Is Atheism Irrelavent?

No lies have been laid bare, so stop telling lies.

They have your IP address as registering and posting with sock puppets. You're busted, dude.

Double meaning posts are not lying in my language.

How convenient!

Unfortunately for you, in actual language, intentionally misleading someone is lying. And we both know that you did a sight more than that.

"And besides, you were caught registering sock puppets and have lied about it since, so, again, it's not up for debate." No that has been sorted out with the moderators and Carol.Robson is registered and will post in due time, There were never any sock puppets and Bells has sorted for me.

Somehow I doubt that.

I suffered a week long ban for a genuine misunderstanding.


So, now, tell me: Why is the truth essential?
Neither. If you thought there was no God would you go around killing, raping, stealing, lying etc?
Is that what you do? I was asking you " are you a theist or an atheist?", and you seemed to say "neither". So is that agnostic then is it? Sitting safely on the fence!
They have your IP address as registering and posting with sock puppets. You're busted, dude.

How convenient!

Unfortunately for you, in actual language, intentionally misleading someone is lying. And we both know that you did a sight more than that.

Somehow I doubt that.


So, now, tell me: Why is the truth essential?
Look we both live at the same address so of course our IP addresses are the same.
I was not misleading anyone. They could read it as they like. It like a poem, half the time no one knows what it means, is that lying?
Just wait and see if Carol posts on here at Sciforums. She has been sorely offended so far and you going on about it isn't helping.

Truth = LIFE OK.
Like you know why you used these words in the current quoted post. Whether I believe them or not, doesn't matter for you know what you intended. Just like when I deliberately write posts with double meanings, allowing you to choose whichever meaning you think I'm saying. But in the end it told me what I had wanted to know; that is whether you were male or female and you revealed yourself (unless you were meaning to deceive all of us).
But Bells confirmed it, so I'm fairly certain. So you were finally outed after 3 years of picking on me, after 3 years I found you.

I'm sorry, what did I confirm?

Let me reiterate something for you Robittybob1, so we are very very clear and so you stop spraying this across the site and cross posting constantly.

You were banned for posting inappropriate material on this site.

Why are atheists finding telling the 100% truth so difficult? I can see it, since there is no "God" to punish them, there is no incentive to tell the truth, for lying is more profitable and convenient. But then how can they claim to be moral? What morals are they talking about?

Atheism is when there is no God to stop one from lying. So are you a theist or an atheist?

Tell me, were you a theist when you were dating 3 women and having an affair with a married woman? Or were you just a bastard who was taking advantage of women?

You are going on this manic rant about how apparently atheists lie because they do not believe in a God that would punish us if we lie. Which is total and utter bullshit. So stop stereotyping and stop trolling this site with your personal issues.

If you have a complaint about moderation, then I would suggest you take it to the appropriate sub-forum and cease and desist in trolling threads in the religious sub-forum with your complaints and stereotyping.

For a guy who posted porn on this site, stalked a fellow member and wouldn't back off when requested, you have to be kidding yourself if you are going to try to lecture anyone here about morality. Unless of course you are going to claim you were moral when you dated 3 women at once and had an affair with a married woman? Where was your moral center when you did that, I wonder?
I'm sorry, what did I confirm?

Let me reiterate something for you Robittybob1, so we are very very clear and so you stop spraying this across the site and cross posting constantly.

You were banned for posting inappropriate material on this site.


Tell me, were you a theist when you were dating 3 women and having an affair with a married woman? Or were you just a bastard who was taking advantage of women?

You are going on this manic rant about how apparently atheists lie because they do not believe in a God that would punish us if we lie. Which is total and utter bullshit. So stop stereotyping and stop trolling this site with your personal issues.

If you have a complaint about moderation, then I would suggest you take it to the appropriate sub-forum and cease and desist in trolling threads in the religious sub-forum with your complaints and stereotyping.

For a guy who posted porn on this site, stalked a fellow member and wouldn't back off when requested, you have to be kidding yourself if you are going to try to lecture anyone here about morality. Unless of course you are going to claim you were moral when you dated 3 women at once and had an affair with a married woman? Where was your moral center when you did that, I wonder?

You want me to stop at the same time as making wild accusations that I feel need defending. It is a no win situation. What is the appropriate forum? All I get are questions and accusations from the likes of Balerion (who is reasonable) and Beer w/Straw so it was good, but you have made it impossible.
Am I allowed to respond to your post, or am I going to get banned if I do?
I am not complaining but thanking you for sorting it out.
You want me to stop at the same time as making wild accusations that I feel need defending. It is a no win situation. What is the appropriate forum? All I get are questions and accusations from the likes of Balerion (who is reasonable) and Beer w/Straw so it was good, but you have made it impossible.
Am I allowed to respond to your post, or am I going to get banned if I do?
I am not complaining but thanking you for sorting it out.
Site Feedback and Open Government.

As for the accusations. You have been discussing this issue in not just this thread, but others. You have also been cross posting and pretty much lumping all atheists as liars because we do not believe in God, thus, we have no god to fear for punishment if we do lie. Which is obscene. You have, as Balerion pointed out, tried to claim that atheists lack a moral compass because we do not believe in God.

1) You did post porn on this site and was banned for it.
2) You did stalk and harass a member to the point where you were banned and said member had to shut down her PM's, after repeatedly asking you to stop and others repeatedly asking you to stop.
3) You claimed yourself you dated 3 women at once and dated a married woman.
4) All of which is on public record, put there by you.

It seems that your believing in God does not always guarantee a moral compass, as you are clearly showing the rest of us on this site.

And as I just proved to you, atheists do tell the truth and having a moral compass is not dependent on merely believing there is a God.
Site Feedback and Open Government.

As for the accusations. You have been discussing this issue in not just this thread, but others. You have also been cross posting and pretty much lumping all atheists as liars because we do not believe in God, thus, we have no god to fear for punishment if we do lie. Which is obscene. You have, as Balerion pointed out, tried to claim that atheists lack a moral compass because we do not believe in God.

1) You did post porn on this site and was banned for it.
2) You did stalk and harass a member to the point where you were banned and said member had to shut down her PM's, after repeatedly asking you to stop and others repeatedly asking you to stop.
3) You claimed yourself you dated 3 women at once and dated a married woman.
4) All of which is on public record, put there by you.

It seems that your believing in God does not always guarantee a moral compass, as you are clearly showing the rest of us on this site.

And as I just proved to you, atheists do tell the truth and having a moral compass is not dependent on merely believing there is a God.

Thanks for the forum link - maybe I should read it and see what is being discussed there.
Now Balerion was in my opinion quite pleased to be able to lie. He seemed to find it an advantage in everyday life. He never said he didn't lie.
1. I dispute it was pornography. [YouTube do not allow porn on their site]
2. I dispute number 2 as well. wegs and I have had our debates but it was not her who made the claim of stalking. It was others sticking their noses into our business. Basically later she thanked me for helping her through the issues she had.
3. True
You can only say "It seems that your believing in God does not always guarantee a moral compass, as you are clearly showing the rest of us on this site", if you accept points 1,2, 3 and 4 were immoral and I dispute all of these being immoral.

When did you do this? >> "And as I just proved to you, atheists do tell the truth." When they write to me and say "they will only tell me the truth" then I'll accept that.
When you have to sign to confirm your age, it's pornographic.

To argue otherwise is just a deliberate lie.
I'm not convinced that the word 'spirituality' in its modern usage can be equated with belief in 'spirit beings'.

The 'spirit' family of ideas has a long and fascinating history. In ancient times, the word originally meant something like 'life force'. It was imagined as what animated living bodies, made them capable of moving on their own, and made them conscious and aware. Spirit was often identified with the breath, since death occurred when breathing stopped. We have the imagery in the Bible and elsewhere that had creator gods "breathing" life into inanimate bodies to give them life. And there was an idea that one's life force could drift off like a gas, either during 'out-of-body' experiences or when death occurred. So the idea of ghosts and vaporous spectral spirits appeared. Angels and even gods themselves were sometimes imagined as spirits of this sort. We see the idea developing in the Jewish tradition that God's breath or 'spirit' is kind of an intermediary between heaven and this world. That suggested Christianity's idea of the 'holy spirit', which naturally directed attention to the idea of people who had supposedly been touched by this holy spirit. And that idea of people infused with the holy spirit was associated with the early emergence of the idea of spirituality.

In the modern period, the early Christian idea of spirituality has changed dramatically. Emphasis moved away from pneumatology, from a concentration on the divine gas that had supposedly flowed out of heaven and entered into and animated living things, particularly the Christian reborn and reanimated by the holy spirit, to a new concern with the behavior that these Christians were supposed to display. The whole idea of spirituality became psychologized as the metaphysical theory of pneumatology faded away and was replaced by modern biology's understanding of life.

This new psychologized idea of spirituality has gradually become disassociated from the Christian tradition and has broadened out to the point where people today speak easily of all varieties of non-Christian spirituality. What the word 'spirituality' seems to suggest today is the idea of inner transformation. Some people see the meaning of 'spirituality' as being broader than 'religion', which can suggest the doctrines of a single narrow faith tradition. Others see spirituality as referring to the heart and essence of any and all religion, to religion's inner experiential core. Today the word 'spirituality' is even commonly used in more secular contexts such as psychology and art, where it typically refers to feelings of, and to the cultural artifacts capable of invoking, feelings of transcendence and/or psychological centeredness.

A very good post, Yazata, well said. Of course, the word 'spirituality' has several meanings as you have explained, but the context that is usually discussed with religions is often still used in regards to 'spirit beings' such as the Holy Spirit by those who have yet to understand modern biology's understanding of life.
They keep telling me they are moral people but I have yet to hear an atheist say "I don't ever tell lies".

That is because atheists are trying to be as honest as possible as opposed to those who do state emphatically that they don't ever tell lies, but often lie consistently and obviously.
It is time for atheists to prove they are capable of telling the truth.
Do they never have Near Death experiences?
Do they never see ghosts?

Why don't you tell us since it is something you wish to know? And then, you can tell us why you would believe atheism has anything to do with near death experiences and ghosts?
I can see it, since there is no "God" to punish them, there is no incentive to tell the truth, for lying is more profitable and convenient. But then how can they claim to be moral? What morals are they talking about?
What I am reading here is that if you did not believe in God, you would be a liar... since the only reason that you think lying is wrong is because God will punish you.
Look we both live at the same address so of course our IP addresses are the same.

Doubt it. How do you explain the other sock puppets?

I was not misleading anyone. They could read it as they like.

You said you wrote it with more than one interpretation on purpose. That's misleading.

It like a poem, half the time no one knows what it means, is that lying?

If the poem is intentionally misleading people, yes. How hard is that to understand?

Just wait and see if Carol posts on here at Sciforums. She has been sorely offended so far and you going on about it isn't helping.

Whatever you say, Norman.

[Truth = LIFE OK.

That explains nothing. Elaborate, or admit you're just parroting bullshit pseudophilosophy you've heard elsewhere.
It is time for atheists to prove they are capable of telling the truth.
Do they never have Near Death experiences?
Do they never see ghosts?

They probably have near death experiences, but such experiences are not definitive evidence for the supernatural. Same with thinking you see a ghost.
That was said to a post rpenner deleted.

So, was that your sockpuppet?


Also you're the reason I can like posters like five doughnut
You didn't like double meaning posts so I thought I'd test you out on 0.75 meaning posts.
Your post back to me scored less than 50%.
"Five doughnuts sounds rather unhealthy, you should change your diet.
You don't have to be an atheist or a nihilist to demonstrate logic and reason. Logic/reason and science are all very useful. But nihilism and atheism have less worth than a pound of spit.
That is because atheists are trying to be as honest as possible as opposed to those who do state emphatically that they don't ever tell lies, but often lie consistently and obviously.
You are like a stuck record. Saying the same crap over and over again. Modernise the technology please and throw away that old 33 LP.
You don't have to be an atheist or a nihilist to demonstrate logic and reason. Logic/reason and science are all very useful. But nihilism and atheism have less worth than a pound of spit.

God is dead. Get over it.