Invisible Forces

The Living Cell


If we accept the principle of invisible spinnerets at work within the living cell then other reasoning quickly follows.

In their process of creating DNA they speed up and slow down. Slight variations in this mechanism are all that is required to induce a hereditary pattern. This mechanism can also be toyed with because excessive exercise can induce the repair mechanism to work overtime making physical and often unnecessary adjustments, like abnormal muscle growth. This behaviour might be useful in the world of natural evolution but we need to control it if the whole mechanism of the whole body is to be served efficiently and intelligently.

Another startling point of interest is that these spinnerets never die. They can serve the individual well or they can find better pastures…leaving a chemical heap in their wake.

By my calculations, thus far, Pincho, the universe, and all its'dynamic energy' has always been and always will be.
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If we accept the principle of invisible spinnerets at work within the living cell then other reasoning quickly follows.

In their process of creating DNA they speed up and slow down. Slight variations in this mechanism are all that is required to induce a hereditary pattern. This mechanism can also be toyed with because excessive exercise can induce the repair mechanism to work overtime making physical and often unnecessary adjustments, like abnormal muscle growth. This behaviour might be useful in the world of natural evolution but we need to control it if the whole mechanism of the whole body is to be served efficiently and intelligently.

Another startling point of interest is that these spinnerets never die. They can serve the individual well or they can find better pastures…leaving a chemical heap in their wake.
The mechanisms of DNA within a cell are well-understood. They are nothing like what you describe.

This is the Alternative Theories Forum. A theory is a hypothesis that is backed up by evidence. A theory is not just a collection of fanciful suppositions bereft of any factual basis.

If we accept the principle of invisible spinnerets at work within the living cell then other reasoning quickly follows.

It is also true that if we accept the principle of invisible alien nanobots at work within the living cell then other reasoning quickly follows.

However, why in the name of all that is wholey would we choose to believe either of these inane ideas? Why make up crap that cannot be tested to explain something that does not need explaning. It makes no goddam sense.:shrug:
The reason that I offer this profound understanding into the mechanics of the universe and of the living cell is because we need a new approuch...a fresh direction by which to understand what is going on.

The first saving could be on the collapse of the huge cost of the Hadron Collider because it would no longer be needed. The second saving would be in refreshing and restoring the human body into its rightful status of health and longevity.

A third saving might be made by the concentration of minds to lessen the burden of 'global warming' that is threatening us and requires a determined change in attitudes to reduce its impact.

This understanding is totally missed by science because this material is invisible, and, without the inroads made here...undetectable...but it is there all the same. A weak, invisible, superabundant material, that, by its ability drift into huge dense clouds, of galaxial proportions, can condense then erupt into everything that is witnessed by our existence.
The reason that I offer this profound understanding into the mechanics of the universe and of the living cell is because we need a new approuch...a fresh direction by which to understand what is going on.

Sorry, but this is not really profound, it is arm waving nonsense. is an 'alternative theory' built upon science but has the added ingredient of a superabundant, invisible material that manifests itself as a vibrant energy encaptured within all stars, galaxies, atoms and life, and offers us the highest level of scientific understanding we can aspire to.

When we look at a nature programme we see a wonderful picture of the many exploits that those spinnerets can achieve. Within their history, their method of replication has scooped up the atomic material of their varied environments and utilised it to strengthen and reinforce their ability to seek more and more spinnerets. This has become an art form and much of the variations, observed, are only achievable through chasing and stealing spinnerets from other life forms.

So, the evolutionary process is fired by the need to survive and prosper as an individual species…but failure isn’t the end of the world for the spinnerets…they can prosper within a totally different species and this passing from species to species is a part of their story.

The human being is slightly different because they want the best that science can offer…which can only be, the knowledge of life and death…because…somehow…we have individual identities which we like to hang on to. To hang on to them, though, requires, as a starting point, learning to hang on to the trillions of spinnerets we waste through promiscuity…and, which leads us to the aging process. is an 'alternative theory' built upon science
Not really. You've building on wordy layperson explanations you've been spoon fed but which, by their very nature, are not entirely accurate and lack all quantitative detail. If you were to browse papers on you'd see just how far from anything remotely resembling scientific you are.
Debunkers welcome.

What you have presented is pseudoscience, or possibly even cesspool science.

Here is another example of pseudoscience with my ether hypothesis :D

Real science relies on the scientific method:

Define a question

Gather information and resources (observe)

Form an explanatory hypothesis

Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner

Analyze the data

Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis

Publish results

Retest (frequently done by other scientists)
A theory built upon all the maths and calculations of modern science is offered here unless, of course, all previous scientists got it wrong. The difference is that I have brought it all together under a single unification of understanding that says...clearly...that there is an invisible, and, in its purest form, undetectable material, behind the whole of science. A bit like sciences 'dark matter' but with a lot more bite.

Evolution and life is explained by it...or, perhaps, you don't believe that exists...either.
The difference is that I have brought it all together under a single unification of understanding.

Well that just super. So what are you waiting for?? Please show your equations and proofs that have been "built upon all the maths and calculations of modern science".

This is all very exciting. I am anxiously awaiting to see your work!
Let me put it this way...within my research I have accepted that sciences maths are accurate...only their interpretation is mistaken. It is mistaken because science, whilst stating every action has a reaction, ignores the fact that their 'big-bang' had nothing to react from.

My suggestions here over-rides their error.
Let me put it this way...within my research I have accepted that sciences maths are accurate...only their interpretation is mistaken. It is mistaken because science, whilst stating every action has a reaction, ignores the fact that their 'big-bang' had nothing to react from.

My suggestions here over-rides their error.

If I understand you correctly, I think this is the only equation needed:

Your understanding of physics = null.
Spinnerets and Cancer

If the principle that the living body is spun by invisible spinnerets that were created by atom forming processes is valid, then we are able to explore other phenomenon, like cancer, to see if there are analogies and insights to be gleaned there, as well.

It has already been suggested here that the speed of cell replication can vary slightly…highlighted by hereditary processes…but what if that speed becomes erratic and outside normal controlling factors. There are so many inducements dictating our genetic speeds that we need to take over-riding control of them ourselves and determine what is acceptable to us, as individuals, and, perhaps, in the process, restore the regulating speeds that the living cell enjoys best.
Spinnerets and arachnids.


Yours is a lovely picture of the visible but there can be no picture of the invisible, only an assessment of the actions and reactions so caused. Gravity is an invisible, imploding force. The strong nuclear force is as well. Neither have been seen but their behaviour is well recorded. How else can packets of energy be confined in the patterns they express???

Similarly, the living cell has an imploding force which is the primary trigger in evolution but we have to understand that it is validated, not by their separate behaviours but by the fact that all things unify by these forces.
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Your words and ideas are like your invisible spinnerets - they have no substance.;)