If you could erase one religious figure from history, who would it be?

No one first because most of them are just made up and secondly because you just can't travel back in time.
Lot because he raped his daughters and got them pregnant.
M*W: I think that myth was told the other way around... it was Lot's daughters who got their old man drunk and had sex with him! Yeah, if Lot was a real man, I would want him eliminated, too! But in that day, time and culture, sex among family members was prevalent and accepted. As the story goes, Lot was a righteous man, but his daughters (who had husbands of their own), I guess wanted to carry on their father's line (seeing how their mother was turned into a pillar of salt). The story never mentions their husbands or states what happened to them. In any case, it's just a myth.

But getting back on the track of this thread. I have already erased from my own mind the whole idea of a god.

However, the thread specifically states erasing "one religious figure from history," so I would have to say that any person who is mentioned in the bible may not be an historical person. Therefore, I'd have to go with Jim Jones.
So we would have a better chance for a peaceful world.
How would the world be more peaceful without religion? Lots of countries have no religion and things aren't peaceful, its just like normal, take China for instance...90%+ non-religious, no religion...

My references was specific to the Abrahamic god.

Islamic terrorists the world over bring the world to a state of terror, because they believe their god told them to rule the world.

And a US president waging a futile war in Iraq because he believes his god told him to.