Invisible Forces

Dave, give yourself a bit of time with pincho and the rest of the woo-woo crowd and see if it doesn't drive you to distraction. It is true that my insults are not really useful and in bad form, but these guys are immune to insults anyway; they absolutely believe they are right and science is wrong.

Try this give, pincho some real data that has a sound logical conclsusion - as long as it is part of the mainstream of science he will dispute it with hair brained ideas about bubbles and vortexes and whatever.

I admire the guys that patiently explain things to the woo-woos and when it is clear they are unimpressed by facts and data they simply ignore them.

Yeah, and my bubbles were found years later.
Don't be silly. While I admire restraint in others I have no intention of over-practicing it myself. You are either mentally ill, intellectually challenged, or an ass-hole. I'm not sure which. I find your behaviour fascinating, but in order to observe it without periodically vomiting I feel constrained to tell you exactly how little regard I have for you. You can live with that, ignore it, report me to the moderators, hire a firm to track me down and send me stale pizzas. I'm rather indifferent to what you decide. I do just wish you would wise up.

You will vomit when you find out I am right, and that's probably why you use this self preservation tactic.
The level of crankness on this site is pretty high. The moderation is very spotty.
maybe if people don't respond to the woowoos they will go away. or mod them out of existence.
maybe if people don't respond to the woowoos they will go away. or mod them out of existence.

No, woo-woos are like the cold virus. Nothing gets rid of them, you just have to suffer through it.
Last piece of ‘Woo woo’…for now…

Clearly…the living cell has a mechanics that isn’t fully understood. My reasoning goes a long way towards putting that right.

To do this we must use the model that science has already determined for the living cell and add invisible forces to it. Their pattern of replication follows the same, well known, behaviour, but the driving force that makes it all happen is missing from sciences model. Invisible…imploding forces offers this understanding…and the unification of all the other invisible forces, noted in this thread supports, reinforces and adds scientific credibility to what happens within the living cell.

Part atoms with imploding forces, created in a star, offer this understanding. Like all imploding forces, mentioned here, they tug at atomic material and these part atoms travelled to planet Earth attached to hydrogen atoms and went, in their trillions, everywhere that hydrogen atoms went. They are best seen as tiny tornados with an eye, a funnel, and a rim and this worked well for their continuation of existence…especially after they stumbled on the mechanics that created the living cell.
So…what happened…was this…

These invisible, tornado forces, come together in pairs…head to head, or, more specifically…eye to eye. Their imploding forces have an immediate attraction for each other and are pulled together…and then pass through each other in symmetrical union with each other. They keep going, passing out the other side, pulled on by new, cellular tornados, approaching from the cytoplasm. As these tornado forces pass through the nucleus they do work…electrical work that creates the known behaviour of the replicating cell. Initially, these spinnerets or electrical tornados carry atomic material in their funnels fed from the cytoplasm…then they begin to slow down as their harmonics become stable…even stopping for a time, their energy temporarily stored in the substance of the nucleus…in the same way that all seeds are…waiting for the trigger that lures the spinnerets into activity again. It is whilst they are in this stalled state that the chemical interactions take place and, using the DNA pattern that preceded it…restructures the genetic s of the nuclear package.

This means that the spinnerets pass through the living cell and then leave the structure to its own chemical devices unless recalled to refresh, repair, or regenerate new cells and that they, whilst constantly working, reside locally to their area of work…though can be called to help…anywhere in the body.
Last piece of ‘Woo woo’…for now…

Clearly…the living cell has a mechanics that isn’t fully understood. My reasoning goes a long way towards putting that right.

To do this we must use the model that science has already determined for the living cell and add invisible forces to it. Their pattern of replication follows the same, well known, behaviour, but the driving force that makes it all happen is missing from sciences model. Invisible…imploding forces offers this understanding…and the unification of all the other invisible forces, noted in this thread supports, reinforces and adds scientific credibility to what happens within the living cell.

Part atoms with imploding forces, created in a star, offer this understanding. Like all imploding forces, mentioned here, they tug at atomic material and these part atoms travelled to planet Earth attached to hydrogen atoms and went, in their trillions, everywhere that hydrogen atoms went. They are best seen as tiny tornados with an eye, a funnel, and a rim and this worked well for their continuation of existence…especially after they stumbled on the mechanics that created the living cell.
So…what happened…was this…

These invisible, tornado forces, come together in pairs…head to head, or, more specifically…eye to eye. Their imploding forces have an immediate attraction for each other and are pulled together…and then pass through each other in symmetrical union with each other. They keep going, passing out the other side, pulled on by new, cellular tornados, approaching from the cytoplasm. As these tornado forces pass through the nucleus they do work…electrical work that creates the known behaviour of the replicating cell. Initially, these spinnerets or electrical tornados carry atomic material in their funnels fed from the cytoplasm…then they begin to slow down as their harmonics become stable…even stopping for a time, their energy temporarily stored in the substance of the nucleus…in the same way that all seeds are…waiting for the trigger that lures the spinnerets into activity again. It is whilst they are in this stalled state that the chemical interactions take place and, using the DNA pattern that preceded it…restructures the genetic s of the nuclear package.

This means that the spinnerets pass through the living cell and then leave the structure to its own chemical devices unless recalled to refresh, repair, or regenerate new cells and that they, whilst constantly working, reside locally to their area of work…though can be called to help…anywhere in the body.

I must add that they are not missing from my model. I know the exact physics, and the exact computer simulation, and the exact mathematics that makes it work. Although I do not know how to write out the formula, because it is in data form.
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I must add that they are not missing from my model. I know the exact physics, and the exact computer simulation, and the exact mathematics that makes it work. Although I do not know how to write out the formula, because it is in data form.

I can think of a few other things you do not have...

You do not have a mechanism that explains genetic faults. Clearly, my model can become excited and agitated. It can miss a beat and can become corrupted in ways that can be traced by reason. In other words we should be looking for ways to stabilise a process which we seem to get great pleasure in winding up and this is detrimental to the good order of basic genetics.
I can think of a few other things you do not have...

You do not have a mechanism that explains genetic faults. Clearly, my model can become excited and agitated. It can miss a beat and can become corrupted in ways that can be traced by reason. In other words we should be looking for ways to stabilise a process which we seem to get great pleasure in winding up and this is detrimental to the good order of basic genetics.

No I don't. But DNA is more complicated than your description.
A step at a time. I have already overloaded the normal reasoning of the average intellect. Time to take a break and allow time to absorb and restructure our thinking.

You are quite impressed with your self aren't you. Well that is one person you have impressed. By overloading, you mean of course, you have spewed a large amount of nonsensical gibberish that has no basis in fact.
You are quite impressed with your self aren't you. Well that is one person you have impressed. By overloading, you mean of course, you have spewed a large amount of nonsensical gibberish that has no basis in fact.

I wouldn't have said that. I know it isn't easy to understand and also that it requires a lot of modification...but the facts remain that there is a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned by this approuch and serious problems, not even touched on here, can be addresed by this unification. It is up to those who already have a working knowledge of these things to tell me I am wrong...but, personally, I don't think they can.
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You mean I am wrong that the entire universe is the result of restructured, electrical energy. I thought this was the key behind quantum mechanics...or prefer the notion that everything erupted from nothing... are wrong.
I wouldn't have said that. I know it isn't easy to understand and also that it requires a lot of modification...but the facts remain that there is a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned by this approuch and serious problems, not even touched on here, can be addresed by this unification. It is up to those who already have a working knowledge of these things to tell me I am wrong...but, personally, I don't think they can.

You aren't using physical words in you descriptions. You are using particles with psychology combined, and there is no way that you can do that.

my model can become excited and agitated. It can miss a beat and can become corrupted in ways that can be traced by reason.

Energy to lower energy

Physics is about moving things from one place to another. If you just use excited, and agitated they are vague. Even Hot, cold, and colour are vague.
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AlexG/Pincho Paxton:

Every event in the universe has profound electrical laws controlling them...Many physisists have said that everything is energy...I have taken it a step further and said that condensed and compressed 'dark matter' is the dynamic force behind all this electrical behaviour...because...time and time again, the mysterious things of science are best understood by looking at them with this in mind.

Because 'dark matter' is invisible much of its behaviour is invisible...and whether I use the appropriate terminology of science or not wont alter the fact that, by my reckoning this 'dynamic energy' holds all the first laws of science.
I have taken it a step further and said that condensed and compressed 'dark matter' is the dynamic force behind all this electrical behaviour

Dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic fields at all.

by my reckoning this 'dynamic energy' holds all the first laws of science.

But your reckoning is worthless. Your knowledge of physics appears to be non-existent.
AlexG/Pincho Paxton:

Every event in the universe has profound electrical laws controlling them...Many physisists have said that everything is energy...I have taken it a step further and said that condensed and compressed 'dark matter' is the dynamic force behind all this electrical behaviour...because...time and time again, the mysterious things of science are best understood by looking at them with this in mind.

Because 'dark matter' is invisible much of its behaviour is invisible...and whether I use the appropriate terminology of science or not wont alter the fact that, by my reckoning this 'dynamic energy' holds all the first laws of science.

What created the universe?