If you could erase one religious figure from history, who would it be?

Well you are entitled to your opinion but i think you are way off the mark.
Question: It is time to elect the world leader, and your vote counts.

Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:

* Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

* Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

* Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.

Which of these candidates would be your choice?

Answer: Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt

Candidate B is Winston Churchill

Candidate C is Adolph Hitler

I am using very good sources on this and it is not like i am making it up.__Well that is what i have found in all my research on the subject.
but could your sources have made it up, please supply the links thank you.

OilIsMastery said:
Karl Marx. The Atheist religion is responsible for more murders than Islam and Christianity combined.
the atheist religion, lol. Please elaborate thank you.
OilIsMastery said:
absense of belief is nevertheless still a belief.
please explain.
Erase the Jesus dude and his perverted Father. Fellow has an anger management issues...kiss his ass or he goes on a rampage smoting and smiting. 'Kiss my ass or burn in Hell". Maybe we can call Ghostbusters and see if they can vacuum up. Jesus.
I'd erase Isaac Newton. Nothing against him or his views or any built on his foundations but it would create havoc and have terrible repercussions on modern day science, that's why I choose him, maximum damage choice.

why the hell would you want that?
Newton doesn't qualify: not a religious figure.
On the other hand, get rid of him and there's no-one to invent gravity.
Flying would be cheaper.
why the hell would you want that?

I couldn't help myself, it would be a terrible choice I wholeheartedly agree but the chaos it would cause just makes it seem like an irresistible option (I'd like to see what the world would be like, of course in actual reality I wouldn't erase anyone given the choice, it's just an entertaining idea).

because he made so many people believe in the existence of an unconscious substance that is supposed to determine our life.
Unconscious substance? Huh?
There's so many very bad religious leaders that have led their people to ruin that by only eliminating just one the rest would still be a plague to humankind.
Jesus. Then Europe would most likely never have been infected with an Eastern religion.
Jesus never intended to infect Europe...as he came only to gather the lost sheep of Israel.

Europe was Paul's frontier....he rose from the sea and strode upon the land.
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If you could erase one religious figure from history, who would it be? And why?
The very first man to worship the sun. If he had known what a f**k up the world would be because of his irrationality, I think he would have kept his mouth shut. Then again if he was irrational enough to think the sun was a god or there was a god at all, he would not have given a f**k.
If you could erase one religious figure from history, who would it be? And why?

1) Descartes
2) While religious Descartes himself is often seen as not a religious figure. Unfortunately some of our most offensive religious beliefs are not considered religious. In Descartes case his identification with the mental aspects of himself are the area of certainty has done incredible damage.
Any major religious figures from Billy Graham, the Pope (especially Ratzinger and Urban), the Caliphates, the Dalai Lama, and anyone else who has used religion to cover up for a political maneuver. Even though I am atheist, I do not think religion is a bad thing. It's those who capitalizes and utilizes the religion to oppress and take advantage of the ignorant that must be deposed. It's because of them that people remain willfully ignorant. I also want to reprimand those who find bliss in ignorance because face it, you can't live in a world of idealism. You must be pragmatic and realistic in order to survive. However, if such thing happens, it's too good to be true, so I have to be pragmatic about my wishes too. What a pity.