"ILLEGAL ALIEN" Dies on Hospital After Being Ignored for 45 Minutes

"...you gormless twit." -bells

"Wow...! sandy is a big messy contradiction, eh? She's brillinat! (sic) Absolutely brilliant!" -TruthSeeker

Name-calling and personal attacks are not allowed on SciFor. They can result in banning. One can only hope and pray.:)

theyre really allowed, i think. um, i hope so:)
That's true of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of human cases all over the world .....SOMETHING COULD HAVE BEEN DONE ....but it wasn't, and thousands die every fuckin' day.

You must be a nervous, hyper-tense individual mourning all those lost lives.

Baron Max
Your usual cynicism's misplaced here, Max. In a modern hospital people have a right to expect life-saving treatment where it's at all possible. It was possible, and it wasn't attended to. Heads should have rolled. That they didn't is a further indication that something is seriously rotten in the state of California.
All that was needed to save this woman's life was an examination and maybe some surgery that would have taken less than a day, it seems like a small effort than trying to stop millions from perishing.
now i see why you were beat up.

Idiot, I was never beaten up. That kind of proves your delusional and like to keep your head in the sand, don't you?? hmm. As a matter of fact, I was always the well-behaved one. It took YEARS of being around badmannered americans and assholes for me to become AMERICANIZED.

Your ignorance is really disgusting because the truth is so obvious. You are so damn LAME!! You are so PATHETIC!! So THERE HAS TO BE A GOOD REASON FOR YOUR PERFECT AMEWICANS TO DO WRONG, WIGHT??? POO POO.

That's your embarassing LOGIC, ain't it??? Keep making a fool of yourself.
What a coward to display your ass. I may use colorful metaphors but I speak the truth while the likes of you spew lies and deceit and try to fit the world into a neat package that doesn't fit.

Americans good, others bad. Sorry to burst your bubble but from my experience I've seen americans behaving VERY, VERY BADLY without any help from anyone. You're actually kind of evil, lowdown, and a liar to insinuate otherwise.
All that was needed to save this woman's life was an examination and maybe some surgery that would have taken less than a day, ....

What if the doctors and nurses were already busy saving the lives of others at that same time? Would you have them stop saving those lives and rush to save this one woman?

In any inner-city hospital emergency room, the staff is so busy all the time that emergency cases, ambulances, are refused on a regular basis.

Baron Max
From Bells link she was examined twice, and they missed the problem....bad luck or worse. I should point out that Bells herself said she was 'almost killled due to negligance' the reason i mention this is because never once did she condemn her whole country...EVEN THOUGH SHE WAL ALLMOST KILLED.
now i see why you were beat up.

Idiot, I was never beaten up. That kind of proves your delusional and like to keep your head in the sand, don't you?? hmm. As a matter of fact, I was always the well-behaved one. It took YEARS of being around badmannered americans and assholes for me to become AMERICANIZED.

Your ignorance is really disgusting because the truth is so obvious. You are so damn LAME!! You are so PATHETIC!! So THERE HAS TO BE A GOOD REASON FOR YOUR PERFECT AMEWICANS TO DO WRONG, WIGHT??? POO POO.

That's your embarassing LOGIC, ain't it??? Keep making a fool of yourself.
What a coward to display your ass. I may use colorful metaphors but I speak the truth while the likes of you spew lies and deceit and try to fit the world into a neat package that doesn't fit.

Americans good, others bad. Sorry to burst your bubble but from my experience I've seen americans behaving VERY, VERY BADLY without any help from anyone. You're actually kind of evil, lowdown, and a liar to insinuate otherwise.

I abstain from violence, as should you. I just thought you were abused thats all. Were stupid, REMEMBER?
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Would it have hurt to at least get her to a bed ?
Also, You can go on and on with the What if Argument, But my point is that no one even bothered to comfort her or get her to a bed. I understand your cynicism, not everyone can be saved, but this woman was there for 45 minutes and no one bothered to even CHECK if a bed or doctor or nurse was available.
I really dont know if there is anyplace in Australia that is like where this woman died, what kind of comparison is that? Give proof where you can make such a comparison.
I don't know of any hospital that would have the medical staff do nothing as a woman died right in front of them on the floor.

Is'nt it interesting how Truthseeker assumed she was illegal?
Yes it is. The articles plainly stated she was a native of California.

But again, her legal status should have no bearing on this story or debate.

You are WRONG about the last part too. You pay like any other service, and they bill you.
And your point?

The whole basis of this story is that a woman died on the floor of an emergency room and not a single member of the medical staff so much as looked at her. Are you suggesting that if she was insured they would have treated her? Maybe if she paid up front she might have had a chance?

Why would someone go back to Australia with a broken arm? that is absurd. If you go on vacation you shouldn't be as stupid as to break an arm...and besides maybe you can get insurance for the time you are in U.S. that way you couild get good health care.
So because she was uninsured, it's her own damn fault she died?

I have heard of many instances where people have preferred to come back to Australia to seek treatment for any injuries they may have sustained while on holidays to the US. And people do suffer injuries while on holidays. It's quite common.

Because i hear that health care in Canda, Europe and Australia is not the pleasure you make it out to be.
No it is not. No hospital can ever be a pleasure. But I have never heard of someone dying on the floor of an emergency waiting room for over 45 minutes while vomitting blood and not having any medical staff so much as take her pulse or blood pressure. I guess in Canada, Europe and Australia, where our health care system is supposedly beneath that of the US, we aren't so heartless as to let a woman die in her own bloody vomit on the floor in front of the medical desk in the ER and not have any medical staff even lift a finger for her.

I dont know much about Australia, you have maybe a few big cities, not many people in U.s would even know whaqt the rest is like. And i know it is must be hot as hell. Cant think of a reason to wnat to move there.
At least here, if you collapse on the floor of the ER and are vomitting blood, someone from the medical staff will come and help you.

And we ride kangaroos down the street here. As for the heat? Well we're going for a skiing weekend in a few weeks. Can't be that hot. Honestly, are you like the stereotype American that knows nothing about other countries?:rolleyes:

From Bells link she was examined twice, and they missed the problem....bad luck or worse.
Yes. She was examined twice in the days prior to her death. But that is beside the point. The point is what kind of hospital and medical staff do nothing as a person collapses and vomits blood while screaming in agony for 45 minutes and do nothing except send the janitor in to mop around her body on the floor? The point is, should the medical staff have done their job and checked to see why she was vomitting blood and screaming in agony? She was right in front of the desk after all. She can't have been missed, and this is proven by the fact that other people in the waiting room were worried enough about her and the fact that no one came to her aid that they rang 911 to see if someone could help her. The only difference in this case is that her death was caught on the security cameras. Had it not, it would not have made the news. From what I understand, the hospital is now also being investigated for other negligent actions (such as the nurses turning off the volume on the cardiac monitors and having those cardiac patients dying and no one could hear the alarms go off).

I should point out that Bells herself said she was 'almost killled due to negligance' the reason i mention this is because never once did she condemn her whole country...EVEN THOUGH SHE WAL ALLMOST KILLED.
Yes. My son and I were nearly killed by a doctor. However when I started bleeding all over the place, the midwives and doctors came to my aid and did not let me die on the floor. As I had said prior to this, I could not fault the hospital because the staff who rushed to my aid saved our lives. I do fault the individual doctor who was negligent however. In this case, a whole ER full of doctors and nurses did nothing at all for this woman as she lay on the floor for 45 minutes vomitting blood until she died.

That's the thing. She did not just drop to the floor and died. She lay there for 45 minutes in her own bloody vomit and screaming in pain. And not a single doctor or nurse came to see why. Now Baron says that they must all have been busy during that 45 minutes. Either he is naive or the medical staff at this hospital just did not care enough or could not be bothered to check on this woman. Which do you think it is John?

And thank you for being a bastard in bringing up my own near death experience yet again.

Baron said:
What if the doctors and nurses were already busy saving the lives of others at that same time? Would you have them stop saving those lives and rush to save this one woman?

In any inner-city hospital emergency room, the staff is so busy all the time that emergency cases, ambulances, are refused on a regular basis.
There was a nurse who told her off for coming back and then walked off to leave her to die. Surely if she had the time to tell her and the police officers off for bringing her in, she had the time to check her temperature and ask her what was wrong. Maybe if she had not told her off (wasting valuable time in giving treatment) and asked her what was wrong, the woman might still be alive today. But no. She was abusive to the officers who had brought her in and then walked off. Instead of wasting the time being so abusive, she might have asked the woman what was wrong (since the woman had been told to return if she became worse, which she did).

Yes, so busy that they have the time to abusive a sick and dying woman, but they didn't have time to even ask her what was wrong.:rolleyes:

sandy said:
I'm not looking for sympathy for my views. I'm demanding an end to this criminal invasion and the arrest/deportation of the LAW BREAKERS. These parasites are here ILLEGALLY.

There are exceptions to every statement anyone makes. Nothing is in stone. And judging by the tone of your post I'm wondering if you brought your treatment on yourself.

Personally attacking me will not solve anything.
Are you still harping on about illegal immigrants?

Jesus Christ woman!

The dead woman was not an illegal immigrant. She was a native Californian. And again, her legal status is not the issue here. What is the issue is how a whole ER full of medical staff could do nothing as a woman lay on the floor in front of the front desk and vomit blood, while screaming in pain until she died 45 minutes later. Do you think what happened to this woman is right? Do you think that the medical staff should have done something for her? Do you think it is right for them to have ignored her as she lay dying for 45 minutes in her own vomit and blood?

Name-calling and personal attacks are not allowed on SciFor. They can result in banning. One can only hope and pray.
I was not calling you a name. I was pointing out the truth, and believe me, I was being kind.
The case is really uncommon. Customarily, uninsured people get hospital help and get billed later. The bills are astronomical, but the help is given. However, yes, there are some very bad hospitals that are poorly managed and with unqualified employees.
I don't know of any hospital that would have the medical staff do nothing as a woman died right in front of them on the floor.

I think it happens more than you know, Bells! Right here in Dallas, Parkland Hospital, is one of the busiest emergency rooms in the world ...there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people who sit and wait for many hours for treatment.

There was a nurse who told her off for coming back and then walked off to leave her to die.

Was that person a nurse, or just one of the many hospital staff members with virtually no nursing training at all? You say "nurse" as if you know that she was a registered nurse.

You also seem to be so sure that all of the doctors were not busy saving other lives ...that they were just standing around enjoying themselves. Go to any big, inner-city hospital ...they're all so busy that it's not even funny!

You're making a big deal out of this, Bells, and I ain't figured out why. I think if we checked more thoroughly, we'd find that this happens in hospitals all over the world more than we know.

People die ...what's the big fuckin' deal about it? You're all so upset about this one woman ....while gazillions of people die every fuckin' day! Geez!

Baron Max
I think it happens more than you know, Bells! Right here in Dallas, Parkland Hospital, is one of the busiest emergency rooms in the world ...there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people who sit and wait for many hours for treatment.

How many of those patients fall on the floor, in their own bloody vomit and lie there dying for 45 minutes with the medical staff ignoring them?

Was that person a nurse, or just one of the many hospital staff members with virtually no nursing training at all? You say "nurse" as if you know that she was a registered nurse.
She was a nurse.

You also seem to be so sure that all of the doctors were not busy saving other lives ...that they were just standing around enjoying themselves. Go to any big, inner-city hospital ...they're all so busy that it's not even funny!
Your childish form of argument is pitiful.

I have been to an inner city hospital and it is not a first in first served to get treatment. Patients are assessed and those with more serious medical contitions are treated first. I would imagine an individual collapsing and vomitting blood while screaming in agony for 45 minutes would be deemed more serious, wouldn't you?

Well the police seem to think it was. The staff are now being investigated and they may face homicide charges. How do they know what happened? It was all captured on the security cameras.

You're making a big deal out of this, Bells, and I ain't figured out why. I think if we checked more thoroughly, we'd find that this happens in hospitals all over the world more than we know.
I am sure it does. The only difference here is that the police were able to witness this woman's treatment (or lack of) by the hospital on video. Maybe something good will come out of it, who knows. But surely you can't say that what happened to this woman was not callous and down right cruel.

People die ...what's the big fuckin' deal about it? You're all so upset about this one woman ....while gazillions of people die every fuckin' day! Geez!
Yes people die every day. However not all die while vomitting blood in front of the front desk of an ER and no one even lifted a finger to so much as take her blood pressure or ask her what the matter was. If we are just going to shrug our shoulders and say 'meh, people die every day so it is no big deal', then we are a doomed race.
If we are just going to shrug our shoulders and say 'meh, people die every day so it is no big deal', then we are a doomed race.

Well, then we're a doomed race!

Bells, you don't seem to get it. You're making such a major issue out of this one woman dying ...while thousands die of even worse conditions than that every single day.

Making such an issue out of this one case simply shows that you don't give a fuck about all of the others ...who die horribly every day. Because if you really cared, then you'd be posting the same outrage a thousand times a day. But you don't, do you? Nope, it's because the news media didn't tell you about all those others. You're a news media whore, just like most of the people here at sciforums ...if it's on the news, it must be important ...and you can ignore all of the thousands that died horribly ...as long as you pretend to be outraged by this one!

Are you as outraged by the six people who were killed in Tennessee this weekend? A drag racing car slammed into the crowd of spectators ...are you upset and outraged? What about the 8,000 little kids who starved to death today in Africa? Outraged?

One lousy person dies, you get upset and outraged. 10,000 people die, it's no big deal ...not worthy of a post on sciforums. ...LOL!

Baron Max
While no one deserves to die in an ER, I agree that this story was blown way out of proportion. The liberal news media who want criminal aliens to stay, want to show us how 'horrible we treat some'. And that we should make it up to all of them by allowing the shamnesty bill. This one story was blown into oblivion. Ridiculous.
It's a tragedy.
She died in a hospital where people could have helped her.
Little African children starve to death while people in America are obese and throw out tons of food every day.
It's a tragedy. She died in a hospital where people could have helped her.
Little African children starve to death while people in America are obese and throw out tons of food every day.

Yeah, tell me which is the worst tragedy?

The news media is telling us what and who to mourn, what and who to feel sorry for, what and who to discuss on these silly-assed forums ...as if the discussions will do any good for anyone anywhere.

Baron Max
We are throwing millions (billions?) of dollars at Africa. We will never end the problem of their corrupt government. They also need to stop having children AND unsafe sex. That area is a mess.
While no one deserves to die in an ER, I agree that this story was blown way out of proportion. The liberal news media who want criminal aliens to stay, want to show us how 'horrible we treat some'. And that we should make it up to all of them by allowing the shamnesty bill. This one story was blown into oblivion. Ridiculous.

Oh my God!

You are STILL carrying on about illegal immigrants? AGAIN, she was NOT an illegal immigrant. Can you please keep to the topic? This is not about the Amnesty Bill or letting "them stay", nor is it about the "liberal media".

Baron Max said:
Bells, you don't seem to get it. You're making such a major issue out of this one woman dying ...while thousands die of even worse conditions than that every single day.
If we cannot care about one, we cannot care about the thousand others. If we can ignore one, we can and will ignore the thousands of others. That's the thing about this story. This woman lay on the floor of an ER, where she had gone to for help, and lay there dying over a period of 45 minutes (not a couple of minutes but three quarters of an hour). And not a single member of the medical staff did a thing. They virtually ignored her. She had a right to get treatment. She had a right to not be ignored by the doctors and nurses who are supposedly there to help her. But they did nothing. What does that tell you about them?

Making such an issue out of this one case simply shows that you don't give a fuck about all of the others ...who die horribly every day. Because if you really cared, then you'd be posting the same outrage a thousand times a day. But you don't, do you? Nope, it's because the news media didn't tell you about all those others. You're a news media whore, just like most of the people here at sciforums ...if it's on the news, it must be important ...and you can ignore all of the thousands that died horribly ...as long as you pretend to be outraged by this one!
Even if I did post about it a thousand times over a day, you would still be here whining that there were thousands more. Where does it end? Hell, where does one even start? How about we start with this woman?

I don't need the news media to tell me about the others. I hear about it anyway from other sources, whether I want to or not. We don't all live in a world in our own little minds like you do Baron. In that, I almost envy you.

And before you call me or anyone else a news whore, you are also here in this thread discussing the same news we are.

Are you as outraged by the six people who were killed in Tennessee this weekend? A drag racing car slammed into the crowd of spectators ...are you upset and outraged? What about the 8,000 little kids who starved to death today in Africa? Outraged?
Saddened. Just as I am saddened by what happened to this woman. I am not outraged. Just sad. Sad that as a society we actually need to debate whether what happened to this woman was wrong or not.

I mean, look at you. Look at the facts of this case. And yet here you are trying to make excuses for her death and how she died. Is there an excuse for it? Should there be an excuse for it?

One lousy person dies, you get upset and outraged. 10,000 people die, it's no big deal ...not worthy of a post on sciforums. ...LOL!
My case in point.
If we cannot care about one, we cannot care about the thousand others. If we can ignore one, we can and will ignore the thousands of others.

If we cannot care about thousands, we cannot care about one. If we can ignore thousands, while bemoaning one, then we're a pretty damned sad race of animals.

Just think of it, Bells ....if you and the others get this upset about the death of one person, y'all couldn't even handle the death of thousands ...per day! So ...you conveniently ignore them. Good going, Bells.

Baron Max