If your a theist, take a note..this info here annihilate atheism.......

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It will simply be too much effort to reproduce everything you've ever said again here.

However, I did remember one or two items that didn't seem too flawed, but I can no longer remember what they were.
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
Yes, but his text is in caps so it would take up more bandwidth, right?

The 8 bits upper case vs 7 bits for lower case...is that still true?

Of course that is much less a problem than the fact that he has a certain cycle, contributing to a bigger waste of space.

1) He states various arguments

2) The arguments are debunked

3) He dismisses these with flawed arguments

4) These are also debunked

5) He waits for a few days...and then returns to 1)

I've lost count now on how many times I've seen the same tired point from him, as if they are breaking news.

Either he can cover what's been discussed already, and further focus on the arguments, or he can drop it. It's not our fault he won't address the counter arguments.
Again here comes Jaxom again.........You guys alwways say "My arguments are debunked" over and over and over again...But why dont you post it here so I can deal with them?? DOES IT EVEN EXIST? Or are you all just lying to yourself??

I can still remember the arguments u guys posted that I have flawed......And I can post them here if I want to.....

Now where is my so-called flawed argument? post it so I can deal with it...THIS IS THE THIRD TIME IM ASKING YOU, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE YOU ARE NOT DELUSIONAL AND YOUR NOT JUST HEARING THESE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD....Post them if it exist........IM WAITING..........
I was thinking of a hard debate before I leave...But since that is impossible with all the posters here...I typed this today to annihilate atheism's philosophy.......(This is my farewell post, my last one......)

Are you leaving or not? Do I need to show you the door?


1.) Show me how many are martyred in the name of toothfairy....

2.) Show many how many churches built in the name of toothfairy...


Using toothfairy and Giant purple squidmonkey as analogy to God is like saying "WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE A CAR CAN RUN AS FAST AS 60 MPH? MIGHT AS WELL BELIEVE A TOOTHPICK RUNS JUST AS FAST AS WELL..."

Argumentum ad populum. Lots of people believe so build stuff/die. Therefore, God exists.
To Whatsup

Your flawed argument is as plain as the nose on your face. It is because of your belief in god that causes you to be blind to other peoples opinions. You have been blinkered by your faith which causes you to utter rambling comments which I associate with religion.

Whatsup, I'll be honest, you make christianity sound like a dangerous cult.......perhaps you're right.
Whatsup has been banned. So please let's move on to other more appropriate and stimulating real debates.
Originally posted by The Marquis
Whatsup has found his utopia. Let him have it. There are times when I wish I had one too.

Now THAT is a compassionate bastard. Nicely said.

(I don't agree, but I really respect the attitude, for real, that's a really nice thing to say, nicer than anything i've ever seen W post for sure)

Thing is, I don't think he's found it.. and he's an insane jackass... he can have his utopia as long as I don't have to jack with him.

You know, I just enjoy talking shit obviously, but really, I've got him on the ignore list... try it.. it's a nice little sanctuary... :)

If jesus was GOD, will he worship another GOD ???

Jesus worshiping his God:

Let us look at Luke 5:16 "And he (Jesus) withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed to his God." Here we see that Jesus had a God, a supreme God, who is higher than him and stronger than him. Jesus was God's servant and he prayed to God so God would strengthen him more and reinforce him with patience and desire to continue his mission in spreading the word of God Almighty.

Also, let us look at Matthew 26:39 "And going a little way forward, he (Jesus) fell upon his face, praying and saying 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me. Yet, not as I will, but as you will.' " Here in this verse we see two things: (1) Jesus bowed down on his face and prayed in submission to his GOD in obedience. (2) Jesus was begging his GOD to let the cup pass away from him. Jesus did not have the power to will it for himself and make the cup pass away from Jesus. GOD had to do it for Jesus !. How can Jesus be the Creator of this Universe, the all knowing, most powerful??!!

Also, let us look at Matthew 26:42 "Again, for the second time, he (Jesus) went off and prayed, saying: 'My Father, if it is not possible for this to pass away except I drink it, let your will take place.'" My comments on this verse are similar to the above one (Matthew 26:39), Jesus begged his GOD to will what Jesus wanted to happen. Jesus couldn't will it by himself.

Also, let us look at Matthew 26:44 "So leaving them, he (Jesus) went off and prayed for the third time, saying once more the same word." Here we see that Jesus for the third time begged his GOD to will what Jesus wished for in Matthew 26:39 above. How can Jesus be the Creator of this Universe if he (1) begs, and (2) lacks power?!


In Mathew 4:1-2 "Then Jesus was led by the spirit up into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. After he had fasted forty days and forty nights, then he felt hungry." One has to ask himself a very simple question here: Why would Jesus allow the Devil to lead him to the wilderness to try to tempt him if he were God? This clearly proves that Jesus is not and can not be God!!!.

In Mathew 4:5-6 "The the devil took him along into the holy city, and he stationed him upon the battlement of the temple and said to him: If you are a son of God, hurl yourself down; for it is written He (Jehovah) will give his angels a charge concerning you, and they will carry you on their hands, that you may at no time strike your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him: Again it is written, you must not put Jehovah your God to the test." Here we see that the devil for the second time tried to tempt Jesus and have him do things that would make him doubt his GOD Jehovah or Allah. Jesus replied to him by telling him that no matter what you try to do, you will never be able to test your GOD (your creator). The devil was trying to have Jehovah or Allah send angels to Jesus, and Jesus made it clear to the devil that no one can put GOD to the test, and no one can have GOD do anything without the will of GOD. The devil will never be able to have Jehovah or Allah send down his angels if Jehovah didn't will it.

In Mathew 4:8-10 "Again the devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him: All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me. Then Jesus said to him: God away Satan! For it is written, It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone, you must render sacred service." Here we clearly see that after the devil offered Jesus the world, Jesus told him to go away and to go and worship Allah Almighty or Jehovah. One has to ask himself a very simple question here: If Jesus was Jehovah, then how come he didn't tell Satan in Mathew 4:8-10 "It is me whom you must worship" ? Jesus told Satan "It is Jehovah your God you must worship", which clearly shows that Jesus is not Jehovah!!!.

Yup I know. We'll take care of that as well.

Your post doesn't appear to have anything to do with the topic in this thread.

Please post relevant material in relevant threads.
Originally posted by Cris

Your post doesn't appear to have anything to do with the topic in this thread.

Please post relevant material in relevant threads.

Well excuse me, this idiot is trying to prove that GOD=JESUS=EXIST and I am trying to tell him that even in his own bible there are many proofs which show that JESUS IS NOT GOD.

You should be happy for helping you :(

Perhaps, but since he is no longer here you are not going to receive a response from him.

But your idea seems fine. Why not start a thread with that.
Originally posted by Cris

Perhaps, but since he is no longer here you are not going to receive a response from him.

But your idea seems fine. Why not start a thread with that.

OK, it seems good idea.

Have a nice weekend( it is 5:30 PM where I live now ) :)
Note to all.

I'm closing this thread so we can move on.

If anyone really does have anything further or relevant to say on this then PM me and I'll reopen this if appropriate.

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