be wasting their money on viagra.

It was a barely noticable light warm friendly feeling. Its nice for light social settings or hanging with friends, but not significantly enough to warrent repurchasing it. You can buy it from "smart drug" sites. Be warned that over use can lead to a nasty headache.
really? Orgasms? A lot huh? How many is a lot?

Many women who breastfeed have the experience of feeling aroused, and even having an orgasm, while breastfeeding....

In a 2000 study of breastfeeding women, 40.5% of the participants reported feeling sexually aroused at some point during infant suckling. 16.7% reported being aroused frequently during breastfeeding.

Avery, M.D., Duckett, L., Frantzich, C.R. “The Experience of Sexuality During Breastfeeding Among Primiparous Women.” Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health Vol. 45(3), 2000: 227-236.
Many women who breastfeed have the experience of feeling aroused, and even having an orgasm, while breastfeeding....

In a 2000 study of breastfeeding women, 40.5% of the participants reported feeling sexually aroused at some point during infant suckling. 16.7% reported being aroused frequently during breastfeeding.

Avery, M.D., Duckett, L., Frantzich, C.R. “The Experience of Sexuality During Breastfeeding Among Primiparous Women.” Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health Vol. 45(3), 2000: 227-236.

arousal is different than an orgasm. How many had an orgasm? I'm gonna guess less than 16.7%, so that isn't a lot to me.
Dream on.

Humans aren't rats, in case you hadn't noticed. In particular our sexuality has some significant differences from how other mammals go about things. We are not nearly as effected by phermones or time of the month for example.

Like cat nip not making me roll all over the place and drool, I can assure you that oxytocin didn't have that effect. If it did, people wouldn't be wasting their money on viagra.

It was a barely noticable light warm friendly feeling. Its nice for light social settings or hanging with friends, but not significantly enough to warrent repurchasing it. You can buy it from "smart drug" sites. Be warned that over use can lead to a nasty headache.

The differences between animals and humans is irrelevant, so it's really unneccessary to bring that up. The similarities are relevant to the discussion, and are why we do animal studies.

Chemicals in the body work interdependently, many the cause for the release of others. There is much to be learned about Oxytocin, but it still is considered the love chemical due to it's presence in the wide array of bonding/affectionate behavior of humans and animals.

Your personal experience should prove to you it has sexual properties. Sexual doesn't have to mean only those feelings during a drooling catnip orgasm. Sexual feelings can be very mild. It need not be the natural opiate felt during orgasm to be the primary love chemical.
arousal is different than an orgasm. How many had an orgasm? I'm gonna guess less than 16.7%, so that isn't a lot to me.

Interesting question, but in terms of the thread topic we do not need that number. All we need to know is that woman can be sexually aroused by their children suckling. Once this is established objecitively, now those with their right and left wing extremist agenda can say molestation is occuring. That is how they have written the laws. (2) "Sexual contact" means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party or a third party.

The problem with ambiguos laws is they must be interpreted. Laws are not meant to be interpreted, they are meant to be followed.
Interesting question, but in terms of the thread topic we do not need that number. All we need to know is that woman can be sexually aroused by their children suckling. Once this is established objecitively, now those with their right and left wing extremist agenda can say molestation is occuring. That is how they have written the laws. (2) "Sexual contact" means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party or a third party.

The problem with ambiguos laws is they must be interpreted. Laws are not meant to be interpreted, they are meant to be followed.

I believe James dealt with this issue by saying that breastfeeding is not done for the purposes of arousal, but for feeding. Ofcourse, technically that doesn't actually have to be true. I personally believe that laws on sexuality are going to have to undergo major revamping in the future.
The differences between animals and humans is irrelevant

Actually it is extremely relevant when examining physiological claims based on an unfounded premise of similarity, such as what you are doing. Similarities can't just be assumed, the have to be demonstrated.

Your personal experience should prove to you it has sexual properties.

Should? What does should have to do with anything when I have what it actually did. Buy yourself some and give it a spin. I'd say maybe 30 people I know have tried it and no one reported prosexual responses. It is unfortunate but very few drugs have actual prosexual responses in humans and most of the ones which do get made illegal by the prudes.

Oxytocin just isn't that interesting, but by all means investigate it for yourself.

Sexual feelings can be very mild.

What are you? Some kind of sexually repressed bible thumper? Soft tight sweaters cause more arousal than oxytocin did.
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arousal is different than an orgasm. How many had an orgasm? I'm gonna guess less than 16.7%, so that isn't a lot to me.

Is "a lot" to you relevant at all? The point is many women find it sexually arousing and some arousing to the point of orgasm.
Is "a lot" to you relevant at all? The point is many women find it sexually arousing and some arousing to the point of orgasm.

Yes, there is a huge difference between a lot, many, some and a few. :bugeye:
Similarities can't just be assumed, the have to be demonstrated.

The conditions in which oxytocin was released in animals and humans is demonstration of the similarities.

It's presence during sexual/bonding experiences and it's abscence during non-sexual/bonding experiences is enough to classify it as sexual. Your arguments seem to imply it isn't sexual because it doesn't independently cause orgasm. That alone doesn't rule it out as a primary factor in sexual experiences.

What are you? Some kind of sexually repressed bible thumper?

My remarks do not indicate this. You are grasping in the dark. It won't be usefull to do this with me.
so because sex causes endorphin release, and running causes endorphin release, running = sex?
I've taken Oxcytocin before when I was participating in research experiments and it doesn't make you horny. It makes you (or at least me) feel just kind of warm and fuzzy. The way I feel when my mother hugs me after I haven't seen her in a long time or just in a comforting relaxed state. Nothing sexual even crossed my mind at the time. Now when my testosterone levels were increased... whole other story. The results of the study I participated in claimed that Oxytocin is a bonding hormone. Which explains why it's released when mother's are feeding their children and why it is released after orgasm. The feeling perhaps helps you bond with your sexual partner. But since it takes place as an end result of sex, I don't think you could say it causes one to be aroused.
I've taken Oxcytocin before when I was participating in research experiments and it doesn't make you horny. It makes you (or at least me) feel just kind of warm and fuzzy. The way I feel when my mother hugs me after I haven't seen her in a long time or just in a comforting relaxed state. Nothing sexual even crossed my mind at the time. Now when my testosterone levels were increased... whole other story. The results of the study I participated in claimed that Oxytocin is a bonding hormone. Which explains why it's released when mother's are feeding their children and why it is released after orgasm. The feeling perhaps helps you bond with your sexual partner. But since it takes place as an end result of sex, I don't think you could say it causes one to be aroused.

Perhaps other chemicals are also released as well (did they test to see if testosterone was increased?). Or perhaps some equate that warm and fuzzy feeling to arousal since, like you said, it's a feeling they get after having sex. I think we must take into account people's minds as well as chemical reactions; if you learn to associate that 'warm and fuzzy' feeling with sex, that in and of itself may make it arousing.
I've taken Oxcytocin before when I was participating in research experiments and it doesn't make you horny. It makes you (or at least me) feel just kind of warm and fuzzy. The way I feel when my mother hugs me after I haven't seen her in a long time or just in a comforting relaxed state.

Your mother hugs you?!??! BAD TOUCH!! Apparently, if Oxytocin is released or feelings of warmth are experienced, that's pretty much sex. That is what I have learned from this thread. :D
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