If you were to pray to God...?

Maybe I should have described the story as didactic rather than anecdotal.

You can describe it wearing a bag over your head while playing Mozart's Requiem on a ukulele, but you'll always run into the same problem if you try and support prayer induced intervention from God.

Ok, so given the option of being in a position of getting saved from drowning or torn to shreds, what do you suppose happens next?

Oh gee, I dunno, hyuck, maybe those folks wouldn't have had to die. Doh.
There is no need to worry its all just made up fantasy based on superstitious notions with so many holes in the story that rational folk are caused to wonder why the whole God story is not found in the library in the fiction section under the section titled Myths Fairey Tales and Ancient Superstition.
If bible-God did exist i woud plot to kill it… an its interestin to watch believers atempt to justify the holey-bible monster-God as an entity worthy of worship.!!!
You can describe it wearing a bag over your head while playing Mozart's Requiem on a ukulele, but you'll always run into the same problem if you try and support prayer induced intervention from God.
Given that you are probably the third person to consecutively miss the didactic element, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Oh gee, I dunno, hyuck, maybe those folks wouldn't have had to die. Doh.
Oh the injustice! Oh hark thee, where is the humanity!! Tis the world naught but a stage with players!!!
Tis the world naught but a stage with players!!!
Musika I just love your written expression you are a talent...if you wrote a book I would read it and if you signed it I would buy it.

And yes the world is full of players most of whom are pretenders making up fantasy and promoting it as truth.
I hope you find truth.
There is no need to worry its all just made up fantasy based on superstitious notions with so many holes in the story that rational folk are caused to wonder why the whole God story is not found in the library in the fiction section under the section titled Myths Fairey Tales and Ancient Superstition.

These "lets talk about God threads" can all be smiled upon given they all speculate upon the specific characteristics of a made up entity which can be demonstrated to lack existence via a total absence of suppprt for all claims made folk wishing the God story was real.

They have nothing and when they speak they have nothing but made up God stories to quote as some sort of authority to the hollow claims.

The God story is demonstratably false and yet the fear of death and the fear of hell has poor superstitiois folk resorting to irrational reliance on wisdom from goat herders from the bronze age.
They find the existent reality insufficient so invent their own based upon unsupported wishful thinking.

The arguement could be settled with evidence that the God story is not made up but fortunately we have a good book that offers page after page of evidence that the God story was made up and can only been regarded as a nice accumulation of ancient writtings to reveal the superstitious view of the world that existed thousands of years ago in one small corner of the world.

Anyways when JC returns and the stars fall upon the ground evidencing they are not Suns like our Sun we may be able to ask questions that would if answered indicate why the good book is riddled with mistakes and dispicable morality.

IF I find there is an omnipotent god who caused the writing of the bible, I must conclude that god wanted me to not believe it.

But JCs promise to return within the life time of those then listening has not been realised which in itself evidence that the story is no more than a story.
A prime example of why I cannot believe the bible.

Musika I just love your written expression you are a talent...if you wrote a book I would read it and if you signed it I would buy it.

And yes the world is full of players most of whom are pretenders making up fantasy and promoting it as truth.
I hope you find truth.
Can you not learn from this wise man's didactic post?

Given that you are probably the third person to consecutively miss the didactic element, it doesn't seem to be the case.

So, the moral you're teaching here is that God will not save your life no matter how much or how hard you pray, but when it comes to tracking down some firewood, God will bless you. Of course, any idiot can get firewood.

Oh the injustice! Oh hark thee, where is the humanity!! Tis the world naught but a stage with players!!!

I'm guessing you had no family members or close friends die in that tsunami.

Did you know it happened right after Jesus' birthday? Maybe Jesus was upset because he didn't get the BB gun he wanted from Santa and decided to have a second coming.
So, the moral you're teaching here is that God will not save your life no matter how much or how hard you pray, but when it comes to tracking down some firewood, God will bless you. Of course, any idiot can get firewood.
I definitely should have used "didactic" instead of "anecdotal".

If the world is a stage, praying for stage props, regardless whether its firewood, a life raft, half a ton of gold bullion, or a forehead free from acne, remains simply stage props. If an actor is excited about the prospect of playing a king in a drama because that will enable them a lifetime of luxury, they are either very stupid or overly dedicated to playing the part (they could also be a prime candidate for american politics ..... ).

The whole point about the firewood was that God could have delivered much more than stage props for a role destined for a closing curtain, but wasn't asked.

I'm guessing you had no family members or close friends die in that tsunami.
I'm guessing you view family relationships as eternal, or at least ascribe such temporary relationships with eternal values ("together forever").
I recall one lawyer in the field of marriage and estates who advised, doing aside with one dying, the other alternative for married couples is a divorce rate at 100% ... meaning you will either lawyer up and get divorced or have the other one die and face separation that way.
In our saner moments, we understand we will leave sooner or later, and probably in the same manner that we appeared, namely screaming with nothing on a stinky bed ... however it's practically impossible to disengage from the stagely (ie, worldly) appeal of things. Calling upon God as some sort of props manager simply reveals a type of ignorance about our relationship with this world (of course, an atheist is already in a position of ignorance about God, so, given present company, there's probably no need for that as an addition).

Did you know it happened right after Jesus' birthday? Maybe Jesus was upset because he didn't get the BB gun he wanted from Santa and decided to have a second coming.
I believe George R R Martin also received hate mail when certain lead characters met grizzily ends.
I don't know if there is any in-depth analysis of his writing that shows he treats the characters within his dramas more kindly on his birthday.
Can you not learn from this wise man's didactic post?

I am learning but perhaps not what you think you teach.
I have learnt that even folk who seem intelligent and well educated can set reason aside to believe whatever it is they want to believe.
Perhaps your education leaves you believing you are now equipped to think and yet I really wonder if you really can given the fact you seem to prefer made up stories from the bronze age over testable facts.
I often say to folk not to trust anyone particularly themselves knowing folk can talk themselves into believing whatever it is they want to believe.
Please have a chat with yourself and determine if your thoughts can be trusted to be valid.
I am learning but perhaps not what you think you teach.
I have learnt that even folk who seem intelligent and well educated can set reason aside to believe whatever it is they want to believe.
Perhaps your education leaves you believing you are now equipped to think and yet I really wonder if you really can given the fact you seem to prefer made up stories from the bronze age over testable facts.
I often say to folk not to trust anyone particularly themselves knowing folk can talk themselves into believing whatever it is they want to believe.
Please have a chat with yourself and determine if your thoughts can be trusted to be valid.
LOL I was being sarcastic.

Did you confuse me with someone else?

Musika I just love your written expression you are a talent...if you wrote a book I would read it and if you signed it I would buy it.
Sounds like I could be a contender for Kilgore Trout.

And yes the world is full of players most of whom are pretenders making up fantasy and promoting it as truth.
I hope you find truth.
Then it begs the question, if its a stage with players, what are the actual roles after the curtains drop.
Having written plays & done other work in theatre, it struck me what a great help an artificial simulation could be if it could be watched by an audience outside the simulation. Specially if all the actors' memories are subdued until the current production is done. Unaware of their true selves, the actors could play their parts as if they actually are the characters.
Perhaps that is what this world is & at some point we come out of it & laugh about it & congratulate each other on a job well done.
Maybe there are trillions of beings watching & hearing everything we do, say & think.
I wonder whether there is a laugh track & theme music.

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This is the way it is..the biker the lawyer the priest they all play a character outside of who they are and unfortunately none know it.
My role is that of grumpy old man an easy role with plenty of motivation to play my role to perfection.

Isn't that how everyone feels about whatever role they are playing?