If you could erase one religious figure from history, who would it be?


My references was specific to the Abrahamic god.

Islamic terrorists the world over bring the world to a state of terror, because they believe their god told them to rule the world.

And a US president waging a futile war in Iraq because he believes his god told him to.

The majority of all Muslims aren't terrorists, for instance Osama Bin Laden just waged war against another Muslim, your argument is weak, Bush doesn't believe God told him to, he's a liar, a fraud, a fake, just like how when Bill Clinton went into Serbia (nearly just like Iraq) all the Democrats were for it, the Republicans against it, when Bill Clinton bombs Baghdad, all the Dems praise it, then when Bush wants to go into Iraq all of a sudden the Republicans support it and the Dems are against it, this whole thing is just BS....

Without the Abrahamic God, things would probably be the same or worse, remember the Abrahamic God put fear into people to do good deeds, do not hate your kinsmen with your heart, love your neighbhor, etc..and brought the law of Moses...
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I'd wipe out Mary. She should have got an abortion after God boinked her and charged him with rape.
Jesus, so we could find another reason to hate Jews.

KIDDING. I love Jews.
[a-5];1550277 said:
Jesus, so we could find another reason to hate Jews.

KIDDING. I love Jews.

I thought Jesus was a Jew??? Why would Christians hate Jews? Wasn't his whole purpose to come to earth to die for everyones sins? What?? was it supposed to be in a 10 donkey pile up on the road to Damascus and not the cross???
Paul, I think he screwed up Christianity (not that I'm a Christian but I think it would have been better off without him).
Whoever created the disgusting religion of hinduism.

Hinduism has no founder idiot...why do Muslims hate Hindus so much anyway...they even named a city after slaughtering Hindus "Hindu Kush"...clearly Hinduism is superior in every aspect to Islam
No one since religion unfortunately happens to be part of our evolution! Without religion we would have not made it this far. However I do think is time to move on, and realize that religion is nothing more then foolish notions of ancient non-evolved humans.
How about going back in time and converting Muhammad to Christianity? Of course, an ironic twist immediately comes to mind. Whatever methods I'd use to convert him to Christianity would turn out to be the very visions that caused him to found Islam.