If there is no God

I could be distracted by my ego :)

However, there is no good evidence that such thing as channeling as ever occurred. This suggests it's not real. That doesn't mean that the feelings are not real. Those are produced by chemical reactions in the body that create what we perceive.

i have plenty of evidence. you don't. that's the only difference between us in this regard. chemical reactions can not and did not cause physical objects to morph shape on my coffee table. period. you have evidence chemicals in my brain can achieve such a thing? that's ridiculous.
i have plenty of evidence. you don't. that's the only difference between us in this regard. chemical reactions can not and did not cause physical objects to morph shape on my coffee table. period.

i agree

as chemistry is a joke since bound to QM (reductionary)

you have evidence chemicals in my brain can achieve such a thing? that's ridiculous.

good point

but don't you dare contest the em (and the coherance of energy) (it is how your consciousness even works)

p/s.......... how does god (per se) 'talk' to you? Remember, 'entangled to all existence........

ah....... pay attention to the light of the matter.

(think of your hands pushing a wave in a pool; with enough force you can splash another)
i agree

as chemistry is a joke since bound to QM (reductionary)

good point

but don't you dare contest the em (and the coherance of energy) (it is how your consciousness even works)

p/s.......... how does god (per se) 'talk' to you? Remember, 'entangled to all existence........

ah....... pay attention to the light of the matter.

(think of your hands pushing a wave in a pool; with enough force you can splash another)

it's not auditory. i get impressions...messages. it seems like telepathic communication. but sometimes he uses other means to communicate with me like art...music, literature, movies...sometimes he'll use other people. things you would probably call a coincedence. you can only have so many of those though that are so meaningful...trippy meaningful, until you realize it's no coincedence. the shit going on on my coffee table was a message to me, instructing me not to send a letter that i was about to send. the letter was actually a channelled message to someone else. what do they call that? is it transcendental writing? i know there's a term for it, not sure what it is...
it's not auditory.
that is why you can only share what you feel, not what you know

i get impressions...messages.
so does everyone

it seems like telepathic communication.

lots of seemingly cool items most cant put words too but at least now you have a purely defined term to understand how light can do that; entanglement

but sometimes he uses other means to communicate with me like art...music, literature, movies...sometimes he'll use other people.
now you back to believing some dude (he) is consciously talking to you, personally rather than being aware you associating will the whole universe at every moment you exist, naturally just like everyone else. You just more sensitive!

things you would probably call a coincedence.
to keep both feet grounded, i use terms most can understand; rather than say "god told me"

it is bad enough that direct evidence, given to mathemaicians and physicist, will just piss them off when they find the implications throws out the 2LoT; they will call anyone nuts that goes against 'the law'.

it is what is happening to your rendition as both theological material, personal experience and reality shares God is not some separate thing from all of us; we are, a part of

you can only have so many of those though that are so meaningful...trippy meaningful,

seems to me, all day long, everyday; all the time
until you realize it's no coincedence.
then repeat it; document it, and share how to all

otherwise be fair to the brethren and say, "i don't know; but i feel alive"

then we can maintain credibility to your opinion as then we know you are not pulling our chains and will make sure you convey what was felt without the adlib of terms to make YOURSELF stand as the importance of god's choice

the shit going on on my coffee table was a message to me, instructing me not to send a letter that i was about to send. the letter was actually a channelled message to someone else. what do they call that? is it transcendental writing? i know there's a term for it, not sure what it is...

your conscious knew not too

had nothing to do with someone sending you a message

if that was the case then you would know what 'this' conversation is all about; even as we have already tapped way back to the 'junction'

is your mind made up?
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is my mind made up? my mind is never made up. and honestly, i can't figure out why it is that i can't come out here and share myself, thoughts, experiences without someone always trying to criticize or argue or "educate me" about what i really mean, or what has really happened to me, or what i should say, or how i should say it, or what it all should mean to me. i don't do that to other people. i don't go around telling people what they should say and feel and think. i love the fact that everyone is different and sees things in different ways, and looks different, and expresses themselves differently. you saying that my conscious knew not to send the letter. what a load of crap man! how the hell do you know what my conscious knew? honestly! it stands to reason that if i knew not to send the letter already then i wouldn't have needed the display on my coffee table. i went out and bought special stationery and made it all pretty. i had the address written down where i was sending it. i was also sending a cassette tape with the letter. it was a recording of me singing songs when i was a child. my mom insisted that i make a copy of it to send because she didn't want to lose the original. i left the letter and stationery on my coffee table and went to walgreens right around the corner to get a blank tape. i was gone about 15 minutes. when i got home, i noticed that the page with the address on it was on the floor. i picked it up and noticed that it was morphed. i don't know any other word to describe it. i have a dog and a couple of cats and they knock stuff off of the coffee table all the time. i thought that's what had happened until i saw the paper. the edges of it looked as if it had gotten wet and then been manipulated, and then dried again. they looked puffy. i thought maybe the cat had chewed on it, but there weren't any holes or teeth marks. it wasn't wet. it wasn't discolored. i thought it was odd, but i didn't dwell on it much. put the paper back on the coffee table and went to the stereo to make the copy of the tape. when i opened my tape deck, i found a tape in it. it was surprising, because i never listen to cassette tapes. all my music is on cds. turns out it was a tape that a friend had brought over a long time ago and left in there. he liked mix tapes and would make them all the time. so i popped it back in and hit play and decided to enjoy the music for a while. i sat on the couch and was just sitting there listening. i was looking at nothing in particular, just focused on the music, but the coffee table was right in front of me. and right in front of me, i watched the paper with the address on it start to morph. from the same places that it had started while i was at the store. from either side of the paper, it looked like hands coming in towards the center, getting puffy like the paper was being manipulated. then the edges began to turn in on themselves. i watched the piece of paper wad itself up. at the same time, the stationery i used, i had left on the table in it's packaging. a cellophane type packaging. the cellophane became striated. it was shrinking. and as it shrank, the paper and envelopes were being pushed out of the open ends of each package. and i just sat there and watched. never seen a thing like that, and haven't again to this day. i was a little disappointed as i had worked a long time on the letter, and i was quite enamored with it, and amazed with it and what had transpired to create it. but i realized why i didn't need to send it. the recipient had watched me write it. probably read it over my shoulder as it was being created. *shrug*
is my mind made up? my mind is never made up.
then i guess when you are associating with people you learn, from what others have to say and life, then measure it before putting the self as the primary. (learning comes from humility to the unknown)

otherwise, a mind is made up.

and honestly, i can't figure out why it is that i can't come out here and share myself, thoughts, experiences without someone always trying to criticize or argue or "educate me" about what i really mean, or what has really happened to me, or what i should say, or how i should say it, or what it all should mean to me. i don't do that to other people. i don't go around telling people what they should say and feel and think. i love the fact that everyone is different and sees things in different ways, and looks different, and expresses themselves differently.

sure........... but 'truth'............. the reality of how existence works only works ONE WAY.

art is of your choice of color; not truth (an opinion of what is conveyed)

suggesting you are not sure offers integrity to exist; barking that, 'this is what i feel and that is all that matters' ................ is what anyone can get from church.

you saying that my conscious knew not to send the letter. what a load of crap man! how the hell do you know what my conscious knew? honestly!
because you made the choice (you told me of the issue and what offered you your sign but you made the choice and told me; nothing magical about that) We all know now, what your conscious choice was as it did what you felt was right.

you are personally spelling out everything; your hidden secret (conscious choice) is open to us all (along with your reasoning)

it stands to reason that if i knew not to send the letter already then i wouldn't have needed the display on my coffee table. i went out and bought special stationery and made it all pretty. i had the address written down where i was sending it. i was also sending a cassette tape with the letter. it was a recording of me singing songs when i was a child. my mom insisted that i make a copy of it to send because she didn't want to lose the original. i left the letter and stationery on my coffee table and went to walgreens right around the corner to get a blank tape. i was gone about 15 minutes. when i got home, i noticed that the page with the address on it was on the floor. i picked it up and noticed that it was morphed. i don't know any other word to describe it. i have a dog and a couple of cats and they knock stuff off of the coffee table all the time. i thought that's what had happened until i saw the paper. the edges of it looked as if it had gotten wet and then been manipulated, and then dried again. they looked puffy. i thought maybe the cat had chewed on it, but there weren't any holes or teeth marks. it wasn't wet. it wasn't discolored. i thought it was odd, but i didn't dwell on it much. put the paper back on the coffee table and went to the stereo to make the copy of the tape. when i opened my tape deck, i found a tape in it. it was surprising, because i never listen to cassette tapes. all my music is on cds. turns out it was a tape that a friend had brought over a long time ago and left in there. he liked mix tapes and would make them all the time. so i popped it back in and hit play and decided to enjoy the music for a while. i sat on the couch and was just sitting there listening. i was looking at nothing in particular, just focused on the music, but the coffee table was right in front of me. and right in front of me, i watched the paper with the address on it start to morph. from the same places that it had started while i was at the store. from either side of the paper, it looked like hands coming in towards the center, getting puffy like the paper was being manipulated. then the edges began to turn in on themselves. i watched the piece of paper wad itself up. at the same time, the stationery i used, i had left on the table in it's packaging. a cellophane type packaging. the cellophane became striated. it was shrinking. and as it shrank, the paper and envelopes were being pushed out of the open ends of each package. and i just sat there and watched. never seen a thing like that, and haven't again to this day. i was a little disappointed as i had worked a long time on the letter, and i was quite enamored with it, and amazed with it and what had transpired to create it. but i realized why i didn't need to send it. the recipient had watched me write it. probably read it over my shoulder as it was being created. *shrug*

the sequence is rather interesting when observing how you came to the conclusion.
the truth can be conveyed in many different ways and forms and still be the same truth, and what i feel isn't all that matters, but it does matter, just like what everyone else is feeling matters, and just as much. my perspective, based on my experience, is as valid as anyone else's. our perceptions do not have to compete with each other, and neither do our interpretations. if everyone perceived the same things the same way, this world would be a boring place. do you know anything about astral projection bishadi? after it had been shown to me that i wasn't supposed to send the letter, it occurred to me that i had been visited by spirits before. 2 of them (at the same time). i have no idea how i knew that there were 2, but i did. i knew who one of them was. he was the one that i was writing to (for). so, when i thought about it, i realized that he must be still visiting, and had witnessed the writing as it was being done. there had been times when i wrote when i felt like i might not be alone. not a strong sensation like i had felt before, but an indication of a different sort, not definite or obvious. later, i was visited often, by many.
How do you tell God's actions from your own actions from actions that you and God did together?

I don't think people should ever underestimate the ability of our own mind and egos to delude us. I also don't think people should ever underestimate ability of something that could be called god to create miracles. Chemicals in our brains can do all sorts of things but things It seems to me that things that are not chemicals in our brains also can do all sorts of things.

"Seek and you shall find"; we always tend to see what we are looking for, especially when we are focussed but relaxed. Being open to miracles could make them appear even if we are a good scientists who do not deceive ourselves much and have a good feel for what is and is not probable.
All precepts are created in our mind. So, the object before being morphed would of course just be a precept created using chemical in our mind. The object after being morphed is created as a precept by chemicals in our minds.

The question becomes do these precepts reflect reality?

The best why to determine this is to use the Scientific method. I don't mean go to a lab and be tested by scientists. Anyone can use the method and it will more than likely give you an answer that best reflects reality.
If there is no god, then so what? It does not appear that god is doing anything at the moment, anyway.

However it's still certainly possible that there indeed is a higher intelligence.

i realized yesterday that i spend the vast majority of my time and energy focusing on my intentions, and very little on my perceptions, and that is a learned behavior, because as i look back, when i have focused on my perception, i have felt more fear and frustration, but when i have focused on my intention, i have felt more peace and satisfaction. and i think that stands to reason considering the fact that outside of yourself, you have much less control and access to perfect knowledge. for the most part, you can't control your circumstance, your upbringing, what you're taught, what you're exposed to, and for sure other people. you can't control nature. you can't control the world. but when you look inside, i think you have a much better chance at gaining a more perfect knowledge. you should know yourself better than anyone (except god and he is there inside). intentions aren't always easy to identify, but if you try, you will find that you can control yourself. i think that your energy is much better spent focused on the inside than the outside and that your time is much better spent taking a good hard look in the mirror than pointing a finger at someone else. i think that if everyone focused primarily on their intentions that this world would be a much better place, but it's easier to believe lies than to be honest.
the truth can be conveyed in many different ways and forms and still be the same truth,
hence why religions still exist

and what i feel isn't all that matters, but it does matter, just like what everyone else is feeling matters, and just as much.

now you can see why so many tangents within knowledge

my perspective, based on my experience, is as valid as anyone else's.
just a different language perhaps

our perceptions do not have to compete with each other, and neither do our interpretations.
then equality could not exist

ex...'his' interpretation is that god is within the lions; kill all other competing males; is his interpretation of the pursuit of good long life as a king of his domain.

Did that man lie in your eyes or is he just ignorant?

if everyone perceived the same things the same way, this world would be a boring place.
not really as if each knew, yellow and red make orange; just imagine how many shades of orange we could have

do you know anything about astral projection bishadi?

sure; the sky isn't blue

it is black with little white dots

after it had been shown to me that i wasn't supposed to send the letter, it occurred to me that i had been visited by spirits before.

and what am I, a fart?

every exchange is 'a spirit'........... (find the lesson in a car wreck) (put seat belt on, be careful)

2 of them (at the same time). i have no idea how i knew that there were 2, but i did. i knew who one of them was. he was the one that i was writing to (for). so, when i thought about it, i realized that he must be still visiting, and had witnessed the writing as it was being done. there had been times when i wrote when i felt like i might not be alone. not a strong sensation like i had felt before, but an indication of a different sort, not definite or obvious. later, i was visited often, by many.

darlin, half of what i write i never wrote before and sometimes reread it and ask myself; how did you come up with that?

(but if i am wrong, i fix it yet still surprised at some of the items that bridge)

for ex..... the adams ribs metaphor (biology; cell division), was an accident (but damn, it's right on the money as a possible rendition for the metaphor, grounded to reality)

or since you like coincidences, look at me for example; the ear of buddha, the star of the golden ratio, scar of kalki, the pimple that looks like a tilak, smoke like a kokopeli, the commitment for 'life' (since a kid), has the name (math) of process to existence, the understanding of the light; then born in the 6th month of the 66 the year (firehorse of eastern astrology), then born 'west' (so calif), within the regime (dan 7:8) of the beast (invisible hand)...........just to name a few

but still perhaps just lots of coincidences as my shorts are yellow in the front and brown in the back just like the rest; and honest enough to tell the truth of the matter.

Lori, it is what you do that defines you not trying to convince 'we the people' that you believe totally, what you experienced and even without definitions, tell us how and what it was.

Yet to YOU; it was god, that made your choice apparent.

the boat is what floats; without proper support will eventually sink

i realized yesterday that i spend the vast majority of my time and energy focusing on my intentions, and very little on my perceptions, and that is a learned behavior, because as i look back, when i have focused on my perception, i have felt more fear and frustration, but when i have focused on my intention, i have felt more peace and satisfaction. and i think that stands to reason considering the fact that outside of yourself, you have much less control and access to perfect knowledge. for the most part, you can't control your circumstance, your upbringing, what you're taught, what you're exposed to, and for sure other people. you can't control nature. you can't control the world. but when you look inside, i think you have a much better chance at gaining a more perfect knowledge.

makes sense to a point

trusting the inner self to me is trusting the truth can be experienced

meaning what you experience can be defined, if you seek

you should know yourself better than anyone (except god and he is there inside).
without knowing how your life exists, then god is left unknown, personally. Meaning; to know life is to understand the process equal to nature (God)

intentions aren't always easy to identify, but if you try, you will find that you can control yourself. i think that your energy is much better spent focused on the inside than the outside and that your time is much better spent taking a good hard look in the mirror than pointing a finger at someone else. i think that if everyone focused primarily on their intentions that this world would be a much better place, but it's easier to believe lies than to be honest.

Intentions can be grounded to pure truth and understood by comprehending the purpose of life. (it enables the foundation to be equal to all existence)

Isolation or bias, based on learned parameters is what enables a snowball effect of lies (jinn) to control people, a society, a culture; the minds of our future (the children).

having the intent, to give, (support life to continue) and then remain honest at all interactions (learn, evolve; no false witnessing)

then choice would not be wrong (world peace; eventually)