If there is a soul what does it do in an afterlife


I will respond more fully to your post during the week but for now please consider this point where you refer to the role of the brain.

You also refer to the soul as the intelligence.

Just some perspective on brain power; the human brain is approximately equivalent to 20,000 state of the art computers operating in a massive parallel processing system. In terms of raw compute power that is sufficient to run every stock exchange in the world and the core business of every major corporation in the world. And each of us has one of these in our heads. The suggestion that this awesome power is relegated to merely a sensor processing messenger is not credible.

I also suggested that the soul is the energy that powers the brains... so to speak. It would be simultaneously the life-energy and consciousness of the brain. In other words, the soul has a hand (so to speak) in the computational power of the brain. Without the soul, the brain, the body, does nothing.
This isn't true, strictly speaking. We know that the brain is involved in thought processes, as well as emotional experiences, which appear causal. Memory too. However, what is unclear, either way.

Primarily it is the processing center of the information that it receives from the senses of the body. It processes this information, and the information processed is understood by the soul. It is difficult to talk about the soul in the human person, because the human body and the human soul are one, they are a union.

I think this brings up a good point, but what confuses people...and theologians have made a successful career out of that, is the reversal of the part the spirit and the soul play.

It's not a "human soul", but it is a "human spirit".
That is what most theologians have had reversed, and that has confused the people.

The human spirit is tainted with the free will issue and Lucifer's spiritual powers and influence.

The Soul either comes from God, and is a gene from Him, which manifests a son of God, and is placed by adoption into a position of authority in the "family" of God, living by Faith which casts down all fear by the power of Divine Love, or it manifests doubt and fear revealing it's origins are elsewhere, which unto our adversaries is an evident token of perdition.
This is a serious mater.
That isn't to say we are born perfect, it is a learning process.
You fall, you get back up.
But in the Soul is one of two things that control you.
Faith or Doubt.

No longer do we have to exist in the realms of uncertainty, made worse by a clergy who conquer a laity by means of deception and hold them bound by a lack of their understanding God's Word.
No, those days are over now.

The King has returned to be seen among us.
And He is the Word.
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I have trouble knowing how to respond to your notions. It's like adding another chapter to the Lord of the Rings where any fantasy can be considered.

I guess this also sums up my 6 years here. With all the bizarre notions you have and LG, and C7, and Vital, Adstar, sam, and Leo, etc. - it's all total creative fiction. If I ever had thoughts that religion might have something then that is certainly no longer the case. I guess I should thank all the theists here these past few years for cementing my atheism far more deeply than I could have ever done without you.

I have trouble knowing how to respond to your notions.
It's like adding another chapter to the Lord of the Rings where any fantasy can be considered.
I guess this also sums up my 6 years here. With all the bizarre notions you have and LG, and C7, and Vital, Adstar, sam, and Leo, etc. - it's all total creative fiction.

If I ever had thoughts that religion might have something then that is certainly no longer the case.

I guess I should thank all the theists here these past few years for cementing my atheism far more deeply than I could have ever done without you.

I owe you the same debt of gratitude I suppose.
I have become stronger in my faith with these little talks we have.
I guess by nature I see every challenge as an opportunity for growth, and sometimes go too far into the realms of contention.
But my intentions were certainly never to discourage anyone.
If I have I am sorry.

By faith I believe we can learn to literally bring this dimension subject to that one which is above, starting within our own selves, taking back inch by inch everything that was ours to begin with that was lost to man in "the fall".

Faith is a revelation.
Our personal revelation is the understanding we have of what the truth really is.
Our ability increases to separate truth from error, especially in areas they are so close it is hard to tell them apart....with every such victory we earn in exercise of the discernment of good and evil.

When a son loses something through disobedience, you don't just go and buy him another one to replace it do you?
Where's the lesson learned in that?
You make him earn it, work for the substance to buy it with.
Your works express your faith, without them it is dead.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things yet unseen.

Seen this way it shouldn't be that hard to understand.
We were put here in these bodies to learn from them, because the spiritual reflects the natural.

God told the Israelites He would give them the "promised land", but when they got there it was full of giants.

They had to fight for every inch of ground they took and by faith claim it.

That doesn't mean God lied. God never lies.
His Word is alway true.

It just has a deeper meaning sometimes than we at first supposed.
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I have become stronger in my faith with these little talks we have.
there's a big difference, between Cris and you, he's become more educated and enlightened, you've just become more deluded, it would be wise for you to see a shrink, you have a bipolar disorder.
there's a big difference, between Cris and you, he's become more educated and enlightened, you've just become more deluded, it would be wise for you to see a shrink, you have a bipolar disorder.
Every believer thats ever walked this Earth has incurred the same hatred and wrath that your words above express.

Did you know that is to be expected.....I'd be disappointed if someone didn't take offense.
I would start thinking I been doing something wrong.
Thanks, I feel better now......till I start thinking about your fate, that is.

It's not my words, but His you've found offensive.
We could talk about the Kansas City Chiefs and Trent Green being quarterback or something like that and you might like them or not but.......

When you react like you have, thats just not a good sign.
My post above was genuine, heartfelt and truthful to the best of my abilities, and I said I like chatting with Cris...I have learned a thing or two from it.

But Mr. 666, your comment is like I said "to be expected"
It just don't excite me much, sorry I didn't get to you sooner but I've heard this all too many times.
I feel sorry for you, but in cases like yours there isn't anything I can do.
If I was a doctor, my comment would probably be something like "stitch him up, and send him home".
There's nothing we can do for him.
Every believer thats ever walked this Earth has incurred the same hatred and wrath that your words above express.

Did you know that is to be expected.....I'd be disappointed if someone didn't take offense.
I would start thinking I been doing something wrong.
Thanks, I feel better now......till I start thinking about your fate, that is.

It's not my words, but His you've found offensive.
We could talk about the Kansas City Chiefs and Trent Green being quarterback or something like that and you might like them or not but.......

When you react like you have, thats just not a good sign.
My post above was genuine, heartfelt and truthful to the best of my abilities, and I said I like chatting with Cris...I have learned a thing or two from it.

But Mr. 666, your comment is like I said "to be expected"
It just don't excite me much, sorry I didn't get to you sooner but I've heard this all too many times.
I feel sorry for you, but in cases like yours there isn't anything I can do.
If I was a doctor, my comment would probably be something like "stitch him up, and send him home".
There's nothing we can do for him.
wow do you need to get off your high horse, I have no hatred for you, I dont know you, I was just making it clear that you are in no way the same as Cris, and could never be.
you may have learned a thing or two from Cris, now you should act on them.
I found nothing offensive in your words but clearly you did, you say your used to it but clearly your not.
this is a science forum, please dont try to compare yourself to someone with good sense.
-Wow do you need to get off your high horse,
-I have no hatred for you, I dont know you, I was just making it clear that you are in no way the same as Cris, and could never be.
-You may have learned a thing or two from Cris, now you should act on them.
-I found nothing offensive in your words but clearly you did, you say your used to it but clearly your not.
-This is a science forum, please dont try to compare yourself to someone with good sense.

Now it is true this is a "science forum" but this is an area of that forum under the heading of Philosophy.....and more specific than that "Religion".
And inside of that....we are on the topic of "what a soul does in the afterlife"


I didn't say it was because of some hatred for me that I feel sorry for you.
It was your reaction to the Word of God.
Thats what I am familiar with...that kind of reaction.

"There is a scripture (correction..a saying -you were right on this, the preacher-) that goes like this....
"Fools walk with hobnailed shoes where angels fear to trod."

This was referring to the fact that Micheal even, the great warrior angel that he was......did not bring a railing accusation against Satan.
That there are some that will make fun of...or mock the "powers that be", they do not understand.
I would have to include myself as being guilty of that a time or two, but I try to do things a little different now.

You don't think it's possible for God to send somebody by this way that would stick up for His Word, to take care of those people with real genuine questions?
Maybe you think because this is a "science" forum we're all here to make fun of those deluded religious fools?

If I were you, fast as I could.....I would try to get myself in check, and read up on things the things you've chosen to make fun of.
That's just my advice....that's all I can do.
The rest is up to you.
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We know the brain is needed for thinking, emotions, and memory so when the body dies and the soul moves to an eternal afterlife what would be its characteristics?

It would have no memory and hence no identity.

No ability to think, so the notion of "I think therefore I am" would not operate.

And no emotions.

So what useful things could be said about such an entity?

To judge from the evidence, or the lack of it, the soul is more inclined to mind its own business, to keep itself to itself.
To judge from the evidence, or the lack of it, the soul is more inclined to mind its own business, to keep itself to itself.

A common misconception is the "soul" is the seat of the emotions and such.

It is more the human spirit or the mind where those emotions come from.
Scientists would say the physical location is the right hemisphere of the brain.

Not the soul...it doesn't play with distractions.
It is more a result of an overlapping sphere of influence from a real physical body you have in another diminsion.....representing the real you.

What you do here in this dimension shows where that representation is coming from.
In your soul is all faith or doubt.
That's why when you die, you go straight to it.
Because it is already there...which ever location your representation has been coming from.
That's where your soul is, it's not really even from this dimension.
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I didn't say it was because of some hatred for me that I feel sorry for you.
It was your reaction to the Word of God.
if you noticed, I only responded to the one sentence, ("I have become stronger in my faith with these little talks we have.")I did'nt read the rest, as it was the irrelevant ramblings of a religious person.
anyway Why would anybody react to something they have no belief in, please do be serious. go ahead and feel sorry for me, if it makes you feel better, it's no skin of my nose.
"There is a scripture that goes like this....
"Fools walk with hobnailed shoes where angels fear to trod."
never seen a scripture like that can you please verify.
have heard something like this "fools rush in, where angels fear to tred" but dont remember that being a scripture either.
read up on things the things you've chosen to make fun of.
how do you think, I came to be an atheist, by studing these and other holy books, the bible is the best weapon an atheist has, as is the qu'ran and the vedas etc....
A common misconception is the "soul" is the seat of the emotions and such.

It is more the human spirit or the mind where those emotions come from.
Scientists would say the physical location is the right hemisphere of the brain.

Not the soul...it doesn't play with distractions.
It is more a result of an overlapping sphere of influence from a real physical body you have in another diminsion.....representing the real you.

What you do here in this dimension shows where that representation is coming from.
In your soul is all faith or doubt.
That's why when you die, you go straight to it.
Because it is already there...which ever location your representation has been coming from.
That's where your soul is, it's not really even from this dimension.

How do you know this?

Or more to the point, how would I know that this is not your misconception?
I am going to attempt to put this in words....Here is what I see.

There was a war in heaven...Micheal and his angels fought, and Lucifer and his angels fought.
There was no longer a place in heaven found for Lucifer and his angels.
They were cast down to the Earth.

We are not talking about heaven being outer space here.
It is a higher dimension, right here on this world.

Angels are "ministering spirits" who influence people, and are used of God to bring them messages.

These that were cast to Earth can inhabit or possess animals, and because of the mixture of man and animal at the fall of Adam and Eve, they can also possess people.

Your represented in another dimension.
Your soul that is, is a real body being held in another dimension.
The sons of God, or the sons of the light are in heaven...now.
Thats were you are from, your not from this "world" ....meaning dimension.

Now the children of this world are from this world....and are from below.
Thats why they are called the "Children of this world".
Both groups have the same bodies here....with representation in the soul realm coming from different locations.
Judas was called a "son of perdition"....
Our bodies including our flesh and our mind or spirit can be influenced by the fallen spirits whether you are from either group.
But in the Soul is either Faith or Doubt.
Thats what shows the real you.
In the things of the flesh the bible says.......that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the light.
Thats why we are to be as "wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove"
With me so far?

So in the soul realm, deeper than the human spirit, the children of this world are possessed by these angels that fell, instead of having a soul that come from heaven.
Thats why God lets them proposer in their wickedness and doesn't correct them.

Thats why seemingly bad things happen to good people.
He is perfecting His children, using Satan and this world to child train His children in the very presence of His enemies.
He is only concerned with correcting His children.

These others aren't His.
However He is concerned with letting them have a good life here, and a full life.
Solomon said: "there is nothing better for the sons of men to do than to eat, drink, and enjoy the fruits of their labors and the works of their hands all the days of their lives"

Thats this other group he is talking about.
The children of the world.

But there is a strong delusion sent by God.
Since the blood of Jesus was shed, the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon all flesh....the flesh of both groups is the same, remember.
This creates the false anointed ones of the end times.
Not a false anointing now, the Holy Ghost falling upon all flesh is real, causing them to do many works of the Spirit...cast out devils, heal the sick, ect....but, the person is false the anointing is upon.
It's the parable of the wheat and the tares.
Get it. The rain falling on them both now, is the same rain....the same Holy Spirit.
That's why those leaders of the world's false religion are described in the warning from Paul: "Satan's ministers can transform themselves into angels of light"
Jesus said "they are of their father the devil and his works they would do."....A generation of "vipers"

See how then this world has been created to be a carefully balanced mixture for the purpose of this contest.
Not really a continuation of the battle from heaven.
That Lucifer already lost.
And thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus, the rights of Lucifer to this dimension or world have been lost also.

Jesus just chose to bring "many sons to maturity" to share His glory with.
Remember what he said about the "corn of wheat" that unless it fall into the ground it abideth alone?
Planted in the ground, of our flesh it brings forth some a hundred fold.
Paul said "Now are we the Sons of God, if we be led of the Spirit of God".
He is the firstborn of many brethren, the beginning of the creation of God.

This is a testing ground with the Word of God as the instrument that separates the two and shows where your representation is from.
When this child training exercise is over, the children will become adopted into authority like the way it used to be done in the far east, sons at about 30 years old like Jesus was, are set up if proven trustworthy into a position of authority in the family business.
"This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him"

As His children are positionally placed...this world is brought under the power of Heaven by Faith in the Word of God...and Jesus who is the Word in flesh becomes the King whose kingdom has already come into their hearts.
They are depicted as riding white horses, the "Armies of Heaven" appear clothed in white linen, which is the righteousness of the Saints...the Word of God.
Satan's spiritual control is displaced just as easily as light displaces darkness when a flashlight is turned on in a dark room.

I hope this makes it clearer for you.
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Do animals (other than Homo Sapiens) have souls?
All animals?
Did Neanderthals?
What about Homo Erectus?
At what point in the evolutionary chain did our soul evolve?
How many souls are there? (if it is only Homo Sapiens that have souls - then it can't be more than 100 Billion or so at the moment).
Do intelligent alien life-forms have souls?
Non-intelligent alien life?

Thanks for answering :)
I am going to attempt to put this in words.

Here is what I see...

Holy crap, that was like a Stephen King novel. I assume that you have some real objective evidence that any of those claims are true... ex. 'God' exists, 'Satan' exists, 'Higher Dimensions' exist, 'Souls' exist, 'Spirits' exists, 'Angels' exist, ... , and the list goes on.
Holy crap, that was like a Stephen King novel. I assume that you have some real objective evidence that any of those claims are true... ex. 'God' exists, 'Satan' exists, 'Higher Dimensions' exist, 'Souls' exist, 'Spirits' exists, 'Angels' exist, ... , and the list goes on.

Define "objective"
Define "objective"
in this instant, they mean this :


undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.
not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts, unbiased.
intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.
being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject. ( as opposed to subjective )
of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

does that help, so do you have any evidence.
Holy crap, that was like a Stephen King novel. I assume that you have some real objective evidence....
Sure enough. Good for you. Each to his own except that my need is not so vicarious.
How would I know that this is not your misconception?
so do you have any evidence.
This is all I can give you.

How would you know I'm not one of those "Angels of light" Paul was talking about in the New Testament?
Perhaps I am....
Angel is defined as: one with a message.

I quoted earlier the scriptures said Satan's ministers can appear as angels of light.

It's up to you to determine where my message is from.
Is it the Word of God....really.
Is it true?
Or is it a deception?

That is the question each of us have to face in life.
Because a church has 5000 members doesn't mean it's teaching all of God's Word.
It may be adding too a little, or taking a little away from Gods Word.
Either way it's death to accept it.
That's how close it is in this day.
The difference comes down to something that can be less than one word.

Jesus started out with the 5,000....then 70 ministers.
John 6 vs 66...notice the number.....that's their sign.
They left and followed Him no more.
Then He had 12 and 1 of them was a devil.

Paul had nations following His message at first.
But after they left...the blacksmith and others helped turn them away, Paul was left in His church when writing much of the new testament.....with 12 people in it.
Did you realize that?
Narrow is the way and few there be that find it.
It's up to you to study and show thyself approved, having your senses exercised in the discernment of good from evil.
If your soul is from above, you'll know when you hear that Voice.

It's The Voice.

It has a certain ring to it.
The ring of truth.

Satan just changed one word and Eve sold the whole human race into slavery.
Surely God will NOT kill you for eating of the tree.

The Word says....The two spirits in the last day will be so close, it would deceive the very ELECT ...IF...it were possible.

But it's not possible to deceive you if your soul is part of the Word.
It's what you are....you are destined to come to the understanding of it.
Nothing can stop that revelation.
Upon this rock, the gates of hell can not prevail against what He has created in you.

All the world will be deceived whose names are not written on the Lamb book of Life from before the foundation of the world.

That's what that means.

It's got to be a personal revelation between you and God or you will be deceived in this day.
I can't give it to you.
Thats why it says you have to buy of it for yourself.
Who is it that sells this oil?
God.....without money or price.
Not the church or another man....God alone.

I know many other religions say they have a messiah coming too..Judism, Islam, ect....and some are close to the same.
Even in Christianity there are over 1000 different faiths.

Death comes in a thousand faces, but there is only one Way, one Truth, one Life.

And that is a door open in heaven.

If you are the Word as He is the Word you will recognize the truth when you hear it....
My sheep hear MY VOICE, another's voice they will not follow.
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