If your a theist, take a note..this info here annihilate atheism.......

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I would prefer to leave the ALLCAPS to whatsup. But I will consider
your suggestion and try and keep it in mind the next time I feel the
need to post like that again. ;)
Wha? Whatsup's leaving? Maybe a God does exist... :D

Good luck in your neverending quest to "annihalate the evil atheist pigs" whatsup.

Though before you leave I would like to say one thing. I find it interesting that you are so threatened by what we atheists say on this board. A little unsure about your beliefs perhaps?

So, who's ordering the pizza? I can bring some beer. :)
My extensive knowledge of the incurably pig-headed tells me that it's likely that this person will be back, only under a different alias.

But perhaps not...

Good luck to you. I wish you well.

I hope one day you will eventually understand and appreciate many of the things we have sadly not been able to apparently explain effectively.

You describe yourself as wanting to learn from both the secular world as well as the religious. You will first need to open your mind to both worlds before you can learn real truth.

Take care
*sniff* It's like *sniff* all my dreams are coming true!

if he actually leaves this time
He's gone??? It's too good to be true...I gotta be cautious here...this idiot is going to come back as mustardman or something...first it was muscleman, then whatsupyall, all on :m:

If you leave, you're the only one who loses. We all benefit. We wish with all of our hearts that you will carry your thousandtimes-trampled-and-destroyed useless arguments somewhere else. The forums would be much cleaner after that. And lay off the :m: and the caps lock.
Hey lay off him will ya? I dealt with just as illogical and ignorant atheist. Saying you conform to one groups reasoning, or beliefs, does not make you a representative for that group, or indeed even a part. An from what I see the only real clash that most of you had with whatsupyall, is that of contradicting faiths, of which it was oftenly blind.
You know whatsupYall........I think me and you have been setup...If you are anything like me, I was on the internet minding my own business and looking for a good christian site and this thing popped up, the next thing I open it, I see people insulting my beloved Jesus...I wanted to reply...and they ask me to register...and now I'm stuck for good.....I can't even logout....I have direct line.. You know I believe in my heart that Jesus came to this earth in a virgin birth...I believe in my heart that he raised the dead, that he cured the blind....that he was sinless...that he was raised by god....and that he is with my god now.....I also know that he suffered by mankind.....so if Jesus suffered, then what is wrong with suffering...I want some of that suffering....I wish for some of that suffering.....if you really like jesus, then why do resist suffering...If being in church feels good then it can't be the truth...remember...Jesus didn't have it easy.......Come back here and fight those Atheists and suffer like Jesus did...and don't quit no matter what.
Hmm... I guess he gave up his quest to find the source of "99% universites were found by Christians." :D
Originally posted by Voodoo Child

Testimonial evidence is non-verifiable so is useless as an objective proof. It can be explained equally well by psychology and sociology. Besides, if you are going to use fallacious appeals to popularity then the majority of the world does not believe in your God. Ergo, he does not exist.

Testimonial evidence is useless? Your plain stupid, history is testimonial evidence....Stupid...
Well done, you almost read the sentence. Rather than explain why non-communicable, subjective, mystical insight is problematic as evidence of God, I will ask you to consider this: 1.3 billion muslims can provide the same proof for their god. Since muslims and christians are monotheistic we have atleast 1 billion examples of arguments from religious experience being wrong. BTW, history is not just testimonial evidence it is archaeology, records and non-subjective accounts that don't attempt to verify anything as extrordinary as the supernatural.


Originally posted by Voodoo Child

Non sequiter. If God did not exist and people believed he did they would still die and build churches. All that is required is their fervent belief. There are buildings that have been built for secular gatherings and atheistic religions which would be evidence of your God's non-existence, would it not?

Are they willing to be tortured to death to proclaim God dont exist?
If they were, then all that would be required would be their ferverent disbelief(and strong principles). You are using the same fallacious argument that I objected to in the first place. Belief is not contingent on reality.

If you leave this time,
Good bye and good luck.
well, anyone with much sense couldn't stand whatsup... there's your standard no brainer... I think it's more interesting to contemplate what cranial malfunction led to his behavior. I usually get a good feel for the schizo folks, it's a possibility but hmm.. I didn't get that vibe. I hope that dude gets some help though, he's probably a danger to society if not on the appropriate medication... ya know?

I am willing to respond to your first few posts in this thread in detail, but I will only do so if you are still here to read the response. If you're still reading this thread, please let me know and I'll reply. Otherwise, I'll assume you've left, in which case those posts will have been a waste of time for you.
I want to leave, but I have a feeling that I am needed here....So I will post once here and there for a while.......There are many more arguments to flaw...........

Dont judge God, what I do is what whatsupyall do, his decision. Dont say God dont exist because whatsupyall is behaving badly.....aight? Im being for real......If I broke a promise, I broke a promise...If I promised to kill someone and broke that evil promise, thats fine...But If I promise to do good, but broke that promise, now thats bad........But even then, let God be the judge......

JamesR Ill be here.........
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