"ILLEGAL ALIEN" Dies on Hospital After Being Ignored for 45 Minutes

Lets see. She was in an emergency waiting room vomitting blood. She did not receive any care and she died. Speaks for itself doesn't it?

No, it doesn't ....because all of the doctors and nurses were busy with other patients who were in life-threatening conditions. Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Or would you have one of the doctors let his patient die on the table while he went out to check on some other patient? Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Baron Max
Obviously the BIGGEST one. ;)

Or is that something even worse I'm not aware of?

i've talked to my cousin who is a doctor aned nope you cannot do anything that would be more of a violation of the hippocratic oath except trying to hurt some one. they have perjered their oaths and are not fity to be doctors
So... sandy. Do you agree that this illegal immigrant should have received care, as opposed to being dragged to a police car and thrown in jail?

I personally can't stand a lot of what sandy says, but I think you're being ridiculous by repeatedly throwing that question at her. She's already said that no, no one should be left to die. That includes the illegal immigrant vomiting blood on the floor of the hospital.

I don't understand why you keep placing emphasis on the illegal part of it. Regardless of her being a citizen, legal, whatever, she was a human being who was left to die and denied help. Her status in this country had nothing to do with that until the absolute very end, moments before her death.
No, it doesn't ....because all of the doctors and nurses were busy with other patients who were in life-threatening conditions. Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Or would you have one of the doctors let his patient die on the table while he went out to check on some other patient? Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Baron Max

Really? The story states that the nurse the police approached to help her showed a complete lack of concern, even disdain that this patient had been bought back to the hospital. She had apparently been seen before and had been told to return immediately if her condition worsened. It did and the nurse saw her as a pest.

"Thanks a lot, officers," an emergency room nurse told Los Angeles County police who brought in Rodriguez early May 9 after finding her in front of the Willowbrook hospital yelling for help. "This is her third time here."

The 43-year-old mother of three had been released from the emergency room hours earlier, her third visit in three days for abdominal pain.
Charming huh?

When the officers talked to the emergency room nurse, she "did not show any concern" for Rodriguez, the police report said. The report identifies the nurse as Linda Witland, but county officials confirmed that her name is Linda Ruttlen, who began working for the county in July 1992.

Ruttlen could not be reached for comment.

During that initial discussion with Ruttlen, Rodriguez slipped off her wheelchair onto the floor and curled into a fetal position, screaming in pain, the report said.

Ruttlen told her to "get off the floor and onto a chair," the police report said. Two officers and a different nurse helped her back to the wheelchair and brought her close to the reception counter, where a staff member asked her to remain seated.

The officers left and Rodriguez again pitched forward onto the floor, apparently unable to get up, according to people who saw the videotape and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
She was left to lie screaming in pain for 45 minutes while she vomitted blood on the floor.
Tell you what. Next time we'll give care and send you the bill. Deal?

She was not an illegal immigrant, but a "native" of California.

More notes on this case..

"Here's a person crying for help. Will no one help?" said Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania who discussed the case on CNN this week. "What kind of a society are we when we can't even render aid to someone who's in their own blood and vomit on the floor and you're mopping around them? It's a kind of morality tale of a society gone cold."

This is not the first instance this hospital has come under scrutiny.

Hers was one in a series of cases allegedly mishandled by King-Harbor, formerly known as King/Drew. In 1994, a woman was infected with HIV after the hospital mistakenly gave her a transfusion with blood that had tested positive for the virus. Years later, a woman died after drinking a glass of tissue preservative left by her bedside. In 2000, a 9-year-old died from a cascade of errors stemming from treatment of two broken teeth.

More recently, nurses have been faulted for turning down the alarms on cardiac monitors and not noticing when patients went into distress and died.

I am guessing they turned down the alarms on the cardiac monitors so they are not disturbed while caring for other patients eh Baron?

What makes this case so interesting and has received so much more media and official attention is the fact that she died while being filmed by security cameras.

But the Rodriguez case has garnered more attention than any of the others, in part because of the video showing her extended time on the floor and a janitor cleaning around her. It is not the usual "he said, she said" account. The county has repeatedly refused to release the tape, however, citing the ongoing sheriff's investigation.

"If there wasn't a videotape, we wouldn't be discussing it. Period. The end," said Miguel Santana, chief of staff to Supervisor Gloria Molina.


Rodriguez, a California native, was poor and uninsured. She reportedly had a history of narcotics use and lived with various relatives.

Many people like her die, their cases forgotten by everyone but friends and family.

"They don't die on camera," said Dr. Felix Nuñez, medical director of the South Central Family Health Center in Los Angeles. "It's usually poor people dying on skid row, and they're just carted away. We don't hear and see anything about them."
Honestly Bells, spare us the crocodile tears. There is alot you dont see in your ivory towers - Oz, this was in South Central, LA. I have been in emergency rooms in low income neioghborhoods and can tell you it is as rough as it gets, people handcuffed to stretchers, gunshot wounds, stabbings, people running all over the place etc...vomitting, blood and guts.

Take this quote from your post:

Rodriguez, a California native, was poor and uninsured. She reportedly had a history of narcotics use and lived with various relatives.

Many people like her die, their cases forgotten by everyone but friends and family.

"They don't die on camera," said Dr. Felix Nuñez, medical director of the South Central Family Health Center in Los Angeles. "It's usually poor people dying on skid row, and they're just carted away. We don't hear and see anything about them."

She was a drug user who was probably treated there so many times that differentiating between her being really sick or just in a drug induced haze was very difficult. Have you personally seen what an addict looks like after years of abuse or after just taking a nice hit of heroin? They allways have one foot on the bannana peel.

You love to bash U.S and gloat too often to let this just pass without commenting. I honestly dont think either you or the OP give a damn about this woman and if you saw her lying in a gutter on the street you would walk around her yourself. Well let me give you a dose of reality, SOME people LIKE TO GET HIGH, they like living like gangsters, they like to rob and steal and nothing can change them...NOTHING...but death or prison. You can give them anything and everything but once it has you there is nothing that will replace that drug.

You want someone to blame Bells? blame the people supplying those poor addicted victims with drugs, blame the people sneaking the stuff into the U.S...but no you wont do that or just dont see it. So go ahead and enjoy yourself as if this is a commentary on the state of the U.S but you dont know it was actually much much worse at one time. She is dead...but she died a long time ago anyway.

And so the lawsuit will come and nothing will change, people will cry for her for a week or two, the lawyer will go on a nice vaction and these people will still be poor and victimized but in the end no one forcced them to use drugs and that is how many of them end up- DEAD.

yeah, yeah, yeah...it is America- we take in the people other countries throw away. Sometime it works and sometimes it dont.

Let me also remind you that we have some of the best hospitals and doctors in the world, we treat people from poor countries for free that often times would not have been done anywhere else.

You know tbh it looks like your jealous of this beautiful country.
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She was a drug user who was probably treated there so many times that differentiating between her being really sick or just in a drug induced haze was very difficult. Have you personally seen what an addict looks like after years of abuse or after just taking a nice hit of heroin? They allways have one foot on the bannana peel.
So because she is a drug user, it is acceptable to allow her to lay in her own blood and vomit on the floor in agony until she died?


You love to bash U.S and gloat too often to let this just pass without commenting. I honestly dont think either you or the OP give a damn about this woman and if you saw her lying in a gutter on the street you would walk around her yourself. Well let me give you a dose of reality, SOME people LIKE TO GET HIGH, they like living like gangsters, they like to rob and steal and nothing can change them...NOTHING...but death or prison. You can give them anything and everything but once it has you there is nothing that will replace that drug.
I have given a complete stranger who had overdosed and was lying in a carpark CPR until the ambulance I called arrived. I did so after wiping the vomit from his mouth and sticking my fingers into his mouth to scoop it out. No, I would not walk past someone dying in a gutter.

And she was not high. She was in pain and had been to the hospital twice previously with the same complaint of abominal pain and they did nothing, just sent her home with pain killers and told her to come back if it got worse. She did come back, the nurse was angry at her returning and she fell and died as they watched and did nothing. That is what this comes down to.

I am not bashing the US. I am bashing the medical staff who simply failed to do what they were meant to do because they simply did not give a shit.

Similar things have happened here in Australia as well. However each time it has happened, changes were implemented. In this particular hospital, the staff have stuffed up several times. The only difference this time is that it was caught on tape. This story makes everyone uncomfortable because it shows us just how much we really don't care. So we try to excuse the actions of the medical staff, when in reality, there is absolutely no excuse for their actions, or lack of.

And so the lawsuit will come and nothing will change, people will cry for her for a week or two, the lawyer will go on a nice vaction and these people will still be poor and victimized but in the end no one forcced them to use drugs and that is how many of them end up- DEAD.
It was not the drugs that killed her. She had a perforated bowel. The doctors at the same hospital had failed to diagnose it the 2 previous times she had gone there with abdominal pain.

But I guess if everyone thinks as you do.. well I can see why the health care system is in such dire straights.

Let me also remind you that we have some of the best hospitals and doctors in the world, we treat people from poor countries for free that often times would not have been done anywhere else.
Indeed. I am sure Rodriguez thanks you for that from her grave.:rolleyes:

You know tbh it looks like your jealous of this beautiful country.
No. In my country, I actually get treatment if I have to go to the emergency room.
I have given a complete stranger who had overdosed and was lying in a carpark CPR until the ambulance I called arrived. I did so after wiping the vomit from his mouth and sticking my fingers into his mouth to scoop it out. No, I would not walk past someone dying in a gutter.

I said 'lying in a gutter' not dying. As for your story, i guess, as usual, we will just have to take your word for it.:rolleyes:

Even the thread title is inaccurate:

"ILLEGAL ALIEN" Dies on Hospital After Being Ignored for 45 Minutes"

This is a simple matter of intent Bells. The thread was started not out of compassion for this person but to get the bash America crowds rocks off...you know it and so do i.

well I can see why the health care system is in such dire straights.

What health care system are you talking about?

Indeed. I am sure Rodriguez thanks you for that from her grave.

She dont have to thank me or you for that matter. This does not take away from the fact that in the U.S there are the best ERs in the world...Dont compare a hospital in the outback to one in South Central.

I dont know what hospitals are like in Australia and you dont know what they are like in U.S, go walk around South Central or Bushwick, Brooklyn like i have then maybe you will know a little more.
Hippocratic Oath -- Classical Version

“ I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.

What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.

It seems to me that all physicians involved in the situation at the emergency room can be held liable for ignoring her, that is if physicians still take the hippocratic oath apon becomeing a doctor. Reguardless of the reason she was ignored, the hospital and staff should be held liable, criminally.
No, she's a US citizen if she was born in California.
Where does it say that?

Your post answered your own question:

"Alerted to the "disturbance" in the lobby, police stepped in — by running Rodriguez's record. They found an outstanding warrant and prepared to take her to jail. She died before she could be put into a squad car.""

"Alerted to the "disturbance" in the lobby, police stepped in — by running Rodriguez's record. They found an outstanding warrant and prepared to take her to jail. She died before she could be put into a squad car.""
Did you read my entire post? Keep reading:

"Hours after her death, county Department of Health Services spokesman Michael Wilson sent a note informing county supervisors' offices about the incident but saying that that police had been called because Rodriguez's boyfriend became disruptive.

Health services Director Dr. Bruce Chernof said Friday that subsequent information showed Prado was not, in fact, disruptive. Chernof otherwise refused to comment, citing the open investigation, patient privacy and "other issues."

So... what is "other issues"? Immigration? :rolleyes:
And why did he lie saying that the boyfriend was disruptive? An excuse? :rolleyes:
I personally can't stand a lot of what sandy says, but I think you're being ridiculous by repeatedly throwing that question at her. She's already said that no, no one should be left to die. That includes the illegal immigrant vomiting blood on the floor of the hospital.
I hope so. I hope she understands now that "illegal" immigrants are also human beings...

I don't understand why you keep placing emphasis on the illegal part of it.
She was arrested, while dying, because she is illegal. She was a caring, charitable giving person, but was considered "illegal". Does NOT make sense.

Regardless of her being a citizen, legal, whatever, she was a human being who was left to die and denied help.
That's exactly my point. And that's what I want sandy to understand- ilegal immigrants are ALSO human beings.

Her status in this country had nothing to do with that until the absolute very end, moments before her death.
Possibly. Who made the call?
I already know they're human beings. They're parasites who DON'T F'n BELONG HERE!!!:mad:
Do you think for one minute that we would be given free healthcare in Mexico if they knew we were there illegally? Hell freakin no.:mad:
I'm tired of the bleeding heart liberals who want us to pay for everyone and everything.:mad:
I already know they're human beings. They're parasites who DON'T F'n BELONG HERE!!!:mad: Do you think for one minute that we would be given free healthcare in Mexico if they knew we were there illegally? Hell freakin no.:mad:
I'm tired of the bleeding heart liberals who want us to pay for everyone and everything.:mad:

and you a religious person, you preach all sorts of bible quotes and you can say something like that. no one deserves to die, EVEN if they are an illegal immargrant
These people are.
Parasites suck their host dry. That's what the criminal aliens are doing to us.
Sucking our: schools, hospitals, welfare, food stamps, jails, jobs, neighborhoods, law enforcement, etc dry. And WE are stuck paying for them.:mad:

not being funny, but my heart bleeds, UK has ahd a bigger rate of illegal immarangts and we are dealing with it!!