International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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It all began when radar showed an object that was moving 37 miles north of the Mexican Air Force plane, which was moving at approximately 200 mph at an altitude of 11,480 feet. The pilot videotaped off and on with the FLIR camera over a period confirmed on May 14, 2004, to be 31 minutes total

Heres the basics again, again, none of these objects were visible by the naked eye.
Considering the worlds first HALO (high-altitude low-opening) jump was performed from a Balloon, I would suggest pretty high.

Question: When you decided to turn off all your airplane lights, you made that decision to avoid any possible conflict with these strange objects ?

does anyone else think that this is somewhat inconsistent with the time of day that is written on the tape? during the day in full sunlight, it doesn't make much difference if plane has lights on or not... you don't get much concealment from that. was the sun already set at 6 pm in that part of the world, or perhaps the clock on the plane was set to another timezone or something? or perhaps somebody overlooked the fact that the clock on the machine was simply not set?

("oh, yeah, that clock on the camera is always two hours late..." or something)

hey, its just a hypothesis. :)

that would explain no visual contact part. when there is less light, things are harder to see.

also, if the plane was going north, left would be to the west. does anybody know where is the sun in the whole situation?
O.K., I'M back!
Did every body miss me?
Of course you did! What a silly question.
That's what happens when you party hard on a work night. ;)
First off, nice post Easy and welcome to Sci-forms.
Second, why the heck is Stryder possibly even thinking about becoming a moderator?!
Nothing personal Stryder, I thought you were maintaining a great attitude even with all of your ballon pushing despite what I consider to be inconclusive information to continue with that theory, the biggest on being that they were "INVISIBLE!"
I know that them being invisible isn't enough to deter you away from your theory, since it probly keeps you sane, I don't blame you.
But your comments on how you your self did not even really belive in your convictions of them being balloons but that your motives were to see how twisted some of us were for talking about this issue in a "psuedoscience" forum and your overall view of this topic in general left a bad taste in my mouth. Stryder for moderator? BOOOOOO!!!! :mad:

I see alot of people are getting their exercise by running around the same mis-information and the same far out theories of ball lighting, ballons, and, did I here the possibility of METEORITES being a possibilty!!!!?
That just hit an all time low. :eek:

Heres a thought maybe you can awnser Stryder, in hopes of redeeming yourself, if the wind up there was actually blowing 200 m/h, wouldn't the wind be blowing the clouds at a fairly comparative speed, I can't really see why not? Just a thought.

Secondly, if those were indeed INVISIBLE balloons, would'nt there be traces of at least some heat showing up raising off of the tops of those "INVISIBLE" balloons or a trail of some kind?

One last thought, if indeed there is some sort of physical object below two of those crafts, maybe they were carrying something?
A couple crashed ships perhaps. Again, total speculation from yours truly.
Tah Tah!

P.S. I don't know Persol, Stryder seems to have become the expert on balloon behavior, ask him (This would be a big smiley but I already have to many faces!)
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but no one who has studied this footage disputes that the objects were matching the speeds of the plane.

i do.


Question: The eleven targets appeared on the normal (non-infrared) RADAR ?

Answer. No. The eleven targets were not detected on the RADAR screen. Initially, only one target was detected by the RADAR. Then another target appeared at one 'o clock, that's how we describe the position that is in the front but slightly to our right. And then a third one in back of the plane. Those were the only three targets that appeared in the RADAR screen during the incident. The other ones that were at nine 'o clock, on our left side never appeared on the RADAR.

no one who studied the footage disputes that the objects were matching the speed of the plane? well, also, no one has yet given a satisfying solution to those UFOs. so, there is nice match between those two groups, both being empty that is. :)

yes, intelligent beings from another world would be the most satisfying solution, however, there are simpler solutions which are more logical to be considered first.

A scientist thinks it might be balled lighting and that the lightning was drawn to the plane (conductor).

loool. that one is not very plausible at all.

the dots on the video are not those that were seen on the radar, and there is no way of telling how fast the are moving, or even if they are moving at all. ”

Yes they were. The crew used the radar data to get the position of the objects so they could point the FLIR in that direction.

coolmac, no they were not. the eleven dots were not detected on the radar screen.

that could mean:
- they are in stealth
- they were too far, out of radar range

the second explanation is a simpler one.

This is a totally unfounded statement. The objects were seen to move on both radar and the infrared camera. They stayed visible to the plan for a period of time when the plane was traveling over 200mph.

no they were not seen on the radar. i'm talking about the eleven dots that we have on the video.

if they were far away, then it is normal that they would stay visible on the FLIR camera for a long time without having to turn the camera or the plane.

Well that has to be the most comprehensive analysis I've heard yet. They look stupid.

hahahaha : ) sorry, english is not my first language. : ) those 11 dots do not change speed, do not change direction in the video. the ufo cheerer journalist however was very quick to give them intelligence.

Then it's a good thing there are experts analyzing it who can.

sure, i agree. the more solutions offered the better. : ) so, what unusual properties of the 11 dots did those experts see?

2 miles is not far away in the sky.

hm, where did you come up with that figure? that is the distance the one of the other three objects (at least two of which you can't see on the video), and not that of the 11 dots.
spuriousmonkey said:
These aliens sound like party people to me.

I always have some balloons on my parties.

Of course they get down and party Spurious!!!!
In fact, what are you doing Saturday?! :D
They really enjoyed the sixties, thats when most of the ships crashed, coincidence,.....I think not. :cool:
My comments were not about how twisted people are/were, Admittedly I might of acted a little irrational with my commentary on why I was writing stuff (Irrational enough to make people quit the constant rhetoric thats occured for so many pages)
I apologise if you felt bittered by what I stated.

Heres a thought maybe you can awnser Stryder, in hopes of redeeming yourself, if the wind up there was actually blowing 200 m/h, wouldn't the wind be blowing the clouds at a fairly comparative speed, I can't really see why not? Just a thought.

The wind works differently at different levels based upon atmospheric pressure, to which the clouds do play apart in. In fact you could even look into the particular type of cloud shown (I'm guessing Cumulonimbus) which would give an explaination to what pressure and wind speed would be occuring.

they are motionless

Please tell me on what you base this statement. You keep repeating it but it contradicts many of the basic

facts of the case.

i agree. probably the illusion of them moving, and moving very fast at that, is at heart of the mystery that we have here. perhaps that is why no one yet has considered some trivial solutions, like heat sources on the ground.

so, here i go. i have about 6 different mpg files, i'll use the one that is 19 MB in size, i got it from emule. i'll use time indexes from the tape, so you can find those on other versions as well.


two large dots in the center, some more crap on the left. watch how the "cursor" in the middle behaves. it looks to me that operator uses some kind of joystick to control where the camera points. now, there are smooth periods when the cursor is overtaking the targets, and then there are jerks when the cursor is moving back so that two UFOs stay in the center. from this i conclude that in fact those UFOs are motionless and that plane is moving past them, so the operator has to shift camera to the back to track them. if they had the exact same speed as the plane, no operator tweaking would be necessary.

also, imagine that you are looking down from a plane, there are two lights, and there is some village with lights on the left. so, in this scene, the lights can be interpreted as motionless.


much darker image now, it looks like its night time now. (strange! night at 17:27???) also, the blob in the middle does not move at all, relative to the clouds behind

16:42:55 to 16:42:56 (or it could be 16:42:35 to 16:42:36 i can't tell exactly)

only two seconds, but we see what looks like a thermal image of a city, and there is a blob that looks exactly as those UFOs and is NOT MOVING AT ALL in relation to the city.


now we see two dots, and what looks like a river, and two dots again are stationary relative to the river.


now we see a dot and this one is moving, and we can see that when in 'steady state' the cursor is much slower than the dot. this must be the first UFO that was seen on the radar and that the plane was following.


now we see those "balloons", here the illusion that they are moving is strong, but notice how the camera, in the period 17:03:49 to 17:03:50 is overtaking them. imagine here that they are further away then they seem and you get different image, that they are standing. i watched this part probably 50 times and more, and i can imagine them closer, and they really look like moving, and i can imagine them further and they really do appear motionless. they do look big, however, this is due to oversaturation of the IR camera. this is explained in one of the links in this thread.

17:06:25 -26

they do look like they are moving behind clouds. but, look at those two seconds from the perspective that those are lights on the ground and that the camera is following them, and dots disappearing in the clouds could be explained by airplane moving and camera rotating to keep them visible. also, look at how the operator is keeping the white cloud in the focus, and the cloud behind is also moving forward. how can two clouds that are so close have so different speeds? is the cloud in the background also following the plane? no, this is the result of camera rotating to avoid looking at the cloud. also, here i have no problems seeing those lights like being some houses on the ground.


the cloud is gone, but look how the operator went ahead of the UFOs. again, this is congruent with the fact that those lights are far away and motionless, and that, when not being controlled by the operator, the camera is overtaking them.


i have no problem interpreting those dots as being motionless far away. (just imagine them like dots on the ground to see what i'm talking about)


movement obviously because of the camera being moved from those three dots to the big one, then back.

02:41 from the start of the mpg

some spanish looking guy is talking, but only right side of his lips is moving. : )


when 'not moving' the camera is obviously overtaking the UFO, then the operator jerks the camera to the dot of light.


again, camera operator centering the dot in the middle of the screen.

that's it guys. : )
Thanks Stryder, if and when you become moderator, please be aware that some of us take this matter of ET quite personally.
I have nothing but respect for those who have not seen anything themselves to convince them of such things.
I would be the same way.
Even before I had seen them myself, I semi beleived in the possibilty of ET.
Far from being anything that I thought about on a daily or even a monthly basis.
You know, it was more like, I wonder who the lucky lady is going to be this weekend!
And such.
Even now I am not sure if seeing these crafts was a good thing or a bad thing.
It is what it is.
And the rest is speculation on my part.
Good luck on moderatorship.

What do you think they are Mestar, given the information provided.?

i have no idea. however, i do like a good mystery.
mestar, you do see the elevation angle of the FLIR given in the frames, don't you?
For instance, it is +2 degrees in the shot with the two objects. I don't believe the
Mexican Air Force crew, who were trained in the operation of the equipment, would
be stupid enough not to know their camera was pointed at the ground at stationary
targets. I don't believe the scientists and the FLIR representives who have examined the tape would be so ignorant as to overlook something so simple. But, I suppose
you are more intelligent than them, correct?

mestar, you do see the elevation angle of the FLIR given in the frames, don't you?

hahahaha, after watching it again for the 101st time, i noticed the scale on the left. the zero is not really in the center. and the UFOs are at 45 to 60, whatever that scale represents (obviously it is not angle degrees). so, now that basically includes heat sources on the ground as a possible solution.

and, yes i did notice that "El" indicator, and in my last two posts, i gave the idea of looking at those dots as being on the ground simply as a helper so you can readjust your brain to the idea of them being further than they seem, and even motionless. my main point was that they do not necessarily move, and fixed heat sources in formation are much easier to explain.

But, I suppose you are more intelligent than them, correct?

well, that is probably true, but, anyway, thanks. : ) perhaps more troubleshooting experience is what counts. : )

(that last part was a joke, for the humor impaired)
Just curious, has anyone else on this thread actually ever seen a UFO?
Or even more specifically, a craft or crafts that were definitely identifiable, just unexplained?
I mentioned (but in not so many words) a couple of pages back,

-133 to -139deg's AZ stands for azimuth, the Azimuth bearing of Zero (0) is either North or South depending on your hemisphere, in this instance it's the Northern Hemisphere being used, however if the plane had been set for flying further south it would be inverted. (This is what I'm lead to believe, however you might be able to find more information out on it)
One, they look exactly like balloons.

Two, balloons operate at 14,000 feet all the time.

Three, the plane "followed" them, not the other way around. No mention is made of airspeed. A range of two miles is noted in the transcripts, but who knows.

Four, balloons don't bounce a RADAR signature worth much of anything (they are fabric structures, the beam passes through).

Five, anything with the capacity to travel hundreds of light years in an object shaped like a hot air balloon, use this same object to defeat RADAR and visual checks (but conveniently ommit the super secret, high tech infrared signature), and to float in complete defiance of every physical law man holds dear, is not going to spend its time touring the Mexican outback.

That ignores the radar evidence. The radar contacts were used to ascertain the position of the objects for the FLIR camera.

Stationary lights/heat sources on the ground would not show up on radar.
Heres something I didn't bring to the table previously, that might explain a few things if your interested in learning.

Firstly something you can experiment with at home if you have a "Lazer Pen" the sort used for point on Presentations at lectures etc.

Rig up a Camera to view you infront of it with the Lazerpen, make the camera output what it see's on a monitor behind it, so you can see yourself on the screen.

Point the lazer directly at the camera lens.

What happens?....

The Camera will go completely blank if you get it right, The reason for this is due to the Intensity of light coming from your Infrared lazer pen, cameras have a set level of light before they do this, to which the pen is flooding.

You probably asking now, "why do you mention this?"

Note when your not point the pen at the camera, you can't see the beam being pointed at it. This I'll say for argument sake is a balloon 2 miles away from an aircraft, now lets say your camera is the airplane in question trying to spot things, you pick up a radar contact where your pen is, but you can't see it (perhaps it's too small).

However when your orientate the camera with the craft (in this case moving your pen's dot to the camera lens), Sunlight is reflected from the balloon in the direction of the camera, This causes a "blur" to be generated based on the intensity of the light to the camera.

Now when the plane moves off course slightly in relationship to this reflected light (moving the pen point away from the lens again) the Balloon disappears from view.

With a number of balloons in the sky flying with each other, it's safe to say that you would see some through this reflection while others would still be at the wrong angles to reflect sunlight.

If you still think it's a UFO, I hope you had fun with a lazer pen.
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