Invisible Forces

For crying out loud this is just plain silly. You might as well have drawn tiny little leprechauns on unicorns pulling the cell apart - both hypothesis are on equal footing.:rolleyes:
You might as well have drawn tiny little leprechauns on unicorns pulling the cell apart
How did you know what my research is? I've spent weeks drawing leprechauns in LaTeX code! Well, if someone else has already thought of it I'll move onto my next big idea, dolphins riding underwater giant squirrels are the cause of earthquakes! Perhaps Nicholas Marks could assist me?
How did you know what my research is? I've spent weeks drawing leprechauns in LaTeX code! Well, if someone else has already thought of it I'll move onto my next big idea, dolphins riding underwater giant squirrels are the cause of earthquakes! Perhaps Nicholas Marks could assist me?

Oh tarter sauce! That was going to be my next line of research, I guess I will just keep cruising the 'fringe' for more ideas.:D
Oh lot are hard work.

You cannot see that a caricature of an event allows you to use your own power of reasoning to fill in the details...but perhaps...that is where the problems lie. You are so used to being taught by lectures that the ability to bend your own minds around solutions has been lost to you.

Using my rough model we bring the living cell into the universal arena.

The seed-state or at-rest state is the most profound because here energy is shared with the cell. The spinnerets harmonics are stationary and chemical processes are dominant...hence the restructuring of dna. The problem is that we use this stored energy as physical energy so that it isn't available to the spinnerets when they are stirred back into action. Hence, slow deterioration of bodily functions. Nervous energy, supplied by the spinnerets, should not be wildly used as strength for the body...that is the job of chemical energy.

Mind over matter isn't a good strategy as far as our long term health is concerned. conclusion...the spinnerets are invisible...just as dark matter is invisible but which still has influence over everything, being that 'dark matter' is the birth force of everything. These spinnerets can only be detected by their behaviour...just as gravity is only detectable by its behaviour...yet, in both instances, are the result of swirling and crashing forces entrapped within a huge, dense cloud, of material, that moulds into the all electric phenomena that is well recorded today.

This is all possible because such a dense cloud of material can erupt into a 'dynamic energy' spawned by that material crashing into an imploding hole. This can happen on the macro scale and on the micro scale, dependant upon circumstances and there is a trail of scientifically supported evidence which says I am on the right track.

We can continue this trail down a path of refinement that will ultimately expose all scientific truth and offer us the most sought after answers to our many problems.
You are so used to being taught by lectures that the ability to bend your own minds around solutions has been lost to you.
I've spent more years doing research than sitting in lecture theatres. Now while I could write a very long rant about how there's plenty of people coming out of universities with PhDs who don't have a creative or original neuron in their brains it is not necessarily the case that having formal education limits ones originality or creativity. Knowing things isn't a hindrance to creativity.

I like to read random maths textbooks, rather than read fiction, particularly in areas unrelated to my previous experience. I'm not going it so I can later reproduce a proof but rather to get a qualitative feel for concepts and methods I'm unfamiliar with and which others have developed for particular problems. Being a good mathematician is about taking ideas and making connections between them, as well as generalising them.

Using my rough model we bring the living cell into the universal arena.
You don't have a model, you cannot model anything.

The seed-state or at-rest state is the most profound because here energy is shared with the cell. The spinnerets harmonics are stationary and chemical processes are dominant...hence the restructuring of dna. The problem is that we use this stored energy as physical energy so that it isn't available to the spinnerets when they are stirred back into action. Hence, slow deterioration of bodily functions. Nervous energy, supplied by the spinnerets, should not be wildly used as strength for the body...that is the job of chemical energy.

Mind over matter isn't a good strategy as far as our long term health is concerned.
Can you formalise any of this or are you just throwing out buzzwords?

My comments are the result of my, free-lance and intense, scientific reading, in many scientific areas. I call it all, a summary of my experiences, observations, calculations and revelations.

One insight can lead to many others because the patterns are recurring but they all make one statement of truth...that science is the exposing of a compressed material which can escape from its nuclear, imploding bonds, in a spectacular way, if we know how to do it but any loss leaves a line of imploding force back to the nucleus... which has to be satisfied...or, at least, that is what my understanding in chemistry tells me.
That invisible stuff

I keep wondering why the same concepts keep appearing in people's minds in all societies and in all eras - the idea that matter is made of things we cannot perceive and measure except by the results. I am uneducated and damaged, and so I am disposed to doubt my capacity to be balanced and reasonable, but in my research of ancient ideas, I keep coming across invisible forces much more powerful than matter, that cause the existance of it and remain interactive as well. Is your idea another attempt to galvanise this view by what we accept in science? Surely science needs a greater context than the 'visible' only.
I keep wondering why the same concepts keep appearing in people's minds in all societies and in all eras - the idea that matter is made of things we cannot perceive and measure except by the results. I am uneducated and damaged, and so I am disposed to doubt my capacity to be balanced and reasonable, but in my research of ancient ideas, I keep coming across invisible forces much more powerful than matter, that cause the existance of it and remain interactive as well. Is your idea another attempt to galvanise this view by what we accept in science? Surely science needs a greater context than the 'visible' only.

Ancient alchemy is fun to read about.:)