If you were to pray to God...?

Quick question. If you were to pray to God
It woud be a request...
...that my pre-prayer sanity return
Perhaps you need to open a thread about theodicy..
But just to cut to the chase, what sort of help would you expect such people to receive?

Oh, you know, the whole death by drowning thingy or having your body torn to shreds from debris.

But hey, if firewood is your thingy with God, all the power to you. I'm sure those quarter million people would appreciate your compassion for them over a few twigs.
Oh, you know, the whole death by drowning thingy or having your body torn to shreds from debris.

But hey, if firewood is your thingy with God, all the power to you. I'm sure those quarter million people would appreciate your compassion for them over a few twigs.
Maybe I should have described the story as didactic rather than anecdotal.
Ok, so given the option of being in a position of getting saved from drowning or torn to shreds, what do you suppose happens next?
Then i woud once agan be rid of stoopidstition an have enuff sinse to realize that bible-God is a monster
There is no need to worry its all just made up fantasy based on superstitious notions with so many holes in the story that rational folk are caused to wonder why the whole God story is not found in the library in the fiction section under the section titled Myths Fairey Tales and Ancient Superstition.

These "lets talk about God threads" can all be smiled upon given they all speculate upon the specific characteristics of a made up entity which can be demonstrated to lack existence via a total absence of suppprt for all claims made folk wishing the God story was real.

They have nothing and when they speak they have nothing but made up God stories to quote as some sort of authority to the hollow claims.

The God story is demonstratably false and yet the fear of death and the fear of hell has poor superstitiois folk resorting to irrational reliance on wisdom from goat herders from the bronze age.
They find the existent reality insufficient so invent their own based upon unsupported wishful thinking.

The arguement could be settled with evidence that the God story is not made up but fortunately we have a good book that offers page after page of evidence that the God story was made up and can only been regarded as a nice accumulation of ancient writtings to reveal the superstitious view of the world that existed thousands of years ago in one small corner of the world.

Anyways when JC returns and the stars fall upon the ground evidencing they are not Suns like our Sun we may be able to ask questions that would if answered indicate why the good book is riddled with mistakes and dispicable morality.

But JCs promise to return within the life time of those then listening has not been realised which in itself evidence that the story is no more than a story.
