If theists were rational.

Religion wasn't necessary at all. In fact, it has long halted what should have been a completely different approach, that of understanding reality, instead of obfuscating it with fantasy.

If a non-belief in gods will lead the world to extinction, then how did we ever survive before Christianity and Islam were invented? Why were the gods that were revered prior to that tossed aside in favor of new ones? Why aren't Christians and Muslims working hand in hand to defeat the evil atheists, who in your opinion, will lead the world to extinction?

Why should they? Regardless of your persistent beliefs, theists are the majority in the world and the majority has never been engrossed with eliminating people.

And let's not forget one very important point, sam, you consider yourself a Muslim, hence you are not a Christian. Correct me if I'm mistaken on that one.

I fail to see how it makes a difference; I am a woman, so it means I am not a man. Does not change the fact that we all still need to get along with each other. Unless I get a sex change, that could lead to complications.:p
Why should they? Regardless of your persistent beliefs, theists are the majority in the world and the majority has never been engrossed with eliminating people.

There are several fallacies to that response, the most blatant being an 'Appeal to Popularity.'

Yes, theists are most certainly the majority, the very same majority that considers the universe is only 6000 years old and the moon was split in two and put back together with the deft cleft of an invisible hand.

With those beliefs held intact, contrary to reason, we are unable to move ahead in educating anyone who holds those beliefs.

And of course, I've mentioned this many times to you before, there is no need to eliminate people.

I fail to see how it makes a difference; I am a woman, so it means I am not a man. Does not change the fact that we all still need to get along with each other. Unless I get a sex change, that could lead to complications.:p

It's a huge difference, to your world. Attempting to divert that point with gender only confirms your denial to the fact you are a Muslim and not a Christian.

I await for that fact to sink in.
If theists were rational? If nothing else the Bible is a philosophy. You people keep pissing on the notion of a God and completely missed the content.

Leviticus 19:18
"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself."

Zechariah 8:17
"do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,"

Matthew 19:19
Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,' and 'love your neighbor as yourself.' "

Romans 13:10
Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
If theists were rational? If nothing else the Bible is a philosophy. You people keep pissing on the notion of a God and completely missed the content.

Leviticus 19:18
"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself."

Zechariah 8:17
"do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,"

Matthew 19:19
Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,' and 'love your neighbor as yourself.' "

Romans 13:10
Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Those are fine upstanding qualities to live by, but what is the point of a god?
There are several fallacies to that response, the most blatant being an 'Appeal to Popularity.'

Yes, theists are most certainly the majority, the very same majority that considers the universe is only 6000 years old and the moon was split in two and put back together with the deft cleft of an invisible hand.

With those beliefs held intact, contrary to reason, we are unable to move ahead in educating anyone who holds those beliefs.

And of course, I've mentioned this many times to you before, there is no need to eliminate people.

It's a huge difference, to your world. Attempting to divert that point with gender only confirms your denial to the fact you are a Muslim and not a Christian.

I await for that fact to sink in.

How strange. You believe by dividing people into categories and emphasising/focusing on their differences you are being rational and projecting your maturity while I see that as a failure of your ability to accept people for what they are and hence your ultimate failure in getting through to anyone by carefully maintaining your fantasies about your "otherness".

And I'm not holding my breath for that fact to sink in.:shrug:
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Those are fine upstanding qualities to live by, but what is the point of a god?

What authority might a God give to such dictates? Much of it is this: Worship God by loving your neighbor.
Do we have an atheist martyr in the house that might give his/her life for the same fine, upstanding qualities?

I think the question is more complex than it is simple. If we stop bitching about the existence of God and look at Christian doctrine...
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What authority might a God give to such dictates? Much of it is this: Worship God by loving your neighbor.

Removing the concept of a god from your response gives it no more or less weight of an argument. It seems more an added concept to another already prevalent and accepted.

In other words, I could come to the same conclusions as did the authors of your scriptural quotes with trial and error or some unwary reasoning. Preferring the latter is more of a modern approach, compared with the sometimes grizzly results of the former.

Puppeteers and worship never once enter the equation.
It implies that evil is stronger than goodness and can enter and corrupt a holy place at will which goes against everything that I personally believe in.

This is a typical quote from a theist. Note many things about it. First, that belief is more important than reality. Note also that belief is self-serving and selfish. Note it is also to ignore real evil in favor of blindness to reality.

Like an idiot, this individual like many theist retards have contrived beliefs that evil can't exist or override good according to their dictates. This seems innocent at first but in actuality only serves to perpetuate evil outside of the comfortlevel and awareness of these types of people.

There is absolutely no walls, sacred or sensibilities that can't be intruded upon, defamed, or corrupted. And for those who will not face reality can't ultimately fight evil but inadvertently ignore it.
Atheists have a hole in their soul that only God can fill. They try to fill it with intelligence, money, power, fame, personal growth, blah...blah...blah...

Nothing can fill that hole except God. He created it in each of His children. If they don't turn to Him they will burn in hell wishing they would have.
How strange. You believe by dividing people into categories and emphasising/focusing on their differences

When those 'differences' have resulted and continue to result in a great deal of misery and tragedy, then yes, I will emphasize/focus on them.

And let's not forget that the division occurred centuries ago, not recently a concept conjured by yours truly.

Maintaining cycles of myth and superstition over reason is most certainly insulting to ones intelligence. Preferring one cycle over another and defending it by claiming I'm the one not "getting through to anyone" is beyond silly, sam.

How DOES the Muslim get through to the Christian, sam?
When those 'differences' have resulted and continue to result in a great deal of misery and tragedy, then yes, I will emphasize/focus on them.

And let's not forget that the division occurred centuries ago, not recently a concept conjured by yours truly.

Maintaining cycles of myth and superstition over reason is most certainly insulting to ones intelligence. Preferring one cycle over another and defending it by claiming I'm the one not "getting through to anyone" is beyond silly, sam.

How DOES the Muslim get through to the Christian, sam?

For any given situation, there are two choices: be part of the problem or be part of the solution.

With some people though, they cannot seem to tell one from the other and I believe it is because they lack empathy for points of view that differ from their own.

Have you ever gotten through to anyone (Q)?
Do we have an atheist martyr in the house that might give his/her life for the same fine, upstanding qualities?

Martyrs are not a requirement for atheists. The fine, upstanding qualities are simply shared and understood, not directives.

I think the question is more complex than it is simple. If we stop bitching about the existence of God and look at Christian doctrine...

Why just Christian doctrine, why not all of it?
Atheists have a hole in their soul that only God can fill. They try to fill it with intelligence, money, power, fame, personal growth, blah...blah...blah...

Nothing can fill that hole except God. He created it in each of His children. If they don't turn to Him they will burn in hell wishing they would have.

You're projecting and a hypocrite. Hell, most of your posts are about hogging all the money, power, fame, personal growth, blah...blah...blah... and a poster child of greed and capitalism.

Hell, you aren't even a humanitarian as you make superficial distinctions between americans and other people.
For any given situation, there are two choices: be part of the problem or be part of the solution.

How have myths and superstitions been part of any amiable solution when reason and rationale were not?

With some people though, they cannot seem to tell one from the other and I believe it is because they lack empathy for points of view that differ from their own.

Myths and superstitions are not valid points of view to be brought into discussions of how mankind should educate or govern itself. Why should anyone empathize with another's stupidity?
Removing the concept of a god from your response gives it no more or less weight of an argument. It seems more an added concept to another already prevalent and accepted.

In other words, I could come to the same conclusions as did the authors of your scriptural quotes with trial and error or some unwary reasoning. Preferring the latter is more of a modern approach, compared with the sometimes grizzly results of the former.

Puppeteers and worship never once enter the equation.

I would not suggest that a concept cannot be abused, even that of universal love.
Atheists have a hole in their soul that only God can fill. If they don't turn to Him they will burn in hell wishing they would have.

Atheists have come to this forum claiming they spent years looking for a god to fulfill their lives, only to find nothing.

If they tried, and were refused by god, do they still deserve to burn in hell?