If you were God, how would you...

I might also send a messenger down in the form of... hmm... let's say... SUPERMAN!... But his name would be Jesus II, he would be invulnerable to crusi-fiction. He would fly around and heal people with a touch, fight crime, and just generally be an all around good guy. Of course he would have to live forever, otherwise how would our children's children's children know that he wasn't just some made up story in a book. No, let's stick with the star or message idea.
people don't get more faith from seeing miracles, they see miracles because they have more faith. that's why some people see paranormal things like ghosts and UFO's but scientists never see them.

i couldn't show miracles to everyone because miracles are supposed to be special. if i would show them to everyone, i would have to show them every day, and soon they wouldn't be miracles anymore... they would be every day things, like gravity and the sun.

I'm not asking for a miracle every day. I'm asking for one giant, undeniable miracle per generation. For example, the stars aligning into a giant smiley face or an "I AM GOD" pattern once a generation for everyone to see.

Also, here's your statement:

"People don't get more faith from seeing miracles, they see miracles because they have more faith."

The Bible, which you said was written by God himself, states the following in John 20:30-31:

"And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name."

So the Bible says miracles are to increase people's faith, or to give them faith in Jesus.

So you're wrong, I think, about the purpose of Jesus'/God's miracles. And I don't see any problem in moving the stars around once every 40 or so years.
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I hope he will come up with another answer.. :(

Same answer.

If I created beings with free will, they would be just that.

Think of it this way...

Most religions say that there is an eternal, non-corporeal paradise that we go to after death.
What, then, does this existence offer us that paradies does not?
What is the difference between there and here?

1 Sensual experience
2 Mortality/Danger/Excitement/Passion

These are the things that make life here what it is.

Mortality comes part and parcel with physical existence.
The ability to feel, implies the ability to feel pleasure and pain - they are just extremes of the same sensations.

Without risk there is no excitement and passion.
Without exciement and passion you have statsis.

Without consequences, you have no reason to act.

This life is a gift in it's many forms.

Aside from that, no matter how much suffering one may endure in this lifetime, it is nothing but a drop of water when viewed against the backdrop of eteral pleasure, no?
80 years of constant pain would not amount to a hangnail in an eternity of pain-free existence.

Furthermore, nearly every bit of suffering one must endure in this lifetime is caused by human beings.
It is our choice to make.

If we did not have the choice we would not have free will.

I prefer to be a man in pain to being a puppet in any scenario.

If I were God I most certainly would not intervene - and that would not make me malevolent - forcing the hands of the beings I supposedly ceated with free will would make me malevolent.
Same answer.

If I created beings with free will, they would be just that.

Think of it this way...

Most religions say that there is an eternal, non-corporeal paradise that we go to after death.
What, then, does this existence offer us that paradies does not?
What is the difference between there and here?

1 Sensual experience
2 Mortality/Danger/Excitement/Passion

These are the things that make life here what it is.

Mortality comes part and parcel with physical existence.
The ability to feel, implies the ability to feel pleasure and pain - they are just extremes of the same sensations.

Without risk there is no excitement and passion.
Without exciement and passion you have statsis.

Without consequences, you have no reason to act.

This life is a gift in it's many forms.

Aside from that, no matter how much suffering one may endure in this lifetime, it is nothing but a drop of water when viewed against the backdrop of eteral pleasure, no?
80 years of constant pain would not amount to a hangnail in an eternity of pain-free existence.

Furthermore, nearly every bit of suffering one must endure in this lifetime is caused by human beings.
It is our choice to make.

If we did not have the choice we would not have free will.

I prefer to be a man in pain to being a puppet in any scenario.

If I were God I most certainly would not intervene - and that would not make me malevolent - forcing the hands of the beings I supposedly ceated with free will would make me malevolent.

So you would basically do the same as God does now ? Provided he exists of course..
Btw.. what is your stance on that ?
God is a Deist.

My stance is that there is no cognizant higher power - though a higher power certainly does exist.

Do you have any ideas as to what this higher power is ? Nature perhaps ? Or do you mean supernatural ?