Influencing children to become heterosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become heterosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 22 62.9%

  • Total voters
Notes on the Journal of Social Service Research:

The JSSR is a publication of The Haworth Press, Inc., whose titles include Pastoral Care of Depression ("Help people with depression overcome negative images of God and achieve a positive, healthy spirituality!"), the Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education ("Get the latest international perspectives on the issues that impact GLBT students and educators!"), The Socially Skilled Child Molester ("Get the tools to prevent a child from becoming the victim of sexual abuse!"), Carbon Sequestration in the Soils of Latin America ("Slow global warming through carbon sequestration in soils!") and The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Men ("Get information you can trust to make the right decisions about cosmetic surgery") among others. Haworth offers a LBGT imprint (Harrington Park), and offers its own explanation of itself on the "About Us" page.

I don't think we must necessarily doubt Haworth Press, Inc., or its journals. Rather, it would do well enough to doubt, on the one hand, WorldNetDaily, whose founder, Joseph Farah, ran at least two newspapers into the ground and has worked in the past with such notorious names as Rush Limbaugh. Farah's G2 Bulletin is considered a conservative political voice, as well. To the other, we also have a tendency to doubt our friend D'ster, for reasons most obvious to those who disagree with him.
D'ster said:

A man trying to impregnate another man's fecal matter.

It's official: at least the gay men know more about sex and reproduction than D'ster.

Riddle me this, please: Is it any better or worse to "try to impregnate" a woman's fecal matter?
tiassa said:
It's official: at least the gay men know more about sex and reproduction than D'ster.

Riddle me this, please: Is it any better or worse to "try to impregnate" a woman's fecal matter?
It's not "better", butt at least the guy is getting alot closer to the right spot.
Fraggle Rocker said:
There's no point in trying to argue with D'ster. He is not interested in following the protocol of a debate. If you make a really good point he just ducks it and goes off on another tangent. Or repeats something he said two pages ago and hopes he's got a new audience who doesn't know he's already been shot down for it.

D'ster has already come close to being exiled from SciForums for racist postings. The only point of his comments seems to be to express his racist beliefs: That racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. (Dictionary definition of "racism.") I think it's interesting that he's never actually denied being a racist, unless I fell asleep while wading through that thread.

Personally I don't think people should be banned for offensive remarks. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you don't want to read somebody's crap, you don't have to.
To pick up on that note, Athelwulf, the only justification I would at this time invoke were I to get out my green hat and shut these discussions down is that D'ster has demonstrated no competency to consent to discuss this subject matter. It's clear he's grasping after straws and, furthermore, unable or unwilling to wrap his head around the concepts at issue.

I don't know D'ster's demographics, but this could be a demonstration of why it is problematic to discuss sexual issues with children. Even as an adult, D'ster's role in this discussion lacks any demonstration of the intellectual and psychological maturity inherent in discussing sexual issues. It's like when children are first introduced to the concept of sexual reproduction; they all snicker at the word "sex", and the teacher gets upset because they won't take it seriously. Of course, that's the issue at debate in the politics of sex education: won't or can't? If the mere concept of two-party reproduction is problematic in education, human sexuality will only be moreso.

Maybe it's just some overriding guilt from a previous experience of D'ster's. Who knows? He seems afraid to share anything more intimate about himself than his attitude problem.
I suggest that you do use that old green hat. I think it's proper in this case for the very reason you stated: D'ster has been incompetent in debating the subject he brought up — not to mention that he has yet to even acknowledge my challenge to him. It's obvious that he barely takes this subject seriously.

Because he's not serious about this, I see no point in even waiting for my challenge's deadline to pass. I can confidently say that he would actually realize I'm right if he were serious. I know all about how utterly unchangeable a person's sexual orientation is. I know all about how, no matter how hard you wish it, it just won't budge. I know all about the trouble it causes those who are unlucky enough not to be the "right" orientation. I know all about how masses of people, from generation to generation since before the dawn of our species, don't simply choose to put themselves through that sort of pain, suffering, and ostracism. I know that I am right. And judging by D'ster's conduct, he is either ignoring my challenge or planning to simply say, just in the nick of time, that he took the challenge and found that he was right.

I've had enough of D'ster.

I would not regret the thread's closure one bit.
Notes on the Journal of Social Service Research:

The JSSR is a publication of The Haworth Press, Inc., whose titles include Pastoral Care of Depression ("Help people with depression overcome negative images of God and achieve a positive, healthy spirituality!"), the Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education ("Get the latest international perspectives on the issues that impact GLBT students and educators!"), The Socially Skilled Child Molester ("Get the tools to prevent a child from becoming the victim of sexual abuse!"), Carbon Sequestration in the Soils of Latin America ("Slow global warming through carbon sequestration in soils!") and The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Men ("Get information you can trust to make the right decisions about cosmetic surgery") among others. Haworth offers a LBGT imprint (Harrington Park), and offers its own explanation of itself on the "About Us" page.

I don't think we must necessarily doubt Haworth Press, Inc., or its journals. Rather, it would do well enough to doubt, on the one hand, WorldNetDaily, whose founder, Joseph Farah, ran at least two newspapers into the ground and has worked in the past with such notorious names as Rush Limbaugh. Farah's G2 Bulletin is considered a conservative political voice, as well. To the other, we also have a tendency to doubt our friend D'ster, for reasons most obvious to those who disagree with him.

Well how about that? I would never have expected D'ster to quote blatantly biased sources. How surprising - not!

As I have staked a role in this topic, I think it would be unfair. Kind of like taking the ball and going home, from my own yard.

To the other, frak it. I'm going to Jellyrock.