Influencing children to become heterosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become heterosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 22 62.9%

  • Total voters
tiassa said:
Fair question, I suppose, but my answer is a question in itself: Why does it matter?
It matters because it shows that people do make a choice of their sexual prefence.
tiassa said:
Along the same lines, though, a friend of mine bases his dislike of homosexuals on personal experience. He claims a 350-pound "Samoan faggot" tried to rape him once when they both were drunk. Traumatic, indeed, I would imagine. But I posed to him the following issue: What if every woman who experienced the profound distaste of male heterosexual advances were to react so sharply? There would be nobody left to hit on.
Maybe if women were "to react so sharply" it would change mens behaviour?
tiassa said:
I have not yet heard an answer, and do not expect one. To the other, it's his business. He doesn't actually realize how many homo- or bi-sexual people he knows, and maybe I'll let him in on the secret someday.
The sad part is that as homosexuality becomes more accepted more people will feel at ease and be willing to partake or "experiment".
I think this relaxed acceptance of homosexuality is unfair to the children of the future.

Thats why I "react so sharply", sorry.
D'ster said:

It matters because it shows that people do make a choice of their sexual prefence.

Yes. All homosexuals have been raped by the opposite sex. You've figured out the dark secret. Like my friend who calls herself a lesbian; I haven't heard about her female lovers in years, but I have heard about her male lovers.

To the other, though, it could be that there's no difference when it comes to love or recreational sex, and homophobes are just too slow to figure it out.

Does it make much of a difference to you, if you're banging someone in the ass, if they have a cock or not? Why? (What? You're not into butt-sex? Fine with me. Doesn't make you a prude.)

Maybe if women were "to react so sharply" it would change mens behaviour?

If the force of law isn't enough, I doubt a horde of lesbians would be. Seriously, when women do react so sharply, men don't take them seriously. How many times have I heard it said of a lesbian that she "just needs to be f@cked right"?

The sad part is that as homosexuality becomes more accepted more people will feel at ease and be willing to partake or "experiment".


I think this relaxed acceptance of homosexuality is unfair to the children of the future.


Thats why I "react so sharply", sorry.

Well, if it's really that important to you, perhaps you might consider giving the issue some real, decent, logical, intelligent thought. Just a suggestion.

What I don't understand is what you've got against other people being happy. Well, that and your extremely poor regard for sexual consent. The former, of course, is curiosity. Meow. I know I'm going to regret the answer. The latter, however, is downright scary.
The world becoming more open-minded is hurting the children of the future? If you mean an eventual population reduction, that would be great. There's not currently enough food for all of the children of the world to eat. Perhaps if there were less people, it would be better, because the balance of nature start to restore. Like if you over crowd an area with lions and not enough food. Eventually, the lion population would have to plummet, in order to restore nature's balance. Beyond the obligation of a species to reproduce, I can't see what problem you would have with homosexuality. You don't simply have a baseless bias against homo/bisexuals? That would be so naive.
Oniw17 said:
The world becoming more open-minded is hurting the children of the future? If you mean an eventual population reduction, that would be great. There's not currently enough food for all of the children of the world to eat. Perhaps if there were less people, it would be better, because the balance of nature start to restore. Like if you over crowd an area with lions and not enough food. Eventually, the lion population would have to plummet, in order to restore nature's balance. Beyond the obligation of a species to reproduce, I can't see what problem you would have with homosexuality. You don't simply have a baseless bias against homo/bisexuals? That would be so naive.

There is enough food for all; its the distribution that sucks. I get so mad when I see food go to waste when so many children are starving to death.
D'ster said:
It matters because it shows that people do make a choice of their sexual prefence.
Hmmm.. I'm heterosexual and sorry to disprove you but it wasn't a "choice" for me. That's what I am. Can my homosexual friends make the choice to become heterosexual? I guess the chance of that happening is about as high as my making the choice to become a homosexual. But seeing that I'm not homosexual, well... you can guess the rest.

The sad part is that as homosexuality becomes more accepted more people will feel at ease and be willing to partake or "experiment".
How can one not accept fellow humans simply because their sexuality is different? I mean honestly, do you seriously think that they should be shunned by the general public, discriminated against, beaten, killed, etc? Oh wait, they are already treated as such. Hmmm.. talk about acceptance.

So what would you propose be done? Round them all up and put them on a deserted island and drop a nuke on their heads? Now the threat of being nuked would be a good deterrent don't you think? What you have failed to realise is that they are not accepted by one and all. I mean look at you? Sadly there are more like you roaming the public streets.

I think this relaxed acceptance of homosexuality is unfair to the children of the future.
So teaching the children of the future to hate and mistreat people who can't help being homosexual just as a black person can't help being black is fair? You think it would be fair to encourage the children of the future to discriminate wantonly those who are born homosexual? It is my deepest wish that you never reproduce, because the thought of someone such as yourself encouraging your offspring to hate and discriminate as you do actually makes my blood run cold and makes me realise that the future really is that bleak.
D'ster said:
It matters because it shows that people do make a choice of their sexual prefence.
You lose a little credibility with every post you make. My respect for you is now low. But I am willing to give you the chance to redeem yourself in my eyes.

Do me a huge favor, okay? Don't make excuses. Don't try to find loopholes. Don't try to weasel your way out of it through any means. If you want me to treat you with any shread of respect, if you want me to treat you with anything better than outright and merciless derision (while abiding by the rules of these forums, of course), I strongly and sincerely request that you do me this favor.

Isolate yourself in a quiet environment where you know you won't be distracted. Clear your mind of any stresses and worries. Relax.

Then, once you feel as calm and relaxed as possible, start thinking about something for me. Think about a man in a sexual way. Concentrate only on that. Concentrate as much as you can, and try to make yourself sexually aroused only by this man. Forget about how gross it is to you, and forget anything else that may stop you, or else it won't work and you will have failed in your favor to me. Let your mind run wild and free creating sexual fantasies with this imaginary man. Don't hold back one bit.

This may sound like an outrageous favor to ask, but think of it this way: You have nothing to lose, except the argument. If you're right and you can choose which sex you are attracted to, then you can choose to be straight again once you're done, and no harm will have been done. If I'm right and sexual orientation is fixed, then try as you might, your mind will come up with no fantasies for this man; you will not be turned on by this imaginary man, and you will remain straight through it all.

I want you to make a post acknowledging mine and agreeing to the favor. Then I want you to report back to me when you've done it. I will give you a week to do this. I'd prefer that you post the results for all to read — but if you are embarassed by the results of this favor, you are free to report to me through PM; I will not embarass you in any way if you choose to report through PM, nor will I feel any urge to rub anything in your face, so there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, you must make me feel that you made an honest effort in accomplishing this favor, or else you will have failed, and you will lose all my respect for you.

What do you say?
Athelwulf said:
You lose a little credibility with every post you make. My respect for you is now low. But I am willing to give you the chance to redeem yourself in my eyes.

Do me a huge favor, okay? Don't make excuses. Don't try to find loopholes. Don't try to weasel your way out of it through any means. If you want me to treat you with any shread of respect, if you want me to treat you with anything better than outright and merciless derision (while abiding by the rules of these forums, of course), I strongly and sincerely request that you do me this favor.

Isolate yourself in a quiet environment where you know you won't be distracted. Clear your mind of any stresses and worries. Relax.

Then, once you feel as calm and relaxed as possible, start thinking about something for me. Think about a man in a sexual way. Concentrate only on that. Concentrate as much as you can, and try to make yourself sexually aroused only by this man. Forget about how gross it is to you, and forget anything else that may stop you, or else it won't work and you will have failed in your favor to me. Let your mind run wild and free creating sexual fantasies with this imaginary man. Don't hold back one bit.

This may sound like an outrageous favor to ask, but think of it this way: You have nothing to lose, except the argument. If you're right and you can choose which sex you are attracted to, then you can choose to be straight again once you're done, and no harm will have been done. If I'm right and sexual orientation is fixed, then try as you might, your mind will come up with no fantasies for this man; you will not be turned on by this imaginary man, and you will remain straight through it all.

I want you to make a post acknowledging mine and agreeing to the favor. Then I want you to report back to me when you've done it. I will give you a week to do this. I'd prefer that you post the results for all to read — but if you are embarassed by the results of this favor, you are free to report to me through PM; I will not embarass you in any way if you choose to report through PM, nor will I feel any urge to rub anything in your face, so there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, you must make me feel that you made an honest effort in accomplishing this favor, or else you will have failed, and you will lose all my respect for you.

What do you say?


From everything I've read about homosexuality there is no way it could be 100% genetic. In some genetically identical twins, one is homosexual and the other heterosexual. Therefore, there are other factors that affect homosexual behavior. AS a parent I have the right, and in my opinion, the duty to steer my child away from behavior that clearly has health risks associated with it, and also has questionable morality.

My answer is yes -- try to influence my child to avoid risky behavior.
Woody said:

From everything I've read about homosexuality there is no way it could be 100% genetic. In some genetically identical twins, one is homosexual and the other heterosexual. Therefore, there are other factors that affect homosexual behavior. AS a parent I have the right, and in my opinion, the duty to steer my child away from behavior that clearly has health risks associated with it, and also has questionable morality.

My answer is yes -- try to influence my child to avoid risky behavior.
What risky behaviour? A person's sexual practice, be it heterosexual or homosexual has risks if safe sex practices aren't utilised. As much as you can try to steer your child towards heterosexuality, if your child is homosexual then they will be homosexual. No amount of 'steering' will change that fact. It is not a state of mind.

The risk of attempting to influence a child or 'steering' them towards heterosexuality could result in an increased chance of your child feeling abnormal, rejected and possibly suicidal if they are homosexual because that child will feel that his/her parent does not accept their sexuality. If you tell your child that homosexuality is wrong, immoral, abnormal, etc, and that child finds itself attracted to the same sex, how will that child feel after being brought up hearing only that homosexuality is bad? I don't know about you, but I'd rather my child grow up knowing that as a parent, I would accept him regardless of his sexuality. I do not want my child to grow up feeling rejected or feeling that he is somehow abnormal and somehow bad because of his sexuality. I would rather my child not feel like ending it. I'd rather have my child alive and happy then be depressed and suicidal. But that's just me.

We cannot control our children's sexuality. My child is at the present time a happy and chubby 9 month old who is only concerned at the present time with being cuddled when he wants to be, have us get on the floor and play with him all the time, refuse to sleep when he's meant to sleep and trying his best to learn to walk as soon as possible. As to his sexuality, we as his parents simply cannot know. He's happy being the child he is. I will not ever start telling him that heterosexuality is the only choice for him. Nor will I tell him that homosexuality is a viable option for him. What he will grow up hearing is that his parents will love him and support him no matter what.
Woody said:

From everything I've read about homosexuality there is no way it could be 100% genetic. In some genetically identical twins, one is homosexual and the other heterosexual. Therefore, there are other factors that affect homosexual behavior. AS a parent I have the right, and in my opinion, the duty to steer my child away from behavior that clearly has health risks associated with it, and also has questionable morality.

My answer is yes -- try to influence my child to avoid risky behavior.

Problems with Twin Studies
James R said:
There are no health risks from being homosexual, per se.
per se?

Sexually transmitted diseases – Research gathered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, has found significantly higher rates of rectal gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS and all three strains of Hepatitis among homosexuals. Other studies have likewise linked homosexuality with increased rates of Human Papillomavirus (the leading cause of cervical cancer worldwide), syphilis and anal cancer. Although self-identified homosexuals account for less than 5 percent of the American population, they are the carriers of over 50 percent of HIV/AIDS cases.

Risky behaviors – Campaigns to foster so-called "safe sex" among homosexuals have done nothing to reduce risky behavior. A 1997 CDC report found that among homosexuals who had unprotected anal intercourse and multiple sexual partners, 68 percent were entirely unaware of the HIV status of their partners.

Promiscuity – A large percentage of homosexual men have hundreds of sexual partners throughout their lifetime. According to a profile of 2,583 homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, only 2.7 reported having had sexual relations with only one partner, compared to the largest percentage that claimed to have had between 101 and 500 partners over their lifetime. Compare that to the markedly lower promiscuity rates among married heterosexual couples. According to the latest statistics from the CDC, 92 percent of married males and 93 percent of married females reported having had only one sexual partner over the previous twelve months (presumably their spouses).

Domestic abuse – A survey conducted by the Journal of Social Service Research found that more than half of lesbian respondents reported having been abused by a female partner or lover. Conversely, research has found that married heterosexual women experience the lowest rates of domestic abuse compared to other types of relationships.

Life span – A 1997 study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that even under "the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban center are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871." The same study estimated that homosexual behavior reduces the lifespan of males by eight to 20 years. Comparatively, the CDC has found that male and female smokers lose an average of 13.2 to 14.5 years of life, respectively.
D'ster said:
Promiscuity... only 2.7 reported having had sexual relations with only one partner, compared to the largest percentage that claimed to have had between 101 and 500 partners over their lifetime... 93 percent of married females reported having had only one sexual partner over the previous twelve months.
I can't be bothered going through all this crap but just a quick point about the above: erm, timescale may be a factor. You're comparing the incomparable.
Sexually transmitted diseases – Research gathered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, has found significantly higher rates of rectal gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS and all three strains of Hepatitis among homosexuals. Other studies have likewise linked homosexuality with increased rates of Human Papillomavirus (the leading cause of cervical cancer worldwide), syphilis and anal cancer. Although self-identified homosexuals account for less than 5 percent of the American population, they are the carriers of over 50 percent of HIV/AIDS cases.

This is not caused by homosexuality, as the rest of your text shows. Look, I'll highlight the important parts for you, since you obviously missed them.

Risky behaviors – Campaigns to foster so-called "safe sex" among homosexuals have done nothing to reduce risky behavior. A 1997 CDC report found that among homosexuals who had unprotected anal intercourse and multiple sexual partners, 68 percent were entirely unaware of the HIV status of their partners.

Promiscuity – A large percentage of homosexual men have hundreds of sexual partners throughout their lifetime. According to a profile of 2,583 homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, only 2.7 reported having had sexual relations with only one partner, compared to the largest percentage that claimed to have had between 101 and 500 partners over their lifetime. Compare that to the markedly lower promiscuity rates among married heterosexual couples. According to the latest statistics from the CDC, 92 percent of married males and 93 percent of married females reported having had only one sexual partner over the previous twelve months (presumably their spouses).

Domestic abuse – A survey conducted by the Journal of Social Service Research found that more than half of lesbian respondents reported having been abused by a female partner or lover. Conversely, research has found that married heterosexual women experience the lowest rates of domestic abuse compared to other types of relationships.

What is the Journal of Social Service Research? Who runs it?
D'ster said:
The same study estimated that homosexual behavior reduces the lifespan of males by eight to 20 years.
What, exactly, is defined as "homosexual behavior" by this study?

And do you acknowledge my post?
Athelwulf said:
What, exactly, is defined as "homosexual behavior" by this study?

And do you acknowledge my post?

Good question. . . you'd figure that the nagging that heterosexual males get would shorten their lifespans considerably . . . but then I don't condone that sort of lifestyle!
Just so you know, D'ster, ignoring my post will not help you any. You've posted in this thread, so it's very unlikely that you simply missed it, and therefore I am treating it as an impossibility. You're locked in. Your credibility is dangling by a thin thread above the abyss where the other idiots and trolls dwell in ridicule, and I hold the razor.
D'ster said:

The problems you outlined, D'ster, fall into two categories: symptomatic and irrelevant.

Symptomatic: STD's, risky behavior, and promiscuity at least are symptomatic of closeted behavior. Risky behavior and promiscuity, for instance, are often the results of a wrangling between closet pressures and opportunity. STD's are not the result of homo- vs. heterosexual conduct in and of itself (e.g. "per se"), but rather the conditions under which that sexual conduct takes place. I don't see why this is so difficult for you to at least acknowledge. Domestic violence and relationship instability, also, are symptomatic of existing in a hate-bred society determined to act as if it knows better than God what the purpose of life is.

Irrelevant: To refer to your own citation, "A survey conducted by the Journal of Social Service Research found that more than half of lesbian respondents reported having been abused by a female partner or lover. Conversely, research has found that married heterosexual women experience the lowest rates of domestic abuse compared to other types of relationships." When homosexuals can marry the partners of their choice, then you will have apples to compare to apples. In the meantime, just because one group behaves one way under a certain set of constraints while another behaves otherwise under a different set of constraints does not mean you've made applesauce. In fact, what you're making looks less like somehting we'd eat, and more like what comes out the other end.