If you were God, how would you...

maybe god is playing a game of hide and seek but forgot to tell us to find him:p

He could be hiding under some rock somewhere ready to jump out and say "your it":p
If you were God and you created humans (humans have free will), how would you convince them that you exist?

I would have just included an inescapable knowledge of my existence in their programming.

You'll probably try and argue that somehow having knowledge of an entities existence causes a problem with 'free will' but frankly I don't see how or why. Does my daughter have no free will because she knows I exist? Would it be better for the sake of her free will if I ran away the day she was born just so she wouldn't "know" me but would have to guess instead?

All these people would have the free will to decide whether to worship me, kill each other because of me and all the other stupid things religious folk do.

Of course, if I was god, and perfect in nature then humans wouldn't even exist. I would have no need or want to create pissy little creatures to bow down to me and serve me. Any god that would clearly has an ego that needs stroking.
I would have just included an inescapable knowledge of my existence in their programming.

that's a funny thing for an atheist to say because there seems to be such a programming in humans. why else would people have invented the idea of god? maybe around 85% of all people on earth believe in some higher power.
that's a funny thing for an atheist to say because there seems to be such a programming in humans.

No there doesn't. What is evident is that thousands of years of indoctrination - teaching from one to the next to the next to the next, being killed for not believing or believing other things, and so on certainly take their toll.

It is however quite reasonable that ancient people that knew nothing about anything would invent powerful forces to explain the things they witnessed. If for instance an ancient man saw a river turn red, he wouldn't diagnose it as pfiesteria he'd say some powerful force turned it to blood.

It's not much of a surprise that these so called 'gods' actually merely represent the things that ancient people saw around them. You don't find Chinese elephant gods, but you do find Indian elephant gods. South American gods resemble snakes, Egyptian gods resemble vultures and jackal. Many cultures gods resemble the stars, the sun, the moon. And so on and so forth.

90% of all people on earth believe in some higher power.

The mass majority believe that ostriches bury their heads in sand. They don't. A vast amount of people believe that humans only use 5-10% of their brain. We don't, (although I wont speak for some people around here).

That many people believe something is not an indication that it is true, or is an inbuilt knowledge of the existence of such a thing.

And, with all due respect, the mass majority of humans are stupid. It was only a week ago in the grand scale of things that they used to scalp people with headaches because they thought a demon resided within.
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i would scare the living piss out of all of the apathetic, holier than thou, sin-loving, self-worshipping mother f'ers. i would prove my power and dominion by destroying this awful world of suffering and death, and create a new one of love, communion, and perfection.
i would scare the living piss out of all of the apathetic, holier than thou, sin-loving, self-worshipping mother f'ers. i would prove my power and dominion by destroying this awful world of suffering and death, and create a new one of love, communion, and perfection.

By love you mean sex? That is what we men think about all day! Then you have to provide special power to men so that they can have multiple orgasms too. Please...pretty please...
sex does not equal love, but is an expression of love. and with that said, i don't see the problem with multiple orgasms for men. i declare in the kingdom equal sex rights for men!
i can envision a lot of women reading this and saying, "multiple?!? i'd be happy with one every once in a while!"
SnakeLord said:
If for instance an ancient man saw a river turn red, he wouldn't diagnose it as pfiesteria he'd say some powerful force turned it to blood.

it's not wrong to say that a powerful force turned it into blood, it's just a less accurate description. scientists call magnetism a powerful force, but maybe future humans have a more accurate description.

it's not very accurate to say that i live in the universe... that i live in life (it would be more correct to say that i live on earth, in sweden, etc.) but it's still correct. the same way it's also correct to say that god rules everything. god is life (John 11:25), and life is all there is, so it rules and explains everything.

btw, how do you explain that the river of nile turned into blood right after aron put His rod in the river?

That many people believe something is not an indication that it is true, or is an inbuilt knowledge of the existence of such a thing.

but it could be. for example, most people are attracted by the opposite sex... that indicates that it's programmed in us. a weird example maybe, but if feelings can be programmed, knowledge could be too.

By love you mean sex? That is what we men think about all day!

men and women want to unite with each other only because they are not united with god. but it's not a bad thing to leave from home (eden) sometimes.
Sorry, I can't resist. God does not exist. He is. Exist is from ex meaning from, or out of. We exist, He does not because He is neither from nor out of anything.


If god exists then the laws of the universe are what he makes them, so why not?

Why would he wish to change the laws of the universe. Wouldn't that be indecisive?

The purpose of laws is so that they can be followed. Would that not imply that he was incapable of working within those laws? Would that not imply he was incapable of the foresight necessary to prepare for such a happenstance.

Humans are obsessed with shortcuts. The fast method because we can't antcipate events so we cheat and break the rule. Why would God, of infinite power, and omniscient would need to restructure the laws of the universe if he truely was omniscient?
the same way it's also correct to say that god rules everything.

Which one?

Needless to say though, it's not at all "correct" unless you can establish it as being so, (i.e show a god exists).

btw, how do you explain that the river of nile turned into blood right after aron put His rod in the river?

Imaginative story telling. If we go purely from a biblical perspective then it needs to be mentioned that the egyptian magicians managed to accomplish the very same feat. Now; the fish died, the water stank and was 'blood'. If, as is likely, this was a case of pfiesteria, who was going to be able to diagnose it? So then the next 'god plague' was the frogs. Where are all the frogs going to go when the water is stinky and full of dead fish? So then the Egyptians put all these dead frogs into a big pile. What do you think the next 'god plagues' would be? Oh why, it's mosquitoes and flies. All these disease carrying mosquitoes and flies would surely cause a problem, (death of livestock perhaps, ergo the next plague).

The thing is, the very same twits that claim the plagues were god done as opposed to having natural reason do not do the same with the bubonic plague etc. Nope, they actually apply some common sense and realise these things do not happen because some sky fairy is angry, they happen because of germs and disease - but then accept the word of ancient people with no medical knowledge whatsoever for no good reason whatsoever. Twits.
Where are all the frogs going to go when the water is stinky and full of dead fish? So then the Egyptians put all these dead frogs into a big pile. What do you think the next 'god plagues' would be? Oh why, it's mosquitoes and flies.

There is no difference between natural disasters and God because God causes all natural disasters because he controls everything.

The pharaoh believed that they were natural disasters, not works of God... but the first plague that possibly caused all the other plagues didn't start naturally. God said to Moses who said to Aron to turn the river into blood with the magic wand.

'Magic wand' might sound silly, but imagine that 'magic' was just some kind of ancient advanced technology.
There is no difference between natural disasters and God because God causes all natural disasters because he controls everything.

The pharaoh believed that they were natural disasters, not works of God... but the first plague that possibly caused all the other plagues didn't start naturally. God said to Moses who said to Aron to turn the river into blood with the magic wand.

Wouldn't necessarily agree with this. What if God simply put systems in place and allowed the programmes to run so to speak with I might emphasize free will, including weather systems.
There is no difference between natural disasters and God because God causes all natural disasters because he controls everything.

If what you're saying was of any value I still do not see how this god would be an earthquake because he causes that earthquake. However, only an imbecile would assert that natural disasters are the actions of powerful sky beings.

but the first plague that possibly caused all the other plagues didn't start naturally. God said to Moses who said to Aron to turn the river into blood with the magic wand.

Clearly imbecilic. The only reason this kind of idiocy doesn't get you tucked away in a padded room somewhere is because ultimately such idiocy is not harmful to anyone else. The problem is, the people believing in such idiocy do not recognise it for the idiocy it is merely because they're not tucked away in a padded room somewhere.

'Magic wand' might sound silly, but imagine that 'magic' was just some kind of ancient advanced technology.

You're right, it does sound silly. As for advanced ancient technology.. I await the finding of it.
Which one?

Needless to say though, it's not at all "correct" unless you can establish it as being so, (i.e show a god exists).

It can not be had both ways. There are two possibilities: either the universe created itself, ex nihilo, or it was created by intelligence. Materialists, with a driving desire to rule God out of the conversation, postulate, with no hope of demonstration, that chance is the ruler of all things. The scientific literature is rife with just-so stories about how the universe might have come about. That these stories are not demonstrable makes no difference as long as they can be clung to as an alternative to dealing with an omnipotent Creator.

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,..."

"And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind,"

Materialism is a belief system that allows the believer to comfort himself that he is all there is. Created by chance out of nothing, with no purpose, answerable to nothing, and destined for personal extinction having learned nothing.
If you were God and you created humans (humans have free will), how would you convince them that you exist?

Simple. No need to show them anything. Each and every person form birth would inherently know who I am and what message I send to them. This would remained unchanged from the moment mankind was created.
It can not be had both ways. There are two possibilities: either the universe created itself, ex nihilo, or it was created by intelligence.

Or it has existed forever in some form. There are more than two possibilities here.

That's the thing with theists though, they assert that "everything must have a creator". So what created the creator? "Oh, well he doesn't have a creator" and yet cannot fathom that the universe itself need not have 'been created'.

Materialists, with a driving desire to rule God out of the conversation, postulate, with no hope of demonstration, that chance is the ruler of all things.

This is typical theist nonsense. Nobody I know has a "desire to rule [a] god out of the conversation", it's simply that there is nothing to suggest that a god need fit into it. If you have some evidence of course, most of us are more than happy to take note.

The scientific literature is rife with just-so stories about how the universe might have come about.

Typical theist bullshit. It's amusing to me how scientific literature comes down to little more than made up stories while completely nonsensical ancient texts are considered the final truth of the matter. It's pathetic.

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,..."

"The pursuit of knowledge, unless sanctified by a holy mission, is a pagan act and therefore vile." St Bernard of Clairvaux

Not a lot seems to have changed. Those on one side seeking knowledge, those on the other claiming they already know it all, look it's written in this book it must be true. Sorry, who is the wise that became the fool?

"And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind,"

"What if we picked the wrong religion? Every week, we're just making god madder and madder!" Homer Simpson

What god exactly are we talking about here? There's millions of them, oh but wait.. you're wise aren't you? You already know exactly which god is the genuine article, you know exactly what that genuine god wants you do to, you know exactly what that god does and when he did it.

It comes down to the theists inability to accept that there isn't an answer for everything just yet. They whine continually at science because it doesn't know everything and so settle on some ancient text and consider it the answer to everything. Oh it's so stupid.

Materialism is a belief system that allows the believer to comfort himself that he is all there is.

You're talking bollocks. It's not an issue of comfort, it's an issue of what is and is not evidenced.

Created by chance out of nothing, with no purpose, answerable to nothing, and destined for personal extinction having learned nothing.

Your issue seems to be one of common emotional problems.

1) No purpose.

It strikes an emotional chord with the theist which is why he cannot accept it. He feels that he must be important, must be chosen, must be loved and so on.

2) Answerable to nothing.

You're talking bollocks. We're all answerable. Answerable to parents, teachers, employers, the law, the wife etc etc. I know of nobody that has an issue with being answerable to someone else. Do you have any evidence to support the claim to the existence of your specific chosen god? No, you don't. I do not have a belief in that specific god of yours, or anyone elses, or leprechauns precisely because of that. It has nothing whatsoever to being answerable.

3) Personal Extinction.

Get over it. I understand it's scary, sure I don't want to die either. I'm sure even slugs and pubic lice don't want to die but that is the way it is. That you need to envision life part II in a golden city in the clouds is clearly because of emotional feelings and fears. Will there be pubic lice in this heaven of yours? If not, do you espouse that pubic lice just cease to exist? If so what separates you? Ah yes, you're special aww.

4) Created by chance.

One can say it was chance. Chance that your parents met each other, fell in love and chance that the specific sperm that is you actually wriggled the fastest. You know there's something like a 39 followed by 57 zeros to 1 chance that "you" would exist, but here you are.

This god of yours did not pick out the specific sperm that is you and give it a push up the ass. This god of yours did not magically move your mother into the path of your father. This god of yours did not magically cause chemical reactions that caused your father to love your mother and this god of yours did not magically ensure that you were not one of the unlucky 1 in 3 first time pregnancies that ends in miscarriage.

There's no magic to be found here.