If you were to pray to God...?


Interesting that you ignored half my post, to concentrate on just one part. But never mind.
The rest of your post was based on a (false) premise I was redressing.

Nonsense. Try telling that to somebody with a terminal illness, or to a child soldier in a war-torn country, for example.
If meaningfulness was arrived at through the absence of terminal disease etc, one would see it in such persons. Unfortunately, we don't. Actually its more the case that things like terminal illness, etc (ie, material incompleteness) plays a dynamic role in engineering meaningfulness.

No. Eternal life would mean not dying. Probably you're confusing that with the afterlife that religions promise (but only if you're a good boy).
If one exists eternally, it's not clear what you are talking about with dying.

Sonmi-451:I believe death is only a door. One closes, and another opens. If I were to imagine heaven, I would imagine a door opening. And he would be waiting for me there.

Sonmi-451: Our lives are not our own,from womb to tomb we are bound to others. With each crime, and every act of kindness we birth our future

Like one with no suffering?
Hence the problems with solutions you offer where everyone does.

"Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you're being miserable." - Clare Boothe Luce. ;)
Is that suppose to support your position or challenge it?

God could easily fix that, though, couldn't he, if he wanted to? I can think of ways.
Such as?

I wonder if people consider the ramifications when they buy a lottery ticket. If it would be as terrible to win as you say it would be, I guess they'd think twice.
I wonder if you think about the ramifications of living in a world where everyone is a lottery winner.

Nice attempt to dodge point there. I understand why facing it head on might be difficult for you.
So you think having 2 arms automatically grants you a type of superior happiness and self satisfaction that a person with 1 arm does not have access to?
How does that work exactly?

Whatever it looked like, it couldn't be allowed to infringe on the versions of heaven that potential victims of the violent carjacker might have. That's if God decided to make everybody happy.
Sounds like a square circle.

A more nuanced argument might be that if violent carjackers were happy in the first place then they wouldn't be violent carjackers. Violent carjacking wouldn't hold the same attraction. See?
I missed the bit where you elaborated on what facility an individual requires in order to be happy and satisfied to such a degree that they don't desire to infringe on the happiness of others.
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Depends on perspective. To ourselves, our problems mean everything. Meaning is ascribed in relation, not objectively.
So our problems have importance only if we give them meaning/power?

I don't fall for the whole mind-body dualism that underlies that dichotomy.
So you are meat or spirit?
That's just as presumptuous, God could be all genders, or no gender at all. For an entity that is perceived to thrive on adoration, don't you think it would be sensitive to the correct acknowledgment of its characteristics? Aren't you?
I think God has no gender, or is both, depending on how you view God. If not for your body, you would have no gender. Either way, I don't believe God gives a shit about his pronouns.
I think God has no gender, or is both, depending on how you view God. If not for your body, you would have no gender. Either way, I don't believe God gives a shit about his pronouns.
So I guess you're saying that God is an advocate for gender fluidity, and that we are free to address God as Your Shittiness.
If it doesn't advocate, how do we discern its will?

What makes you think you were meant to discern anything. Do you question the sun during the day, the clouds above, a budding flower. What can your mind contrive that will discern the will of God?

You're better off not worrying about it and simply living your life.
So our problems have importance only if we give them meaning/power?
Not entirely. Their measurable impacts or effects also contribute to their importance. But those effects are relative to the frame of reference.

So you are meat or spirit?
I don't know why you insist on repeating the question when I already answered. I do not think it's an "either-or" thing.
What makes you think you were meant to discern anything. Do you question the sun during the day, the clouds above, a budding flower. What can your mind contrive that will discern the will of God?
In case you hadn't noticed, discerning and questioning things happen to be universal traits among human beings. If a notion exists to contemplate, it tends to get contemplated.
You're better off not worrying about it and simply living your life.
No worries at all, just doin some contemplatin.