Invisible Forces

What a shame. Totally wrong...yet...certain...I am on the right track.

You see...all this leads to another invisible force. One much closer to our own hearts. It is present within the living cell and is the driving force behind its mechanics...and when it goes wrong within the cell...boy, does it go wrong.

What it boils down to is that the living cell is spun by invisible spinneretes that follow a recurring pattern. A pattern which leaves another spiralling pattern in its wake...the double helix.
What a shame. Totally wrong...yet...certain...I am on the right track.

You see...all this leads to another invisible force. One much closer to our own hearts. It is present within the living cell and is the driving force behind its mechanics...and when it goes wrong within the cell...boy, does it go wrong.

What it boils down to is that the living cell is spun by invisible spinneretes that follow a recurring pattern. A pattern which leaves another spiralling pattern in its wake...the double helix.

Yeah that's good, the down force creates pressure, and the pressure changes mass, as the mass gets lower it escapes as the negative spiral. I am working on that, it is a bit like ring mathematics. Where we have 1, 0, -1 we do not have Newtons opposite laws 9, 10, -9. Once you complete the ring with equal opposites you get the out flow. Energy would get stuck otherwise. This is why a lot of physics keep switching around. I am actually working on a complete spherical version, which is even more complicated. The reason that the double helix isn't spherical is because of the joints in the middle. It's the same with the bar in the middle of a Galaxy (the switch around point), it keeps it 2D. The ones without a bar have reached a state of equilibrium, and I think that's due to a loss of pressure.
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Yeah that's good, the down force creates pressure, and the pressure changes mass, as the mass gets lower it escapes as the negative spiral. I am working on that, it is a bit like ring mathematics. Where we have 1, 0, -1 we do not have Newtons opposite laws 9, 10, -9. Once you complete the ring with equal opposites you get the out flow. Energy would get stuck otherwise. This is why a lot of physics keep switching around. I am actually working on a complete spherical version, which is even more complicated. The reason that the double helix isn't spherical is because of the joints in the middle.

Hmmm...that almost makes sense to me...because it tells me a lot about you.

If there are invisible forces at work in the universe then it is wise to get to know them. A hundred years ago there were many invisible forces that had to be deduced by reason and, in retrospect, it wasn't wise to condemn those who suspected their existence.

Remember...I am not saying one invisble force or two invisible forces are at work here in isolation...I am saying that a number of them work in a common pattern. A pattern that modern science yearns for...but, as yet, eludes them.
Hmmm...that almost makes sense to me...because it tells me a lot about you.

If there are invisible forces at work in the universe then it is wise to get to know them. A hundred years ago there were many invisible forces that had to be deduced by reason and, in retrospect, it wasn't wise to condemn those who suspected their existence.

Remember...I am not saying one invisble force or two invisible forces are at work here in isolation...I am saying that a number of them work in a common pattern. A pattern that modern science yearns for...but, as yet, eludes them.

We have evolved to see curvature that is convex. Invisible forces are concave. Photons can travel through a concave hole in spacetime, in fact that's exactly how they do move. Glass is a bunch of holes in space time, so what do you think a lens does?
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Jeez, now you're on to cell mechanisms. You guys flabberghast me.

Do you guys ever read any material that tells you how these things actually work? It's like you get your ideas of cell mechanisms and astrophysics from magazine pictures, and then, without bothering to go further, you just assume current research is totally wrong and start your own hypotheses. But your own hypotheses are based on nothing but your imaginations. Nor do you ever seem to follow up on it to test whether your ideas have merit.

"spinnerets?" "pressure ... mass ... escapes as the negative spiral?"

We have understood a lot about DNA and RNA. Ever thought of reading up on it?

It's like you guys are subscribing to science equivalent of welfare in the job world. Forget about getting a job, let's just keep buying lottery tickets. If it pays off we're rich. You guys don't bother with learning about research and building upon it, you just figure if you follow the wackiest idea, absent a shred of experimental evidence, there's a chance you'll win a Nobel.

Look, I'm not insisting you guys follow dogma, but Jeez, don't even you think it behooves you to at least learn the basics of the thing you're trying to theorize about?

Maybe it's me. Maybe you guys are trolling and laughing all the while that you've hooked someone who takes you at your word. I think it's time for me to unsub.
We have evolved to see curvature that is convex. Invisible forces are concave. Photons can travel through a concave hole in spacetime, in fact that's exactly how they do move. Glass is a bunch of holes in space time, so what do you think a lens does?

When dealing with complex issues it is wise not to go off on tangents. The issue here is whether the universe contains hidden forces which can bring us closer to understanding the mechanics behind it and behind some of the very serious issues that face us today. I am suggesting here that there are and they do...and...for those prepared to listen...a scientific basis for my claims.

When dealing with these invisible forces it soon becomes obvious that building an atom is done in stages...and that these stages can be interupted if the conditions suddenly change. This is what happened to the hydrogen atom. Many of them were torn from their star at the mid-way stage of their production. During a period of high stella activity...probably at the beginning of that star's life....the atoms forming within it were spewed slag...and in the process...hydrogen atoms forming at the star's surface and amongst them...part atoms which were just starting the hydrogen forming process. These came to planet Earth in their trillions and were harnessed within the cell production process as the hidden, driving force, behind the celular reproduction process...a process, which, if my reasning is correct, feeds evolution and, also, harmful genetic behaviour.
During a period of high stella activity...probably at the beginning of that star's life....the atoms forming within it were spewed slag...and in the process...hydrogen atoms forming at the star's surface and amongst them...part atoms which were just starting the hydrogen forming process

There is so much to choose from, but this may be the stupidest thing I've read this week.

Hydrogen atoms don't form in stars.

What is it that drives the totally ignorant to pretend they know anything?
When dealing with complex issues it is wise not to go off on tangents. The issue here is whether the universe contains hidden forces which can bring us closer to understanding the mechanics behind it and behind some of the very serious issues that face us today. I am suggesting here that there are and they do...and...for those prepared to listen...a scientific basis for my claims.

When dealing with these invisible forces it soon becomes obvious that building an atom is done in stages...and that these stages can be interupted if the conditions suddenly change. This is what happened to the hydrogen atom. Many of them were torn from their star at the mid-way stage of their production. During a period of high stella activity...probably at the beginning of that star's life....the atoms forming within it were spewed slag...and in the process...hydrogen atoms forming at the star's surface and amongst them...part atoms which were just starting the hydrogen forming process. These came to planet Earth in their trillions and were harnessed within the cell production process as the hidden, driving force, behind the celular reproduction process...a process, which, if my reasning is correct, feeds evolution and, also, harmful genetic behaviour.

Then you do not understand your own pressure sources that you have already explained in your Galaxy formation. Two clouds come together, create a force, and form a black hole. Sand is heated until the pressures, and energy forces particles to make glass. You have the exact same physics, but smaller. Surely if you understand ring mathematics you understand that?
Jeez, now you're on to cell mechanisms. You guys flabberghast me.

Do you guys ever read any material that tells you how these things actually work? It's like you get your ideas of cell mechanisms and astrophysics from magazine pictures, and then, without bothering to go further, you just assume current research is totally wrong and start your own hypotheses. But your own hypotheses are based on nothing but your imaginations. Nor do you ever seem to follow up on it to test whether your ideas have merit.

"spinnerets?" "pressure ... mass ... escapes as the negative spiral?"

We have understood a lot about DNA and RNA. Ever thought of reading up on it?

It's like you guys are subscribing to science equivalent of welfare in the job world. Forget about getting a job, let's just keep buying lottery tickets. If it pays off we're rich. You guys don't bother with learning about research and building upon it, you just figure if you follow the wackiest idea, absent a shred of experimental evidence, there's a chance you'll win a Nobel.

Look, I'm not insisting you guys follow dogma, but Jeez, don't even you think it behooves you to at least learn the basics of the thing you're trying to theorize about?

Maybe it's me. Maybe you guys are trolling and laughing all the while that you've hooked someone who takes you at your word. I think it's time for me to unsub.

My theory doesn't work backwards from study. (Well I study the shapes that I needed to build my simulator, to make sure that it could create nature's shapes) That's like taking a TV apart to build a TV. I work forwards from nothing to create the universe in a simulator. The simulator is based on energy traveling to the lowest energy nearby. A bit like 'The Game Of Life' but 3D, and particle simulated. So I end up with the DNA helix from the other direction. Basically from nothing at all.
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I make computer simulations,

No you make computer graphics that are complete fairy tales.

and I don't believe in learning things parrot fashion.

If you were to actually get an education you would find out that science/technology fields in college is not the same as your grade school experiences.

Else I would end up a scientist, which would be terrible, and insulting to me.

Well don't worry, no one with an ounce of sense would call you a scientist or even moderately educated. You are an ignorant, uneducated, close minded individual with delusions of grandure, living in a strange little world of your own making.

Rather pathetic really.:(
No you make computer graphics that are complete fairy tales.

If you were to actually get an education you would find out that science/technology fields in college is not the same as your grade school experiences.

Well don't worry, no one with an ounce of sense would call you a scientist or even moderately educated. You are an ignorant, uneducated, close minded individual with delusions of grandure, living in a strange little world of your own making.

Rather pathetic really.:(

Computer programs can't run on computer graphics. You are thinking of a movie. This test is not a movie, it is real time particle interactions...
The universe is all held together by invisible and undetectable, imploding, electric forces…In fact, they are only detectable by the behaviour of the things they interact with. Gravity is one of these forces, as is the strong nuclear force within the atom. The weak atomic force is a residual force of that strong nuclear force and electro magnetism is a bi-product of those same forces, which also manifest themselves within the living cell. It is the fact that these forces all unify with each other that is our guarantee that we are…here…on the right track.

If we see the entire mass of the universe as the condensed and compressed form of an otherwise weak, invisible, undetectable, yet superabundant electrical material, we can start to piece together what happened to that material which created all the mass, and all the laws harnessed within that mass.

This material must have just drifted around space, building up into many, huge, dense, galaxy sized, clouds, which can erupt in such a way that a galaxy is born and, in the first instance, one such great eruption sent out shockwaves that passed through all such mass-less clouds, kicking up one heck of a storm in each and every one of them.

Each cloud, carried by the shockwave, went spinning outward. Some crashing into others and some just spiralling out into the great void of space, but, each one of them, totally immersed in an electric storm…a massive, electric storm, that had a striking resemblance to the hurricane storm forces, we witness, here, on planet Earth, today. The trigger to set all this in motion had to be the merging together of two, such, gigantic clouds. Their dense cores would recreate what happens in the Hadron collider but up-scaled a trillion, trillion, times, and the result would be an almighty crash which initialised the universe, as we now know it, including all the sciences that we have now come to love…

...and the evidence for all of this is etched in the form of a huge, swirling, imploding, force, the remnant eye of that galaxial, electric the centre of each galaxy…the black hole.

Debunkers welcome.

Let me ask you a question. What would be the velocity of a particle formed from two infinite forces if the particle itself was approaching infinitesimal mass?

Even if we had a collider the size of a galaxy we still could not simulate such an unfathomable force. Even so we can calculate this.
It's difficult to separate myself from guys like origin, above, who is just flinging personal insults and slurs. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that, though I may be just as frustrated as origin, I am addressing your arguments and ideas, not your person.

So I end up with the DNA helix from the other direction. Basically from nothing at all.
Truer words were never spoken. Your ideas are not built up from reality. As you say, they're built up from nothing at all.
It's difficult to separate myself from guys like origin, above, who is just flinging personal insults and slurs. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that, though I may be just as frustrated as origin, I am addressing your arguments and ideas, not your person.

Truer words were never spoken. Your ideas are not built up from reality. As you say, they're built up from nothing at all.

You may be joking but once I developed my theory from nothing Steven Hawking made a program with the same conclusions. Well the nothing part was the same.. the rest was Big Bang.
Jeez, now you're on to cell mechanisms. You guys flabberghast me.

Do you guys ever read any material that tells you how these things actually work? It's like you get your ideas of cell mechanisms and astrophysics from magazine pictures, and then, without bothering to go further, you just assume current research is totally wrong and start your own hypotheses. But your own hypotheses are based on nothing but your imaginations. Nor do you ever seem to follow up on it to test whether your ideas have merit.

"spinnerets?" "pressure ... mass ... escapes as the negative spiral?"

We have understood a lot about DNA and RNA. Ever thought of reading up on it?

It's like you guys are subscribing to science equivalent of welfare in the job world. Forget about getting a job, let's just keep buying lottery tickets. If it pays off we're rich. You guys don't bother with learning about research and building upon it, you just figure if you follow the wackiest idea, absent a shred of experimental evidence, there's a chance you'll win a Nobel.

Look, I'm not insisting you guys follow dogma, but Jeez, don't even you think it behooves you to at least learn the basics of the thing you're trying to theorize about?

Maybe it's me. Maybe you guys are trolling and laughing all the while that you've hooked someone who takes you at your word. I think it's time for me to unsub.
Dave - welcome to the wonderful wacky world of internet science forums. There is a grim pathology that inhabits certain minds that leads them to think they have powerful insights into the universe. It is frsutrating and sad to see in equal measure.

In that regard you later remark that Origin has done nothing but hurl personal insults. The thing is Origin has put up with the sort of self indulgent ignorance spewed by Pincho and the likes of Nicholas Marks for endless threads and interminable posts. Personally, I think he's entitled to call these intellectual pigmies frigging idiots, but he restrains himself. My hat's off to him and my hat's off to you.
Dave - welcome to the wonderful wacky world of internet science forums. There is a grim pathology that inhabits certain minds that leads them to think they have powerful insights into the universe. It is frsutrating and sad to see in equal measure.

In that regard you later remark that Origin has done nothing but hurl personal insults. The thing is Origin has put up with the sort of self indulgent ignorance spewed by Pincho and the likes of Nicholas Marks for endless threads and interminable posts. Personally, I think he's entitled to call these intellectual pigmies frigging idiots, but he restrains himself. My hat's off to him and my hat's off to you.

And based on your celebration of restraint in others, you do not have the intelligence to realise that you are doing the opposite. Even when you are congratulating others you do it paradoxically. I suppose a paradoxical scientific mind, is just a scientific mind.
It's difficult to separate myself from guys like origin, above, who is just flinging personal insults and slurs. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that, though I may be just as frustrated as origin, I am addressing your arguments and ideas, not your person.

Truer words were never spoken. Your ideas are not built up from reality. As you say, they're built up from nothing at all.

Dave, give yourself a bit of time with pincho and the rest of the woo-woo crowd and see if it doesn't drive you to distraction. It is true that my insults are not really useful and in bad form, but these guys are immune to insults anyway; they absolutely believe they are right and science is wrong.

Try this give, pincho some real data that has a sound logical conclsusion - as long as it is part of the mainstream of science he will dispute it with hair brained ideas about bubbles and vortexes and whatever.

I admire the guys that patiently explain things to the woo-woos and when it is clear they are unimpressed by facts and data they simply ignore them.
I admire the guys that patiently explain things to the woo-woos and when it is clear they are unimpressed by facts and data they simply ignore them.
True. I have not been around these parts in a long time and so am not familiar with these guys if they're regulars. I tend to err on the side of patience.

Frankly, a bit of reflection suggests that they're surely trolling. A classic troll move is to switch to a completely different topic once one topic starts to get thin and they want to keep the fish on the hook.

This is what Nicholas just did in post 21 when he went from galaxies to cell mechanisms in one leap. And Pincho followed his lead without batting an eye.

But ... this is what we can expect without aggressive moderator involvement.
And based on your celebration of restraint in others, you do not have the intelligence to realise that you are doing the opposite.
Don't be silly. While I admire restraint in others I have no intention of over-practicing it myself. You are either mentally ill, intellectually challenged, or an ass-hole. I'm not sure which. I find your behaviour fascinating, but in order to observe it without periodically vomiting I feel constrained to tell you exactly how little regard I have for you. You can live with that, ignore it, report me to the moderators, hire a firm to track me down and send me stale pizzas. I'm rather indifferent to what you decide. I do just wish you would wise up.