If theists were rational.

OUt of ideas I see. Too bad. Go think up some more funny ideas as to why religion is da shit. We'll talk.

Been there, done that; from all I've seen atheists don't even have the stomach to stand up for their beliefs without denigrating or disparaging others. The way I see it, they lose even before the game starts.:shrug:
I find all of the discussion regarding religion as the reason that humanity has "gotten so far" to be specious at best. It so happens that humans are instinctive, irrational beings by nature. Intuition is what's gotten us so far, not religion. Intuition (which I define as the innate ability to recognize danger, opportunity, etc) works fine in the general survival game.

I think religion, from its origins of cave dwelling shamanism, has influenced and invaded all facets of humanities development of their cultures and decision-making processes, and has been the driving factor in our irrational nature. I've never thought it of human nature to be irrational.
Been there, done that; from all I've seen atheists don't even have the stomach to stand up for their beliefs without denigrating or disparaging others. The way I see it, they lose even before the game starts.:shrug:
First, we don't have "beliefs" the way you continue to think of them. Second, we apparently have the stomach to call you theists on your history of bloodshed and human repression and you don't have the stomach to acknowledge what a mess you've made.

All yoou do sam is defend blindly. You can't even see that - no matter what your personal feelings are - religion in the hands of the masses and the powerful few has and always will be a human tragedy.
It's not about vanity. It's His earth. He created it. (Although He's probably kicking Himself right now for that...) We are just living here, many just messing His creation up. Others honestly working to bring the lost back to Him.:)

You are either His child or not. You choose to worship Him or satan. There is no in between. You're either a child of God or a child of the devil. God's children go to be with Him in Heaven. Satan's children go to be with him in hell.:(

God is a He. He always was. He always will be.:worship:

If god is omniscient, he knew exactly how many of his creations would end up spending an eternity in torment before he even began. How is it merciful to create beings when most of them will spend an eternity being tormented?

I choose to worship neither Jehovah or Satan. I'm unaware of any compelling evidence for the existence of either. Just one more example of the excluded middle fallacy that right wingers are so fond of.

Why would an omniscient/omnipotent being have gender? You've merely affirmed that the stone/bronze age mythology you believe in describes a masculine deity - you haven't answered the question. Sexual reproduction is why life forms on Earth have sexes. Why would a being that has existed forever be one sex or the other?
First, we don't have "beliefs" the way you continue to think of them. Second, we apparently have the stomach to call you theists on your history of bloodshed and human repression and you don't have the stomach to acknowledge what a mess you've made.

All yoou do sam is defend blindly. You can't even see that - no matter what your personal feelings are - religion in the hands of the masses and the powerful few has and always will be a human tragedy.

Unlike atheism, which will be in the hands of the masses and miraculously undermine x years of evolution.
Been there, done that; from all I've seen atheists don't even have the stomach to stand up for their beliefs without denigrating or disparaging others. The way I see it, they lose even before the game starts.:shrug:

That says more about theists who insist myths and superstitions are to be treated with validity and dignity.
I think religion, from its origins of cave dwelling shamanism, has influenced and invaded all facets of humanities development of their cultures and decision-making processes, and has been the driving factor in our irrational nature. I've never thought it of human nature to be irrational.
Sometimes an "irrational" fear can save you from a hungry lion. That's what I mean. Humans evolved to work on instinct. We usually had precious little time to consider and ponder the rustling in the bush.
That says more about theists who insist myths and superstitions are to be treated with validity and dignity.

Human beings deserve to be treated with validity and dignity; when you learn objectivity, perhaps your discussions will lead somewhere. Right now all you do is stand before mirrors and refuse to see the resemblance.
If god is omniscient, he knew exactly how many of his creations would end up spending an eternity in torment before he even began. How is it merciful to create beings when most of them will spend an eternity being tormented?

I choose to worship neither Jehovah or Satan. I'm unaware of any compelling evidence for the existence of either. Just one more example of the excluded middle fallacy that right wingers are so fond of.

Why would an omniscient/omnipotent being have gender? You've merely affirmed that the stone/bronze age mythology you believe in describes a masculine deity - you haven't answered the question. Sexual reproduction is why life forms on Earth have sexes. Why would a being that has existed forever be one sex or the other?

The reason God is merciful is because God is the source of eternal bliss, if you were dwelling in the kingdom of God, then you would have no suffering, just like Gautama Buddha....but you are not in the kingdom of God...therefore you suffer...

People suffer in hell because of their own ignorance, their own karma...its like someone saying "Is it merciful for God to allow people who kill millions to go to hell?" ofcourse its merciful...
Human beings deserve to be treated with validity and dignity;
No. Deserving humans deserve to be treated with validity and dignity. Those who slaughter and undermine humanity in general via the promotion of ignorance deserve nothing except to be exposed as the assholes they are.
Unlike atheism, which will be in the hands of the masses and miraculously undermine x years of evolution.

Aren't there still religions that deny the existence of evolution by claiming mankind were placed here in their present form?
The reason God is merciful is because God is the source of eternal bliss, if you were dwelling in the kingdom of God, then you would have no suffering, just like Gautama Buddha....but you are not in the kingdom of God...therefore you suffer...

People suffer in hell because of their own ignorance, their own karma...its like someone saying "Is it merciful for God to allow people who kill millions to go to hell?" ofcourse its merciful...
How do you know this? :m:
No. Deserving humans deserve to be treated with validity and dignity. Those who slaughter and undermine humanity in general via the promotion of ignorance deserve nothing except to be exposed as the assholes they are.

Do you think criminals should be tortured? All human beings deserve to be treated with dignity.
Aren't there still religions that deny the existence of evolution by claiming mankind were placed here in their present form?

There are also scientists who are out to prove God does not exist. Woo woos come in all forms.