ha haaa i'm flattered :yay:
stranger read through my b~s
stranger read through my b~s
now why didn't he just say it was just bs and went through the trouble of "summarizing" it?
anyway..cutting through the CM to the "giving up" part..
i just explained that's the smart way to live..that's survival..you want to be an ant that goes under the foot of a human and doesn't "give up"..why, that's your choice..i'd rather snuggle cowardly in my hole with my intact exo skeleton and glass inside because of my "assumptions"..i might come afterwards and bury your remainings ..actually on second thought..even that i'm not willing to risk..
the chinese don't give a damn about -personal- survival..
faith is going beyond being puzzled at what the truth is, to studying which yields more beneficial results..and when only one yields good and the rest bad..than the only chance of survival is sticking with "belief" to the good..if even the good wasn't good then it would all be the same bad..but it's worth trying..
[edit:forgot this small part.. as you can see..truth is irrelative..not to mention that logically..truth is actually belief]
what're you talking about??
why would he study the bible?
and apparently you have no idea whatsoever about the criteria needed for business and trade..