International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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Thanks for reposting the url 2inquisitive because I look at the facts not engage in the rhetoric of the distractors from the truth of what is what.
What I find very amazing is the fact that a military body would release this information and that they did investigate the incident but could not come to any conclusion so they handed the information over to another researcher (UFOlogist). Kewl
Simply I believe it's a closed statement, the only reason why any of you think it's otherwise is because you tend to feed off yourselves like some elaborate psychological fractal evolving its perceptions of the chaos it outputs.

This overall thread has been a good method of finding out what makes each of you tick in your own ways (I haven't been outputting "balloons" to get a rise out of you lot, but I needed a better understanding of all your ideologies and age ranges)

However I still think you tend to base all your Findings/Research/Source material from sites that are hardly deemed reliable, but then again it's Pseudoscience, what do we expect... hard facts?

My stance on ETI is simple, I know somewhere else in the universe there will be many other different types of lifeform that are unlike what we have on our planet, However I doubt they would be secretly visiting or manipulating us or our world, afterall SETI has been scanning the skies for years and still turned up no alien civilisation.

Humankind suffers from many afflictions, such as greed and aspirations of power or just the sadistic nature of people that want to pull elaborate hoaxes on those people that have superstitious natures. In fact it's proven that propaganda is a powerful media tool that can shape whole groups of peoples belief's through what they perceive.

Such propaganda is not just used by the military, political and religious factions use it and those that fit neither category (Cult groups) and since our world is filled full of so many jokers in the pack I tend not to jump to conclusions about something being "alien in origin".
That's right. The pilot and his crew were not able at any time to see the objects. He received the information from the radar that have two or three different objects at the same time in the radar in the back and they had two more at that same moment with the FLIR (infrared camera). For that reason, he (pilot) realized he was surrounded. But he could not see the objects (with his eyes.)

Updated with Navy Physicist: Unidentified, Invisible Aerial Objects Video taped in Infrared by Mexican Air Force Pilots

I guess you want them to hate you now that your going to become mod? These are the people that voted for you because they thought your moderate and you jest went through a post describing how you want to study their cult like belief structure more closely! Take about back stabbing.
a. The lights appear to be virtually stationary in some of the FLIR footage as these
objects on the left of the plane matched speed with that plane. Ever hear of relative velocity? Is this a 'science' forum or what?

b. Now to rubbish the baloon baloney:
> 1. At 2 km such large balloons would have been visible, especially the 5-storied
> house sized object. I estimate
> that an object 1m in diameter would be visible at 2 km for eagle-eyed (or
> condor-eyed :) ) Federales.
> 2. The 'gondola' of the balloon is an artifact of the saturated FLIR image -
> Macabee already had this info from the FLIR
> manufactures - when there is saturation light reflects round the optics to
> sometimes give sub-images such as
> these 'halos' that look like the lower bits of balloons
> 3. Just because the UFOs seemed to moved scarcely at all w.r.t. the distant
> clouds need only imply
> that the parallax was small between them, due to their being at a great
> distance ( > 7 km). Thus to conclude
> by a superficial eye-ball estimate that the objects were simply being blown by
> the wind is indeed superficial .
> 4. The balloon analysis conveniently dismisses the 'close-ups' in the video
> where the UFOs go behind clouds,
> at a substantial relative velocity. With several layers of clouds at
> different speeds it's not surprising that the
> velocity of one such layer might nearly coincide with any arbitrarily moving
> object.
> 4. Weather balloons do not accelerate from 150 km/h to 540 km/h in a few
> seconds. This data was reliably returned by the radar,
> which is more accurate than eyeball estimates of the IR screens.
> 5. Since when did weather balloons travel in groups of 11, that then proceeded
> to approach and surround a plane?
> 6. Finally, as a remark on the equally superficial ball lightning hypothesis, if
> the objects were at 7 km distance they
> were not going to be attracted to the plane electrostatically.
Further rubbishing of ball lightning hypothesis:
First, ball lightning lasts only seconds and secondly does not line up as 2 groups of almost identical
triads in similar regular triangular formation with outlying escorts
lasting for 30 minutes! Reports of ball lightning that I have heard always speak of one single ball, that flies chaotically around before exploding with a pop.
These balls, however, were flying at jet-plane speed - maybe nearly the speed of sound, in regular formation for half an hour.
They altered their course, first flying quickly away from the pursuers, but then as if noting their presence, slowed down and moved in to fly nearer to them - no, this sort of long term behaviour always in strict geometrical formation has to be artificial.

The 'ball lightning' theory is handy for pseudo-sceptical 'scientists' if they interpret it in a vague way to be 'any weird moving ball'. Also laughable in that Mexican scientist's statement is that because ball lightning was mainly seen at night this is why it only appeared in IR and radar. Talk about inverted logic! They are only seen at night precisely because they are glowing visible balls of light! But these ones were invisible.

Finally, the seemingly intelligent behaviour when they closed in and encircled the plane sounds like a coordinated activity. Just because they are 'unstable balls of gas' does not mean Also, it was implied that they followed the plane due to some sort of electrical attraction to the machine - but the balls were always many km distant - except when they approached near - that nearest being 3 km. Unless the plane had the most powerful directional cyclotron on board I don't see how its field could have extended that far. No this scientist probably took some of the drugs the airmen were hunting.
Nice thread, Easy.

I found out that the official video imaging from FLIR is 11 minutes long. I believe we have seen 2:50 of it. It still would be intrigued to see the whole thing with a combination of audio, video (pilots view of seeing nothing), and the FLIR for the whole 40 minutes. This is history. Lets see it!!!!
> 4. Weather balloons do not accelerate from 150 km/h to 540 km/h in a few
> seconds. This data was reliably returned by the radar,
> which is more accurate than eyeball estimates of the IR screens.

Looking at the actual footage, its barely moves in distance, if these were the speeds that the objects were going at wouldn't that imply a greater distance than 2kms.

Although I have a different perspective on how some of the people in this forum see this event, It doesn't mean that if I get into moderatorship that I'm going to be deleting what they say based on my difference of opinion.

I'm actually glad to see some of them now attempt to backup their claims, although still using links to documents that I still wouldn't class as "smoking gun evidence".

However most of them have remained civil enough, albeit they might feel my conclusion is wrong but if they knew what background I've covered in the paranormal area, they might of realised why I have such high convictions towards my understanding of events.

The only edits that might have been done to this thread (Which won't now) would have only been when the topic in question had been greatly strayed from just to create posts of ridicule. (This doesn't just imply posts of ridicule to myself but anyone from what ever side of the fence they stand)
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It has been ruled out only in the opinion of the pilot.

:m: Peace.
goofyfish said:
It has been ruled out only in the opinion of the pilot.

:m: Peace.

Didn't bother reading the link, did you goofy? It wasn't about the pilot's
opinion. Here is a cut & paste for those that don't follow links:

"Engineer in Geophysics Alberto Hernandez is sub-manager of the National Meteorological Services, Mexico's official meteorological center. He is also a Member of the Scientific Advisory Comitee of the National System for Civil Protection, and Member of the Hurricane Committee of the Worldwide Meteorological Association."


"Question: Did the scientists from the UNAM approached the National Meteorological Services to request the meteorological conditions over Campeche to support their theory?
Answer: No, they have never approached us at any time. If they are talking about a meteorological phenomena at that location, they should have meet with us at the National Meteorological Services to obtain the meteorological conditions just like your team did as well as other journalists.
There were no weather ballons sent up in that area.
Question: What's the duration of a flash of lightning.
Answer: A flash lasts microseconds. We can not talk even of one or two seconds because it's just a single discharge. To say that these lights on the video are ball lighting or electrical sparks is nonsense. I repeat, that day there were no meteorological conditions for flash or ball lightning in the entire Campeche area. The clouds must have been at approximately 7 kilometers high therefore what we see are stable stratus cloud formations.
Question: What could we be seeing here in this video.
Answer: If this is an optical phenomena it cannot be refered to Meteorology. It is not a photo meteor, it is not a litho meteor. They are not ice crystals nor a St. Elmo's fire. Those are all meteorological phenomenons. And this is not a mirage phenomena."
hello there,

to solve a mystery that no one has solved so far, you must put your focus on things that no one has thought of before... also, it all depends on where you put your energies...

those dots on the video are very solid compared to each other. the infrared view seems to enlarge very bright spots. spots being enlarged gives an illusion that they are closer than they really are. objects that appear closer, when observed from a moving airplane will also appear to move faster than they

really are. or even, they will appear to move even if they are not moving at all.

also, radar did not pick them up, that could indicate that they were further away than it looks, they could be out of radar range. the infrared camera has no "range", so they can in fact be very far, but very hot.

just some comments from random posts:

The crew stated that the objects surrounded them and kept pace with them for several minutes​

so, surrounded in this case meant two radar blips in the front and one in the back, and also some heat sources on the left and far away, perhaps on the ground somewhere, that the radar did not pick up.

70 knots is 80 mph, far shorter than the 200 mph speed required.

the dots on the video are not those that were seen on the radar, and there is no way of telling how fast the are moving, or even if they are moving at all.

11 such areas having exactly the same size, temperature, and traveling at the same speed. Very unlikely.

it is, however, much more likely, if the speed they were traveling at is in fact zero. :) also, very easy to hold formation when you are not moving.

the fact that they showed up on radar
the unusual behavior they exhibited

the sources on the video, did not show up at all on radar. they exhibit no behavior.

There is the identical speed they all displayed,

very likely that speed is 0.

Couldn't the movement of the plane with a relatively stationary gas pocket (or one moving with a jet stream) give the illusion of a fast moving "object?"

11 dots were not gas pockets. :) however, if you are driving in a car and if you fool your brain that the moon is very close, it can appear that the moon is matching the car in speed, and is following it. the dots on the video were just points, but where blown up on the IR receptor because of the intensity of the heat radiation. therefore, they appeared much bigger on the screen, which gives the illusion that they are much closer, which, again, gives the illusion that they are moving at the same speed as the plane.

only the sighting of very strange contacts, incomprehensible in that situation, since there was absolutely nothing flying in the area

...except for two radar dots in front, and one in the back. also, some heat sources left and probably very far away.

You also have to account for the behavior and characteristics exhibited by these objects

the dots on the left of the plain, that are in the video look pretty stupid to me.

The fact that the mexican military could not identify the objects after an extensive investigation blows your balloon theory out of the water.

So far the only hypotheses that even come close to fitting the facts are some kind of unusual atmospheric phenomenon or some mysterious craft with unusual properties.

i can't see any unusual properties on the dots on the video. they are motionless and far away, probably.

The lights appear to be virtually stationary in some of the FLIR footage as these
objects on the left of the plane matched speed with that plane. Ever hear of relative velocity?

if they were far away, it only looks like they matched their speeds with the plane.

If this is investigated correctly, we have one of the most solid evidences ever, Linda.

hahahaha, is this is one of the most solid evidences, then i laugh at the other evidence. also, most solid evidence of what, exactly? :)

You started off good, but when I got to the part about them perhaps not moving at all, I stopped reading.

Watch the video.

I hate that this discussion rolls around in circles, because its 9 pages long, but no one who has studied this footage disputes that the objects were matching the speeds of the plane. As of yet, no official disputes that the plane was surrounded either. A scientist thinks it might be balled lighting and that the lightning was drawn to the plane (conductor).
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2inquisitive said:
Didn't bother reading the link, did you goofy? It wasn't about the pilot's
opinion. Here is a cut & paste for those that don't follow links:
I read what the poster asked me to read. When the page opened, there was the statement, "Interview with Major Magdaleno Castanon - Pilot." I then scrolled to the bottom and read the part about ball lightning. My bad for not being thorough.

;) Peace.
It just occured to me what the objects look like. They look like a flock of birds don't they?

I mean, I really doubt they are, but the formation is so string like..., a sort of follow the leader, yet everything is in the same position as it moves.
mestar said:
the dots on the video are not those that were seen on the radar, and there is no way of telling how fast the are moving, or even if they are moving at all.

Yes they were. The crew used the radar data to get the position of the objects so they could point the FLIR in that direction.

mestar said:
it is, however, much more likely, if the speed they were traveling at is in fact zero. :) also, very easy to hold formation when you are not moving.

This is a totally unfounded statement. The objects were seen to move on both radar and the infrared camera. They stayed visible to the plan for a period of time when the plane was traveling over 200mph.

mestar said:
the sources on the video, did not show up at all on radar. they exhibit no behavior.

3 of them did, not the entire 11 though.

mestar said:
11 dots were not gas pockets. however, if you are driving in a car and if you fool your brain that the moon is very close, it can appear that the moon is matching the car in speed, and is following it. the dots on the video were just points, but where blown up on the IR receptor because of the intensity of the heat radiation. therefore, they appeared much bigger on the screen, which gives the illusion that they are much closer, which, again, gives the illusion that they are moving at the same speed as the plane.

Even if that could occur, you also have to consider that there is radar data describing the movement as well. This cannot be accounted for by gas pockets or the moon.

mestar said:
the dots on the left of the plain, that are in the video look pretty stupid to me.

Well that has to be the most comprehensive analysis I've heard yet. They look stupid. :rolleyes:

mestar said:
i can't see any unusual properties on the dots on the video.

Then it's a good thing there are experts analyzing it who can.

mestar said:
they are motionless

Please tell me on what you base this statement. You keep repeating it but it contradicts many of the basic facts of the case.

mestar said:
and far away, probably.

2 miles is not far away in the sky.

mestar said:
hahahaha, is this is one of the most solid evidences, then i laugh at the other evidence. also, most solid evidence of what, exactly? :)

UFOs, obviously. Try using a little logical reasoning.
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They said "This is my balloon, I hope you like it, we have plenty more where that came from!" :D
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