Is Atheism Irrelavent?

I guess that's the real argument. Atheism fails to capture the imagination; that's why it's irrelevant.

Believing in an infinitely magical being requires no imagination at all. It is a copout from having to imagine anything at all. At least an atheist can ponder a real unknown rich in diverse possibilities. The theist only has his one scenario--a magical boogeyman who whimsically does whatever he wants. And even THAT he gets from religion. That took exactly ZERO imagination.
Believing in an infinitely magical being requires no imagination at all. It is a copout from having to imagine anything at all. At least an atheist can ponder a real unknown rich in diverse possibilities. The theist only has his one scenario--a magical boogeyman who whimsically does whatever he wants. And even THAT he gets from religion. That took exactly ZERO imagination.

I don't understand what you're talking about. If anything, you should be accusing me of magical thinking, not lack of imagination.
Believing in an infinitely magical being requires no imagination at all. It is a copout from having to imagine anything at all. At least an atheist can ponder a real unknown rich in diverse possibilities. The theist only has his one scenario--a magical boogeyman who whimsically does whatever he wants. And even THAT he gets from religion. That took exactly ZERO imagination.

Only an idiot compares atheism to religion anyway. Atheism is no more relatable to religion than theism is.

What I'm curious about is how anyone could possibly have their imagination captured by religion. The answer to everything is "God did it."
Only an idiot compares atheism to religion anyway. Atheism is no more relatable to religion than theism is.
Atheism directly compares with religion (theism). Atheists believe that god does not exist. That is a belief.

What I'm curious about is how anyone could possibly have their imagination captured by religion. The answer to everything is "God did it."
You atheists are getting confused. First you say that religion is just imagination. Now you're saying that religion blocks imagination. WHICH IS IT???
First you say that religion is just imagination. Now you're saying that religion blocks imagination. WHICH IS IT???

Delusional belief is NOT imagination. It is a sore lack of it. The attempt to insulate ourselves from a reality that always surprises and challenges our minds. Belief is a substitute for creative thought because you are thinking in terms of preset concepts that you didn't even come up with yourself. An atheist recognizes the reality of the unknown. A theist denies its existence and takes refuge in the dogma of a magical being that was originally created by ancient religions to explain the world. But it doesn't even do THAT anymore. It becomes an excuse to not live life to the fullest and to grow and learn from direct experience and exposure to new concepts.
Hey I'm just going by what the CIA fact book tells me. According to them, atheism isn't important enough to get its own NON-religious faith category. It has to be lumped in with other categories.
You still don't understand.

Atheism is a lack of belief in any deity. Ergo, we do not require a category.

You were looking up religious beliefs and the figures for religious affiliation. Atheists, by our very nature, are not religious, nor are we affiliated with any religious organisation. So the premise of your OP was incorrect and false to begin with.

If I'm defending religion, you call it trolling. If I don't agree with you, I'm stupid.
Why are you defending religion?

Why does it need defending? From whom? Naughty atheists? I would love to know how our words here hurt religions? Or do you think science hurts religion?

As for your intelligence, or lack thereof, your trolling inane posts on this site speak for themselves.

I'm not debunking physics.

Well you can't debunk it. Because your version of debunking physics and facts is 'I ascended to the spiritual realm' and expect people to take you seriously.

All I'm saying is that physics is incomplete.
Is it?

Mazulu said:
You forget that physics has reached a dead end.

Because that is a fairly big call and very different from "incomplete".

We're missing the part that says where the big bang came from.
Why does it have to come from somewhere?

Or does the reality that nothing existed, time did not exist before the "big bang" concern you?

Why do you have a pathological need for God to exist? What are you so afraid of, that you need a great father figure in the sky?

We're missing the part that shows how physics constants are sustained.
I would suggest you bring this up the the physicists who post and moderate the physics forum. I am sure they would love to discuss it with you. And yet, here you are, in the religion forum, posting about what you don't know about physics and claiming it to be fact.
As for cowardice, I think you have me confused with someone else.
You are a coward. People who cannot face reality and run away from facts often are.

Bells, I'm not ready to apologize for what I said to you. But I do owe you an apology.
I would say the time for you to apologise passed a long time ago.
Delusional belief is NOT imagination. It is a sore lack of it. The attempt to insulate ourselves from a reality that always surprises and challenges our minds. Belief is a substitute for creative thought because you are thinking in terms of preset concepts that you didn't even come up with yourself. An atheist recognizes the reality of the unknown. A theist denies its existence and takes refuge in the dogma of a magical being that was originally created by ancient religions to explain the world. But it doesn't even do THAT anymore. It becomes an excuse to not live life to the fullest and to grow and learn from direct experience and exposure to new concepts.

Anger narrows the mind; and you do sound angry. The rest of your opinions sound pretty useless as life strategies; they don't sound like wisdom at all. I'm also not sure how you arrive at the conclusion that spiritual people don't live their lives to the fullest. I'm not even sure what you mean by "living life to the fullest"; what are you talking about? Orgies? Heroin? What do you mean?
Imagination is a double edged sword. As Carl Sagan said, "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere." Imagination is crucial to advancement, but it must always be weighed against what reality shows us is possible. Einstein's insights took great leaps of imagination. Fortunately, his ideas were/are able to be tested against reality... And reality votes in his favor.
Anger narrows the mind; and you do sound angry. The rest of your opinions sound pretty useless as life strategies; they don't sound like wisdom at all. I'm also not sure how you arrive at the conclusion that spiritual people don't live their lives to the fullest. I'm not even sure what you mean by "living life to the fullest"; what are you talking about? Orgies? Heroin? What do you mean?

Sounds like you're unsure of alot of things, except the existence of Skydaddy..
Anger narrows the mind; and you do sound angry. The rest of your opinions sound pretty useless as life strategies; they don't sound like wisdom at all. I'm also not sure how you arrive at the conclusion that spiritual people don't live their lives to the fullest. I'm not even sure what you mean by "living life to the fullest"; what are you talking about? Orgies? Heroin? What do you mean?

It means living your life and not being constrained and dictated by your religious beliefs.

It means wondering what is behind the stars instead of just saying 'God did it'.

If we allowed your attitude and those like to affect society, then we would still be using a horse and cart and electricity and computers, going up into space, studying the universe.. None of that would exist. Because we would not be living life to the fullest.

In short, it means not being an ignorant religious twit who relies on 'God did it' for his answers.
Atheism directly compares with religion (theism). Atheists believe that god does not exist. That is a belief.

:roflmao: Consequently, God makes an appearance to all of mankind to turn that belief into reality. *tick tock*

You atheists are getting confused. First you say that religion is just imagination. Now you're saying that religion blocks imagination. WHICH IS IT???

Religion is delusion.
You dodged my very legitimate question. You hide behind your hatred of God.
How can you hate what does not exist?

It is still astounding that you don't understand what 'living life to the fullest' means. Actually, it is kind of sad.

You are so constrained and restricted by your religious dogma that you cannot even imagine what it means to live life without such restrictions. You rely so much on your God, that you can't even imagine or see what is out there. Because for you, 'God did it'.
It means living your life and not being constrained and dictated by your religious beliefs.

It means wondering what is behind the stars instead of just saying 'God did it'.

If we allowed your attitude and those like to affect society, then we would still be using a horse and cart and electricity and computers, going up into space, studying the universe.. None of that would exist. Because we would not be living life to the fullest.

In short, it means not being an ignorant religious twit who relies on 'God did it' for his answers.
You also sound angry, but I gave you a reason to be angry with me, so it's understandable. Religious beliefs provide structure and orderliness to one's life. Just like our skeletal system provides structure and orderliness to our bodies; without a standard of beliefs, we become a blob of undisciplined spiritual confusion.

You are mistakenly assuming that I am attacking science. I am not. I am merely saying that science is incomplete and is also an incomplete experience of life. You mistakenly think I just assume God did it and do not believe in science. That is not at all what I believe. It is the search for God that draws my attention to what happened before the big bang, beyond the space-time continuum. What is behind the big bang singularity?
You dodged my very legitimate question.

Legitimate? Orgies? Heroin? This is what you believe how life is lived to the fullest?

You hide behind your hatred of God.

Not only is that response stupid, meaningless and irrelevant, it is the response of one who is so desperate to say something, but hasn't the capacity to form the words.
How can you hate what does not exist?

It is still astounding that you don't understand what 'living life to the fullest' means. Actually, it is kind of sad.

You are so constrained and restricted by your religious dogma that you cannot even imagine what it means to live life without such restrictions. You rely so much on your God, that you can't even imagine or see what is out there. Because for you, 'God did it'.

Go on! Inflict your angry attacks on me. I deserve your derision. But realize that you don't know me. You don't know how I spend my time. How could you know how I live my life? But I did ask a legitimate question: what does it mean to live one's life to the fullest? Tell me how you live your life to the fullest.
You also sound angry

Odd, that you view the world as angry. It's little wonder why you regress into a world of fantasy and delusion.

Religious beliefs provide structure and orderliness to one's life. Just like our skeletal system provides structure and orderliness to our bodies; without a standard of beliefs, we become a blob of undisciplined spiritual confusion.

I have no problem with that considering whatever you deem as "spiritual" shows undisciplined confusion to reality.

You are mistakenly assuming that I am attacking science. I am not.

But, you are incapable of attacking science because you have no clue how science works. You merely wave your hands while wallowing deeply in religious fervor.

I am merely saying that science is incomplete and is also an incomplete experience of life.

Yes, that is what the scientifically illiterate believe.

You mistakenly think I just assume God did it and do not believe in science. That is not at all what I believe.

We already know and understand you operate in terms of believing things as opposed to understanding things. Tell us something new.