If there is a Hell, I WANT to be there.

Read OP first! Were would you want to be?

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By screen name I meant "aaqucnaona" -
'Ask A Question U Can Not Ask On Normal Account.'
But when you were presented with actual reasons why the OP was flawed, you fought tooth and nail. Then Jan walks in and calls you an idiot, and you not only fold, but heap praise upon him for making such astute observations.

I mean, are you kidding me?

The normal arguements usually lead to choose argue, not agree - this is beacuse the disagreement is not severe or I consider my argument to be correct. However, when Jan, the one who inspired the whim for this thread, blantantly stated her opinion, I saw this through her eyes. I realised how different and inappropriate this thread was compared to my good ones like "The need for debasement of religion" or "irreducible complexity" or "Children must be taught religions" - and I realised that this thread was poor because I had not applied scepticism and scrutiny to the OP and that the OP could not actually stand up to a crictical analysis. Moreover, even despite this, I was still "fighting tooth and nail" for something which I should have put where are the stupid arguments go - not on a sciforum. It was the shock of this realisation, as well as the sudden flip of my argumentative burden, that caused me to fold. In this, the memetic trimming of a stupid idea, in driving me to realise that this idea deserved a dawkin award* was what I praised her for. I thanked her because she had removed a wrong and stupid thought from my mind - 'thank you for showing me that I was wrong." That is a good example of how the scrutinty of others on a scientifically oriented stage ensures the survival of only the best memes - and explains why creationist papers never make it through peer review, or are not even submitted to them!
By screen name I meant "aaqucnaona" -
'Ask A Question U Can Not Ask On Normal Account.'

That was only for yahoo answers, it was an account to be used for asking for pirated links, occasional recreational trolling, etc - things that cannot be risked on a normal account. Thereafter, it just became a cool and anonymous name to hold on to. Something easily remember by me, something that might intrigue the reader. And I call myself Aaq anyway, not aaqucnaona. The long version is almost 2 years old and holds no significance anymore, perhaps other than to remind me that I used to believe in feng shui and horoscopes.
@ Mods - In light of the insights I gained into my thinking, I withdraw my request to delete this thread.
@ Jan and others - My retraction of the OP still stands.
Are you a bad man? Do you hurt others. From a faithful to a friend, if you wish to go to hell do as much good as possible, then in the end line up with the sons of God and request such a thing, he will grant your wish. ;)
As you all know, I am an agnostic [Existence of God] atheistic [belief in God]apatheist [importance of religion]. However, if the theists are right and there is a hell, I want, absolutely want to go there. Now some [especially JAN] will scream "Satanist" at this point so let me tell you, you [Jan] actually gave me this idea.

First of all, I cannot, for a second, imagine my self even the slightest comfort and happiness even if I were WITH GOD and/or in Heaven knowing that a stupid IDEA was the deciding point between blessing or torture for all eternity. I do not want to be with a God that cares more for the thoughts of a person than for his actions, one who accepts abortion doctor killers and rejects great scientists. I could never enjoy even the most greatest and unimaginable blessings in the world knowing that fellow individuals of my species are suffering,not for a fine time because of their finite crimes, but for infinty for a mere thought.

Second, I also am not enthusiastic of sharing a place with evangelicals, creationtist, terrorists and pedophiles. How the good moderates think of living forever with such people is beyond me. Just imagine, for a few burns you get to be the greatest and [by most standards] best minds to ever exist - Sigmund Freud, Bertrand Russell, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ayn Rand, Katherine Hepburn, Francis Crick, Richard Feynman, James Watson, Peter Higgs, Carl Sagan, George Carlin, Bruce Lee, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Stephen Hawking, Richard Leakey, Douglas Adams, PZ Myers, Jodie Foster, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Derren Brown, Penn & Teller, George Clooney, Eva Green, Angelina Jolie, Larry King, Seth MacFarlane, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Daniel Radcliffe and Sir David Attenborough - I would not miss that for anything.

So, if its all real and as per most religions there are heaven and hell with belief being the selection criteria, I want to go to hell.

But a eternity with the greatest of my species is, for me, a bit too much to ask. I am happy to be the lucky person to emerge from the union of two cells over 17 years ago, be grateful for my atoms to have a change to become consicious and sentitent after billions of years and experience, learn, understand and enjoy life and the world - and when the time comes, disintigrate forever, happy to be given the chance that trillions of other potential people miss out on every day, every moment - birth.

Videos relevant or similiar to my post [IMO*] -







Lets get a little less serious - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xLnsbUviuk&list=FLv-tVarQvNkZn4xp4K16gvg&index=23&feature=plpp_video

* some of you might consider some of these to be irrelevant to this conversation.

You know NOTHING of God. Let me tell you. God created all, man has done the rest. He created evolution, and his sons, i.e. Science, Faith put it all together in Heaven, then he sent his sons to Earth with no knowledge (Lucifer) of God as a test of their faith, and goodness. You are not a bad man. God is loving and caring, you have a complete misconception of God. Christians do not represent God, I do, if ye have faith ask yourself. Ask him about KNOWLEDGE91, his son. Do you reject me? Do you reject the ideological Jesus Christ? I highly doubt it. Im a good man, I have faith in God, I in fact talk to him every day and claim to be a very key piece to the puzzle. Take my hand upon death and I will show you to the gate, in and out, if you wish.
Indeed, friendo. I respond, religion has nothing to do with Hell, or Heaven.

No temple is found in New Jerusalem...
And yes, it is precisely that - Blowjob or kicked in the nuts. But it is blowjob forever or kicked in the nuts forever. The choice seems obvious, but can you happily take that while knowing that your son or brother or father or friend are being kicked in the nuts forever for a relatively small and finite transgression, if any?

My point was that Hell is not a theological sensible concept, purgatory is.
And that belief or pracitice are not better criteria for this choice, actions are.

I realize that you are trying to make a point, but if there is a hell as in eternal damnation and heaven as in eternal bliss, then the answer is obvious, no ifs ands or buts about it. As another said, put your hand on the stove coil and see how you like it. I don't care who is in hell or in heaven, if the perfect God of the Bible is real, then there is nothing to worry about, everyone is in their right places. Whoever is inherently bad is in hell and whoever is inherently good is on heaven. No 2 ways about it. Who are we to say what is right and what is wrong? Really.

But puuullease. Hell literally translates to death and the Bible states that when you die you are conscious of nothing at all. Eternal torment was thought up in order to keep the citizenry in check with no authority to rule over them.
My focus in this thread is the concept of hell. I chose the abrahamic one because it is the largest number of followers/believers, and therefore it is the most important and relevant one.

Not all abrahmic religions believe in eternal damnation as that's not even what the Bible says, so don't include them all in 1 bunch.

Btw, you are a gnostic atheist as most atheists are, so there is no reason for you to say so. Just say you are an atheist.

What do you mean we will eventually come to know God? How so? 1. What if there is a creator but he plans no afterlife for us? 2. What if there is a creator but he plans incarnation for us? 3. What if there is a creator but he doesn't plan to reveal himself in the afterlife, leaving us an answer for the question of an afterlife, but not an answer for the question of a creator? 4. What if there is no creator? 5. What if there is a creator but not a God, such as if we are in a virtual reality, or created by another species, etc.

I think there may be some or one more, but cant think of more.
Moderator note: Knowledge91 has been banned for 1 month for preaching/proselytising again. This follows previous bans for the same thing.
Just imagine, for a few burns you get to be the greatest and [by most standards] best minds to ever exist - Sigmund Freud, Bertrand Russell, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ayn Rand, Katherine Hepburn, Francis Crick, Richard Feynman, James Watson, Peter Higgs, Carl Sagan, George Carlin, Bruce Lee, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Stephen Hawking, Richard Leakey, Douglas Adams, PZ Myers, Jodie Foster, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Derren Brown, Penn & Teller, George Clooney, Eva Green, Angelina Jolie, Larry King, Seth MacFarlane, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Daniel Radcliffe and Sir David Attenborough - I would not miss that for anything.

Poor Keanu. How did he get on your list?
Second, I also am not enthusiastic of sharing a place with evangelicals, creationtist, terrorists and pedophiles.

You mean practicing or repentent terrorists and pedophiles? As of right now I'd think all the mansions in heaven have "for sale" signs on them. We're pretty much all bozos on this bus to Hell. So if Hell is your choice, you'll probably end up sharing a place with all on that list and more.
You mean practicing or repentent terrorists and pedophiles? As of right now I'd think all the mansions in heaven have "for sale" signs on them. We're pretty much all bozos on this bus to Hell. So if Hell is your choice, you'll probably end up sharing a place with all on that list and more.

I have retracked the Op, see my reply to Knowledge91 for the retraction and reasons for the retraction.