If there is no God

How did it begin? Good question.

It's hard to imagine what humanoid proto-Apes were thinking about as they evolved into us. But, we know they were social. When we look at the social contract Apes have with the alpha male in their group and compare this to the social contract people have with Kings, Pharaohs, Prophets, Emperors and Shoguns ... there's a distinct similarity.

Why do people believe in Gods and Goddesses - probably because they have this cause-and-effect evolved brain that demands it get an explanation. To do this it produces feelings of stress that will only be alleviated AFTER it gets an explanation. What's easier than "The Gods did it". By saying the Gods did such and such, early humans were able to continue doing what needed to be done and not waste unessessary time trying to figure out WHY a rock fell on Wilma. Now we're stuck with it.

I wonder, why do you suppose people believe in Xenu the Intergalactic Warlord? Do you think people's propensity to join such religions says that Xenu is real or says something more about human psychological needs?

What is your point?
That you are better than the humanoid proto-Apes?
Or that people today should be better than humanoid proto-Apes?
What is your point?
That you are better than the humanoid proto-Apes?
Or that people today should be better than humanoid proto-Apes?
who said anything about being better than anyone?

You question seemed to be why do people worship Gods and Alien Overlords.
If there is no God ...

Buddha was still a philosopher.

But, Mohammad was then a liar.

And Paul was a liar (or more likely pure nuts) too.

Joseph Smith Jr. was also liar.

Ron Hubbard still might not be a liar (I mean Xenu is an Alien not one of the Gods)

Seems to be that there are no Gods.

I fail to see what's so hard about connecting the dots?

If there is no god then there are things that people refer to as god and those thing differ in description and associated phenomena and meaning.
Thank the sun in its entirety, not god...

looks like you one of the evolved! ;)

wonder if your foundation to reality will be assisting the next generations to evolved even more; like perhaps to the point where

'mass can comprehend its existence'............

does this below ring any bells?

If existence only opperates ONE way, then the math is the 'name' to know!
If there is no god then there are things that people refer to as god and those thing differ in description and associated phenomena and meaning.
Yes, and that thing is your own consciousness. Probably a left-brain right-brain thing.
Speak for yourself michael (the meaning of my post).
I'm not sure what you are getting at. I mean, the title of the thread is "If there is NO God".

Anyway, while the lay public may not have the information readily available, we know understand how it is the brain itself that creates feelings of religiousness. That's not just you or I, but everyone who has ever felt these emotions.
I don't care how the spiritual realm is manifest in my life. I care about why it is.
I don't care how the spiritual realm is manifest in my life. I care about why it is.
Lets put it this way. If you were to smoke heroin you'd be in "The Spiritual Realm" - it's actually, and only, chemical processes in your brain. How you "manifest" that or "the why" is really up to you. I'd try not being a junky though. I mean, to me, I've seen heroin addicts screw up their whole lives, sell everything (even themselves) to get a hit and I've seen fundamental Christians give everything they own to their church, including their kids into "The Church" homeschooling/brainwashing program.

Again, the why is up to you.

Me, I find living a drug free / theistic-free life pretty rewarding. Of course people on heroin (or Christ) can't even imagine living life without their next hit.

Which brings us back to the brain... and the chemicals that run it. And maybe even the genes that make the proteins that use the chemical that run the brain that mother nature built :D
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Why God? Why not Gods.
There could be many Gods in the universe, why we must always talk about One God?
Lets put it this way. If you were to smoke heroin you'd be in "The Spiritual Realm" - it's actually, and only, chemical processes in your brain. How you "manifest" that or "the why" is really up to you. I'd try not being a junky though. I mean, to me, I've seen heroin addicts screw up their whole lives, sell everything (even themselves) to get a hit and I've seen fundamental Christians give everything they own to their church, including their kids into "The Church" homeschooling/brainwashing program.

Again, the why is up to you.

Me, I find living a drug free / theistic-free life pretty rewarding. Of course people on heroin (or Christ) can't even imagine living life without their next hit.

Which brings us back to the brain... and the chemicals that run it. And maybe even the genes that make the proteins that use the chemical that run the brain that mother nature built :D

I don't smoke heroin and I don't go to church asshole, and for as narrow minded and holier than thou judgemental as you are, you may as well join a congregation yourself. Fuck you.
I don't smoke heroin and I don't go to church asshole, and for as narrow minded and holier than thou judgemental as you are, you may as well join a congregation yourself. Fuck you.
I'm not being "judgmental" I'm being honest with you - it's a fact of nature - the brain is run on chemicals. The Brain IS MADE of chemicals. IF you FEEL, SEE, Touch, Smell, or sense anything it's simply a series of chemical reactions.

Whether you like it or not that IS the case.

You saw something move of it's own accord or you channeled a spirit or any such thing, these were all chemicals in your brain creating these senses. That's it. Out here in the real world, it never happened.

If you stop and think about it - this could explain a lot of your life. If I were seeing dead people I'd try to go see a psychologist, maybe get some other chemicals to try and somewhat balance those that were causing me to see stuff float around.

Or, you could prefer to think you are special and have a "gift".. ... it's your choice.
I'm not being "judgmental" I'm being honest with you - it's a fact of nature - the brain is run on chemicals. The Brain IS MADE of chemicals. IF you FEEL, SEE, Touch, Smell, or sense anything it's simply a series of chemical reactions.

Whether you like it or not that IS the case.

You saw something move of it's own accord or you channeled a spirit or any such thing, these were all chemicals in your brain creating these senses. That's it. Out here in the real world, it never happened.

If you stop and think about it - this could explain a lot of your life. If I were seeing dead people I'd try to go see a psychologist, maybe get some other chemicals to try and somewhat balance those that were causing me to see stuff float around.

Or, you could prefer to think you are special and have a "gift".. ... it's your choice.

the chemicals in my brain did not make the materials on my coffee table morph, and they did not conjer up the message that i channelled, nor did they initiate the physical manifestations i experienced while channeling. now obviously, given that there were physical manifestations, there was some reaction going on to the spirit within my body. but the experience was not caused by emotions or feelings. i was not upset or depressed at that time, and did not will these things to happen. i didn't expect them to happen. i was absolutely astounded that they were, and at the time, very happy and content with the idea. these things were not hallucenations or imagination, and quite frankly, i think it's entirely disrespectful of you to assume that and say that to me, when you know absolutely nothing about what happened to me. you weren't there, and let me assure you that if you had been there to witness these occurrences, you'd be singing a different tune. i don't think i'm special or have some gift. i had an experience that's all. everybody's special.

If you can move things about on a table. Call the James Randi Educational Foundation show them that you can do it and collect your 1 million dollars and show us all that you indeed have a gift.

If not, then you did not moving things, did not channel things and yes it's all in your brain - which is itself made of chemicals and anything you perceive is in fact chemical reactions. This is a FACT. Everything you perceive as "real" is created in your mind. These pixels - in your mind. That coffee flavor - in your mind. The feel of wind on your skin - a precept created IN YOUR BRAIN OUT OF CHEMICALS.


It should be noted that the VAST majority of people who contact the James Randi foundation are not scammers but indeed believe they have a "gift" or had a special experence. No one has collected the 1 million dollars. THAT should tell you something. In the history of the world - no one has ever been shown to have any special abilities. If people could channel then I'd have someone channeling Einstein's ideas so we could continue his work. EVERYONE would - it would be common. Obama would have his United States Office of the Channeler. But, that's not the case because Channeling is not true.

Anyway, look, it doesn't matter. Probably more people than not think like you so don't worry about it.
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I did not move or morph the objects on my coffee table and neither did th chemicals in my brain. It seems that the chemicals in your brain are not paying attention to what um saying. Perhaps they've been distracted by your ego.
I could be distracted by my ego :)

However, there is no good evidence that such thing as channeling as ever occurred. This suggests it's not real. That doesn't mean that the feelings are not real. Those are produced by chemical reactions in the body that create what we perceive.
I suppose to bring it back to the thread. IF there is no GOD, and there is a relationship between Mohammad's brain and his revelations, THEN Mohammad was either a little off in the head OR making it all up as he went along.

Remember Mohammad is clearly stating that he is speaking to an Angel and receiving his information in this manner.