Irish dog fighting.

Lots of things that humans do is "pure evil", but those people like doing those things ...even if you don't. Denigrating others because of ones own preferences is pretty intolerant, don't you think?

And just remember, other people might think that some of what you enjoy is "pure evil". What do you think about that?

No thanks, I don't watch things that turn my stomach. But that doesn't mean that I can't support the right of others to do things that I don't like or enjoy. Would you want others to tell you what to do or not do?

Baron Max

These dog fights are the equivalent of people paying to watch torture.
Brutal as fox hunting can be, it is relatively swift in comparison to watching two strong animals rip each other to pieces over 10-20 minutes.

It's illegal for good reason
and the people who do it should spend a long time in prison.
These dog fights are the equivalent of people paying to watch torture.
Brutal as fox hunting can be, it is relatively swift in comparison to watching two strong animals rip each other to pieces over 10-20 minutes.

It's illegal for good reason
and the people who do it should spend a long time in prison.

Fox hunting should also be illegal, its barbaric as well to say the least.
You seem to be disturbed by lots of things that people do. It seems that that, in itself, is like some kind of psychological disorder. Are you being treated for that condition?

Baron Max

Baron, you are such a fun guy. :D
This thread was supposed to be about dog fighting in other cultures. Its not just an Amercian thing. Its not just a black thing.
What I am seeing is that it is a man thing.
This thread was supposed to be about dog fighting in other cultures. Its not just an Amercian thing. Its not just a black thing.
What I am seeing is that it is a man thing.

Orleander said:
Originally Posted by Orleander
why aren't more women involved in it?
Enmos said:
Women are on average more morally sound then men i guess.

I guess its like bullfighting, maybe it has become a sort of tradition in some countries.
Fox hunting should also be illegal, its barbaric as well to say the least.

I wonder ....what are some other things that humans do that you'd like to make illegal? If fox hunting is one of them, your list must be very long indeed. But just give a few things that, if you were king of the world, you'd not let anyone do. I'd be interested, if for no other reason than to get a good laugh.

Baron Max
This thread was supposed to be about dog fighting in other cultures. Its not just an Amercian thing. Its not just a black thing. What I am seeing is that it is a man thing.

Ahh, I'd say you're mostly correct, but there are women who enjoy such sports. To think otherwise is to not know that women can also be vicious and mean and nasty and violent.

And bullfighting is one of those sports that women enjoy. Women also enjoy boxing and wrestling and fighting sports.

But all-in-all, I think this thread has now become more of a issue of tolerance of others and other cultures. Some people just aren't and can't be tolerant. And I think that's a shame.

Baron Max
I guess its like bullfighting, maybe it has become a sort of tradition in some countries.

Yeah, and the liberal, idealistic, doo-gooders of the world are trying to put a stop to that, too. Is there nothing that you doo-gooders will allow others to do for fun and enjoyment?

Baron Max
Yeah, and the liberal, idealistic, doo-gooders of the world are trying to put a stop to that, too. Is there nothing that you doo-gooders will allow others to do for fun and enjoyment?

Baron Max

:bugeye: And what is wrong with doing good ?
I wonder ....what are some other things that humans do that you'd like to make illegal? If fox hunting is one of them, your list must be very long indeed. But just give a few things that, if you were king of the world, you'd not let anyone do. I'd be interested, if for no other reason than to get a good laugh.

Baron Max

etc. the usual i guess..

All goes for all animals (including humans)

Maybe I'd add something like gross-mistreatment of nature. There are probably laws against that now but maybe those need to be broadend.

Go ahead, have you laugh :rolleyes:
:bugeye: And what is wrong with doing good ?

Because it just might not be "good" for someone else. How would you like it if someone else told you how to live your life? What if radical, fanatical Muslims took over your country and tried to force their way of life onto you? Would you like that?

Baron Max
etc. the usual i guess..

All goes for all animals (including humans)

But you've already claimed that you kill mosquitos that makes you a fuckin' hippo-critter!

And you've also admitted that killing cows and pigs and chickens is okay, then slaughter them and eat the meat that makes you a fuckin' hippo-critter!

Mistreatment? What's that and who defines it? You?

Yeah, it pretty much was a good laugh.

Baron Max
But you've already claimed that you kill mosquitos that makes you a fuckin' hippo-critter!

And you've also admitted that killing cows and pigs and chickens is okay, then slaughter them and eat the meat that makes you a fuckin' hippo-critter!

Mistreatment? What's that and who defines it? You?

Yeah, it pretty much was a good laugh.

Baron Max

I have explained before that I'm not suggesting to make laws of it.
I have also explained in which situations, in my opinion, it's 'ok' to kill animals.
Mosquitoes.. self defense.
Cows and pigs.. necessity.
You are the hypocrite for forgetting everything I have written before and basing your conclusions solely on my last post. You do that a lot.

You can laugh but that doesn't make you right. :rolleyes:
Because it just might not be "good" for someone else. How would you like it if someone else told you how to live your life? What if radical, fanatical Muslims took over your country and tried to force their way of life onto you? Would you like that?

Baron Max

A "do-gooder", as you put it, doesn't have to radical at all. He/she can just do what he/she deems best in any given situation. In fact, don't all responsible people do that ?
Do you ignore whats best and go for self gratification ? If so, and it sure sounds like it, how is that better than trying to do good ? Are you deliberately doing what you know is not good ?
A "do-gooder", as you put it, doesn't have to radical at all.

Agreed, but unfortunately they continue to try to tell others what's right and what's wrong, and try to force their own values onto others. That sucks!

He/she can just do what he/she deems best in any given situation. In fact, don't all responsible people do that?

Sure, murderers and rapists and pedophiles all do that. It's just that you and some other doo-gooders don't like it and try to stop them.

Muslims of the world seem to think that blowing up innocent people and kids at a market place is the right thing to do. Do you agree with it?

If humans do it, then someone, somewhere, is going to disagree with it and complain and bitch and moan about it .....and try to force them not to do it.

Humans suck giant donkey dicks.

Baron Max
Agreed, but unfortunately they continue to try to tell others what's right and what's wrong, and try to force their own values onto others. That sucks!
Ok, I'm not forcing my values on to anyone. I'm just participating in this thread and I'm saying what I think of things.

Sure, murderers and rapists and pedophiles all do that. It's just that you and some other doo-gooders don't like it and try to stop them.

Muslims of the world seem to think that blowing up innocent people and kids at a market place is the right thing to do. Do you agree with it?

If humans do it, then someone, somewhere, is going to disagree with it and complain and bitch and moan about it .....and try to force them not to do it.
I'm pretty sure most murders, rapists and pedophiles know that what they are doing is wrong.
The suicide bombers are insane, they should string em all up.
Someone is always going to complain, all we can do is do the best we can.

Humans suck giant donkey dicks.
No argument there.
Ok, I'm not forcing my values on to anyone. I'm just participating in this thread and I'm saying what I think of things.

If you're just stating your opinions, then why are you arguing so much? If you want to just state your opinions, then there's no need to discuss anything, is there?

No, by continuing the "discussion", you're actually trying to change the opinions of others to your way of thinking ....even if you claim that's not your intention. You're trying to defend your position, which is tantamount to trying to make others beleive as you believe.

I'm pretty sure most murders, rapists and pedophiles know that what they are doing is wrong.

Well, I don't know how you can know that, or even think it with the rate of repeat offenders in the world.

The suicide bombers are insane, they should string em all up.

But many, if not most, Muslims think it's the right thing to do. Should we string up those people, too?

Just remember; Humans suck giant donkey dicks. And anything and everything that they do, someone will complain about it ....and maybe even try to blow them up for it.

Baron Max
For exactly the same reason as eating cows or pigs is acceptable.

Well, that certainly says a lot for your tolerance of others, don't it?

And yet you condemn others who do? Your tolerance of other cultures is something to behold.

That has virtually no bearing on the discussion. Or are you one of those people who thinks that one can't argue a position without holding that same belief?

Hmm, you are the epitome of tolerance and understanding of other cultures and other people's likes and dislikes. Congratulations.

Baron Max

I'm not alone, buddy.
article said:
This high standing for dogs in the United States is not shared by all cultures, notably some Asian countries where dogs are food, and much of Africa, South Asia and the Arab world where they are often viewed with disdain.
Yep. That sounds about right. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but IDGRA. It's my opinion..and apparently shared by plenty of other people too.
You think they know.. !? :eek:
I'm not saying I like the idea of animal husbandry but it isn't really going away is it ? The fact is people need meat. (Don't give me that vegetarian bullshit.)
Like I said, they should be put down in a 'humane' way (no suffering).
No, people definitely don't need to eat meat - and your casual dismissal of vegetarianism as "bullshit" doesn't change that. It is very well-established that you can easily get all the nutrients you need without consuming meat products. In fact, eating meat if grossly inefficient and bad for the environment; since you're moving your food source a whole step up the food chain, it takes much more resources to keep people fed on a diet of meat than it would to keep them fed on a vegetarian diet.

So let's be clear about this: we eat meat because we enjoy it. Tofu is boring (but incredibly nutritious), while steak is delicious. So, by eating meat we are choosing to kill animals for pleasure. Not that we find their deaths enjoyable in-and-of themselves, of course, but the animal has to die in order for us to take pleasure in the consumption of its delicious body, so we kill it. Both meat-eaters and people who run dog fights are killing animals for fun; they just derive their pleasure from different sources.

Some people argue that it’s okay to kill and eat an animal so long as it’s done “humanely”. That attitude has always puzzled me. If you are going to start assigning rights to beings, surely the very first right would be a right to live, wouldn’t it? I mean, everyone would agree that being killed is much worse than being maimed. If everyone here had a choice between dying a painless death or being mauled by a bear but surviving, I suspect that everyone would choose the bear. So why is it okay for us to kill animals for the enjoyment of eating them, but suddenly wrong for us to “abuse” them? At least a dog in a fight has a chance at survival; the cow who went into your hamburger never had a chance.

Edit: I should be clear hear that I happily eat meat. I just think that people who say "It's okay to kill and eat animals, but wrong to make them fight for our amusement" are being hypocrites. It's like saying "It's okay to sneak up behind someone and bash his head in with a hammer, then slit his throat before he knows what's going on if I'm only doing it because I want his wallet. But throwing someone into a gladiatorial fight that in which he might be killed or injured? Man, that's just wrong."
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