If you were God, how would you...

If I were God I would say it's all about faith in this world and proof isn't an option.

In the next world if proof were asked of God I'd think it quite funny if God made the questioning individual just disappear from existence.

Don't mess with the Gods with idle questions is what I say!
Don't mess with the Gods with idle questions is what I say!

If you ask idle questions about God, God will have you tortured for eternity.
If you ask idle questions about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about Iran's government, he will have you tortured and executed.

I hope God isn't like a brutal dictator who, if questioned or even talked about, tortures and executes his people.

In Iran, if they don't serve Ahmadinejad and do exactly as he orders, they will be tortured and/or executed.
According to you (I think) and most Christians, if we don't serve God and do exactly as he orders, he will execute and torture us for eternity (lake of fire).

So in Christianity, is God a dictator? I have to side with Hinduism and Buddhism here in that I don't think a "good" God could be as low as say, a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or a Saddam Hussein, killing and torturing people because they didn't follow orders. Seems kind of illogical and "evil" to me.

Aside from that, pharaohmoan, I think God wants us to try to figure everything out and questions things. Don't you? Isn't that what free will is all about? Or does God just want everyone to follow orders and say "Yes Sir" to everything God says just because he'll torture them if they dont?
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Aside from that, pharaohmoan, I think God wants us to try to figure everything out and questions things. Don't you? Isn't that what free will is all about? Or does God just want everyone to follow orders and say "Yes Sir" to everything God says just because he'll torture them if they dont?

Yes I see your point. I would imagine free will is an aspect to be considered.
Maybe if more people really believed in the potentiality of God they'd not draw any unecessary attention to themselves. I believe that if there is a God, and I believe there is, he would not be very concerned with mere mortal's activities (on the grand scheme of things).
Yes I see your point. I would imagine free will is an aspect to be considered.
Maybe if more people really believed in the potentiality of God they'd not draw any unecessary attention to themselves. I believe that if there is a God, and I believe there is, he would not be very concerned with mere mortal's activities (on the grand scheme of things).

What would he be concerned with then? Immortal's activities?
Yes I see your point. I would imagine free will is an aspect to be considered.
Maybe if more people really believed in the potentiality of God they'd not draw any unecessary attention to themselves. I believe that if there is a God, and I believe there is, he would not be very concerned with mere mortal's activities (on the grand scheme of things).

I mean I just don't see the purpose of creating people, then telling them to do something and then if they don't do it burning them for eternity. Again, I have to side with more of a Hindu view on a non-eternal hell. Who really knows though.

Toward saving mankind...Frankly just as he did.
But the memory of Mircales are short and they have the problem of being so incredible that the only real impact would be on those who experienced them.
Which is the problem we have today...so miracles have a limited purpose toward that glory.
What would he be concerned with then? Immortal's activities?
In a nut shell, yes.

I mean I just don't see the purpose of creating people, then telling them to do something and then if they don't do it burning them for eternity. Again, I have to side with more of a Hindu view on a non-eternal hell. Who really knows though.

But he's not telling people what to do, that's why we have free will. One of the main things it seems he is asking of us is that we have faith in him.
If i was god i would use my HUGE hand to flick you to the moon black and white style and then turn up on the moon as you were suffocating and say (which would be a neat trick in its self because you cant hear people speak in space) "belive in me now"?:p
Toward saving mankind...Frankly just as he did.
But the memory of Mircales are short and they have the problem of being so incredible that the only real impact would be on those who experienced them.
Which is the problem we have today...so miracles have a limited purpose toward that glory.

Saquist, would you be against God rearranging the stars into a smiley face once every 50 years just to keep reminding us of his existence? What would be wrong with that? I think it would be great.

pharaohmoan said:
But he's not telling people what to do, that's why we have free will. One of the main things it seems he is asking of us is that we have faith in him.

I see what you saying but not telling us what to do and then burning us for eternity because we don't do what he didn't even tell us to do is even worse!!! So God just created people, doesn't tell us what to do, then tortures us if we don't do what he hasn't told us to do?

That's like me putting a gun to someone's head, and saying you don't have to give me $5,000, but if you don't I will kill you.

As far as faith, what is the difference between having blind faith in God and blind faith in Leprachauns? Both have no material proof or evidence, so what's different about those two faiths?
Interesting question, but it has been answered for a long time:

"For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse:..." Romans 1:20

In other words, all the proof necessary is right in front of our eyes, but the natural man will have none of it.
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I also notice in this thread some talk about 'special convincing' being required for those who do not believe. That is quite right. The special convincing that is required is a rebirth of the heart. That rebirth must happen before men can believe, and it is a sovereign work of the Spirit apart from any will of man. In short, faith follows regeneration, not the other way around.
Saquist, would you be against God rearranging the stars into a smiley face once every 50 years just to keep reminding us of his existence? What would be wrong with that? I think it would be great.

Do you think the rearranging of the Stars would fit within the laws of the universe every fifty years? and how so?
Sorry, I can't resist. God does not exist. He is. Exist is from ex meaning from, or out of. We exist, He does not because He is neither from nor out of anything.
Sorry, I can't resist. God does not exist. He is. Exist is from ex meaning from, or out of. We exist, He does not because He is neither from nor out of anything.

Or he doesnt exist because he is just a made up concept;)
Sorry, I can't resist. God does not exist. He is. Exist is from ex meaning from, or out of. We exist, He does not because He is neither from nor out of anything.

Peculiar semantics aside, do you think that God is, like 3 is? (or 4, 7, 879, or pi?)