If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in...

SnakeLord said:
Fine, lay your evidence on the table. And while you're at it, lay all the evidence you have that goes against man coming from apes....
That is simple. Apes don't give birth to humans.

20+ pages have been spent showing evidence to support the evolutionary paths that have ended up with modern day man. Now I would ask you to present whatever you have that goes against that.
One thing is strikingly obvious. To travel through the 'evolutionary path', we should have the acrobatic skills of apes to jump and leap and swing in a zig-zag fashion. And all of a sudden other branches keep on appearing and we should also possess the skill to turn in mid-flight to catch them. The side effect of this gymnastic drill is, we start doubting whether we are humans or improvised apes.
Flores said:
You are such a genious. That's exactly what genesis says....In the beginning there was god only and nothing else....

clap clap....Hurry up your research a bit, you got 30 years tops to go back to what you were before you were created.

There were bear ancestors though before that. That isn't stated in genesis.

I suggest you read 'on the origin of species'. It is a nice and easy book to read and it answers all the questions you ask on this forum.

It's never too late to educate yourself.
James R said:
If we lived our lives in the water, we would no doubt gradually, over many generations, become more like the whales.
The natural question that arise among the by-standers who are not experts on evolution is :

Whether the change in genes that facilitates this transformation is (1) by the influence of environment or (2) by random mutation ?

In case (1), adapting to the environment really guides the evolution then. And the subsequent question is how much this genetic adaptations contributed towards evolution as against random mutations.?

In case (2) ( due to random mutation ), natural selection would eleminate the unfavourable traits being passed on to generations. In that case what is the chance of a favourable random mutation to occur that pass the natural selection and makes us more like whales. ?

In my opinion, knowing about evolution does not in any way remove the sense of wonder at the complexity and magnificence of life on Earth. On the contrary, it enhances it - it mangifies my sense of wonder. If God created evolution, then I have tremendous respect for Him.
As a person who tries to keep equal distance from both creationism and evolusionist 'orgin of species', I see you are one of the very few that have a fairly objective approach and helpful to all this debate. So i would trouble you more just to enhance my own understanding.
Snakelore, old buddy......:) I did not say or indicate that I had evidence contrary to the ape to man theory, only that it is still a theory. Why do you want it to be a fact so badly? If you believe it is a fact, that is respectable. I happen not to. If it is ever proven, however, it will not upset me at all. How's that?
That is simple. Apes don't give birth to humans.
NO evolutionist would ever claim that apes gave birth to humans...

One thing is strikingly obvious. To travel through the 'evolutionary path', we should have the acrobatic skills of apes to jump and leap and swing in a zig-zag fashion. And all of a sudden other branches keep on appearing and we should also possess the skill to turn in mid-flight to catch them. The side effect of this gymnastic drill is, we start doubting whether we are humans or improvised apes.
This isn't proof against evolution. Just proof that you like to create straw-men.
Actually KNOW something about a theory before attacking it.

Whether the change in genes that facilitates this transformation is (1) by the influence of environment or (2) by random mutation ?
The mutations are random.
The ones which are passed on through the generations is NOT random. Natural selection selects the genes which are passed on.

In that case what is the chance of a favourable random mutation to occur that pass the natural selection and makes us more like whales. ?
Very slim.
Here's an experiment. Get 25 decks of cards, and lay them out in a series. Wow, the chance of you laying out that particular permutation is about 1 over 25*12*(4!*12).
I'm very rusty on permutations and combinations, so someone who has a better grasp can correct me.

However, you get the idea. The chance of you laying out that particular series is astronomically small.
However, it happened...

I did not say or indicate that I had evidence contrary to the ape to man theory, only that it is still a theory.
It's a fact...
HOW it occurred is theory.

Why do you want it to be a fact so badly?
He doesn't WANT it to be a fact. It just is. Every field of science points to the FACT that we share an ancestor with the chimps.
mountainhare said:
NO evolutionist would ever claim that apes gave birth to humans...
You mean Snakelord is not an evolutionist.? I know he slipped and i was kidding.

This isn't proof against evolution. Just proof that you like to create straw-men.
Actually KNOW something about a theory before attacking it.
Who said it is a proof or argument against anything.? Do you have any clue on what i was saying there.?

Whenever you hear a joke on your pet theory, you usually push the strawman to the fore and pretend you have nothing to do with that. Have you ever hesitated to pick the strawman when you are bent on molesting the theological belief(s) ?

Every field of science points to the FACT that we share an ancestor with the chimps.
You know a lot, it seems. I don't want to pick up strawman anyway.
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For back in Eden the serpent was an upright creature. He was close to man. He was almost man. Satan took advantage of the serpent's physical characteristics to use him to beguile Eve. Then God destroyed that pattern of the serpent. No other beast can commingle with man.

Run a search on "Giant human skeletons" and ask yourself why scientists have removed and destoyed all evidence of this separate species hundreds of times.
If there existed a separate species of humaniods.....such as a human-serpent hybrid(now don't think snakes, I'm talking about the serpent in it's original condition .... the closest thing to Man) it would authenticate the bible and show evidence against evolution.
There would be remains all over the world - skeletons... right?
There are.
The have been systematicly destroyed by your "truth" seeking scientists in thier atheist agenda of the covering up of the truth.
These giant skeletons have been found, just like in the bible with 6 fingers and toes...double rows of dentition, and in heights of over 15 ft. in every country in the world.
I can hear you now typing the words........"that doesn't prove anything."
Tell me then.....what does?
thevisitor said:
Or laugh it up and read right over what might be your only chance to understand what really happened.

YOU sah, don't know no mo bout what happened than any otha mutha scratcha heah on dis heah planet we're all flyin around on sah.

I'd say dat at least dem evolushunary boys ovah deah, I say at least dem evolushunary boys ovah deah, at least dey be havin demselves an educated guess. I sho nuff don't think y'all thumpin folks can say the same sah. No sah I don't.

I do realize your opinion is to the contrary.

I'd reckon yer sho 'nuff educated for thumpin sah, yes indeedy.
Yes, TheVisitor, all ofthe giant human skeletons have been destroyed by scientists in a conspiracy to hide the Truth!
And do you know who the head of this conspiracy is? Lucky, the Lucky Charms cereal mascot! He is actually an evil little Leprechaun, undoubtedly inspired by Satan.
I think you should dedicate yourself to the battle against Lucky, and all animated cereal mascots, since they are part of the plot as well.
TheVisitor said:
For back in Eden the serpent was an upright creature. He was close to man. He was almost man. Satan took advantage of the serpent's physical characteristics to use him to beguile Eve. Then God destroyed that pattern of the serpent. No other beast can commingle with man.
M*W: What if Satan was the creator of the world?
Run a search on "Giant human skeletons" and ask yourself why scientists have removed and destoyed all evidence of this separate species hundreds of times.
M*W: Why would scientists remove and destroy all evidence of the "giant human skeletons?" Sounds like yet another conspiracy tale. I believe there were Titans that ruled the earth. Their skeletons were be bigger than ours. How do we know the Titans didn't build the pyramids? Surely they would be able to pick up a stone block with no effort. At the same time of the Titans, what if it were dinosaurs that roamed the Earth? Secondly, if scientists removed and destroyed all the giant human skeletons, why didn't they get rid of the dinosaur bones, too? Something's fishy here.
If there existed a separate species of humaniods.....such as a human-serpent hybrid(now don't think snakes, I'm talking about the serpent in it's original condition .... the closest thing to Man) it would authenticate the bible and show evidence against evolution.
M*W: I don't see how this would authenticate what's in the bible. In fact, there are no references to this. Biblically speaking, we don't know what the "serpent" looked like. For all we know, Eve could have looked serpentine. Coincidently, the Hebrew name for Eve is "Hawwah." The Hebrew name for Serpent is "hawwah." The Hebrew name for god is "YHWH" or "hawwah." What this tells me is that Eve was the Serpent god called YHWH.
There would be remains all over the world - skeletons... right?
There are. The have been systematicly destroyed by your "truth" seeking scientists in thier atheist agenda of the covering up of the truth. These giant skeletons have been found, just like in the bible with 6 fingers and toes...double rows of dentition, and in heights of over 15 ft. in every country in the world.
I can hear you now typing the words........"that doesn't prove anything." Tell me then.....what does?
M*W: Where does Bigfoot fit into all of this? Surely, if scientists were destroying artifacts, you'd think they would be reported to a higher authority than the scientists. As long as I have lived, and as much as I've read, I have never heard of these giant human skeletons being found. Do you have references?
That is simple. Apes don't give birth to humans.

Of course they don't. Might I suggest you go back to page 1 of this thread, and read it through again.

One thing is strikingly obvious. To travel through the 'evolutionary path', we should have the acrobatic skills of apes to jump and leap and swing in a zig-zag fashion. And all of a sudden other branches keep on appearing and we should also possess the skill to turn in mid-flight to catch them. The side effect of this gymnastic drill is, we start doubting whether we are humans or improvised apes.

Yeah... science is a journey. Unlike religion, science isn't around to just say "Hey, this is true... it says so in that book", and call it case closed.

Snakelore, old buddy...... I did not say or indicate that I had evidence contrary to the ape to man theory, only that it is still a theory. Why do you want it to be a fact so badly? If you believe it is a fact, that is respectable. I happen not to. If it is ever proven, however, it will not upset me at all. How's that?

This isn't about "wanting things so badly". All due respect, but any information regarding ape to man ancestry doesn't prevent me from one day lying down and dying. If it were about want, I could just as easily believe i'll meet my loved ones when i die, get to live all over again without murderers, rapists, and so on, but I'm not the kind of man who can just desperately cling to fantasies through fear of my own mortality. Instead, I must go where the evidence is, not where the evidence is not. I wouldn't expect a religious man to understand this - after all, they've found all their answers and it satisfies them enough - just like it did with the ancient egyptians, the mayans, aztecs, romans, greeks and so on. In amongst all of those were people who sought the facts - not because they want to laugh at religious people, but because they want to know the truth. If it wasn't for people fighting to find the truth, we'd still believe the world was flat, that the world was the center of the universe, that angels carried the four winds, and so on. Mere say so, doesn't make something true - and that is where we differ.

But once again, you state "it's just a theory", but then what is your entire faith built on? That doesn't even make it to theory status, more like... pure baseless assumption. Also, you should familiarize yourself with the status of "theory" within the scientific community.

You mean Snakelord is not an evolutionist.? I know he slipped and i was kidding.

All kidding aside now, (this is not a jokes forum) - can you lay your evidence on the table to suggest against evolution or mans ancestry.

Run a search on "Giant human skeletons" and ask yourself why scientists have removed and destoyed all evidence of this separate species hundreds of times.
If there existed a separate species of humaniods.....such as a human-serpent hybrid(now don't think snakes, I'm talking about the serpent in it's original condition .... the closest thing to Man) it would authenticate the bible and show evidence against evolution.
There would be remains all over the world - skeletons... right?
There are.
The have been systematicly destroyed by your "truth" seeking scientists in thier atheist agenda of the covering up of the truth.
These giant skeletons have been found, just like in the bible with 6 fingers and toes...double rows of dentition, and in heights of over 15 ft. in every country in the world.

That's very interesting Mr. Fox Mulder, but also complete and utter twoddle. Let's see if this works....

TheVisitor said:
For back in Eden the serpent was an upright creature. He was close to man. He was almost man. Satan took advantage of the serpent's physical characteristics to use him to beguile Eve. Then God destroyed that pattern of the serpent. No other beast can commingle with man.

Run a search on "Giant human skeletons" and ask yourself why scientists have removed and destoyed all evidence of this separate species hundreds of times.
If there existed a separate species of humaniods.....such as a human-serpent hybrid(now don't think snakes, I'm talking about the serpent in it's original condition .... the closest thing to Man) it would authenticate the bible and show evidence against evolution.
There would be remains all over the world - skeletons... right?
There are.
The have been systematicly destroyed by your "truth" seeking scientists in thier atheist agenda of the covering up of the truth.
These giant skeletons have been found, just like in the bible with 6 fingers and toes...double rows of dentition, and in heights of over 15 ft. in every country in the world.
I can hear you now typing the words........"that doesn't prove anything."
Tell me then.....what does?
Oh please tell me you're joking? Please!

I rarely laugh at stupidity so I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry with pity at your post Visitor. Ah stuff it.. I'm going to laugh.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaaaa hahahaaaahahahaa ahahaha ahahahahaaaa... HA! Lordy you make the bible thumping twits who allow themselves to be bitten by snakes to prove that God exists and will protect them from the toxins sound intelligent. Tell me something oh wise one (yes I am being sarcastic), if scientists destroyed these so called 'giants', how can you know they exist? You stated above that to just run a search would result in our seeing proof of their existence, but what proof if you claim that the scientists destroyed them all? Did you or someone else find one of these big boned 'giants' in your backyard? Did a poochy bury their doggy bone and you, or someone like you, come along after a few years and dig there and you and your kind being who you are say 'gaaawwwwwlllyyy there were giants roaming on here'?

Next you're going to say that dinosaurs were really angels sent by God to protect the earth against Satan...

Repo, Wes and MW
LMAO!! Wes your post resulted in my laughing so much I had tears...


TheVisitor said:
For back in Eden the serpent was an upright creature.
Actually, this is partially true. Although the 'snake' form has evolved a number of times there are snakes (boas and pythons) that retain vestigial remains of legs indicating the species at one time did walk (albeit on four legs not two).

He was close to man. He was almost man.
If you go back far enough in our respective ancestries 'man' and 'snake' were once one species. But it definitely wasn't anything like a modern day human.

Run a search on "Giant human skeletons" and ask yourself why scientists have removed and destoyed all evidence of this separate species hundreds of times.
I looked at 10 such sites, all they presented was hearsay. Where are the photos, where are the facts? Do you believe in giant human skeletons just because someone told you? If so, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you... honestly.

If there existed a separate species of humaniods.....such as a human-serpent hybrid(now don't think snakes, I'm talking about the serpent in it's original condition .... the closest thing to Man) it would authenticate the bible and show evidence against evolution.
Actually, it wouldn't necessarily be evidence against evolution. But since there is absolutely no evidence that such a 'hybrid' creature has ever existed we don't need to worry much about it.

The have been systematicly destroyed by your "truth" seeking scientists in thier atheist agenda of the covering up of the truth.
Most scientists are theists... many are Christians. Why would Christians destroy evidence that verifies Biblical myths? Or do you think all scientists are atheist conspirators?

These giant skeletons have been found, just like in the bible with 6 fingers and toes...double rows of dentition, and in heights of over 15 ft. in every country in the world.
Show me one.

spuriousmonkey said:
I suggest you read 'on the origin of species'. It is a nice and easy book to read and it answers all the questions you ask on this forum.

Don't unnecessarily pat yourself on your own back. I'm surprised you can't tell the difference between me asking a question and me deliberately having fun on the expense of your ignorace. Here's a hint, when I start asking questions, there will be jaws dropping all over this forums.

spuriousmonkey said:
It's never too late to educate yourself.

Correct, I'm well conditioned for a never ending quest for knowledge, But it appears like you lack the proper conditioning to commence yours.
Flores said:
Here's a hint, when I start asking questions, there will be jaws dropping all over this forums.
No Flores dear, after this thread, if you ever start asking questions, you run the risk of being patted on the head and being given a lollypop and told to 'run along little girl'... :p
SnakeLord said:
All kidding aside now, (this is not a jokes forum) - can you lay your evidence on the table to suggest against evolution or mans ancestry.
No jokes.?! what is this then ?

"Fine, lay your evidence on the table. And while you're at it, lay all the evidence you have that goes against man coming from apes...."

No need to go back 24 pages, just your previous post.

I don't have any counter theory. I won't buy any including yours unless it employs significantly less conjectures.

I'm well conditioned for a never ending quest for knowledge

True, covering your eyes and ears at the same time is not very difficult, so conditioning yourself to do so is easy.

Theists condemn evolution since they cannot possibly fathom that humans evolved along with the other plants, insects and animals. In their minds, this degrades their notion of what being human is all about. Instead, they would prefer to believe that we are somehow an extraordinary life form created by some "magical" unseen entity purposely placed in a universe designed specifically for us.

They seem to forget that we are very special in an evolutionary way, in that we have survived millions/billions of years of evolution to become the somewhat highly evolved life form we are today.

Why is that so hard to understand? Why do they continuously refuse to see the facts staring them in the face?
Bells said:
No Flores dear, after this thread, if you ever start asking questions, you run the risk of being patted on the head and being given a lollypop and told to 'run along little girl'... :p

Sounds like you got some experience in the category of "little girls with lollypops". Should I start buying for your the bubble gum flavor, grape, sour apple, or should I make it cherry???

Hint hint, to save on my lollypop fund, I may just ask you to turn around indefinetly so I can check out the broad of your shoulders and plumpness of your butt....
(Q) said:

I'm well conditioned for a never ending quest for knowledge

True, covering your eyes and ears at the same time is not very difficult, so conditioning yourself to do so is easy.

Theists condemn evolution since they cannot possibly fathom that humans evolved along with the other plants, insects and animals. In their minds, this degrades their notion of what being human is all about. Instead, they would prefer to believe that we are somehow an extraordinary life form created by some "magical" unseen entity purposely placed in a universe designed specifically for us.

They seem to forget that we are very special in an evolutionary way, in that we have survived millions/billions of years of evolution to become the somewhat highly evolved life form we are today.

Why is that so hard to understand? Why do they continuously refuse to see the facts staring them in the face?

Excuse me Q,
Have you heard the concept "user friendly"....Quote or color code your damn posts, it's bad enough that I have to endure your terrible logic.
A question was asked two pages ago about why animals would consciously decide to live in the water.

The questions is not valid, because the premise of the question is not accurate. No one here is suggesting that an animal might look at the water, think to itself "I think I'll live there now. All I need is gills, but those will evolve with time!", and proceed into the water.

There is no conscious effort required here!
Rewording the question with the fewest basic assumptions as possible, you might get something more like this:
"Why and how would a land animal move into the water, and become aquatic?"
This question, I can largely answer, because it is not assuming intelligence on the part of the animal in question.

The first thing I think we can all agree on is that it wasn't a simple transition. No animal simply walked into the water and lived the rest of it's life there. If you are I tried that right now, with no technology to help us, we would shortly drown, and not pass on any of our genes.

However, if we were to purposely banish any technology from our society (for the purposes of this example, I will get back to technology later. For now I want you to put the humans in this thought experiment into the role of any other animal - in need of food, shelter, water, a method for reproduction, etc. And no tools to help us out), and then attempt to live next to the water, we would have a situation ripe for evolutionary effects to take place.
Those in the population who are better swimmers would more readily be able to procure food for themselves and their families, raising the chances that their genetic line would continue. Similarly, those who are better foragers would have the same advantage, but for different reasons.
We would have two groups in this society, based on their abilities - a forest gathering group, and a water-gathering group. Niether is better than the other, if everyone in the population remains fed and healthy, there is no driving force to push change. Some people will be better foragers, and their children will most likely be good at foraging, too (though, giving social factors, they may not follow in their parents footsteps)
The forest gathering group benifits most from good eyesite (for spotting food), good manual dexteriaty (for picking berries), endurance in walking (for travelling long distances over long periods of time) which is helped by strong legs, but a light body frame, and strenth & speed for hunting with their bare hands (remember, no technology, this includes spears, etc).
The swimming group benifits from good lung capacity, good strength over shorter distances, good eyesute underwater (with less, and bluer light), dexterity. If the majority of the food is on the bottom of the ocean/lake, then a denser frame (help the individual sink) will help their ability to gather food underwater with their bare hands.

We are now at a population which Flores seems to believe populates the world. Differences in population, passed from parents to child, but without evolution. There is no reason to change from the exsisting population of genes - everyone is eating.

Now, let add seom environmental pressures to this situation. Let's say that a new species of lion comes into the area, and starts eating the gatherer group when they are out and about collecting food. Those gatherers who have better eyessight already will be able to spot the lions sooner, and have a better chance to get away from the lion w/o getting eaten. Similarly, the faster runners will be more likely to survive their lion encounters, even if they don't have better eyesight. Those individuals who are slow runners, and *also* have poor eyesight are going to be lion snacks.
The genes which gave them the traits of slow and near-sighted are now less in number in the possible reproductive population now, because the guy who had 4 of those genes (two per trait in question for this simple example) is now dead.
The next generation of kids has a slightly lower chance to be slow and near-sighted, simply because there are fewer slow and near-sighted genes to be had.

Note that I have not introduced mutation yet. This change in the overall population genotype and phenotype is due simply to the reduction of available genes in the reproductive population.

Now let's continue. These lions happen to do very well in the area, and begin not only to hunt people out in the forest, but also in the village itself, at random times.
With this change in the environment, now both the foragers and the swimmers are put under preditory pressure by the lions. Those foragers who have better eyesight, those who are fast, and those who are both will continute to have a better chance for survival than their slower, near-sighted brothers. However, now, the slower, and also the near-sighted swimmers are more likely to be killed, thus reducing the slow and near-sighted genes in the swimming population.
But wait, things are not so clear-cut. Didn't I suggest above that those individuals who are more dense might do better as swimmers, but those with lighter frames would do better as foragers? What might make indiduals slow, and more likely to be eaten by a lion?
A dense frame, which requires more effort to get up to speed when running. So a dense frame, which is a good thing in the water, is now a bad thing out of the water.
So how do people survive lion attacks, and therefore have an opurtunity to pass their genes onto the next generation? Well, the lions attack int he forest still, so not being in the forest is a good thing. However, if you are a gatherer, and are good enough at swimming to gather food from the water, you *must* go into the forest for food in order to survive. (this is a metaphore, and such, I'm spicifically removing the chance of food sharing between the swimmer and gatherer group, just like I'm ignoreing technology. I'll deal with this later on). therefore, once in the forest, being able to run fast and being able to see the lions sooner are advantages.
However, the lions are *also* attacking in the village. People could either spot the lion sooner, run fast, or both in order to survive these randomly timed lion attacks. Or they could not be in the village, where the attacks are occuring.
The swimmer have a distinct advantage here - the less time they spend in the village, and the more time they spend out in the water gathering food, the less the chance that they end up eaten by the lions.
Therefore, overall, all slow, near-sighted gatherers will have a pretty good chance that they will be eaten. All fast or better-sighted gatherers will have a smaller chance of being eaten (a fast/good eye-sight gatherer may still be eaten in his sleep, where good eyesight and speed are of no use. We are only talking about relative *chances* of being eaten, here).
In the Swimmers population, however, the faster runners with good eyesight will have a low chance of being eaten, but so will those who have very good endurance at swimming, and are not in the lion's hunting area for longer stretches of time.

Let say that the lions continue to do well in the area, and their population increases year over year. The number of deaths due to lion attack increase year after year, and soon, being fast isn't good enough. Running from one lion simply puts you in the jaws of another. The chances of being eaten are now even for fast/good eye sight indiviuals and slow/bad eyesight individuals. The only people who are less likely to be eaten are those outside of the lion's hunting area, the long-endurance swimmers. So (again, without any mutation), you will have a shift in the population towards survival of of the swimmers.

Look! evolution of the *population*! This is what I think Flores is talking about. No mutation, no new genes, just a selection of which exsisting genes are available. Functionaly different than the evolution of the species, however. The population has changed, and the genes available to create good gatherers have largley been lost (given enough time, and the right combination of lion kills, you may lose all the gatherers, and only have swimmers left). If gatherers were to suddenly appear again (say by god/allah simply creating more, the swimers would still be able to reproduce with members of the gatherers group, and would therefor still be part of the same species as thet were from the begining, by definition of the classification 'species.'

However, these swimmers are, as a population, different than the original swimmers. Some are still better than others at swimming just like before, some are worse. No new genes which hinder or help swimming exist. However, the population median for swimming - ie, how quantitativly good the average swimmer is at swimming, has changed. *This,* the evolution of the average individual in a population, is evolution of the species. we still have the same species as before, but the average member of that population is different now than before the lions arrived.

Now, lets continue. As time goes on, the lion population stays stable, randomly, swimmers are killed, randomly, they are out at sea collecting food, and don't get killed. The more time you spend out in the water, the better your chances are to live. Those who prefer living on land as much as possible (say, 12 hours a day) are more likely to be eaten than those who like being in the water more (say, 18 hours a day). As more of these "land-lubbers" are eaten, their genes are removed from the reproductive population, making it less likely for individuals in the next generation to want to spend time on land. Eventually, given enough of this trend, you will end up with a populaiton with nearly identical genes -all favoring nearly the best suited gene combination for this environment - those who can spend as much time as possible in the water (18 hours). all the people with shorter-time genes will, given enough time, be eaten, and prevented from reproducing.

However, we don't have aquatic people, yet, we just have very good swimmers. No new species, just the extreme of the old species. Evolution, but only for a population, not for the creation of new species.

Now, lets add in mutation to the puzzle. God suddenly decides to flip the "mutation occurs" switch to on, and our swimmers gene begin to mutate in a random fasion, but at a regular rate. In other words, some sort of mutation that can be passed to the individuals offspring will occur every 20 years, but what that mutaion will be will be random.
Based on the link you provided before, Flores, most genome mutations don't show up in the pheontype, because many alleles code for the same amino acid. Making a substitution in the genome will most offen do nothing to the population's abilities to swim. however, other mutations will show up in the individuals which receive them.
and 90% of the time, it will be bad. Individuals may be born with a mutation which causes them to be allergic to salt water. they die as soon as they are born into their parent's mostly ocean environment. Individuals may be born unable to digest seaweed at all, they may very well starve to death. Some will simply end up with mutations breaking the entire zygote process, and will never develop into a baby at all.
However, one time, a gene mutates in one individual such that his body is able to produce more of a particulaer molecule which stores oxygen. This mutation occurs in one of their reproductive cells, and so their offspring may have a chance to inherit this gene, which will then exsist in every cell in their body.
This offspring, if it is born, can now take the same large breath as everyone else in the swimmer's group, but he can stay down longer. He may be able to avoid drowing for another 5 seconds, which may happen to save his life one day, which some other die.
This individual, due to a *random* mutation, has now been selected for by non-random environmental pressures. He, randomly can hold his breath longer. He also, due to the determining (non-random) factor that he spends most of his day in water, is better suited to his environement.
He now also may be able to spend 18 hours and 5 minutes in the water, added 5 more minutes to the time that he isn't being threatened by lions. He is therefor more likely to survive, and that gene is more likely to be passed on to his offspring, who will all have a good chance of inheriting that gene (read up on punett squares to understand the idea of "chance of inheritance").
Over time, more people will get bad mutations, and every once in a while a good mutation will pop up. For the situation, anything which allows the individuals to avoid going onto land is a good thing. slightly larger lung capasity, thicker skin, larger fat layer, larger ammounts of of webbing for better swimming ability, etc.

This is evolution. Nothing nore, nothing less. these people aren't thinking "I better spend more time int he water, in order to survive," its those individuals who spend time the water that *do* survive, through no aware choice of their own.

Now, lets cover those items I ignored above.
1)technology. The idea here was to huminise this example for those arguing against evolution at all. I remove the chance of technology because I wanted the "people" to FAIAP, act as simple animals. If we were to add technology to the idea, then you have different driving factors. Instead of fast/good eye shight being benificial, it's "good at not being eaten by lions". This may push for the advantage of more complex brains, or better ability to make tools, or maybe the ability to yell really loud, and scare the lions off. Maybe people can invent a little box which drives the lions away with a high-pitched whine. There is still those who are better suited to not be eaten by lions; their genes will be more likely to survive to the next generation.
2)social interaction. Now, if one person did invent a Lion-Away 2000 sound-making box, and the village that he lived in was a social one, then he might want to make more than one. He might make one for everybody in the town. Suddenly, the threat of lions has been eliminated, and the drive for the population to evolve towards faster and better eye-sight individuals is gone. The population will not change toward faster runners anymore, as they are just as likely to have kids as a slower individual.
Same goes for food sharing. If the swimmers begin sharing food with the gatherers, then the gatherers don't need to spend as much time in the forest, and are more likely to survive, at least until the lion begin entering the village.
Technology and, more significatly social networks between individuals, have reduce environmental factors, reducing the evolutionary push. There is, in fact, an entire school of though based around the idea that by having advanced social networks, humans as a genetic species are slowing down our evolution. By shaping our environement to suit our current phenotype, we may end up driving the evolution of other species, while removing the pressure for our gene set to evolve. A few hundred thousand years ago, we may be competing for the same technological reasources we are creating now with species that we today consider dumb, and unable to use technology. If they survive better by using the technology that we make (say monkeys learning how to use and make new stick tools by watching things that we do with them, or even more simple, pigeons leanring how to make nests in the nooks of concrete buildings), then those individuals more likely to be able to use those technologies may be more likely to survive in our technological world. There mkids will be more likely to be able to have that ability as well.
This, however, also brings in another question, the evolution of knowledge. Seperate from physical evolution, the collective knowledge of a population changes as well. Good, usefull ideas come, and are passed between individuals, gain most common use, and become part of the population as a whole. Non-usefull ideas come about, but are left behind as the are used less and less frequently. Over time, the entire knowledge of the population of any social species can have an effect on their physical evolution - those squirels who learn how to hide nuts more effectively by their parents and who *also* recieved a gene for being better at digging will have twice the chance to not starve to death. They can *really* hid food well.

Now, take the entire swimmer/gatherer example, and apply it to a population of large land based mammels who spend some time swimming for their food. You know have a full *possible theory* on how whales may have evolved. In fact, teh fossil evidence seems to support just such a path of evolution. This is in no way proof that whales evolved from land-based animals. It still could be that God created everything as it is noww. However, if he did, then he also created non-useful features in whale, and fossils of whale-like creatres were created with the intent of confusinf people who like to dig up bones - if these creatures do not exsist now, and whales didn't evolve from them, then the fossil record of 'no wales, but whale-like creatures' to 'no whale-like creatures, but whales' must be a forgery, as these whale-like creatures certainly didn't exist. God created everything at once. These things may have exsisted, but no longer do. That's fine. But if god did create everything at the same time, then there should be whale skeletons in tandom with the whale-like skeletons, as they would have co-exhisted in the begining. No whale skeletons in the same strata as whale-like skeletons suggests that they did not live together.

Not to mention that if only a small percentage of living beings are ever fossilized, we can then say that for every one fossil, there were a much larger number of living individuals of the same species. If this is the case, an all living things were created together at the begining, then the number of living things which exsisted in the first instant would most likely have been more than could have effectivly fit o the surface of the earth at once.

I am quite miffed by the fact that after James R defined evolution for you, and seperated random mutation and non-random selection, you actually "disagreed* with him! How do you ever expect to learn anything if you refuse to even understand the definition of other people's words? how can you even communicate?

If I define the word "xxwer" to mean "happy like I just ate cake," then you cannot argue the statement "I feel so xxwer right now" by telling me that I'm wrong in my definition of the word "xxwer." Feel free to disagree with the definition of the word "xxwer" if you wish, but until we agree on the definition, it is logisitcally impossible to argue the entire statement.
If you wish to argue the idea of evolution, you first must accept the defined idea of evolution. you can't argue both the definition and the idea at the same time - no one will have any method for communicating their ideas to you if you words are not clearly defined.

If you want to argue creationsm vs evolution, then go back, and accept James R's defnintion of evolution. We can then argue the merits of that idea. *Then* we can re-define evolution to what ever you want, and argue the merits of *that* idea. We won't be arguing the scientific community's idea of evolution anymore, but at least we'll both know what's on the table to be discussed.
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