If there is a Hell, I WANT to be there.

Read OP first! Were would you want to be?

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And you are right - in that a dogmatic, fundamental and non-moderate view of the central tenants of Christianity and Islam are not practically, logically or sensibly adequate or correct. To the rest of your post, I agree completely.

One other thing: punishment only makes sense if you learn something from it.
If I do this, that unpleasant thing is going to happen to me. So, in the future, I better make sure I don't do it again.
The whole concept of hell is nonsensical.
"F*ck you Jesus." "F*ck you the Abrahamic God." "F*ck you all the Gods that we all ever came up with".

I can never remember--was it Lord Byron who said that, or...

There, so much for the fear and belief. I am very clear on my intellectual position - I do not include God in my ontology. However I am agnostic about whether he actually exists or not - either way, until it can be shown to be so, I dont consider him to be objectively real. I am NOT agnostic on the epistemology of God - we can and someday will know God beyond any reasonable doubt. I am a weak atheist because I dont say "there is no God", merely "I dont believe in God". I am an apatheist because religion, theology and God plays no part or has no importance in my life beyond my discussions.

bold emphasis added by moi

Here's your first problem: You frame the issue only around the concept of the Abrahamic "God" character (male, capital "G"), not the general concept of a creator. This may not be intentional, but the result is that you're giving two, contradicting answers to the same question.

Your next mistake is in identifying yourself as an atheist and an agnostic, which is redundant, because agnosticism to the general concept of a prime mover is implied by your atheism toward the gods of the theistic holy texts. Conversely, if you say you are undecided as to the existence of the Abrahamic God specifically, then you are an agnostic, not an atheist (Yes, there is always someone ready to fire the old "well, you're an atheist in practice" platitude at you, but again, this is already implied by your agnosticism and goes without saying).

And if you'll indulge me for a moment, this idea of "strong atheism" and "weak atheism" is a bunch of crap. You either believe in a god or you don't. If you don't know, fine, but to say there are varying degrees of disbelief? Spare me.

And yes, it is precisely that - Blowjob or kicked in the nuts. But it is blowjob forever or kicked in the nuts forever. The choice seems obvious, but can you happily take that while knowing that your son or brother or father or friend are being kicked in the nuts forever for a relatively small and finite transgression, if any?

But that's not how any definition of heaven or hell works. Heaven is bliss, while Hell is pain. Of course, it is precisely the way in which you pose the question that makes the concepts of Heaven and Hell entirely absurd, but you're offering a false dichotomy that makes it difficult to answer the question; if you're breaking the rules to allow Heaven-goers to mourn for their Hellbound loved ones, then what other variables are we missing? You see what I mean?

My point was that Hell is not a theological sensible concept, purgatory is.
And that belief or pracitice are not better criteria for this choice, actions are.

Purgatory is? I'm sorry, you're going to elaborate.
It means that they are the most successful memetically and culturally. The politics, economy or society of theocratic islamic nations is not quite what you would want it to be. Fundamentalist chritians in the west too are not quite the picture of western progress, development, advancement, modernity, secularisation and tolerance.

So? Does that mean that we have to take with absolute seriousness everything they say?

Its a thought experiment - its to be taken "for the sake of the argument".

But why are you interested in this argument?
One other thing: punishment only makes sense if you learn something from it.

This is one, and possibly modern, interpretation of the use of punishment.

Punishment can also be an act of revenge, retaliation.
The only thing I find intriguing about this thread is the aaqucnaona's paralyzing fear of taking an intellectual position on the God Question. He hedges his bets by saying he is both an agnostic and an atheist, which of course is impossible; one cannot say they believe there is no god while also saying they do not know if a god exists. This practice speaks to a fear of the Judeo-Christian God, and thus makes him a believer. I wonder why he won't just admit as much.

Generally - agreed.
Although a stance like Aaq's is fairly common, given how intensely people's ideas about God and religion are limited to some popular Christian views.
Generally - agreed.
Although a stance like Aaq's is fairly common, given how intensely people's ideas about God and religion are limited to some popular Christian views.

They are not limited to christianity. THIS discussion is limited to the abrahamic tradition because it is the most influential religious group on this planet.
So? Does that mean that we have to take with absolute seriousness everything they say?

Of course not. And I dont.

But why are you interested in this argument?

Just trying to think like a fundamentalist theist - wondering how things look from their perspective - one which neither of us actually have.
That doesn't follow.

Yes it does -


Green - Islamic
Red - Christian
White - Others
I can never remember--was it Lord Byron who said that, or...

Lol. I couldn't think of a better way to conivce you of my lack of belief or fear.

Here's your first problem: You frame the issue only around the concept of the Abrahamic "God" character (male, capital "G"), not the general concept of a creator. This may not be intentional, but the result is that you're giving two, contradicting answers to the same question.

For this thread, yes - because that is the Hell I am talking about. But in my general threads on this topic, no -

Your next mistake is in identifying yourself as an atheist and an agnostic, which is redundant, because agnosticism to the general concept of a prime mover is implied by your atheism toward the gods of the theistic holy texts.

I hold this stance - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnostic_atheism

Conversely, if you say you are undecided as to the existence of the Abrahamic God specifically,

I am not - I dont believe in that God and such a God almost certainly doesn't exist.

then you are an agnostic, not an atheist (Yes, there is always someone ready to fire the old "well, you're an atheist in practice" platitude at you, but again, this is already implied by your agnosticism and goes without saying).

Of course. But my agnosticism is limited to ONLY the present knowledge of God. Epistemically, I am a gnostic - we can and will know God someday.

And if you'll indulge me for a moment, this idea of "strong atheism" and "weak atheism" is a bunch of crap. You either believe in a god or you don't. If you don't know, fine, but to say there are varying degrees of disbelief? Spare me.

Of course not. The only difference is whether or not there is a opposite claim made.
Strong a-ballist - You say - I have a football. I say - No you dont.
Weak a-ballist - You say - I have a football. I say - I do not believe you.

But that's not how any definition of heaven or hell works. Heaven is bliss, while Hell is pain. Of course, it is precisely the way in which you pose the question that makes the concepts of Heaven and Hell entirely absurd, but you're offering a false dichotomy that makes it difficult to answer the question; if you're breaking the rules to allow Heaven-goers to mourn for their Hellbound loved ones, then what other variables are we missing? You see what I mean?

Surely a perfect heaven should have the freedom to mourn, to be unhappy and to be sad? We might not do those things in such a heaven, but surely we must be capable of them for the heaven to be a perfect place? Heaven cannot be a puppet show with grinning puppets unable to have the free will or freedom to feel sadness, grief and nostalgia.

Purgatory is? I'm sorry, you're going to elaborate.

I mean it is the only sensible theological construct as it proposes finite punishment for finite transgressions.
No, it doesn't. You omitted stating your intention / perceived relevance of your specific focus.

My focus in this thread is the concept of hell. I chose the abrahamic one because it is the largest number of followers/believers, and therefore it is the most important and relevant one.
My focus in this thread is the concept of hell. I chose the abrahamic one because it is the largest number of followers/believers, and therefore it is the most important and relevant one.

If your interest is in converting people, then their relative influence and numbers are relevant to you, yes.

Other interests will make you focus on other things.

If you'd be really concerned about issues of heaven and hell, you'd also look into what other religions have to say about it, and not just limit yourself ot the Abrahamic ones.
If your interest is in converting people, then their relative influence and numbers are relevant to you, yes.

Their numbers and relative influence is important to me because they are a capable and powerful majority - they can and do cause/wage wars, subvert science, cause intoloerance and prejudice and create problems. Understand and knowing them and how to work and talk with them is essential - not all religious people you meet may be the nice moderate types. Now you may understand why I started the thread on "Debasement of religion".

Other interests will make you focus on other things.

Like for example?

If you'd be really concerned about issues of heaven and hell, you'd also look into what other religions have to say about it, and not just limit yourself ot the Abrahamic ones.

I am not personally concerned about them - any God worth his name or worth following would not put me in hell unlesss I become a serial killer or something. I made this thread to understand others, not address my own issues - which I did in "the debasement of religion" thread.
This is one, and possibly modern, interpretation of the use of punishment.

Punishment can also be an act of revenge, retaliation.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't, or at least shouldn't, fit a god. It's a bit petty, isn't it?
"Debasement of religion".

I probably understand by this term something quite different than you.
I would think it refers to the 'deterioration of religion' or something like that, not to 'ridicule of religion.'

Like for example?

Like I said -
If you'd be really concerned about issues of heaven and hell, you'd also look into what other religions have to say about it, and not just limit yourself ot the Abrahamic ones.

I am not personally concerned about them - any God worth his name or worth following would not put me in hell unlesss I become a serial killer or something. I made this thread to understand others, not address my own issues - which I did in "the debasement of religion" thread.

I think one can only hope to understand others by addressing one's own issues first.