if god exists then..

The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind here as an example, are their others I should know about? I'm sure there are if so there is an obvious lesson we should have learned and that is that power in the wrongs hands can upset the balance of things and lead to war and attrocities commited against man and his neighbour.
The crusades,english witch-hunts, american witch-hunts. I agree the lesson we should have learnt is that religion has no place outside it's faith.Atrocities okayed as it is for a good cause GOD and your soul as opposed for the benifit of mankind
for me the concept of God is one that the Christians have won and no matter what you atheists say it's here to stay. The best you might be able to do is contribute to what we don't know about the physical.

I'M SURE the muslims,hindu's,budddists,catholic's and every other faith would dis-agree.how have the christians won the god concept?????
If atheists contribute to the physical what and how do christians contribute to????? If you don't believe what i believe I will burn you to cleanse your soul if you repent and believe I will not burn you ,you will be like me then in Gods name you an I can burn and kill all we like in the name of Good, live by Gods commandments thou shall not kill?????
thou shall not worship any icon or idol????? (christian, 'man' on 'cross')
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Not at all; that would be a contradiction.

A paradigm is necessarily a hierarchical structure.

A relation, in and of itself, is not.

You are right. I wasn't thinking of a paradigm in the sense that Kuhn used it; more like a crucible in which ideas are stored as in a database/
I'M SURE the muslims,hindu's,budddists,catholic's and every other faith would dis-agree.how have the christians won the god concept?????
If atheists contribute to the physical what and how do christians contribute to????? If you don't believe what i believe I will burn you to cleanse your soul if you repent and believe I will not burn you ,you will be like me then in Gods name you an I can burn and kill all we like in the name of Good, live by Gods commandments thou shall not kill?????
thou shall not worship any icon or idol????? (christian, 'man' on 'cross')

I would like to presetn the following chart that indicates Christianity is by far the predomonant worlwide religion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Worldwide_percentage_of_Adherents_by_Religion.png

Bit of a dumb question but atheists contribute to the pysical world just as theists do in other words both occupy all walks of life, however scientists who take an atheists stance will only every know reality from an atheists point of view ie they will not be able to connect the dots when it comes to reconciling science with God. Why you are still dwelling about the past I do not know. What is done is done learn from it and move on. Christianity is there to guide people and it has done, I'm not sure what point your trying to make except for bashing religion when common sense can see it helps keep society together plus gives people the benefit of aspiring to something greater. It seems to be the concept of something greater which you are strugling with. You in my opinion are one of the lost children for you cannot or will not look outside of your bubble unless you have proof. Well sorry but it obviously doesn't work like that which is probably the way God wants it.
I would like to presetn the following chart that indicates Christianity is by far the predomonant worlwide religion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Worldwide_percentage_of_Adherents_by_Religion.png
So how have they won the God concept, apart from enforced brutality, or is it the return of the savage ideals of mob and majority rule

Bit of a dumb question but atheists contribute to the pysical world just as theists do in other words both occupy all walks of life,
In post 71 you proclaim and i quote,
"for me the concept of God is one that the christians have one and no matter what you atheists say it's here to stay.The best you might be able to do is contribute to what we don't know about the physical"
So to me you are saying that an atheist can have no concept of spirituality, it is owned by the christians, and should stick to reality, as i am asking how they have won and if as you state atheists contribute to reality what do christians contribute to it isn't a dumb question DUMBASS?????

however scientists who take an atheists stance will only every know reality from an atheists point of view ie they will not be able to connect the dots when it comes to reconciling science with God.
load of rubbish, you have an anti-atheist problem seek help.
Why you are still dwelling about the past I do not know. What is done is done learn from it and move on. Christianity is there to guide people and it has done, I'm not sure what point your trying to make except for bashing religion when common sense can see it helps keep society together plus gives people the benefit of aspiring to something greater. It seems to be the concept of something greater which you are strugling with. You in my opinion are one of the lost children for you cannot or will not look outside of your bubble unless you have proof. Well sorry but it obviously doesn't work like that which is probably the way God wants it.

This is a load of codswallop, lets rewind a bit....
I put belief in God as a real person was naive, against belief in god as a concept....
You put that i stated that belief in God was naive???????????????
You then babble on about giving people free drugs in the name of God and put a picture of a sea horse saying something that pretty must mean God exist's?????????????????.
I made a statement which you, wrote about, changing what i wrote (read it if u don't believe me), in the original statement I put.
" that God is a good construct with some good ethics which societies law is based on"
so why in the bit highlighted above do you state that I am bashing religion?????make out that I have no common sense as it keeps society together?????how am I struggling with the concept of something greater when my original statement acceptedthe concept of God?????
You are lost and in a bubble and writing tangable bull, you made a comment based on falsely stating what I put, I pointed this out asked a simple question of how and you skirted round awnsering your statment ,by saying my question was dumb, when i'm asking you how (to explain your proclamation) and using your statement in the question.
Just because you put a graph on here you are not awnsering at all, you r just being rude,:spank::wtf: I question if you know what you are talking about?????????
Or do you..
well... how ??????
So how have they won the God concept, apart from enforced brutality, or is it the return of the savage ideals of mob and majority rule

In post 71 you proclaim and i quote,
"for me the concept of God is one that the christians have one and no matter what you atheists say it's here to stay.The best you might be able to do is contribute to what we don't know about the physical"
So to me you are saying that an atheist can have no concept of spirituality, it is owned by the christians, and should stick to reality, as i am asking how they have won and if as you state atheists contribute to reality what do christians contribute to it isn't a dumb question DUMBASS?????

load of rubbish, you have an anti-atheist problem seek help.

This is a load of codswallop, lets rewind a bit....
I put belief in God as a real person was naive, against belief in god as a concept....
You put that i stated that belief in God was naive???????????????
You then babble on about giving people free drugs in the name of God and put a picture of a sea horse saying something that pretty must mean God exist's?????????????????.
I made a statement which you, wrote about, changing what i wrote (read it if u don't believe me), in the original statement I put.
" that God is a good construct with some good ethics which societies law is based on"
so why in the bit highlighted above do you state that I am bashing religion?????make out that I have no common sense as it keeps society together?????how am I struggling with the concept of something greater when my original statement acceptedthe concept of God?????
You are lost and in a bubble and writing tangable bull, you made a comment based on falsely stating what I put, I pointed this out asked a simple question of how and you skirted round awnsering your statment ,by saying my question was dumb, when i'm asking you how (to explain your proclamation) and using your statement in the question.
Just because you put a graph on here you are not awnsering at all, you r just being rude,:spank::wtf: I question if you know what you are talking about?????????
Or do you..
well... how ??????

Just be thankful it was a chart. Had it been a scroll, you wouldn't have had a leg to stand on