If you were God, how would you...

Wait, it has already happened!

What would a parent do for its children if that parent was full of love and patience? Does a flower bloom as soon as its seed sprouts? Do gardeners not tend their garden?

Yeah but, if we are God then there is no "child." If we are all God, then we created ourselves and brought suffering upon ourselves, not our children.

Parents who love their children scold them and are patient with them in order to teach the child because children don't know everything. God does know eveything, and if we are all God we all know everything and have no reason to suffer.

i would convince them the same way the real god does it: by doing nothing... by writing a book called bible, quran vedanta, dividing a red sea, lightning, tsunamis, earthquakes. then i would sit back and enjoy the show.

Yorda, if one person got to witness a miracle like raising of the dead and parting of a sea, doesn't that give them an unfair advantage in faith?
Yorda, if one person got to witness a miracle like raising of the dead and parting of a sea, doesn't that give them an unfair advantage in faith?

people don't get more faith from seeing miracles, they see miracles because they have more faith. that's why some people see paranormal things like ghosts and UFO's but scientists never see them.

i couldn't show miracles to everyone because miracles are supposed to be special. if i would show them to everyone, i would have to show them every day, and soon they wouldn't be miracles anymore... they would be every day things, like gravity and the sun.
I see that you are still with us, now doesn't that prove there's no God?

Umm... first of all you didn't ask it (God) to kill me, you asked it to kill Jozen-Bo.

Secondly, just because you said 'let it kill you' Does not mean that God (if he existed) must do what you ask... Therefore, it is proof of nothing.

Now, if you were to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm and openly forsake God... show your utter contempt for the very idea that God exists and then say something like 'If God exists let him strike me down where I stand!'... Then (if he hadn't struck you down) I would say you have some (weak) evidence for the non-existence of God... but still no proof.
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Being unknowable, I'd have no way of convincing them.. lol
Otherwise I would just show myself, maybe perform some miracles.. :cool:
As for the OP... I like the Star Idea. Also some sort of message hidden in the very physics of the universe would be convincing... like in CONTACT... a message hidden in the number Pi.
I would appear in the sky and tell them who I was, just before killing them all with plagues of katana wielding koalas.
I would appear with my big sack on shoulder.
Throwing out presents........Free JESUS CREAM for everyone....
He could simply show how he created the universe and anything, perhaps show us enough to do some expereimentation of ourselfs.
Making it more likly that he is god then that he isn't