If God has created the Universe and everything in it, then ...

It is free will to have a child, it doesn't make it less important if someone else knew you would or not, does it?

Now you are changing your ground and confusing yourself in the process. You just don't understand my point that if God knows in advance what you will do, that makes you a robot because you have been left no choice. To act other than God foresaw would prove that God was not omniscient. You can't have it both ways.
Me too in the grand scheme of things, but I'm enjoying finding out why.

If you believe in God you have already got your answer. There is nothing to find out. Just invoke God whenever you are faced with a question you cannot answer or situations you cannot handle.

The following are some well tried responses:

It is not for us to question God's ways.

God moves in mysterious ways.....

The universe cannot have come from nowhere, so it must have been created by God.

God knows what's best for us.

and so on ad nauseam.
If you believe in God you have already got your answer. There is nothing to find out. Just invoke God whenever you are faced with a question you cannot answer or situations you cannot handle.

The following are some well tried responses:

It is not for us to question God's ways.

God moves in mysterious ways.....

The universe cannot have come from nowhere, so it must have been created by God.

God knows what's best for us.

and so on ad nauseam.

I haven't got the answer mate.

I look and observe the world around me to try and explain my questions just like you do.

In my life I have concluded that the scientists answer is "it took millions of years" and the other answer is "God did it".

I don't accept either blindly.
Because we have somehow gained order out of chaos, do you know of a unintelligent being that has managed that?

If God has created the Universe and everything in it, this means that God has also created every choice that a person makes, every action a person performs.

If God has created the Universe and everything in it, this means that everything that happens is up to God.
Not necessarily. It depends on the definition of the god. The deist god for example simply starts the clock then watches what happens.

Knowledge of what will happen is not dependent on having started the sequence.