International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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FieryIce said:
the conference was last tuesday, all my inquires have gone unreplied to.
so, we wait for what now? I don't see anything to discuss here anymore, at least not until new data shows up
it's funny, becayse we use balloons on Mars!
the kind that have baskets tied to them with ropes?
The question is not whether aliens CAN make balloons, but WOULD they make balloons of this particular kind, and for what reason.
May be they were some representatives of the Latvian population that have disappeared so quickly. That population keeps decreasing, but may be those who disappear still exist! May be Latvians are now in hundreds of millions! Lost civilization, hehe.
c'mon, volk. I was being sarcastic with my alien origin balloon theory
because everyone here thinks that an alien craft must be super advanced star destroyer. why not a baloon probe! They'd probably wouldn't even accept aliens if they came in a rusty rocket. and you know why? same old UFO religion. they seek salvation :rolleyes:


Capital News



F-5E serial 4006 (photo, Santiago A. Flores)


Thanks for posting the links FieryIce

Apparently the footage there showing on ccn (????) is a higher quality than the other video that was released.
Here is the best translation:

Prohibi?.ga to subalter to speak to us on ' AUDIO Ovnis'

M?co D.F., 12 of May, 2004.- After which the past Monday occurred to know a video that shows 16
not identified flying objects (Ufos), the Secretary of the National defense, Ricardo Garc Fertile valley? revel. exclusive interview in W personal
Radio that prohibi?.su that ' was spoken of Ufos or flying subjects of
gossip, because the doubts and the choteos ah?omienzan (ridicules) '.
A?.?.e a copy of the est?isponible video for the community cient?ca, if it is that it wishes to analyze it.

Conclusi?.el journalist Jaime Maussan, dedicated for m?de one d?da to the study of fen?.o, it is that the recorded objects were Ufos.

' It is the point of view of Maussan, for that one occurred him (the video), so that it could draw?sus conclusions... but that already versi?.e is one, not of the Sedena, it said Fertile valley in first emisi?.el At the present time

A?.?.e the event is not considered a subject of national security.

The video, engraving with an equipment of visi?.nfrarroja by pilots of Mexican
the A?a Force the 5 of March, it shows a series of shining objects that flew to m?de 3.500 meters of
height, they accelerated abruptly and they changed suddenly of course on the
sky of the state of Logwood.

Grabaci?.ue done while the crew of avi?.erl?C-26 made a daily
monitoring battle to narcotr?co.

The objects were not visible at first and in a while they surrounded
avi. a distance m?ma of two miles, seg?three members of tripulaci rraron.

Fertile valley said that despu?de to be reported that event, the video was analyzed in the facilities of the Sedena and lleg?.la
conclusi?.e that hab?dos ways: to file it like secret or to give it to which it studied that type of

' I not ve?la utility of which that ah?uardado engraving (y) was had
left volume decisi?.e that him of a people who are been working all
her life with this and who makes good use of it, because that went what it was said to him to Jaime Maussan', coment. to title of the Sedena in interview with Carlos Loret de Mola.

. that his first impresi?.l to see the video was that was airplanes
that transported drug, ' but when comenc? to along with discern (tripulaci?.que tra to they?
those lights, I said, no longer they can be so many aviones'.

Danos your opini?.a > (please it indicates to qu?ota you talk about)

"Mexico's defense secretary said authorities have no opinion yet on whether bright lights that were filmed two months ago came from UFOs.

The lights were spotted more than 11,000 feet up, during a routine drug-surveillance mission. They appeared to accelerate quickly and change course suddenly.

Defense Secretary Ricardo Vega Garcia said it was clear from the lights that they could not be drug trafficking planes.

But Vega is warning those under him to avoid talking about flying saucers. He said he released the film to a UFO investigator only because it seemed pointless to keep it a military secret.

The investigator said he thinks the lights are from UFOs."

If this is true, have the mexican dod even investigated what it might be apart from aircraft?

I would count out Stryder's theory just yet :(
"If this is true, have the mexican dod even investigated what it might be apart from aircraft?

I would count out Stryder's theory just yet " -Starone

I wouldn't count out flares either, which is just as silly as the balloon theory.

Of course Mexican dod reviewed it. Fact is they don't have any idea what it is. And, remember that they saw the whole video and probably used imaging enhancements.

So, I would think that its either ET or secret US technology.
It is possible that UFO appear as balloons and stereotype hubcaps from 1950 sci-fi movies in a deliberate effort to remain incognito. It is important to remain skeptical, even if you entertain the notion that UFO's are ET's, which is not supported by this sighting.
spidergoat said:
It is possible that UFO appear as balloons and stereotype hubcaps from 1950 sci-fi movies in a deliberate effort to remain incognito. It is important to remain skeptical, even if you entertain the notion that UFO's are ET's, which is not supported by this sighting.

On the contrary, the video does in fact support that this is ET or secret advanced human technology.

That is, if the rest of the video coincides with the reports of the crafts changing their speed enormously and direction. Also, if these crafts did go invisible to the eye, we would have to agree that we have not have "cloaking" ability yet. And..., if we do, then I think we would dominate the skies of the world and it would make the H-bomb look like a joke.
hi guys,

i watched those three videos:

now, those videos can be watched from a perspective that those lights are not moving at all, but only the plane with the camera is.

this is especially evident in the video number one, in which, when the operator is not "aligning" the camera with the dots, the cursor is overtaking the UFOs. also, in the video 3, it looks like the clouds are moving only because the camera is moving, and you can actually imagine those lights like being some lights stationary on a mountain or something.

what other evidence is there that in fact those light spots are moving at great speeds?
"They appeared to accelerate quickly and change course suddenly"

i find it interesting that one of the world's major aero shows happened in mexico on the day of those UFO recordings. (as well as one in texas, and one in arizona):

so, one of trivial solutions for those UFOs would be that, helped by a bureaucratic error, mexican airforce, or that particular flight crew was not informed about the air show. as a airshow finale, 11 (or 16) balloons go up, infrared sensors easily pick up those balloons (they are full of hot air, after all), but they were not visible by sight because of the distance or because it was too dark, or because the plane crew expected them to be much larger and much more close...

then somebody on the radar also sees 'something' on the other side sees something, too, and, my good, 'we are surrounded'! it is easy to see that 11 points on one side and single one on the other side can count as 'being surrounded', human mind is very flexible, after all. :)

also, the fact that dots appeared to be much closer that they were can give the illusion of "accelerating quickly and changing course suddenly", and that happens when the plane changes directions, however slightly...

so, could this be a simple solution to those UFOs?
It has just occured to me now what would be causing the apparent shape of these round objects.
My experience in seeing aproximately 25-30 crafts in Kelowna B.C. Canada, 3 years ago, As these crafts were moving in a formation comparitavely to drawing the number 8 sideways continuously, I was also able to notice that there was a force feild of some kind surrounding each of these crafts, which is why at first glance I beleived them to be bubbles until the machine like motion of perfect syncronicity was slammed into my awareness.

Yes, around each of these crafts were, (for lack of a better description) indeed a transparent field. Like a bubble. Clear, but you could make out the edges of the feild much more easily.
mestar said:
"They appeared to accelerate quickly and change course suddenly"

i find it interesting that one of the world's major aero shows happened in mexico on the day of those UFO recordings. (as well as one in texas, and one in arizona):

so, one of trivial solutions for those UFOs would be that, helped by a bureaucratic error, mexican airforce, or that particular flight crew was not informed about the air show. as a airshow finale, 11 (or 16) balloons go up, infrared sensors easily pick up those balloons (they are full of hot air, after all), but they were not visible by sight because of the distance or because it was too dark, or because the plane crew expected them to be much larger and much more close...

then somebody on the radar also sees 'something' on the other side sees something, too, and, my good, 'we are surrounded'! it is easy to see that 11 points on one side and single one on the other side can count as 'being surrounded', human mind is very flexible, after all. :)

also, the fact that dots appeared to be much closer that they were can give the illusion of "accelerating quickly and changing course suddenly", and that happens when the plane changes directions, however slightly...

so, could this be a simple solution to those UFOs?

There is a problem I have already pointed out. This was not an 'air show,'
but an expo. It was held inside a hanger, hawking aviation related products.
there was no arial show outside, only a few static planes parked next to the
hanger. The distance between Toluca, where the expo was held, and Carmen
Campeche, where the sightings took place, is between 500 and 600 miles.
Southern Campeche is southeast of Toluca. The only high speed winds, about
70-90 knots, were north of Tolcula and blowing to the northeast. The range
of the FLIR detector varies a lot with conditions and heat of the object detected, but is pretty limited. I looked it up, and as an example, something
the size and heat emitted signature of a tank could be detected at a maximum range of about 22 km. Size makes a difference because the target
has to have enough 'waves', called half-cycles, to reflect off it to be visable.
A greater heat to background difference can increase detection distance, if
the size of the target is sufficient. In other words, an FLIR camera is not
going to detect a balloon 500 miles away. The balloon would have to be large
and HOT to be detected at 50 miles. I haven't looked up the range of their
radar, but I do know the type of radar aircraft use is limited in range also,
probably not over a couple hundred miles at most.

Both the radar and the FLIR use a 'beam' that is emitted and sweeps around
in a circle. They would detect objects on one side before sweeping around to
detect the objects on the other side. Here are a few links.
The floor plan of the expo:

Pictures of the booths inside the expo:

A map with the location of the expo. The sightings were out on the Yacatan
peninsula, over midway out and on the south side.

If you want to read a long tech article on FLIR imaging and limitations to
range, here is a pdf link: notes/04-Imaging Infrared.pdf
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mestar said:
but they were not visible by sight because of the distance

The objects were 2 miles from the airplane at one point. That is well within visual range.

This was one of the things the crew stated in their interviews. They were puzzled because at that distance they should have seen them.

mestar said:
or because it was too dark

It would not have been too dark at 5:00 pm.

mestar said:
or because the plane crew expected them to be much larger and much more close...

The crew knew their approximate dimensions and distance from radar contact that was made. They were also aware of where they were and where to look.

Sorry, but that explanation is still lacking.
Full video to be broadcast on TV and Internet

Thought you might be interested in this message...

-Begin Copy-

From: Santiago Yturria <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 13:22:06 -0500
Subject: Mexico UFO Footage Background Information

Dear friends,

It's important to note that the Mexican Secretary of Defense
conducted a complete investigation with their own team shortly
after the March 5, 2004 incident and also with the help of
scientists and experts selected as goverment advisors. The
investigation was conducted confidentially and followed every
proccedure required.

As the results were inconclusive, in the sense of identifing the
nature of the traffic detected by the C26A equipment, the case
was declared "Unexplained". It was not until April 20, 2004 when
General Clemente Vega, Secretary of Defense decided, with his
staff, to contact Jaime Maussan as an advisor to aid in the
investigation to conduct an independent study and analisis of
the C26A data.

As an expert in UFO incidents relating to civil aircraft, Jaime
had a meeting with General Vega and all the major Defense
officials on April 21 and the next day he was shown all the
materials. The intention of the military was to dig deep into
the phenomenon in which the C26A was involved, trying to establish
if this was indeed a paranormal incident as suspected and to find
elements that were not contained in their own data base with
the purpose of getting to the bottom of this event.

All the facilities were given to Jaime as well as authorization
to access the files and interrogate the crew members. In a
surprising and historic decision General Clemente Vega
authorized Jaime Maussan to release the case with all the facts
to the Mexican people. General Vega said to him with gentle
words: " know you will make good use of this Mr. Maussan."

A complete study and analisis was made by Jaime's research team
and the results have been published on the Internet and presented
on national TV. The conclusions are clear, they were UFOs - solid
objects of unknown origin - flying in airspace along with the
Merlin C26A. The Secretary of Defense accepted the Maussan
research team's conclusions as an unexplained event.

At this time alternate analysis are being conducted by several
groups here in Mexico including astronomers, meteorologists and
digital imaging experts. This is a mutual effort by Mexican
ufologists and scientists to respond to this long awaited UFO
disclosure by our military as an acknowledge for their
confidence in all of us.

The case continues, in its second research phase. Next
Sunday Jaime Maussan will present all the facts,interviews and
the complete footage with original audios in our TV show Los
Grandes Misterios del Tercer Milenio, a two hours live broadcast
simultaneously on the Internet for all to see this story.

The link:

Santiago Yturria

-End Copy-
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